module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField
, ToField(..)
, toJSONField
, inQuotes
) where
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Builder
( Builder, byteString, char8, stringUtf8
, intDec, int8Dec, int16Dec, int32Dec, int64Dec, integerDec
, wordDec, word8Dec, word16Dec, word32Dec, word64Dec
, floatDec, doubleDec
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.Time (Day, TimeOfDay, LocalTime, UTCTime, ZonedTime, NominalDiffTime)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Word (Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Compat (toByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as SB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.Text as ST
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as ST
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as LT
import Data.UUID.Types (UUID)
import qualified Data.UUID.Types as UUID
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Time
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
#if MIN_VERSION_scientific(0,3,0)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Scientific (scientificBuilder)
import Data.Scientific (scientificBuilder)
import Foreign.C.Types (CUInt(..))
data Action =
Plain Builder
| Escape ByteString
| EscapeByteA ByteString
| EscapeIdentifier ByteString
| Many [Action]
deriving (Typeable)
instance Show Action where
show (Plain b) = "Plain " ++ show (toByteString b)
show (Escape b) = "Escape " ++ show b
show (EscapeByteA b) = "EscapeByteA " ++ show b
show (EscapeIdentifier b) = "EscapeIdentifier " ++ show b
show (Many b) = "Many " ++ show b
class ToField a where
toField :: a -> Action
instance ToField Action where
toField a = a
instance (ToField a) => ToField (Maybe a) where
toField Nothing = renderNull
toField (Just a) = toField a
instance (ToField a) => ToField (In [a]) where
toField (In []) = Plain $ byteString "(null)"
toField (In xs) = Many $
Plain (char8 '(') :
(intersperse (Plain (char8 ',')) . map toField $ xs) ++
[Plain (char8 ')')]
renderNull :: Action
renderNull = Plain (byteString "null")
instance ToField Null where
toField _ = renderNull
instance ToField Default where
toField _ = Plain (byteString "default")
instance ToField Bool where
toField True = Plain (byteString "true")
toField False = Plain (byteString "false")
instance ToField Int8 where
toField = Plain . int8Dec
instance ToField Int16 where
toField = Plain . int16Dec
instance ToField Int32 where
toField = Plain . int32Dec
instance ToField Int where
toField = Plain . intDec
instance ToField Int64 where
toField = Plain . int64Dec
instance ToField Integer where
toField = Plain . integerDec
instance ToField Word8 where
toField = Plain . word8Dec
instance ToField Word16 where
toField = Plain . word16Dec
instance ToField Word32 where
toField = Plain . word32Dec
instance ToField Word where
toField = Plain . wordDec
instance ToField Word64 where
toField = Plain . word64Dec
instance ToField PQ.Oid where
toField = Plain . \(PQ.Oid (CUInt x)) -> word32Dec x
instance ToField Float where
toField v | isNaN v || isInfinite v = Plain (inQuotes (floatDec v))
| otherwise = Plain (floatDec v)
instance ToField Double where
toField v | isNaN v || isInfinite v = Plain (inQuotes (doubleDec v))
| otherwise = Plain (doubleDec v)
instance ToField Scientific where
toField x = toField (LT.toLazyText (scientificBuilder x))
instance ToField (Binary SB.ByteString) where
toField (Binary bs) = EscapeByteA bs
instance ToField (Binary LB.ByteString) where
toField (Binary bs) = (EscapeByteA . SB.concat . LB.toChunks) bs
instance ToField Identifier where
toField (Identifier bs) = EscapeIdentifier (ST.encodeUtf8 bs)
instance ToField QualifiedIdentifier where
toField (QualifiedIdentifier (Just s) t) =
Many [ EscapeIdentifier (ST.encodeUtf8 s)
, Plain (char8 '.')
, EscapeIdentifier (ST.encodeUtf8 t)
toField (QualifiedIdentifier Nothing t) =
EscapeIdentifier (ST.encodeUtf8 t)
instance ToField SB.ByteString where
toField = Escape
instance ToField LB.ByteString where
toField = toField . SB.concat . LB.toChunks
instance ToField ST.Text where
toField = Escape . ST.encodeUtf8
instance ToField [Char] where
toField = Escape . toByteString . stringUtf8
instance ToField LT.Text where
toField = toField . LT.toStrict
instance ToField UTCTime where
toField = Plain . inQuotes . utcTimeToBuilder
instance ToField ZonedTime where
toField = Plain . inQuotes . zonedTimeToBuilder
instance ToField LocalTime where
toField = Plain . inQuotes . localTimeToBuilder
instance ToField Day where
toField = Plain . inQuotes . dayToBuilder
instance ToField TimeOfDay where
toField = Plain . inQuotes . timeOfDayToBuilder
instance ToField UTCTimestamp where
toField = Plain . inQuotes . utcTimestampToBuilder
instance ToField ZonedTimestamp where
toField = Plain . inQuotes . zonedTimestampToBuilder
instance ToField LocalTimestamp where
toField = Plain . inQuotes . localTimestampToBuilder
instance ToField Date where
toField = Plain . inQuotes . dateToBuilder
instance ToField NominalDiffTime where
toField = Plain . inQuotes . nominalDiffTimeToBuilder
instance (ToField a) => ToField (PGArray a) where
toField xs = Many $
Plain (byteString "ARRAY[") :
(intersperse (Plain (char8 ',')) . map toField $ fromPGArray xs) ++
[Plain (char8 ']')]
instance (ToField a) => ToField (Vector a) where
toField = toField . PGArray . V.toList
instance ToField UUID where
toField = Plain . inQuotes . byteString . UUID.toASCIIBytes
instance ToField JSON.Value where
toField = toField . JSON.encode
toJSONField :: JSON.ToJSON a => a -> Action
toJSONField = toField . JSON.toJSON
inQuotes :: Builder -> Builder
inQuotes b = quote `mappend` b `mappend` quote
where quote = char8 '\''
interleaveFoldr :: (a -> [b] -> [b]) -> b -> [b] -> [a] -> [b]
interleaveFoldr f b bs as = foldr (\a bs -> b : f a bs) bs as
instance ToRow a => ToField (Values a) where
toField (Values types rows) =
case rows of
[] -> case types of
[] -> error norows
(_:_) -> values $ typedRow (repeat (lit "null"))
[lit " LIMIT 0)"]
(_:_) -> case types of
[] -> values $ untypedRows rows [litC ')']
(_:_) -> values $ typedRows rows types [litC ')']
funcname = "Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.toField :: Values a -> Action"
norows = funcname ++ " either values or types must be non-empty"
emptyrow = funcname ++ " each row must contain at least one column"
lit = Plain . byteString
litC = Plain . char8
values x = Many (lit "(VALUES ": x)
typedField :: (Action, QualifiedIdentifier) -> [Action] -> [Action]
typedField (val,typ) rest = val : lit "::" : toField typ : rest
typedRow :: [Action] -> [QualifiedIdentifier] -> [Action] -> [Action]
typedRow (val:vals) (typ:typs) rest =
litC '(' :
typedField (val,typ) ( interleaveFoldr
(litC ',')
(litC ')' : rest)
(zip vals typs) )
typedRow _ _ _ = error emptyrow
untypedRow :: [Action] -> [Action] -> [Action]
untypedRow (val:vals) rest =
litC '(' : val :
(litC ',')
(litC ')' : rest)
untypedRow _ _ = error emptyrow
typedRows :: ToRow a => [a] -> [QualifiedIdentifier] -> [Action] -> [Action]
typedRows [] _ _ = error funcname
typedRows (val:vals) types rest =
typedRow (toRow val) types (multiRows vals rest)
untypedRows :: ToRow a => [a] -> [Action] -> [Action]
untypedRows [] _ = error funcname
untypedRows (val:vals) rest =
untypedRow (toRow val) (multiRows vals rest)
multiRows :: ToRow a => [a] -> [Action] -> [Action]
multiRows vals rest = interleaveFoldr
(untypedRow . toRow)
(litC ',')