{-#LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-#LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-#LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-#LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-#LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-#LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-#LANGUAGE AutoDeriveTypeable #-} {-#LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-#LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} module Praglude ( -- * The Original Prelude module Prelude -- * Monoids , Monoid (..) , (<>) , Dual (..) , Endo (..) , All (..) , Any (..) , Sum (..) , Product (..) , First (..) , Alt (..) , concat , append , empty -- * Maybe -- (from 'Data.Maybe') , Maybe(Nothing, Just) , maybe , isJust , isNothing , fromJust , fromMaybe , listToMaybe , maybeToList , catMaybes , mapMaybe -- * Applicative , (<|>) -- * Monads -- (from 'Control.Monad') , Monad ((>>=), (>>), return, fail) , MonadPlus(mzero, mplus) , mapM , mapM_ , forM , forM_ , sequence , sequence_ , (=<<) , (>=>) , (<=<) , forever , void , join , msum , mfilter , filterM , mapAndUnzipM , zipWithM , zipWithM_ , foldM , foldM_ , replicateM , replicateM_ , guard , when , unless , liftM , liftM2 , liftM3 , liftM4 , liftM5 , ap , (<$!>) -- * Arrows , Arrow (..) , Kleisli (..) , returnA , (^>>) , (>>^) , (>>>) , (<<<) , (<<^) , (^<<) , ArrowZero (..) , ArrowPlus (..) , ArrowChoice (..) , ArrowApply (..) , ArrowMonad (..) , leftApp , ArrowLoop (..) , left , right , (+++) , (|||) -- * Mutable Variables In IO -- ** 'Data.IORef' , IORef , newIORef , readIORef , writeIORef , modifyIORef , modifyIORef' , atomicModifyIORef , atomicModifyIORef' , atomicWriteIORef , mkWeakIORef -- ** 'Control.Concurrent.MVar' , MVar , newEmptyMVar , newMVar , takeMVar , putMVar , readMVar , swapMVar , tryTakeMVar , tryPutMVar , isEmptyMVar , withMVar , withMVarMasked , modifyMVar_ , modifyMVar , modifyMVarMasked_ , modifyMVarMasked , tryReadMVar , mkWeakMVar , addMVarFinalizer -- ** 'Control.Concurrent.Chan' , Chan , newChan , writeChan , readChan , dupChan , getChanContents , writeList2Chan -- * Default , Default (def) -- * Lens , (#) , (#%%=) , (#%%~) , (#%=) , (#%~) , (#=) , (#~) , (%%=) , (%%@=) , (%%@~) , (%%~) , (%=) , (%@=) , (%@~) , (%~) , (&) , (&&=) , (&&~) , (&~) , (**=) , (**~) , (*=) , (*~) , (+=) , (+~) , (-=) , (-~) , (...) , (.=) , (.>) , (.@=) , (.@~) , (.~) , (//=) , (//~) , (<#%=) , (<#%~) , (<#=) , (<#~) , (<%=) , (<%@=) , (<%@~) , (<%~) , (<&&=) , (<&&~) , (<&>) , (<**=) , (<**~) , (<*=) , (<*~) , (<+=) , (<+~) , (<-=) , (<-~) , (<.) , (<.=) , (<.>) , (<.~) , (=) , (<<<>~) , (<<>=) , (<<>~) , (<<^=) , (<<^^=) , (<<^^~) , (<<^~) , (<<||=) , (<<||~) , (<<~) , (<>=) , (<>~) , () , (||=) , (||~) -- * State monads -- ** 'Control.Monad.Trans.Class' , MonadTrans (..) -- ** 'Control.Monad.IO.Class' , MonadIO (..) -- ** 'Control.Monad.State' , MonadState(..) , modify , modify' , gets , State , runState , evalState , execState , mapState , withState , StateT(StateT) , runStateT , evalStateT , execStateT , mapStateT , withStateT -- * Painless String Types , s , ToString (..) , FromString , IsString (..) , Text , LText , ByteString , LByteString -- * Generalized String Operations , trim , ltrim , rtrim , words , lines , Char , isControl , isSpace , isLower , isUpper , isAlpha , isAlphaNum , isPrint , isDigit , isOctDigit , isHexDigit , isLetter , isMark , isNumber , isPunctuation , isSymbol , isSeparator , isAscii , isLatin1 , isAsciiUpper , isAsciiLower , GeneralCategory(..) , generalCategory , toUpper , toLower , toTitle , digitToInt , intToDigit , ord , chr , showLitChar , lexLitChar , readLitChar -- * String Case Conversions , kebab, snake, pascal -- * I/O , stderr , stdout , stdin , Handle -- * Environment -- 'System.Environment' , getArgs , getProgName , getExecutablePath , getEnv , lookupEnv , setEnv , unsetEnv , withArgs , withProgName , getEnvironment -- * Generalized I/O , StringIO (..) -- * Printf -- ** 'Text.Printf' , printf , hPrintf , PrintfArg(..) , FieldFormatter , FieldFormat(..) , FormatAdjustment(..) , FormatSign(..) , vFmt , ModifierParser , FormatParse(..) , formatString , formatChar , formatInt , formatInteger , formatRealFloat , errorBadFormat , errorShortFormat , errorMissingArgument , errorBadArgument , perror , PrintfType , HPrintfType , IsChar(..) -- * Filename And File System Manipulation -- ** 'System.FilePath' , () , FilePath , addExtension , addTrailingPathSeparator , combine , dropDrive , dropExtension , dropExtensions , dropFileName , dropTrailingPathSeparator , equalFilePath , extSeparator , getSearchPath , hasDrive , hasExtension , hasTrailingPathSeparator , isAbsolute , isDrive , isExtSeparator , isPathSeparator , isRelative , isSearchPathSeparator , joinDrive , joinPath , makeRelative , makeValid , normalise , pathSeparator , pathSeparators , replaceBaseName , replaceDirectory , replaceExtension , replaceExtensions , replaceFileName , searchPathSeparator , splitDirectories , splitDrive , splitExtension , splitExtensions , splitFileName , splitPath , splitSearchPath , stripExtension , takeBaseName , takeDirectory , takeDrive , takeExtension , takeExtensions , takeFileName -- ** module System.Directory , Permissions (..) , XdgDirectory (..) , canonicalizePath , copyFile , copyFileWithMetadata , copyPermissions , createDirectory , createDirectoryIfMissing , doesDirectoryExist , doesFileExist , emptyPermissions , findExecutable , findExecutables , findExecutablesInDirectories , findFile , findFileWith , findFiles , findFilesWith , getAccessTime , getAppUserDataDirectory , getCurrentDirectory , getDirectoryContents , getHomeDirectory , getModificationTime , getPermissions , getTemporaryDirectory , getUserDocumentsDirectory , getXdgDirectory , isSymbolicLink , listDirectory , makeAbsolute , makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory , removeDirectory , removeDirectoryRecursive , removeFile , renameDirectory , renameFile , setAccessTime , setCurrentDirectory , setModificationTime , setOwnerExecutable , setOwnerReadable , setOwnerSearchable , setOwnerWritable , setPermissions , withCurrentDirectory , exeExtension -- * Type Forcers -- -- Useful for disambiguation , asString , asText , asLText , asByteString , asLByteString , asHashMap -- * Container Types With Unified Interfaces , Foldable(..) -- ** Special biased folds , foldrM , foldlM -- ** Folding actions -- *** Applicative actions , traverse_ , for_ , sequenceA_ , asum -- *** Monadic actions , mapM_ , forM_ , sequence_ , msum -- ** Specialized folds , concat , concatMap , and , or , any , all , maximumBy , minimumBy -- ** Searches , notElem , find , AList (..) , HashMap , LHashMap , HashSet , Map , Set , Vector , Hashable (..) , Lookup (..) , ListLike (..) , DictLike (..) , SetLike (..) , Filterable (..) , cull , startsWith , endsWith , intercalate -- * JSON , ToJSON (..) , FromJSON (..) , Value , object , prettyJsonOptions , derivePrettyJSON , deriveJSON , encodeJSON , decodeJSON , encodeJSONStrict , decodeJSONStrict , (~>) -- * Base-64 , encodeBase64 , decodeBase64 -- * Concurrency And Exception Handling , Exception (..) , threadDelay , forkIO , bracket , bracket_ , throw , catch , catches -- * Generics , Generic -- * Functions , chain , id , const , (.) , flip , ($) , (&) , fix , on -- * Date and Time , Day (..) , TimeOfDay (..) , UTCTime (..) , LocalTime (..) , TimeZone (..) , ZonedTime (..) , TimeLocale (..) , DiffTime (..) , NominalDiffTime (..) , secondsToDiffTime , picosecondsToDiffTime , addUTCTime , diffUTCTime , getCurrentTime , defaultTimeLocale , toGregorian , fromGregorian , formatTime ) where import Prelude hiding ( putStr , putStrLn , readFile , writeFile , lookup , getContents , null , elem , concat , filter , take , drop , lines , words , length ) import qualified Prelude import System.FilePath hiding ( (<.>), isValid ) import System.Directory import qualified System.IO as IO import System.IO (stderr, stdout, stdin, Handle) import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad import Control.Applicative hiding ( empty ) import Text.Printf import Data.Monoid hiding ( (<>), Any, First ) import Data.Char import Control.Arrow import Data.Foldable hiding (null, elem, concat, length) import System.Environment import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Concurrent.Chan import Data.IORef import Control.Monad.State import Text.Casing import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import qualified Data.Text.Lazy import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LText import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as LHashMap import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64 import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..)) import Text.StringConvert import Data.Typeable import GHC.Generics import GHC.Exts hiding (toList, Any) import Data.Data import Data.Semigroup import Control.DeepSeq import qualified Data.List as List import Control.Lens import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), FromJSON (..), Value, object) import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON) import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as JSON import Data.Default import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Data.Function import Data.Time import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Name, Q, Dec) type Text = Text.Text type LText = LText.Text type ByteString = BS.ByteString type LByteString = LBS.ByteString empty :: Monoid a => a empty = mempty append :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a append = mappend concat :: Monoid a => [a] -> a concat = mconcat lines :: (FromString a, ToString a) => a -> [a] lines = map s . Prelude.lines . s words :: (FromString a, ToString a) => a -> [a] words = map s . Prelude.words . s trim :: (FromString a, ToString a) => a -> a trim = ltrim . rtrim ltrim :: (FromString a, ToString a) => a -> a ltrim = s . dropWhile isSpace . s rtrim :: (FromString a, ToString a) => a -> a rtrim = s . List.dropWhileEnd isSpace . s {-#RULES "Text.trim" trim = Text.strip #-} {-#RULES "LText.trim" trim = Data.Text.Lazy.strip #-} {-#RULES "Text.ltrim" trim = Text.dropWhile isSpace #-} {-#RULES "Text.rtrim" trim = Text.dropWhileEnd isSpace #-} {-#RULES "LText.ltrim" trim = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile isSpace #-} {-#RULES "LText.rtrim" trim = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhileEnd isSpace #-} type HashMap = HashMap.HashMap -- | A lazy hash map. Because 'LHashMap.HashMap' is actually the exact -- same type as 'HashMap.HashMap', we wrap it in a newtype so that -- we can tie laziness into the type itself (similar to how it works -- for 'Text' and 'ByteString'). newtype LHashMap k v = LHashMap { unLHashMap :: LHashMap.HashMap k v } deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq, Data, Semigroup, Monoid, NFData) type HashSet = HashSet.HashSet -- | Types that can be written to / read from file descriptors. class StringIO a where putStr :: a -> IO () putStrLn :: a -> IO () hPutStr :: Handle -> a -> IO () hPutStrLn :: Handle -> a -> IO () readFile :: FilePath -> IO a writeFile :: FilePath -> a -> IO () getContents :: IO a hGetContents :: Handle -> IO a putStrLn str = putStr str >> putStr "\n" hPutStrLn h str = hPutStr h str >> hPutStr h "\n" instance StringIO String where putStr = IO.putStr putStrLn = IO.putStrLn hPutStr = IO.hPutStr hPutStrLn = IO.hPutStrLn readFile = IO.readFile writeFile = IO.writeFile getContents = IO.getContents hGetContents = IO.hGetContents instance StringIO Text where putStr = Text.putStr putStrLn = Text.putStrLn hPutStr = Text.hPutStr hPutStrLn = Text.hPutStrLn readFile = Text.readFile writeFile = Text.writeFile getContents = Text.getContents hGetContents = Text.hGetContents instance StringIO LText where putStr = LText.putStr putStrLn = LText.putStrLn hPutStr = LText.hPutStr hPutStrLn = LText.hPutStrLn readFile = LText.readFile writeFile = LText.writeFile getContents = LText.getContents hGetContents = LText.hGetContents instance StringIO ByteString where putStr = BS.putStr hPutStr = BS.hPutStr readFile = BS.readFile writeFile = BS.writeFile getContents = BS.getContents hGetContents = BS.hGetContents instance StringIO LByteString where putStr = LBS.putStr hPutStr = LBS.hPutStr readFile = LBS.readFile writeFile = LBS.writeFile getContents = LBS.getContents hGetContents = LBS.hGetContents -- | Things that support keyed element lookup. class Lookup m k | m -> k where lookup :: k -> m v -> Maybe v lookupDef :: v -> k -> m v -> v lookupDef d k = fromMaybe d . lookup k newtype AList k v = AList { unAList :: [(k, v)] } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic, Functor) instance Eq k => Lookup (AList k) k where lookup k = Prelude.lookup k . unAList class ListLike m a | m -> a where intersperse :: a -> m -> m take :: Int -> m -> m takeEnd :: Int -> m -> m drop :: Int -> m -> m dropEnd :: Int -> m -> m slice :: Int -> Int -> m -> m slice offset len = take len . drop offset listLength :: m -> Int takeEnd n x = drop (listLength x - n) x dropEnd n x = take (listLength x - n) x instance ListLike [a] a where intersperse = List.intersperse take = List.take drop = List.drop listLength = List.length instance ListLike (Vector a) a where intersperse e = Vector.fromList . List.intersperse e . Vector.toList take = Vector.take drop = Vector.drop slice = Vector.slice listLength = Vector.length instance ListLike Text Char where intersperse = Text.intersperse take = Text.take . fromIntegral drop = Text.drop . fromIntegral listLength = fromIntegral . Text.length instance ListLike LText Char where intersperse = LText.intersperse take = LText.take . fromIntegral drop = LText.drop . fromIntegral listLength = fromIntegral . LText.length startsWith :: (Eq a, ListLike a e) => a -> a -> Bool startsWith haystack needle = take (listLength needle) haystack == needle endsWith :: (Eq a, ListLike a e) => a -> a -> Bool endsWith haystack needle = takeEnd (listLength needle) haystack == needle intercalate :: (Monoid a, Foldable m, ListLike (m a) a) => a -> m a -> a intercalate s = mconcat . toList . intersperse s -- | Things that behave like sets. class SetLike m v | m -> v where -- | Conjoin: add an element to a set. For ordered sets, the -- end at which the new element is inserted is unspecified. conj :: v -> m -> m -- | Remove all occurrences of the element from the set. remove :: v -> m -> m -- | Test if the set is empty. nullSet :: m -> Bool -- | Convert the set to a list of elements. The ordering is unspecified. items :: m -> [v] -- | Create a set from a list of elements. Duplicate list elements -- may be skipped at the implementation's discretion. fromItems :: [v] -> m -- | Create a singleton (one-element) set. singleton :: v -> m -- | Get the number of elements in the set. size :: m -> Int size = List.length . items nullSet = List.null . items -- | Things that can be filtered class Filterable m where -- | Filter the set to retain only the elements that match the predicate. filter :: (v -> Bool) -> m v -> m v cull :: Filterable m => (v -> Bool) -> m v -> m v cull = filter . (not .) -- | Things that behave like key-value dictionaries. class DictLike m k where -- | Add or overwrite an element at a key. insert :: k -> v -> m k v -> m k v -- | Delete by key delete :: k -> m k v -> m k v -- | Modify an element at a key adjust :: k -> (v -> v) -> m k v -> m k v -- | Convert to an association list (list of key/value pairs) pairs :: m k v -> [(k, v)] -- | Convert from an association list (list of key/value pairs) fromPairs :: [(k, v)] -> m k v -- | Get the keys, discard the values keys :: m k v -> [k] -- | Get the values, discard the keys elems :: m k v -> [v] -- | Create a singleton dictionary (just one key-value pair) singletonMap :: k -> v -> m k v -- | Test whether the dictionary contains a given key member :: k -> m k v -> Bool keys = map fst . pairs elems = map snd . pairs instance Eq k => DictLike AList k where insert k v (AList xs) = AList $ (k,v):xs delete k (AList xs) = AList $ filter ((/= k) . fst) xs adjust k f (AList xs) = AList [ (k', if k == k' then f v else v) | (k', v) <- xs ] pairs = unAList fromPairs = AList singletonMap k v = AList [(k, v)] member k = not . nullSet . filter (== k) . keys instance Lookup [] Int where lookup i xs = case drop i xs of [] -> Nothing (x:_) -> Just x instance Lookup Vector Int where lookup = flip (Vector.!?) instance (Eq a) => SetLike (Vector a) a where conj = Vector.cons remove x = Vector.filter (/= x) nullSet = Vector.null items = Vector.toList fromItems = Vector.fromList singleton = Vector.singleton size = Vector.length instance Filterable Vector where filter = Vector.filter instance (Eq a) => SetLike [a] a where conj = (:) remove x = filter (/= x) nullSet = List.null items = id fromItems = id singleton = (:[]) size = List.length instance Filterable [] where filter = List.filter instance (Eq v, Hashable v) => SetLike (HashSet v) v where conj = HashSet.insert remove = HashSet.delete nullSet = HashSet.null items = HashSet.toList fromItems = HashSet.fromList singleton = HashSet.singleton size = HashSet.size instance Filterable HashSet where filter = HashSet.filter instance (Eq v, Ord v) => SetLike (Set v) v where conj = Set.insert remove = Set.delete nullSet = Set.null items = Set.toList fromItems = Set.fromList singleton = Set.singleton size = Set.size instance Filterable Set where filter = Set.filter instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => Lookup (HashMap.HashMap k) k where lookup = HashMap.lookup instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => DictLike HashMap.HashMap k where insert = HashMap.insert delete = HashMap.delete adjust = flip HashMap.adjust pairs = HashMap.toList fromPairs = HashMap.fromList keys = HashMap.keys elems = HashMap.elems singletonMap = HashMap.singleton member = HashMap.member instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => SetLike (HashMap k v) (k, v) where conj = uncurry insert remove = delete . fst nullSet = HashMap.null items = pairs fromItems = fromPairs singleton = uncurry singletonMap instance Filterable (HashMap k) where filter = HashMap.filter instance (Eq k, Ord k) => Lookup (Map.Map k) k where lookup = Map.lookup instance (Eq k, Ord k) => DictLike Map.Map k where insert = Map.insert delete = Map.delete adjust = flip Map.adjust pairs = Map.toList fromPairs = Map.fromList keys = Map.keys elems = Map.elems singletonMap = Map.singleton member = Map.member instance (Eq k, Ord k) => SetLike (Map k v) (k, v) where conj = uncurry insert remove = delete . fst nullSet = Map.null items = pairs fromItems = fromPairs singleton = uncurry singletonMap instance Filterable (Map k) where filter = Map.filter overLHashMap :: (HashMap k v -> HashMap k v) -> LHashMap k v -> LHashMap k v overLHashMap f = LHashMap . f . unLHashMap instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => DictLike LHashMap k where insert k v = overLHashMap $ LHashMap.insert k v delete k = overLHashMap $ LHashMap.delete k adjust k f = overLHashMap $ LHashMap.adjust f k pairs = LHashMap.toList . unLHashMap fromPairs = LHashMap . LHashMap.fromList keys = LHashMap.keys . unLHashMap elems = LHashMap.elems . unLHashMap singletonMap k v = LHashMap (LHashMap.singleton k v) member k = LHashMap.member k . unLHashMap instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => Lookup (LHashMap k) k where lookup k = LHashMap.lookup k . unLHashMap instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => SetLike (LHashMap k v) (k, v) where conj = uncurry insert remove = delete . fst nullSet = LHashMap.null . unLHashMap items = pairs fromItems = fromPairs singleton = uncurry singletonMap instance Filterable (LHashMap k) where filter p = overLHashMap $ LHashMap.filter p prettyJsonOptions :: JSON.Options prettyJsonOptions = JSON.defaultOptions { JSON.fieldLabelModifier = kebab . dropWhile (== '_') , JSON.constructorTagModifier = kebab , JSON.omitNothingFields = True , JSON.sumEncoding = JSON.defaultTaggedObject { JSON.tagFieldName = "what" , JSON.contentsFieldName = "value" } } derivePrettyJSON :: Name -> Q [Dec] derivePrettyJSON = deriveJSON prettyJsonOptions asString :: String -> String asString = id asText :: Text -> Text asText = id asLText :: LText -> LText asLText = id asByteString :: ByteString -> ByteString asByteString = id asLByteString :: LByteString -> LByteString asLByteString = id asHashMap :: HashMap k v -> HashMap k v asHashMap = id encodeJSON :: ToJSON a => a -> LByteString encodeJSON = JSON.encode decodeJSON :: FromJSON a => LByteString -> Maybe a decodeJSON = JSON.decode encodeJSONStrict :: ToJSON a => a -> ByteString encodeJSONStrict = s . JSON.encode decodeJSONStrict :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> Maybe a decodeJSONStrict = JSON.decodeStrict chain :: Traversable t => t (a -> a) -> a -> a chain = foldl' (.) id (~>) :: ToJSON a => Text -> a -> (Text, Value) (~>) = (JSON..=) decodeBase64 :: ByteString -> ByteString decodeBase64 = Base64.decodeLenient encodeBase64 :: ByteString -> ByteString encodeBase64 = Base64.encode