{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- Copyright (C) 2004 Don Stewart - http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
-- USA

module System.Plugins.Utils (




    mkTemp, mkTempIn, {- internal -}


    isSublistOf,                -- :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool


    (</>), (<.>), (<+>), (<>),




  ) where

#include "../../../config.h"

import System.Plugins.Env              ( isLoaded )
import System.Plugins.Consts           ( objSuf, hiSuf, tmpDir )

import Foreign.C (CInt(..), CString, withCString)
import Foreign.C.Error (Errno, eEXIST, getErrno, errnoToIOError)
import System.Posix.Internals
import System.Posix.Types (CMode)

import Control.Exception               (IOException, catch)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Prelude hiding (catch)

import System.IO hiding (openBinaryTempFile, openTempFile)
import System.Random (randomRIO)

import GHC.IO.Encoding (getLocaleEncoding)
import GHC.IO.Handle.FD
import qualified GHC.IO.FD as FD
import System.Environment           ( getEnv )
import System.Directory             ( doesFileExist, getModificationTime, removeFile )
import System.FilePath (pathSeparator)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- some misc types we use

type Arg = String

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | useful
panic s = ioError ( userError s )

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | writeFile for Handles
hWrite :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
hWrite hdl src = hPutStr hdl src >> hClose hdl >> return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | openTempFile.
-- System.IO.openTempFile uses undesirable characters in its filenames, which
-- breaks e.g. merge and other functions that try to compile Haskell source.
-- Sadly, this means we must provide our own secure temporary file facility.

openTempFile :: FilePath   -- ^ Directory in which to create the file
             -> String     -- ^ File name prefix. If the prefix is \"fooie\",
                           -- the full name will be \"fooie\" followed by six
                           -- random alphanumeric characters followed by, if
                           -- given, the suffix.  Should not contain any path
                           -- separator characters.
             -> String     -- ^ File name suffix.  Should not contain any path
                           -- separator characters.
             -> IO (FilePath, Handle)
openTempFile tmp_dir pfx sfx
    = openTempFile' "openTempFile" tmp_dir pfx sfx False 0o600

-- | Like 'openTempFile', but opens the file in binary mode. See 'openBinaryFile' for more comments.
openBinaryTempFile :: FilePath -> String -> String -> IO (FilePath, Handle)
openBinaryTempFile tmp_dir pfx sfx
    = openTempFile' "openBinaryTempFile" tmp_dir pfx sfx True 0o600

-- | Like 'openTempFile', but uses the default file permissions
openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions :: FilePath -> String -> String
                                   -> IO (FilePath, Handle)
openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions tmp_dir pfx sfx
    = openTempFile' "openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions" tmp_dir pfx sfx False 0o666

-- | Like 'openBinaryTempFile', but uses the default file permissions
openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions :: FilePath -> String -> String
                                         -> IO (FilePath, Handle)
openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions tmp_dir pfx sfx
    = openTempFile' "openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions" tmp_dir pfx sfx True 0o666

badfnmsg :: String
badfnmsg = "openTempFile': Template string must not contain path separator characters: "

openTempFile' :: String -> FilePath -> String -> String -> Bool -> CMode
              -> IO (FilePath, Handle)
openTempFile' loc tmp_dir pfx sfx binary mode
    | pathSeparator `elem` pfx
    = fail $ badfnmsg++pfx
    | pathSeparator `elem` sfx
    = fail $ badfnmsg++sfx
    | otherwise = findTempName
    findTempName = do
      filename <- mkTempFileName tmp_dir pfx sfx
      r <- openNewFile filename binary mode
      case r of
        FileExists -> findTempName
        OpenNewError errno -> ioError (errnoToIOError loc errno Nothing (Just tmp_dir))
        NewFileCreated fd -> do
          (fD,fd_type) <- FD.mkFD fd ReadWriteMode Nothing{-no stat-}

          enc <- getLocaleEncoding
          h <- mkHandleFromFD fD fd_type filename ReadWriteMode False{-set non-block-} (Just enc)

          return (filename, h)

mkTempFileName :: FilePath -> String -> String -> IO String
mkTempFileName dir pfx sfx = do
  let rs = filter isAlphaNum ['0'..'z']
      maxInd = length rs - 1
      rchoose = do
        i <- randomRIO (0, maxInd)
        return (rs !! i)
  rnd <- sequence $ replicate 6 rchoose
  return $ dir </> pfx ++ rnd ++ sfx

data OpenNewFileResult
  = NewFileCreated CInt
  | FileExists
  | OpenNewError Errno

openNewFile :: FilePath -> Bool -> CMode -> IO OpenNewFileResult
openNewFile filepath binary mode = do
  let oflags1 = rw_flags .|. o_EXCL

        | binary    = o_BINARY
        | otherwise = 0

      oflags = oflags1 .|. binary_flags
  fd <- withFilePath filepath $ \ f ->
          c_open f oflags mode
  if fd < 0
    then do
      errno <- getErrno
      case errno of
        _ | errno == eEXIST -> return FileExists
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
        -- If c_open throws EACCES on windows, it could mean that filepath is a
        -- directory. In this case, we want to return FileExists so that the
        -- enclosing openTempFile can try again instead of failing outright.
        -- See bug #4968.
        _ | errno == eACCES -> do
          withCString filepath $ \path -> do
            -- There is a race here: the directory might have been moved or
            -- deleted between the c_open call and the next line, but there
            -- doesn't seem to be any direct way to detect that the c_open call
            -- failed because of an existing directory.
            exists <- c_fileExists path
            return $ if exists
              then FileExists
              else OpenNewError errno
        _ -> return (OpenNewError errno)
    else return (NewFileCreated fd)

#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
foreign import ccall "file_exists" c_fileExists :: CString -> IO Bool

-- XXX Copied from GHC.Handle
std_flags, output_flags, rw_flags :: CInt
std_flags    = o_NONBLOCK   .|. o_NOCTTY
output_flags = std_flags    .|. o_CREAT
rw_flags     = output_flags .|. o_RDWR

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | create a new temp file, returning name and handle.
-- bit like the mktemp shell utility
mkTemp :: IO (String,Handle)
mkTemp = do tmpd  <- catch (getEnv "TMPDIR") (\ (_ :: IOException) -> return tmpDir)
            mkTempIn tmpd

mkTempIn :: String -> IO (String, Handle)
mkTempIn tmpd = do
        (tmpf, hdl) <- openTempFile tmpd "Hsplugins" ".hs"
        let modname = mkModid tmpf
        if and $ map (\c -> isAlphaNum c && c /= '_') modname
                then return (tmpf,hdl)
                else panic $ "Illegal characters in temp file: `"++tmpf++"'"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Get a new temp file, unique from those in /tmp, and from those
-- modules already loaded. Very nice for merge/eval uses.
-- Will run for a long time if we can't create a temp file, luckily
-- mkstemps gives us a pretty big search space
mkUnique :: IO FilePath
mkUnique = do (t,h) <- hMkUnique
              hClose h >> return t

hMkUnique :: IO (FilePath,Handle)
hMkUnique = do (t,h) <- mkTemp
               alreadyLoaded <- isLoaded t -- not unique!
               if alreadyLoaded
                        then hClose h >> removeFile t >> hMkUnique
                        else return (t,h)

mkUniqueIn :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
mkUniqueIn dir = do (t,h) <- hMkUniqueIn dir
                    hClose h >> return t

hMkUniqueIn :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath,Handle)
hMkUniqueIn dir = do (t,h) <- mkTempIn dir
                     alreadyLoaded <- isLoaded t -- not unique!
                     if alreadyLoaded
                        then hClose h >> removeFile t >> hMkUniqueIn dir
                        else return (t,h)

findFile :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFile [] _  = return Nothing
findFile (ext:exts) file
    = do let l = changeFileExt file ext
         b <- doesFileExist l
         if b then return $ Just l
              else findFile exts file

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- some filename manipulation stuff

-- | </>, <.> : join two path components
infixr 6 </>
infixr 6 <.>

(</>), (<.>), (<+>), (<>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
[] </> b = b
a  </> b = a ++ "/" ++ b

[] <.> b = b
a  <.> b = a ++ "." ++ b

[] <+> b = b
a  <+> b = a ++ " " ++ b

[] <> b = b
a  <> b = a ++ b

-- | dirname : return the directory portion of a file path
-- if null, return "."
dirname :: FilePath -> FilePath
dirname p  =
    let x = findIndices (== '\\') p
        y = findIndices (== '/') p
    if not $ null x
      then if not $ null y
          then if (maximum x) > (maximum y) then dirname' '\\' p else dirname' '/' p
          else dirname' '\\' p
      else dirname' '/' p
        dirname' chara pa =
            case reverse $ dropWhile (/= chara) $ reverse pa of
                [] -> "."
                pa' -> pa'

-- | basename : return the filename portion of a path
basename :: FilePath -> FilePath
basename p =
    let x = findIndices (== '\\') p
        y = findIndices (== '/') p
    if not $ null x
      then if not $ null y
          then if (maximum x) > (maximum y) then basename' '\\' p else basename' '/' p
          else basename' '\\' p
      else basename' '/' p
        basename' chara pa = reverse $ takeWhile (/= chara) $ reverse pa

-- drop suffix
dropSuffix :: FilePath -> FilePath
dropSuffix f = reverse . tail . dropWhile (/= '.') $ reverse f

-- | work out the mod name from a filepath
mkModid :: String -> String
mkModid = (takeWhile (/= '.')) . reverse . (takeWhile (\x -> ('/'/= x) && ('\\' /= x))) . reverse

-- Code from Cabal ----------------------------------------

-- | Changes the extension of a file path.
changeFileExt :: FilePath           -- ^ The path information to modify.
              -> String             -- ^ The new extension (without a leading period).
                                    -- Specify an empty string to remove an existing
                                    -- extension from path.
              -> FilePath           -- ^ A string containing the modified path information.
changeFileExt fpath ext = joinFileExt name ext
    (name,_) = splitFileExt fpath

-- | The 'joinFileExt' function is the opposite of 'splitFileExt'.
-- It joins a file name and an extension to form a complete file path.
-- The general rule is:
-- > filename `joinFileExt` ext == path
-- >   where
-- >     (filename,ext) = splitFileExt path
joinFileExt :: String -> String -> FilePath
joinFileExt fpath ""  = fpath
joinFileExt fpath ext = fpath ++ '.':ext

-- | Split the path into file name and extension. If the file doesn\'t have extension,
-- the function will return empty string. The extension doesn\'t include a leading period.
-- Examples:
-- > splitFileExt "foo.ext" == ("foo", "ext")
-- > splitFileExt "foo"     == ("foo", "")
-- > splitFileExt "."       == (".",   "")
-- > splitFileExt ".."      == ("..",  "")
-- > splitFileExt "foo.bar."== ("foo.bar.", "")
splitFileExt :: FilePath -> (String, String)
splitFileExt p =
  case break (== '.') fname of
        (suf@(_:_),_:pre) -> (reverse (pre++fpath), reverse suf)
        _                 -> (p, [])
    (fname,fpath) = break isPathSeparator (reverse p)

-- | Checks whether the character is a valid path separator for the host
-- platform. The valid character is a 'pathSeparator' but since the Windows
-- operating system also accepts a slash (\"\/\") since DOS 2, the function
-- checks for it on this platform, too.
isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
isPathSeparator ch =
#if defined(CYGWIN) || defined(__MINGW32__)
  ch == '/' || ch == '\\'
  ch == '/'

-- Code from Cabal end ------------------------------------

-- | return the object file, given the .conf file
-- i.e. /home/dons/foo.rc -> /home/dons/foo.o
-- we depend on the suffix we are given having a lead '.'
replaceSuffix :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
replaceSuffix [] _ = [] -- ?
replaceSuffix f suf =
    case reverse $ dropWhile (/= '.') $ reverse f of
        [] -> f  ++ suf                 -- no '.' in file name
        f' -> f' ++ tail suf

-- Normally we create the .hi and .o files next to the .hs files.
-- For some uses this is annoying (i.e. true EDSL users don't actually
-- want to know that their code is compiled at all), and for hmake-like
-- applications.
-- This code checks if "-o foo" or "-odir foodir" are supplied as args
-- to make(), and if so returns a modified file path, otherwise it
-- uses the source file to determing the path to where the object and
-- .hi file will be put.
outFilePath :: FilePath -> [Arg] -> (FilePath,FilePath)
outFilePath src args =
    let objs  = find_o args -- user sets explicit object path
        paths = find_p args -- user sets a directory to put stuff in
    in case () of { _
        | not (null objs)
        -> let obj = last objs in (obj, mk_hi obj)

        | not (null paths)
        -> let obj = last paths </> mk_o (basename src) in (obj, mk_hi obj)

        | otherwise
        -> (mk_o src, mk_hi src)
          outpath = "-o"
          outdir  = "-odir"

          mk_hi s = replaceSuffix s hiSuf
          mk_o  s = replaceSuffix s objSuf

          find_o [] = []
          find_o (f:f':fs) | f == outpath = [f']
                           | otherwise    = find_o $! f':fs
          find_o _ = []

          find_p [] = []
          find_p (f:f':fs) | f == outdir  = [f']
                           | otherwise    = find_p $! f':fs
          find_p _ = []


-- | is file1 newer than file2?
-- needs some fixing to work with 6.0.x series. (is this true?)
-- fileExist still seems to throw exceptions on some platforms: ia64 in
-- particular.
-- invarient : we already assume the first file, 'a', exists
newer :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool
newer a b = do
    a_t      <- getModificationTime a
    b_exists <- doesFileExist b
    if not b_exists
        then return True                -- needs compiling
        else do b_t <- getModificationTime b
                return ( a_t > b_t )    -- maybe need recompiling

-- | return the Z-Encoding of the string.
-- Stolen from GHC. Use -package ghc as soon as possible
type EncodedString = String

encode :: String -> EncodedString
encode []     = []
encode (c:cs) = encode_ch c ++ encode cs

unencodedChar :: Char -> Bool   -- True for chars that don't need encoding
unencodedChar 'Z' = False
unencodedChar 'z' = False
unencodedChar c   =  c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'
                  || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'
                  || c >= '0' && c <= '9'

-- Decode is used for user printing.
decode :: EncodedString -> String
decode [] = []
decode ('Z' : d : rest) | isDigit d = decode_tuple   d rest
                        | otherwise = decode_upper   d : decode rest
decode ('z' : d : rest) | isDigit d = decode_num_esc d rest
                        | otherwise = decode_lower   d : decode rest
decode (c  : rest) = c : decode rest

decode_upper, decode_lower :: Char -> Char

decode_upper 'L' = '('
decode_upper 'R' = ')'
decode_upper 'M' = '['
decode_upper 'N' = ']'
decode_upper 'C' = ':'
decode_upper 'Z' = 'Z'
decode_upper ch  = error $ "decode_upper can't handle this char `"++[ch]++"'"

decode_lower 'z' = 'z'
decode_lower 'a' = '&'
decode_lower 'b' = '|'
decode_lower 'c' = '^'
decode_lower 'd' = '$'
decode_lower 'e' = '='
decode_lower 'g' = '>'
decode_lower 'h' = '#'
decode_lower 'i' = '.'
decode_lower 'l' = '<'
decode_lower 'm' = '-'
decode_lower 'n' = '!'
decode_lower 'p' = '+'
decode_lower 'q' = '\''
decode_lower 'r' = '\\'
decode_lower 's' = '/'
decode_lower 't' = '*'
decode_lower 'u' = '_'
decode_lower 'v' = '%'
decode_lower ch  = error $ "decode_lower can't handle this char `"++[ch]++"'"

-- Characters not having a specific code are coded as z224U
decode_num_esc :: Char -> [Char] -> String
decode_num_esc d cs
  = go (digitToInt d) cs
    go n (c : rest) | isDigit c = go (10*n + digitToInt c) rest
    go n ('U' : rest)           = chr n : decode rest
    go _ other = error $
        "decode_num_esc can't handle this: \""++other++"\""

encode_ch :: Char -> EncodedString
encode_ch c | unencodedChar c = [c]     -- Common case first

-- Constructors
encode_ch '('  = "ZL"   -- Needed for things like (,), and (->)
encode_ch ')'  = "ZR"   -- For symmetry with (
encode_ch '['  = "ZM"
encode_ch ']'  = "ZN"
encode_ch ':'  = "ZC"
encode_ch 'Z'  = "ZZ"

-- Variables
encode_ch 'z'  = "zz"
encode_ch '&'  = "za"
encode_ch '|'  = "zb"
encode_ch '^'  = "zc"
encode_ch '$'  = "zd"
encode_ch '='  = "ze"
encode_ch '>'  = "zg"
encode_ch '#'  = "zh"
encode_ch '.'  = "zi"
encode_ch '<'  = "zl"
encode_ch '-'  = "zm"
encode_ch '!'  = "zn"
encode_ch '+'  = "zp"
encode_ch '\'' = "zq"
encode_ch '\\' = "zr"
encode_ch '/'  = "zs"
encode_ch '*'  = "zt"
encode_ch '_'  = "zu"
encode_ch '%'  = "zv"
encode_ch c    = 'z' : shows (ord c) "U"

decode_tuple :: Char -> EncodedString -> String
decode_tuple d cs
  = go (digitToInt d) cs
    go n (c : rest) | isDigit c = go (10*n + digitToInt c) rest
    go 0 ['T']          = "()"
    go n ['T']          = '(' : replicate (n-1) ',' ++ ")"
    go 1 ['H']          = "(# #)"
    go n ['H']          = '(' : '#' : replicate (n-1) ',' ++ "#)"
    go _ other = error $ "decode_tuple \'"++other++"'"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- 'isSublistOf' takes two arguments and returns 'True' iff the first
-- list is a sublist of the second list. This means that the first list
-- is wholly contained within the second list. Both lists must be
-- finite.

isSublistOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
isSublistOf [] _ = True
isSublistOf _ [] = False
isSublistOf x y@(_:ys)
    | isPrefixOf x y = True
    | otherwise      = isSublistOf x ys