-- | -- Module : Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Migration -- Copyright : (c) 2014 Andreas Meingast -- -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : ameingast@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : GHC -- -- A migration library for postgresql-simple. -- -- For usage, see Readme.markdown. {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Migration ( -- * Migration actions defaultOptions , runMigration , runMigrations , sequenceMigrations -- * Migration types , Checksum , MigrationOptions(..) , MigrationCommand(..) , MigrationResult(..) , ScriptName , TransactionControl(..) , Verbosity(..) -- * Migration result actions , getMigrations , getMigrations' -- * Migration result types , SchemaMigration(..) ) where import Control.Monad (void, when) import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5 as MD5 (hash) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (ByteString, readFile) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 (unpack) import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 (encode) import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, sort) import Data.Time (LocalTime) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T (putStrLn, hPutStrLn) import Data.String (fromString) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple ( Connection , Only (..) , execute , execute_ , query , query_ , withTransaction ) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow (FromRow (..), field) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField (ToField (..)) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow (ToRow (..)) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types (Query (..)) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Util (existsTable) import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents) import System.FilePath (()) import System.IO (stderr) -- | Executes migrations inside the provided 'MigrationContext'. -- -- Returns 'MigrationSuccess' if the provided 'MigrationCommand' executes -- without error. If an error occurs, execution is stopped and -- a 'MigrationError' is returned. runMigration :: Connection -> MigrationOptions -> MigrationCommand -> IO (MigrationResult String) runMigration con opts cmd = runMigrations' True con opts [cmd] -- | Execute a sequence of migrations -- -- Returns 'MigrationSuccess' if all of the provided 'MigrationCommand's -- execute without error. If an error occurs, execution is stopped and the -- 'MigrationError' is returned. runMigrations :: Connection -- ^ The postgres connection to use -> MigrationOptions -- ^ The options for this migration -> [MigrationCommand] -- ^ The commands to run -> IO (MigrationResult String) runMigrations = runMigrations' True -- | Implements runMigration. Ensure that 'doRunTransaction' is only called on the first run runMigration' :: Connection -> MigrationOptions -> MigrationCommand -> IO (MigrationResult String) runMigration' con opts cmd = case cmd of MigrationInitialization -> initializeSchema con opts >> pure MigrationSuccess MigrationDirectory path -> executeDirectoryMigration con opts path MigrationScript name contents -> executeMigration con opts name contents MigrationFile name path -> executeMigration con opts name =<< BS.readFile path MigrationValidation validationCmd -> executeValidation con opts validationCmd MigrationCommands commands -> runMigrations' False con opts commands -- | Implements runMigrations runMigrations' :: Bool -- ^ Is this the first/top-level call -> Connection -- ^ The postgres connection to use -> MigrationOptions -- ^ The options for this migration -> [MigrationCommand] -- ^ The commands to run -> IO (MigrationResult String) runMigrations' isFirst con opts commands = if isFirst then doRunTransaction opts con go else go where go = sequenceMigrations [runMigration' con opts c | c <- commands] -- | Run a sequence of contexts, stopping on the first failure sequenceMigrations :: Monad m => [m (MigrationResult e)] -> m (MigrationResult e) sequenceMigrations = \case [] -> pure MigrationSuccess c:cs -> do r <- c case r of MigrationError s -> pure (MigrationError s) MigrationSuccess -> sequenceMigrations cs -- | Executes all SQL-file based migrations located in the provided 'dir' -- in alphabetical order. executeDirectoryMigration :: Connection -> MigrationOptions -> FilePath -> IO (MigrationResult String) executeDirectoryMigration con opts dir = scriptsInDirectory dir >>= go where go fs = sequenceMigrations (executeMigrationFile <$> fs) executeMigrationFile f = BS.readFile (dir f) >>= executeMigration con opts f -- | Lists all files in the given 'FilePath' 'dir' in alphabetical order. scriptsInDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [String] scriptsInDirectory dir = getDirectoryContents dir <&> (sort . filter (\x -> not $ "." `isPrefixOf` x)) -- | Executes a generic SQL migration for the provided script 'name' with content 'contents'. executeMigration :: Connection -> MigrationOptions -> ScriptName -> BS.ByteString -> IO (MigrationResult String) executeMigration con opts name contents = doStepTransaction opts con $ do let checksum = md5Hash contents checkScript con opts name checksum >>= \case ScriptOk -> do when (verbose opts) $ optLogWriter opts $ Right $ "Ok:\t" <> fromString name pure MigrationSuccess ScriptNotExecuted -> do void $ execute_ con (Query contents) void $ execute con q (name, checksum) when (verbose opts) $ optLogWriter opts $ Right ("Execute:\t" <> fromString name) pure MigrationSuccess ScriptModified eva -> do when (verbose opts) $ optLogWriter opts $ Left ("Fail:\t" <> fromString name <> "\n" <> scriptModifiedErrorMessage eva) pure (MigrationError name) where q = "insert into " <> Query (optTableName opts) <> "(filename, checksum) values(?, ?)" -- | Initializes the database schema with a helper table containing -- meta-information about executed migrations. initializeSchema :: Connection -> MigrationOptions -> IO () initializeSchema con opts = do when (verbose opts) $ optLogWriter opts $ Right "Initializing schema" void . doStepTransaction opts con . execute_ con $ mconcat [ "create table if not exists " <> Query (optTableName opts) <> " " , "( filename varchar(512) not null" , ", checksum varchar(32) not null" , ", executed_at timestamp without time zone not null default now() " , ");" ] -- | Validates a 'MigrationCommand'. Validation is defined as follows for these types: -- -- * 'MigrationInitialization': validate the presence of the meta-information table. -- * 'MigrationDirectory': validate the presence and checksum of all scripts found in the given directory. -- * 'MigrationScript': validate the presence and checksum of the given script. -- * 'MigrationFile': validate the presence and checksum of the given file. -- * 'MigrationValidation': always succeeds. -- * 'MigrationCommands': validates all the sub-commands stopping at the first failure. executeValidation :: Connection -> MigrationOptions -> MigrationCommand -> IO (MigrationResult String) executeValidation con opts cmd = doStepTransaction opts con $ case cmd of MigrationInitialization -> existsTable con (BS8.unpack $ optTableName opts) >>= \r -> pure $ if r then MigrationSuccess else MigrationError ("No such table: " <> BS8.unpack (optTableName opts)) MigrationDirectory path -> scriptsInDirectory path >>= goScripts path MigrationScript name contents -> validate name contents MigrationFile name path -> validate name =<< BS.readFile path MigrationValidation _ -> pure MigrationSuccess MigrationCommands cs -> sequenceMigrations (executeValidation con opts <$> cs) where validate name contents = checkScript con opts name (md5Hash contents) >>= \case ScriptOk -> do when (verbose opts) $ optLogWriter opts (Right $ "Ok:\t" <> fromString name) pure MigrationSuccess ScriptNotExecuted -> do when (verbose opts) $ optLogWriter opts (Left $ "Missing:\t" <> fromString name) pure (MigrationError $ "Missing: " <> name) ScriptModified eva -> do when (verbose opts) $ optLogWriter opts (Left $ "Checksum mismatch:\t" <> fromString name <> "\n" <> scriptModifiedErrorMessage eva) pure (MigrationError $ "Checksum mismatch: " <> name) goScripts path xs = sequenceMigrations (goScript path <$> xs) goScript path x = validate x =<< BS.readFile (path x) -- | Checks the status of the script with the given name 'name'. -- If the script has already been executed, the checksum of the script -- is compared against the one that was executed. -- If there is no matching script entry in the database, the script -- will be executed and its meta-information will be recorded. checkScript :: Connection -> MigrationOptions -> ScriptName -> Checksum -> IO CheckScriptResult checkScript con opts name fileChecksum = query con q (Only name) >>= \case [] -> pure ScriptNotExecuted Only dbChecksum:_ | fileChecksum == dbChecksum -> pure ScriptOk Only dbChecksum:_ -> pure $ ScriptModified (ExpectedVsActual {evaExpected = dbChecksum, evaActual = fileChecksum}) where q = mconcat [ "select checksum from " <> Query (optTableName opts) <> " " , "where filename = ? limit 1" ] -- | Calculates the MD5 checksum of the provided bytestring in base64 -- encoding. md5Hash :: BS.ByteString -> Checksum md5Hash = B64.encode . MD5.hash -- | The checksum type of a migration script. type Checksum = BS.ByteString -- | The name of a script. Typically the filename or a custom name -- when using Haskell migrations. type ScriptName = String -- | 'MigrationCommand' determines the action of the 'runMigration' script. data MigrationCommand = MigrationInitialization -- ^ Initializes the database with a helper table containing meta -- information. | MigrationDirectory FilePath -- ^ Executes migrations based on SQL scripts in the provided 'FilePath' -- in alphabetical order. | MigrationFile ScriptName FilePath -- ^ Executes a migration based on script located at the provided -- 'FilePath'. | MigrationScript ScriptName BS.ByteString -- ^ Executes a migration based on the provided bytestring. | MigrationValidation MigrationCommand -- ^ Validates that the provided MigrationCommand has been executed. | MigrationCommands [MigrationCommand] -- ^ Performs a series of 'MigrationCommand's in sequence. deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord) instance Semigroup MigrationCommand where (<>) (MigrationCommands xs) (MigrationCommands ys) = MigrationCommands (xs <> ys) (<>) (MigrationCommands xs) y = MigrationCommands (xs <> [y]) (<>) x (MigrationCommands ys) = MigrationCommands (x : ys) (<>) x y = MigrationCommands [x, y] instance Monoid MigrationCommand where mempty = MigrationCommands [] mappend = (<>) data ExpectedVsActual a = ExpectedVsActual { evaExpected :: !a , evaActual :: !a } deriving (Show) -- | A sum-type denoting the result of a single migration. data CheckScriptResult = ScriptOk -- ^ The script has already been executed and the checksums match. -- This is good. | ScriptModified (ExpectedVsActual Checksum) -- ^ The script has already been executed and there is a checksum -- mismatch. This is bad. | ScriptNotExecuted -- ^ The script has not been executed, yet. This is good. deriving (Show) scriptModifiedErrorMessage :: ExpectedVsActual Checksum -> T.Text scriptModifiedErrorMessage (ExpectedVsActual expected actual) = "expected: " <> fromString (show expected) <> "\nhash was: " <> fromString (show actual) -- | A sum-type denoting the result of a migration. data MigrationResult a = MigrationError a -- ^ There was an error in script migration. | MigrationSuccess -- ^ All scripts have been executed successfully. deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) data Verbosity = Verbose | Quiet deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Determines how transactions are handled -- Its is recommened to use transaction when running migrations -- Certain actions require a transaction per script, if you are doing this use TransactionPerStep -- If you want a single transaction for all migrations use TransactionPerRun -- If you do not want a transaction, or are using an existing transaction then use NoNewTransaction data TransactionControl = NoNewTransaction -- ^ No new transaction will be started. Up to the caller to decide if the run is in a transaction or not | TransactionPerRun -- ^ Call 'withTransaction' once for the entire 'MigrationCommand' | TransactionPerStep -- ^ Call 'withTransaction' once for each step in a 'MigrationCommand' (i.e. new transaction per script) deriving (Show) data MigrationOptions = MigrationOptions { optVerbose :: !Verbosity -- ^ Verbosity of the library. , optTableName :: !BS.ByteString -- ^ The name of the table that stores the migrations, usually "schema_migrations" , optLogWriter :: !(Either T.Text T.Text -> IO ()) -- ^ Logger. 'Either' indicates log level, -- 'Left' for an error message and 'Right' for an info message. , optTransactionControl :: !TransactionControl -- ^ If/when transactions should be started } defaultOptions :: MigrationOptions defaultOptions = MigrationOptions { optVerbose = Quiet , optTableName = "schema_migrations" , optLogWriter = either (T.hPutStrLn stderr) T.putStrLn , optTransactionControl = TransactionPerRun } verbose :: MigrationOptions -> Bool verbose o = optVerbose o == Verbose doRunTransaction :: MigrationOptions -> Connection -> IO a -> IO a doRunTransaction opts con act = case optTransactionControl opts of NoNewTransaction -> act TransactionPerRun -> withTransaction con act TransactionPerStep -> act doStepTransaction :: MigrationOptions -> Connection -> IO a -> IO a doStepTransaction opts con act = case optTransactionControl opts of NoNewTransaction -> act TransactionPerRun -> act TransactionPerStep -> withTransaction con act -- | Produces a list of all executed 'SchemaMigration's in the default schema_migrations table getMigrations :: Connection -> IO [SchemaMigration] getMigrations con = getMigrations' con "schema_migrations" -- | Produces a list of all executed 'SchemaMigration's. getMigrations' :: Connection -> BS.ByteString -> IO [SchemaMigration] getMigrations' con tableName = query_ con q where q = mconcat [ "select filename, checksum, executed_at " , "from " <> Query tableName <> " order by executed_at asc" ] -- | A product type representing a single, executed 'SchemaMigration'. data SchemaMigration = SchemaMigration { schemaMigrationName :: BS.ByteString -- ^ The name of the executed migration. , schemaMigrationChecksum :: Checksum -- ^ The calculated MD5 checksum of the executed script. , schemaMigrationExecutedAt :: LocalTime -- ^ A timestamp without timezone of the date of execution of the script. } deriving (Show, Eq, Read) instance Ord SchemaMigration where compare (SchemaMigration nameLeft _ _) (SchemaMigration nameRight _ _) = compare nameLeft nameRight instance FromRow SchemaMigration where fromRow = SchemaMigration <$> field <*> field <*> field instance ToRow SchemaMigration where toRow (SchemaMigration name checksum executedAt) = [toField name, toField checksum, toField executedAt]