module Feature.StructureSpec where import Test.Hspec hiding (pendingWith) import Test.Hspec.Wai import Test.Hspec.Wai.JSON import qualified Hasql.Connection as H import SpecHelper import PostgREST.Types (DbStructure(..)) import Network.HTTP.Types spec :: DbStructure -> H.Connection -> Spec spec struct c = around (withApp cfgDefault struct c) $ do describe "GET /" $ do it "lists views in schema" $ request methodGet "/" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"schema":"test","name":"Escap3e;","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"articleStars","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"articles","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"auto_incrementing_pk","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"clients","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"comments","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"complex_items","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"compound_pk","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"ghostBusters","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"has_count_column","insertable":false} , {"schema":"test","name":"has_fk","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"insertable_view_with_join","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"insertonly","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"items","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"json","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"materialized_view","insertable":false} , {"schema":"test","name":"menagerie","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"no_pk","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"nullable_integer","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"projects","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"projects_view","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"simple_pk","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"tasks","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"tsearch","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"users","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"users_projects","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"users_tasks","insertable":true} , {"schema":"test","name":"withUnique","insertable":true} ] |] {matchStatus = 200} it "lists only views user has permission to see" $ do let auth = authHeaderJWT "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjoicG9zdGdyZXN0X3Rlc3RfYXV0aG9yIiwiaWQiOiJqZG9lIn0.y4vZuu1dDdwAl0-S00MCRWRYMlJ5YAMSir6Es6WtWx0" request methodGet "/" [auth] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| [ {"schema":"test","name":"authors_only","insertable":true} ] |] {matchStatus = 200} describe "Table info" $ do it "is available with OPTIONS verb" $ request methodOptions "/menagerie" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "pkey":["integer"], "columns":[ { "default": null, "precision": 32, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "integer", "type": "integer", "maxLen": null, "enum": [], "nullable": false, "position": 1, "references": null, "default": null }, { "default": null, "precision": 53, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "double", "type": "double precision", "maxLen": null, "enum": [], "nullable": false, "references": null, "position": 2 }, { "default": null, "precision": null, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "varchar", "type": "character varying", "maxLen": null, "enum": [], "nullable": false, "position": 3, "references": null, "default": null }, { "default": null, "precision": null, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "boolean", "type": "boolean", "maxLen": null, "enum": [], "nullable": false, "references": null, "position": 4 }, { "default": null, "precision": null, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "date", "type": "date", "maxLen": null, "enum": [], "nullable": false, "references": null, "position": 5 }, { "default": null, "precision": null, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "money", "type": "money", "maxLen": null, "enum": [], "nullable": false, "position": 6, "references": null, "default": null }, { "default": null, "precision": null, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "enum", "type": "USER-DEFINED", "maxLen": null, "enum": [ "foo", "bar" ], "nullable": false, "position": 7, "references": null, "default": null } ] } |] it "it includes primary and foreign keys for views" $ request methodOptions "/projects_view" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "pkey":[ "id" ], "columns":[ { "references":null, "default":null, "precision":32, "updatable":true, "schema":"test", "name":"id", "type":"integer", "maxLen":null, "enum":[], "nullable":true, "position":1 }, { "references":null, "default":null, "precision":null, "updatable":true, "schema":"test", "name":"name", "type":"text", "maxLen":null, "enum":[], "nullable":true, "position":2 }, { "references": { "schema":"test", "column":"id", "table":"clients" }, "default":null, "precision":32, "updatable":true, "schema":"test", "name":"client_id", "type":"integer", "maxLen":null, "enum":[], "nullable":true, "position":3 } ] } |] it "includes foreign key data" $ request methodOptions "/has_fk" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "pkey": ["id"], "columns":[ { "default": "nextval('test.has_fk_id_seq'::regclass)", "precision": 64, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "id", "type": "bigint", "maxLen": null, "nullable": false, "position": 1, "enum": [], "references": null }, { "default": null, "precision": 32, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "auto_inc_fk", "type": "integer", "maxLen": null, "nullable": true, "position": 2, "enum": [], "references": {"schema":"test", "table": "auto_incrementing_pk", "column": "id"} }, { "default": null, "precision": null, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "simple_fk", "type": "character varying", "maxLen": 255, "nullable": true, "position": 3, "enum": [], "references": {"schema":"test", "table": "simple_pk", "column": "k"} } ] } |] it "includes all information on views for renamed columns, and raises relations to correct schema" $ request methodOptions "/articleStars" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` [json| { "pkey": [ "articleId", "userId" ], "columns": [ { "references": { "schema": "test", "column": "id", "table": "articles" }, "default": null, "precision": 32, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "articleId", "type": "integer", "maxLen": null, "enum": [], "nullable": true, "position": 1 }, { "references": { "schema": "test", "column": "id", "table": "users" }, "default": null, "precision": 32, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "userId", "type": "integer", "maxLen": null, "enum": [], "nullable": true, "position": 2 }, { "references": null, "default": null, "precision": null, "updatable": true, "schema": "test", "name": "createdAt", "type": "timestamp without time zone", "maxLen": null, "enum": [], "nullable": true, "position": 3 } ] } |] it "errors for non existant tables" $ request methodOptions "/dne" [] "" `shouldRespondWith` 404