# postgres-replicant A PostgreSQL streaming logical replication client for Haskell. This library is currently _EXPERIMENTAL_ and is not ready for production yet. Developers are encouraged to test out the library, add issues, contribute and make it awesome. React to database changes in real-time. Enrich data, send notifications, monitor suspicious activity, etc. ## Setup In order to use a logical replication client you need to set the `wal_level` in Postgres to `logical`. You can set that, for example, in your `postgres.conf` file: wal_level = logical There is a known issue in the experimental release where the `wal_sender` process, if it has a timeout set, will time out a replicant client. This will be fixed in a future release. Unless you're trying to fix it, you can turn it off by setting: wal_sender_timeout = 0 Then restart your server, log in as `postgres` or another super user and check: SHOW wal_level It should show _logical_. You will also need a user who is [allowed](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/sql-alterrole.html "PostgreSQL user role documentation") to use replication features. Then add a database and your user with the `REPLICATION` trait to the database, grant all on it if you need to, etc. We haven't added authorization support yet to the library so make sure in `pg_hba.conf` you `trust` local connections: host all all trust Caveat emptor. You will also need to install the `wal2json` plugin for your PostgreSQL server. For example in Ubuntu-like distributions you can just: $ sudo apt install postgresql-12-wal2json Assuming you have installed PostgreSQL from the package repositories. You can then setup a basic "hello world" program using this library: ``` haskell module Main where import Control.Exception import Database.PostgreSQL.Replicant main :: IO () main = do let settings = PgSettings "my-user" "my-database" "localhost" "5432" "testing" withLogicalStream settings $ \change -> do print change `catch` \err -> print err ``` Which should connect, create a `testing` replication slot, and start sending your callback the changes to your database as they arrive. ### WAL Output Plugins Presently we only support the `wal2json` WAL output plugin and only the v1 format. Support for the v2 format is planned as are more output plugins. ## Example Program Included is a simple program, `replicant-example` which should help you test your connection settings and make sure that you can connect and receive WAL changes. You can change the connection settings through environment variables: PG_USER=myuser PG_DATABASE=mydb replicant-example The configuration settings are: - `PG_USER`: The replication user to connect as - `PG_DATABASE`: The database to connect to - `PG_HOST`: The host name of the database to connect to - `PG_PORT`: The port to connect on - `PG_SLOTNAME`: The replication slot to create or connect to ## FAQ ### Why not use LISTEN/NOTIFY You don't have to set up triggers for each table with logical replication. You also don't have the message size limitation. That limitation often forces clients to perform a query for each message to fetch the data. We only use one connection.