-- | -- Module : Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.MigrationTest -- Copyright : (c) 2014 Andreas Meingast -- -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : ameingast@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : GHC -- -- A collection of postgresql-migration specifications. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.MigrationTest where import Data.IORef import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Connection) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Migration (MigrationCommand (..), MigrationOptions (..), MigrationResult (..), SchemaMigration (..), TransactionControl (..), Verbosity(..), getMigrations, runMigration, defaultOptions) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Util (existsTable) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe) migrationSpec :: Connection -> Spec migrationSpec con = describe "Migrations" $ do let migrationScript = MigrationScript "test.sql" q migrationScriptAltered = MigrationScript "test.sql" "" migrationDir = MigrationDirectory "share/test/scripts" migrationFile = MigrationFile "s.sql" "share/test/script.sql" it "asserts that the schema_migrations table does not exist" $ do r <- existsTable con "schema_migrations" r `shouldBe` False it "validates an initialization on an empty database" $ do r <- runMigration' (MigrationValidation MigrationInitialization) r `shouldBe` MigrationError "No such table: schema_migrations" it "initializes a database" $ do r <- runMigration' MigrationInitialization r `shouldBe` MigrationSuccess it "creates the schema_migrations table" $ do r <- existsTable con "schema_migrations" r `shouldBe` True it "executes a migration script" $ do r <- runMigration' migrationScript r `shouldBe` MigrationSuccess it "creates the table from the executed script" $ do r <- existsTable con "t1" r `shouldBe` True it "skips execution of the same migration script" $ do r <- runMigration' migrationScript r `shouldBe` MigrationSuccess it "reports an error on a different checksum for the same script" $ do r <- runMigration' migrationScriptAltered r `shouldBe` MigrationError "test.sql" it "executes migration scripts inside a folder" $ do r <- runMigration' migrationDir r `shouldBe` MigrationSuccess it "creates the table from the executed scripts" $ do r <- existsTable con "t2" r `shouldBe` True it "executes a file based migration script" $ do r <- runMigration' migrationFile r `shouldBe` MigrationSuccess it "creates the table from the executed scripts" $ do r <- existsTable con "t3" r `shouldBe` True it "validates initialization" $ do r <- runMigration' $ MigrationValidation MigrationInitialization r `shouldBe` MigrationSuccess it "validates an executed migration script" $ do r <- runMigration' $ MigrationValidation migrationScript r `shouldBe` MigrationSuccess it "validates all scripts inside a folder" $ do r <- runMigration' $ MigrationValidation migrationDir r `shouldBe` MigrationSuccess it "validates an executed migration file" $ do r <- runMigration' $ MigrationValidation migrationFile r `shouldBe` MigrationSuccess it "gets a list of executed migrations" $ do r <- getMigrations con map schemaMigrationName r `shouldBe` ["test.sql", "1.sql", "s.sql"] it "log can be redirected" $ do ref <- newIORef mempty let logWrite = modifyIORef ref . (<>) . show let opts = defaultOptions{ optLogWriter = logWrite, optVerbose = Verbose, optTransactionControl = NoNewTransaction } _ <- runMigration con opts MigrationInitialization readIORef ref >>= (`shouldBe` "Right \"Initializing schema\"") where q = "create table t1 (c1 varchar);" runMigration' = runMigration con defaultOptions{optTransactionControl = NoNewTransaction}