{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , MultiParamTypeClasses , DeriveFunctor , DeriveDataTypeable #-} {- | Module : Data.Trie.Pred.Base.Step Copyright : (c) 2015 Athan Clark License : BSD-3 Maintainer : athan.clark@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : GHC -} module Data.Trie.Pred.Base.Step where import Prelude hiding (lookup) import Data.Trie.Class import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Data.Typeable import Data.Functor.Syntax import Data.Monoid -- * Single Predicated Step data PredStep k c s a = forall r. Typeable r => PredStep { -- | Unique identifier for the predicate - used for combination predTag :: !k , -- | The predicate, existentially quantified in the successful result @r@ predPred :: !(s -> Maybe r) , -- | The result function, capturing the quantified result @r@ and turning -- it into a top-level variable @a@. predData :: !(Maybe (r -> a)) , -- | Any sub-trie must have __all__ results preceeded in arity with -- the result at this step. predSub :: !(c s (r -> a)) } deriving (Typeable) instance ( Show s , Show k ) => Show (PredStep k c s a) where show (PredStep t _ _ _) = "PredStep {predTag=" ++ show t ++ ", ...}" instance Functor (c s) => Functor (PredStep k c s) where fmap f (PredStep i p mx xs) = (PredStep i p $! f <.$> mx) $! f <.$> xs -- | Lookup and delete only - can't arbitrarilly construct a predicated trie. instance Trie NonEmpty s c => Trie NonEmpty s (PredStep k c) where lookup (t:|ts) (PredStep _ p mx xs) = do r <- p t if null ts then mx <$~> r else lookup (NE.fromList ts) xs <$~> r delete (t:|ts) xss@(PredStep i p mx xs) = maybe xss (const $ if null ts then PredStep i p Nothing xs else PredStep i p mx $! delete (NE.fromList ts) xs) (p t) singletonPred :: ( Monoid (c s (r -> a)) , Typeable r ) => k -> (s -> Maybe r) -> (r -> a) -> PredStep k c s a singletonPred i p x = PredStep i p (Just x) mempty -- * Adjacent Predicated Steps -- | Adjacent steps newtype PredSteps k c s a = PredSteps { unPredSteps :: [PredStep k c s a] } deriving (Show, Functor, Typeable) -- | Lookup and delete only - can't arbitrarilly construct a predicated trie. instance Trie NonEmpty s c => Trie NonEmpty s (PredSteps k c) where lookup ts (PredSteps ps) = getFirst $! foldMap (First . lookup ts) ps delete ts (PredSteps ps) = PredSteps $! fmap (delete ts) ps instance ( Eq s , Eq k ) => Monoid (PredSteps k c s a) where mempty = PredSteps [] mappend = unionPred -- | @Last@-style instance unionPred :: ( Eq k ) => PredSteps k c s a -> PredSteps k c s a -> PredSteps k c s a unionPred (PredSteps (xss@(PredStep i _ _ _):pxs)) (PredSteps (yss@(PredStep j _ _ _):pys)) | i == j = PredSteps $ yss : (unPredSteps $! unionPred (PredSteps pxs) (PredSteps pys)) | otherwise = PredSteps $ xss : yss : (unPredSteps $! unionPred (PredSteps pxs) (PredSteps pys)) unionPred x (PredSteps []) = x unionPred (PredSteps []) y = y