module Feature.QueryLimitedSpec where import Network.Wai (Application) import Network.Wai.Test (SResponse (simpleHeaders, simpleStatus)) import Network.HTTP.Types import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Wai import Test.Hspec.Wai.JSON import Protolude hiding (get) import SpecHelper spec :: SpecWith Application spec = describe "Requesting many items with server limits enabled" $ do it "restricts results" $ get "/items" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [{"id":1},{"id":2}] |] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/*"] } it "respects additional client limiting" $ do r <- request methodGet "/items" (rangeHdrs $ ByteRangeFromTo 0 0) "" liftIO $ do simpleHeaders r `shouldSatisfy` matchHeader "Content-Range" "0-0/*" simpleStatus r `shouldBe` ok200 it "limit works on all levels" $ get "/users?select=id,tasks(id)&order=id.asc&tasks.order=id.asc" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":1,"tasks":[{"id":1},{"id":2}]},{"id":2,"tasks":[{"id":5},{"id":6}]}]|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/*"] } it "limit is not applied to parent embeds" $ get "/tasks?select=id,project(id)&id=gt.5" `shouldRespondWith` [json|[{"id":6,"project":{"id":3}},{"id":7,"project":{"id":4}}]|] { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = ["Content-Range" <:> "0-1/*"] }