module Potoki.Transform ( Transform, -- * Potoki integration consume, produce, -- * Basics ioTransform, take, takeWhile, mapFilter, just, distinct, builderChunks, executeIO, mapInIO, -- * Parsing parseBytes, parseText, -- * Concurrency bufferize, concurrently, -- * File IO deleteFile, appendBytesToFile, ) where import Potoki.Prelude hiding (take, takeWhile) import Potoki.Core.Transform import qualified Potoki.Fetch as A import qualified Potoki.Core.Fetch as A import qualified Potoki.Core.IO as G import qualified Potoki.Core.Produce as H import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as K import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as L import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Types as M import qualified Data.HashSet as C import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as E import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as F import qualified Data.ByteString as J import qualified System.Directory as I import qualified Control.Concurrent.Chan.Unagi.Bounded as B {-# INLINE mapFilter #-} mapFilter :: (input -> Maybe output) -> Transform input output mapFilter mapping = Transform (pure . A.mapFilter mapping) {-# INLINE just #-} just :: Transform (Maybe input) input just = Transform (pure . A.just) {-# INLINE takeWhile #-} takeWhile :: (input -> Bool) -> Transform input input takeWhile predicate = Transform (pure . A.takeWhile predicate) {-# INLINE bufferize #-} bufferize :: Int -> Transform element element bufferize size = Transform $ \ (A.Fetch fetch) -> do (inChan, outChan) <- B.newChan size forkIO $ fix $ \ loop -> join $ fetch (B.writeChan inChan Nothing) (\ !element -> B.writeChan inChan (Just element) >> loop) return $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just -> fmap (maybe nil just) (B.readChan outChan) {-| Identity Transform, which ensures that the inputs are fetched synchronously. Useful for concurrent transforms. -} {-# INLINABLE sync #-} sync :: Transform a a sync = Transform $ \ (A.Fetch fetch) -> do activeVar <- newMVar True return $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just -> do active <- takeMVar activeVar if active then join $ fetch (do putMVar activeVar False return nil) (\ !element -> do putMVar activeVar True return (just element)) else do putMVar activeVar False return nil {-| Execute the transform on the specified amount of threads. The order of the outputs produced is indiscriminate. -} {-# INLINABLE concurrently #-} concurrently :: Int -> Transform input output -> Transform input output concurrently workersAmount transform = sync >>> concurrentlyUnsafe workersAmount transform {-# INLINE concurrentlyUnsafe #-} concurrentlyUnsafe :: Int -> Transform input output -> Transform input output concurrentlyUnsafe workersAmount (Transform syncTransformIO) = Transform $ \ fetch -> do outChan <- newEmptyMVar replicateM_ workersAmount $ forkIO $ do A.Fetch fetchIO <- syncTransformIO fetch fix $ \ loop -> join $ fetchIO (putMVar outChan Nothing) (\ !result -> putMVar outChan (Just result) >> loop) activeWorkersAmountVar <- newMVar workersAmount return $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just -> fix $ \ loop -> do activeWorkersAmount <- takeMVar activeWorkersAmountVar if activeWorkersAmount <= 0 then return nil else do fetchResult <- takeMVar outChan case fetchResult of Just result -> do putMVar activeWorkersAmountVar activeWorkersAmount return (just result) Nothing -> do putMVar activeWorkersAmountVar (pred activeWorkersAmount) loop {-# INLINE mapWithParseResult #-} mapWithParseResult :: forall input parsed. (Monoid input, Eq input) => (input -> M.IResult input parsed) -> Transform input (Either Text parsed) mapWithParseResult inputToResult = Transform $ \ inputFetch -> do unconsumedRef <- newIORef mempty finishedRef <- newIORef False return (A.Fetch (fetchParsed inputFetch finishedRef unconsumedRef)) where fetchParsed :: A.Fetch input -> IORef Bool -> IORef input -> forall x. x -> (Either Text parsed -> x) -> IO x fetchParsed (A.Fetch inputFetchIO) finishedRef unconsumedRef nil just = do finished <- readIORef finishedRef if finished then return nil else do unconsumed <- readIORef unconsumedRef if unconsumed == mempty then join $ inputFetchIO (return nil) (\input -> do if input == mempty then return nil else matchResult (inputToResult input)) else do writeIORef unconsumedRef mempty matchResult (inputToResult unconsumed) where matchResult = \case M.Partial inputToResult -> consume inputToResult M.Done unconsumed parsed -> do writeIORef unconsumedRef unconsumed return (just (Right parsed)) M.Fail unconsumed contexts message -> do writeIORef unconsumedRef unconsumed writeIORef finishedRef True return (just (Left resultMessage)) where resultMessage = if null contexts then fromString message else fromString (showString (intercalate " > " contexts) (showString ": " message)) consume inputToResult = join $ inputFetchIO (do writeIORef finishedRef True matchResult (inputToResult mempty)) (\input -> do when (input == mempty) (writeIORef finishedRef True) matchResult (inputToResult input)) {-| Lift an Attoparsec ByteString parser. -} {-# INLINE parseBytes #-} parseBytes :: K.Parser parsed -> Transform ByteString (Either Text parsed) parseBytes parser = mapWithParseResult (K.parse parser) {-| Lift an Attoparsec Text parser. -} {-# INLINE parseText #-} parseText :: L.Parser parsed -> Transform Text (Either Text parsed) parseText parser = mapWithParseResult (L.parse parser) {-# INLINE mapInIO #-} mapInIO :: (a -> IO b) -> Transform a b mapInIO io = Transform $ \ (A.Fetch fetch) -> return $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just -> join $ fetch (return nil) $ (fmap . fmap) just io {-# INLINE deleteFile #-} deleteFile :: Transform FilePath (Either IOException ()) deleteFile = mapInIO (try . I.removeFile) {-# INLINE appendBytesToFile #-} appendBytesToFile :: Transform (FilePath, ByteString) (Either IOException ()) appendBytesToFile = mapInIO $ \ (path, bytes) -> try $ withFile path AppendMode $ \ handle -> J.hPut handle bytes {-# INLINE distinct #-} distinct :: (Eq element, Hashable element) => Transform element element distinct = Transform $ \ (A.Fetch fetch) -> do stateRef <- newIORef mempty return $ A.Fetch $ \ nil just -> fix $ \ loop -> join $ fetch (return nil) $ \ !input -> do !set <- readIORef stateRef if C.member input set then loop else do writeIORef stateRef $! C.insert input set return (just input) {-# INLINE builderChunks #-} builderChunks :: Transform E.Builder ByteString builderChunks = produce (H.list . F.toChunks . E.toLazyByteString) {-# INLINE ioTransform #-} ioTransform :: IO (Transform a b) -> Transform a b ioTransform io = Transform $ \ fetch -> do Transform transformIO <- io transformIO fetch