module Potoki.Core.Transform where

import Potoki.Core.Prelude
import qualified Potoki.Core.Fetch as A
import qualified Potoki.Core.Consume as C
import qualified Potoki.Core.Produce as D
import qualified Deque as B

newtype Transform input output =
  Transform (A.Fetch input -> IO (A.Fetch output))

instance Category Transform where
  id =
    Transform return
  (.) (Transform leftFetchIO) (Transform rightFetchIO) =
    Transform (leftFetchIO <=< rightFetchIO)

instance Profunctor Transform where
  dimap inputMapping outputMapping (Transform fetchIO) =
    Transform (\ inputFetch -> (fmap . fmap) outputMapping (fetchIO (fmap inputMapping inputFetch)))

instance Choice Transform where
  right' (Transform rightTransformIO) =
    Transform $ \ (A.Fetch eitherFetchIO) -> do
      fetchedLeftMaybeRef <- newIORef Nothing
        createRightFetchIO =
          rightTransformIO $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just -> join $ eitherFetchIO (return nil) $ \ case
            Right !rightInput -> return (just rightInput)
            Left !leftInput -> writeIORef fetchedLeftMaybeRef (Just leftInput) $> nil
      rightFetchIORef <- newIORef =<< createRightFetchIO
      return $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just -> do
        A.Fetch rightFetchIO <- readIORef rightFetchIORef
        join $ rightFetchIO
            fetchedLeftMaybe <- readIORef fetchedLeftMaybeRef
            case fetchedLeftMaybe of
              Just fetchedLeft -> do
                writeIORef fetchedLeftMaybeRef Nothing
                writeIORef rightFetchIORef =<< createRightFetchIO
                return (just (Left fetchedLeft))
              Nothing -> return nil)
          (\ right -> return (just (Right right)))

instance Strong Transform where
  first' (Transform firstTransformIO) =
    Transform $ \ (A.Fetch bothFetchIO) -> do
      secondFetchedDequeRef <- newIORef mempty
      A.Fetch firstFetchIO <-
        firstTransformIO $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just ->
        join $ bothFetchIO (return nil) $ \ (!firstFetched, !secondFetched) -> do
          modifyIORef' secondFetchedDequeRef (B.snoc secondFetched)
          return (just firstFetched)
      return $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just -> join $ firstFetchIO (return nil) $ \ !firstFetched -> do
        secondFetchedDeque <- readIORef secondFetchedDequeRef
        case B.uncons secondFetchedDeque of
          Just (!secondFetched, !secondFetchedDequeTail) -> do
            writeIORef secondFetchedDequeRef secondFetchedDequeTail
            return (just (firstFetched, secondFetched))
          Nothing -> return nil

instance Arrow Transform where
  arr fn =
    Transform (pure . fmap fn)
  first =

instance ArrowChoice Transform where
  left =

{-# INLINE consume #-}
consume :: C.Consume input output -> Transform input output
consume (C.Consume runFetch) =
  Transform $ \ (A.Fetch fetch) -> do
    stoppedRef <- newIORef False
    return $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just -> do
      stopped <- readIORef stoppedRef
      if stopped
        then return nil
        else do
          emittedRef <- newIORef False
          output <-
            runFetch $ A.Fetch $ \ inputNil inputJust ->
                  writeIORef stoppedRef True
                  return inputNil)
                (\ !input -> do
                  writeIORef emittedRef True
                  return (inputJust input)))
          stopped <- readIORef stoppedRef
          if stopped
            then do
              emitted <- readIORef emittedRef
              if emitted
                then return (just output)
                else return nil
            else return (just output)

{-# INLINABLE produce #-}
produce :: (input -> D.Produce output) -> Transform input output
produce inputToProduce =
  Transform $ \ (A.Fetch inputFetchIO) -> do
    stateRef <- newIORef Nothing
    return $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just -> fix $ \ loop -> do
      state <- readIORef stateRef
      case state of
        Just (A.Fetch outputFetchIO, kill) ->
          join $ outputFetchIO
            (kill >> writeIORef stateRef Nothing >> loop)
            (return . just)
        Nothing ->
          join $ inputFetchIO (return nil) $ \ !input -> do
            case inputToProduce input of
              D.Produce produceIO -> do
                fetchAndKill <- produceIO
                writeIORef stateRef (Just fetchAndKill)

{-# INLINE mapFetch #-}
mapFetch :: (A.Fetch a -> A.Fetch b) -> Transform a b
mapFetch mapping =
  Transform $ return . mapping

Execute the IO action.
{-# INLINE executeIO #-}
executeIO :: Transform (IO a) a
executeIO =
  mapFetch $ \ (A.Fetch fetchIO) -> A.Fetch $ \ nil just ->
  join (fetchIO (return nil) (fmap just))

{-# INLINE take #-}
take :: Int -> Transform input input
take amount =
  Transform $ \ (A.Fetch fetchIO) -> do
    countRef <- newIORef amount
    return $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just -> do
      count <- readIORef countRef
      if count > 0
        then do
          writeIORef countRef $! pred count
          fetchIO nil just
        else return nil