{- |
   Module      : Data.Octree.Internal
   Copyright   : Copyright (c) 2012 Michal J. Gajda
   License     : BSD3
   Maintainer  : Michael Litchard
   Stability   : experimental
   Portability : not portable
   This module provides the description of a point octree
   and it's operations.

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
module Data.Octree.Internal
  ( Vector3(..), dist
  , Octree(..), lookup, nearest, withinRange, fromList, toList, insert
                            -- internal
  , ODir(..)
  , octreeStep, octantDistance, splitBy', joinStep, splitStep, allOctants, octantDistance'
  , cmp
  , pickClosest
  , depth, size
  , subnodes
  ) where

import Data.Functor    (Functor    (..))
import Data.Foldable   (Foldable   (foldr))
import Data.Traversable(Traversable(..))

import Data.Vector.V3
import Data.Vector.Class

import Prelude hiding(lookup, foldr)
import Data.List(sort, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe(maybeToList, listToMaybe)
import Data.Bits((.&.))
import Control.Arrow(second)
import Test.QuickCheck.All(quickCheckAll)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary

-- | norm of a vector
norm ::  Vector3 -> Double
norm a = sqrt (a `vdot` a)

-- | distance between two vectors
dist ::  Vector3 -> Vector3 -> Double
dist u v = norm (u - v) 

-- | Datatype for nodes within Octree.
data Octree a 
 = Node { split :: Vector3
        , nwu   :: Octree a
        , nwd   :: Octree a
        , neu   :: Octree a
        , ned   :: Octree a
        , swu   :: Octree a
        , swd   :: Octree a
        , seu   :: Octree a
        , sed   :: Octree a 
 | Leaf { unLeaf :: [(Vector3, a)] }
 deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- | Enumerated type to indicate octants in 3D-space relative to given center.
data ODir 
  = SWD 
  | SED 
  | NWD 
  | NED 
  | SWU 
  | SEU 
  | NWU 
  | NEU 
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Bounded)

-- | Convinience synonym to make function signatures more readable
type OctPoints a = ( [(Vector3, a)]
                   , [(Vector3, a)]
                   , [(Vector3, a)]
                   , [(Vector3, a)]
                   , [(Vector3, a)]
                   , [(Vector3, a)]
                   , [(Vector3, a)]
                   , [(Vector3, a)])

-- | Internal method that gives octant of a first vector,
--   relative to the second vector as a center.
cmp :: Vector3 -> Vector3 -> ODir
cmp ca cb = joinStep (cx, cy, cz)
    cx = v3x ca >= v3x cb
    cy = v3y ca >= v3y cb
    cz = v3z ca >= v3z cb

-- | Internal method that joins result of three coordinate comparisons,
--   and makes an octant name `ODir`
joinStep :: (Enum a1, Enum a3, Enum a2, Enum a) => (a1, a2, a3) -> a
joinStep (cx, cy, cz) = toEnum (fromEnum cx + 2 * fromEnum cy + 4 * fromEnum cz)

-- | This function converts octant name to a function
--   that steps down in an Octree towards this octant
octreeStep ::  Octree a -> ODir -> Octree a
octreeStep ot NWU = nwu ot
octreeStep ot NWD = nwd ot
octreeStep ot NEU = neu ot
octreeStep ot NED = ned ot 
octreeStep ot SWU = swu ot 
octreeStep ot SWD = swd ot 
octreeStep ot SEU = seu ot 
octreeStep ot SED = sed ot

-- | Function that splits octant name into three boolean values,
--   depending of sign of a relative coordinate in that octant.
--   (Coordinate is relative to a split point within Octree.)
splitStep :: ODir -> (Bool, Bool, Bool)
splitStep step = ((val .&. 1) == 1, (val .&. 2) == 2, (val .&. 4) == 4)
  where val = fromEnum step

-- | Internal function that finds a lower bound for a distance
--   between a point of relative coordinates, and octant of given name.
--   It works only when coordinates of a given point are all positive.
--   It is used only by `octantDistance`, which respectively changes
--   octant name depending of signs of relative coordinates.
--   Here we assume that a, b, c > 0 
--   (otherwise we will take abs, and correspondingly invert results)
--   same octant
--   dp = difference between given point and the center of Octree node
octantDistance' ::  Vector3 -> ODir -> Scalar
octantDistance' dp NEU = 0.0
-- | adjacent by plane
octantDistance' dp NWU = v3x dp
octantDistance' dp SEU = v3y dp
octantDistance' dp NED = v3z dp
-- | adjacent by edge
octantDistance' dp SWU = sqrt ( v3x dp * v3x dp + v3y dp * v3y dp)
octantDistance' dp SED = sqrt ( v3y dp * v3y dp + v3z dp * v3z dp)
octantDistance' dp NWD = sqrt ( v3x dp * v3x dp + v3z dp * v3z dp)
-- adjacent by point
octantDistance' dp SWD = norm dp

-- | List of all octant names.
allOctants :: [ODir]
allOctants = [minBound..maxBound]

-- | Internal function that makes code clearer.
xor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
xor = (/=)

-- | Finds a minimum bounds for a distance between a given point
-- | in relative coordinates and a given octant.
octantDistance :: Vector3 -> ODir -> Double
octantDistance dp odir = octantDistance' (abs dp) (toggle dp odir)

-- | Toggles octant names depending on a signs of vector coordinates
-- | for use in octantDistance.
toggle :: Vector3 -> ODir -> ODir
toggle dp odir = 
  joinStep ((v3x dp >= 0) `xor` not u,
            (v3y dp >= 0) `xor` not v,
            (v3z dp >= 0) `xor` not w)
  where (u, v, w) = splitStep odir

-- | Given a point in relative coordinates, gives list of all octants
--   and minimum distances from this point.
octantDistances ::  Vector3 -> [(ODir, Double)]
octantDistances dp = [(o, octantDistance dp o) | o <- allOctants]

-- | splits a list of vectors and "payload" tuples
-- | into a tuple with elements destined for different octants.
-- FIXME: VERY IMPORTANT - add prop_splitBy vs cmp
splitBy :: Vector3 -> [(Vector3, a)] -> OctPoints a
splitBy _splitPoint [] = ([], [], [], [], [], [], [], [])
splitBy  splitPoint ((pt@(coord, a)):aList) = case i of
  SWD -> (pt:swd,    sed,    nwd,    ned,    swu,    seu,    nwu,    neu)
  SED -> (   swd, pt:sed,    nwd,    ned,    swu,    seu,    nwu,    neu)
  NWD -> (   swd,    sed, pt:nwd,    ned,    swu,    seu,    nwu,    neu)
  NED -> (   swd,    sed,    nwd, pt:ned,    swu,    seu,    nwu,    neu)
  SWU -> (   swd,    sed,    nwd,    ned, pt:swu,    seu,    nwu,    neu)
  SEU -> (   swd,    sed,    nwd,    ned,    swu, pt:seu,    nwu,    neu)
  NWU -> (   swd,    sed,    nwd,    ned,    swu,    seu, pt:nwu,    neu)
  NEU -> (   swd,    sed,    nwd,    ned,    swu,    seu,    nwu, pt:neu)
    i                                        = cmp coord splitPoint
    (swd, sed, nwd, ned, swu, seu, nwu, neu) = splitBy splitPoint aList

-- | Computes a center of mass for a given list of vectors.
--   Used to find a splitPoint.
massCenter ::  Fractional a => [(a, b)] -> a
massCenter aList = sum (map fst aList) / count
  where count = fromInteger . toInteger . length $ aList

-- | Helper function to map over an 8-element tuple
tmap :: (t -> t1)                -> 
        (t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t) -> 
        (t1, t1, t1, t1, t1, t1, t1, t1)
tmap t (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) = (t a, t b, t c, t d, t e, t f, t g, t h)

-- | Maximum number of elements before Octree leaf is split.
leafLimit :: Int
leafLimit = 16

-- | Creates an Octree from a list of (index, payload) tuples.
fromList :: [(Vector3, a)] -> Octree a
fromList aList = 
  if length aList <= leafLimit
     then Leaf aList
     else let splitPoint :: Vector3 = massCenter aList
          in splitBy' fromList splitPoint aList

-- | Internal method, that splits a list into octants depending on coordinates,
--   and then applies a specified function to each of these sublists,
--   in order to create subnodes of the Octree
splitBy' :: ([(Vector3, a)] -> Octree a1)-> Vector3-> [(Vector3, a)]-> Octree a1
splitBy' f splitPoint aList = 
  Node { split = splitPoint
       , nwu   = tnwu
       , nwd   = tnwd
       , neu   = tneu
       , ned   = tned
       , swu   = tswu
       , swd   = tswd
       , seu   = tseu
       , sed   = tsed }
    (tswd, tsed, tnwd, tned, tswu, tseu, tnwu, tneu) = 
      tmap f $ splitBy splitPoint aList
-- TODO: use arrays for memory savings

-- | Internal method that prepends contents of the given subtree to a list
-- | given as argument.
toList' ::  Octree t -> [(Vector3, t)] -> [(Vector3, t)]
toList' (Leaf l            ) tmp = l ++ tmp
toList' (Node { nwu   = a,
                nwd   = b,
                neu   = c,
                ned   = d,
                swu   = e,
                swd   = f,
                seu   = g,
                sed   = h }) tmp = foldr toList' tmp [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]
-- | Creates an Octree from list, trying to keep split points near centers
--   of mass for each subtree.
toList ::  Octree t -> [(Vector3, t)]
toList t = toList' t []

-- | Finds a path to a Leaf where a given point should be,
--   and returns a list of octant names.
pathTo ::  Vector3 -> Octree a -> [ODir]
pathTo pt (Leaf _) = []
pathTo pt node     = aStep : pathTo pt (octreeStep node aStep)
  where aStep = cmp pt (split node)

-- | Applies a given function to a node specified by a path
--   (list of octant names), and then returns a modified Octree.
applyByPath :: (Octree a -> Octree a) -> [ODir] -> Octree a -> Octree a
applyByPath f []          ot   = f ot
applyByPath f (step:path) node = case step of
  NWU -> node{ nwu = applyByPath f path (nwu node) }
  NWD -> node{ nwd = applyByPath f path (nwd node) }
  NEU -> node{ neu = applyByPath f path (neu node) }
  NED -> node{ ned = applyByPath f path (ned node) }
  SWU -> node{ swu = applyByPath f path (swu node) }
  SWD -> node{ swd = applyByPath f path (swd node) }
  SEU -> node{ seu = applyByPath f path (seu node) }
  SED -> node{ sed = applyByPath f path (sed node) }

-- | Inserts a point into an Octree.
--   NOTE: insert accepts duplicate points, 
--   but lookup would not find them. Use withinRange in such case.
insert :: (Vector3, a) -> Octree a -> Octree a
insert (pt, dat) ot = applyByPath insert' path ot
    path             = pathTo pt ot
    insert' (Leaf l) = fromList ((pt, dat) : l)
    insert' _        = error "Impossible in insert'"

-- | Internal: finds candidates for nearest neighbour lazily for each octant;
--   they are returned in a list of (octant, min. bound for distance,
--   Maybe candidate) tuples.
candidates' :: Vector3 -> Octree a -> [(ODir, Double, [(Vector3, a)])]
candidates' pt (Leaf l) = []
candidates' pt node     = 
  map findCandidates . sortBy compareDistance . octantDistances $ 
  pt - split node
    findCandidates (octant, d) =
      (octant, d, maybeToList . pickClosest pt . toList . octreeStep node $ octant)
    compareDistance a b  = compare (snd a) (snd b)

-- | Finds a given point, if it is in the tree.
lookup :: Octree a -> Vector3 -> Maybe (Vector3, a)
lookup (Leaf l) pt = listToMaybe . filter ((==pt) . fst) $ l
lookup node     pt = flip lookup pt . octreeStep node . cmp pt . split $ node

-- | Finds nearest neighbour for a given point.
nearest :: Octree a -> Vector3 -> Maybe (Vector3, a)
nearest (Leaf l) pt = pickClosest pt l
nearest node     pt = selectFrom candidates
    candidates                = 
      map findCandidate . sortBy compareDistance . octantDistances $ 
      pt - split node
    compareDistance a b       = compare (snd a) (snd b)
    findCandidate (octant, d) = 
      (maybeToList . nearest' . octreeStep node $ octant, d)

    nearest'   n                   = nearest n pt

    selectFrom (([],     _d) : cs) = selectFrom       cs
    selectFrom (([best], _d) : cs) = selectFrom' best cs
    selectFrom []                  = Nothing
    selectFrom' best (([],     d) : cs) = selectFrom' best cs
        -- TODO: FAILS: shortcut guard to avoid recursion over 
        -- whole structure (since d is bound for distance within octant):
    selectFrom' best ((c,      d) : cs) | d > dist pt (fst best) = Just best
    selectFrom' best (([next], d) : cs)                          = 
      selectFrom' nextBest cs
        where nextBest = if dist pt (fst best) <= dist pt (fst next)
                            then best
                            else next
    selectFrom' best []                                          = Just best

-- | Internal method that picks from a given list a point closest to argument, 
pickClosest ::  Vector3 -> [(Vector3, t)] -> Maybe (Vector3, t)
pickClosest pt []     = Nothing
pickClosest pt (a:as) = Just $ foldr (pickCloser pt) a as
pickCloser pt va@(a, _a) vb@(b, _b) = if dist pt a <= dist pt b
                                        then va
                                        else vb

-- | Returns all points within Octree that
--   are within a given distance from argument.
withinRange :: Octree a -> Scalar -> Vector3 -> [(Vector3, a)]
withinRange (Leaf l) r pt = filter (\(lpt, _) -> dist pt lpt <= r) l
withinRange node     r pt = 
  concatMap recurseOctant . --  recurse over remaining octants,
                            --  and merge results
  filter ((<=r) . snd)    . --  discard octants that are out of range
  octantDistances $ pt - split node --  find octant distances
    recurseOctant (octant, _d) =
      (\o -> withinRange o r pt) . octreeStep node $ octant

subnodes :: Octree a -> [Octree a]
subnodes (Leaf _) = []
subnodes node     = map (octreeStep node) allOctants

depth :: Octree a -> Int
depth (Leaf _) = 0
depth node     = foldr max 0 . map ((+1) . depth) . subnodes $ node

size :: Octree a -> Int
size =  length . toList