SOFTWARE = polyparse VERSION = 1.3 LIBSRCS = \ Text/ParserCombinators/HuttonMeijer.hs \ Text/ParserCombinators/HuttonMeijerWallace.hs \ Text/ParserCombinators/Poly.hs \ Text/ParserCombinators/Poly/Base.hs \ Text/ParserCombinators/Poly/Plain.hs \ Text/ParserCombinators/Poly/Lazy.hs \ Text/ParserCombinators/Poly/State.hs \ Text/ParserCombinators/Poly/StateLazy.hs \ Text/Parse.hs \ LIBOBJS = $(patsubst %.hs, %.o, $(LIBSRCS)) OUT = $(shell cat ../out) INSTALLDIR = $(shell cat ../prefix) WHOLEARCHIVE = $(shell cat ../ldopt) # The caller *must* set the HC variable. COMPILER := $(findstring ghc, $(HC)) ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "ghc" COMPILE = $(HC) --make -cpp -i. $(shell cat ghcpkgs) \ -package-name $(SOFTWARE)-$(VERSION) -DVERSION=$(VERSION) RENAME = mv $(OUT) endif COMPILER := $(findstring nhc98, $(HC)) ifeq "$(COMPILER)" "nhc98" COMPILE = hmake -hc=$(HC) -I. -K4M +CTS -H8M -CTS -package base \ -DVERSION=$(VERSION) RENAME = echo Built endif .PHONY: all libs all: libs toolset toolset: #cp $(TOOLSET) $(INSTALLDIR) libs: libHS$(SOFTWARE).a install-filesonly-ghc: libs $(INSTALLDIR) cp libHS$(SOFTWARE).a `cat ghclibdir` -ranlib `cat ghclibdir`/libHS$(SOFTWARE).a # ignore if fails on Linux -cp HS$(SOFTWARE).o `cat ghclibdir` # file may not exist on MacOS X rm -rf `cat ghcincdir`/$(SOFTWARE) mkdir -p `cat ghcincdir`/$(SOFTWARE) cp interfaces.tar `cat ghcincdir`/$(SOFTWARE) cd `cat ghcincdir`/$(SOFTWARE); tar xf interfaces.tar; rm interfaces.tar install-filesonly-nhc98: libs $(INSTALLDIR) cp libHS$(SOFTWARE).a `cat nhc98libdir`/`harch` -ranlib `cat nhc98libdir`/`harch`/libHS$(SOFTWARE).a rm -rf `cat nhc98incdir`/packages/$(SOFTWARE) mkdir -p `cat nhc98incdir`/packages/$(SOFTWARE) cp interfaces.tar `cat nhc98incdir`/packages/$(SOFTWARE) cd `cat nhc98incdir`/packages/$(SOFTWARE); tar xf interfaces.tar; rm interfaces.tar install-ghc: install-filesonly-ghc $(SOFTWARE).pkgconf `cat ghcpkgcmd` --remove-package=$(SOFTWARE) || true # ignore any error `cat ghcpkgcmd` --add-package >$@ echo "library-dirs: `cat ghclibdirraw`" >>$@ echo "depends: base, haskell98" >>$@ echo "hs-libraries: HS$(SOFTWARE)" >>$@ # packaged library libHS$(SOFTWARE).a: $(LIBSRCS) $(COMPILE) $(LIBSRCS) ar r libHS$(SOFTWARE).a $(LIBOBJS) -ld -r $(WHOLEARCHIVE) -o $(SOFTWARE).o libHS$(SOFTWARE).a # for GHCi only tar cf interfaces.tar `find Text -name *.hi -print` $(INSTALLDIR): if [ ! -d $(INSTALLDIR) ] ; then mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR); fi