module Polysemy.Time.Calendar where import Data.Time ( Day, DiffTime, TimeOfDay(TimeOfDay), UTCTime(UTCTime), fromGregorian, timeOfDayToTime, timeToTimeOfDay, toGregorian, utctDay, ) import Prelude hiding (second) import Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit (Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, NanoSeconds, Seconds, Years, convert) -- |Utility for 'Polysemy.Time.At.interpretTimeAtWithStart'. class HasDate t d | t -> d where date :: t -> d dateToTime :: d -> t -- |Extract the year component from a date. class HasYear t where year :: t -> Years -- |Extract the month component from a date. class HasMonth t where month :: t -> Months -- |Extract the day component from a date. class HasDay t where day :: t -> Days -- |Extract the hour component from a datetime or time. class HasHour t where hour :: t -> Hours -- |Extract the minute component from a datetime or time. class HasMinute t where minute :: t -> Minutes -- |Extract the second component from a datetime or time. class HasSecond t where second :: t -> Seconds -- |Extract the nanosecond component from a datetime or time. class HasNanoSecond t where nanoSecond :: t -> NanoSeconds -- |Construct datetimes, dates or times from integers. class Calendar dt where type CalendarDate dt :: Type type CalendarTime dt :: Type mkDate :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> CalendarDate dt mkTime :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> CalendarTime dt mkDatetime :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> dt instance HasDate UTCTime Day where date = utctDay dateToTime d = UTCTime d 0 instance HasYear Day where year (toGregorian -> (y, _, _)) = fromIntegral y instance HasYear UTCTime where year = year . utctDay instance HasMonth Day where month (toGregorian -> (_, m, _)) = fromIntegral m instance HasMonth UTCTime where month = month . utctDay instance HasDay Day where day (toGregorian -> (_, _, d)) = fromIntegral d instance HasDay UTCTime where day = day . utctDay instance HasHour TimeOfDay where hour (TimeOfDay h _ _) = fromIntegral h instance HasHour DiffTime where hour = hour . timeToTimeOfDay instance HasMinute TimeOfDay where minute (TimeOfDay _ m _) = fromIntegral m instance HasMinute DiffTime where minute = minute . timeToTimeOfDay instance HasSecond TimeOfDay where second (TimeOfDay _ _ s) = truncate s instance HasSecond DiffTime where second = second . timeToTimeOfDay instance HasNanoSecond TimeOfDay where nanoSecond t = convert (second t) instance HasNanoSecond DiffTime where nanoSecond = nanoSecond . timeToTimeOfDay instance Calendar UTCTime where type CalendarDate UTCTime = Day type CalendarTime UTCTime = DiffTime mkDate y m d = fromGregorian (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral m) (fromIntegral d) mkTime h m s = timeOfDayToTime (TimeOfDay (fromIntegral h) (fromIntegral m) (fromIntegral s)) mkDatetime y mo d h mi s = UTCTime (mkDate @UTCTime y mo d) (mkTime @UTCTime h mi s)