{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric #-} module Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal (FigureData(..), Frame(..), mkFrame, mkFrameOrigin, frameToFrame, frameToFrameValue, frameFromPoints, frameFromFigData, xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, width, height, figFWidth, figFHeight, Point(..), mkPoint, LabeledPoint(..), mkLabeledPoint, labelPoint, mapLabel, Axis(..), axes, meshGrid, subdivSegment, svgHeader, rect, rectCentered, squareCentered, circle, line, tick, ticks, axis, toPlot, text, pixel, pixel', pickColour, colourBar, legendBar, plusGlyph, crossGlyph, polyline, filledPolyline, filledBand, candlestick, strokeLineJoin, LineStroke_(..), StrokeLineJoin_(..), TextAnchor_(..), LegendPosition_(..), V2(..), Mat2(..), DiagMat2(..), diagMat2, AdditiveGroup(..), VectorSpace(..), Hermitian(..), LinearMap(..), MultiplicativeSemigroup(..), MatrixGroup(..), Eps(..), norm2, normalize2, v2fromEndpoints, v2fromPoint, origin, (-.), pointRange, movePoint, moveLabeledPointV2, moveLabeledPointBwFrames, translateSvg, toSvgFrame, toSvgFrameLP, e1, e2, toFloat, wholeDecimal, blendTwo, palette, interpolateBilinear) where import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Foldable as F (toList) import Data.List -- import Control.Arrow ((&&&), (***)) import Control.Monad (forM, forM_) import Control.Monad.State -- import Data.Semigroup (Min(..), Max(..)) import Data.Scientific (Scientific, toRealFloat) -- import Data.Foldable import qualified Data.Text as T -- import qualified Data.Vector as V import Text.Blaze.Svg import Text.Blaze.Svg11 ((!)) import qualified Text.Blaze.Svg11 as S hiding (style) import qualified Text.Blaze.Svg11.Attributes as SA hiding (rotate) import Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.String (renderSvg) import qualified Data.Colour as C import qualified Data.Colour.Names as C import qualified Data.Colour.SRGB as C import GHC.Real import GHC.Generics import Data.Fixed import Data.Default.Class import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal.Geometry import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal.Utils -- | Figure data data FigureData a = FigureData { -- | Figure width figWidth :: a -- | Figure height , figHeight :: a -- | Left margin fraction (w.r.t figure width) , figLeftMFrac :: a -- | Right margin fraction (w.r.t figure width) , figRightMFrac :: a -- | Top margin fraction (w.r.t figure height) , figTopMFrac :: a -- | Bottom margin fraction (w.r.t figure height) , figBottomMFrac :: a -- -- | Axis stroke width -- , figAxisStrokeWidth :: a -- | Tick label font size , figLabelFontSize :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Generic) instance (Default a, Fractional a) => Default (FigureData a) where def = FigureData 400 300 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.9 10 -- | Create the SVG header svgHeader :: Real a => a -- ^ Image width (X axis) -> a -- ^ Image height (Y axis) -> Svg -- ^ Image content -> Svg svgHeader w h = S.docTypeSvg ! SA.version "1.1" ! SA.width (vd w) ! SA.height (vd h) ! SA.viewbox (vds [xmin fd, ymin fd, xmax fd, ymax fd]) where fd = mkFrameOrigin w h -- | A rectangle, defined by its anchor point coordinates and side lengths -- -- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ rect (Point 100 200) 30 60 2 Nothing (Just C.aquamarine) -- > rect :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => a -- ^ Width -> a -- ^ Height -> a -- ^ Stroke width -> Maybe (C.Colour Double) -- ^ Stroke colour -> Maybe (C.Colour Double) -- ^ Fill colour -> Point a -- ^ Corner point coordinates -> Svg rect wid hei sw scol fcol (Point x0 y0) = S.rect ! SA.x (vd x0) ! SA.y (vd y0) ! SA.width (vd wid) ! SA.height (vd hei) ! colourFillOpt fcol ! colourStrokeOpt scol ! SA.strokeWidth (vd sw) -- | A rectangle, defined by its center coordinates and side lengths -- -- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ rectCentered 15 30 1 (Just C.blue) (Just C.red) (Point 20 30) -- > rectCentered :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => a -- ^ Width -> a -- ^ Height -> a -- ^ Stroke width -> Maybe (C.Colour Double) -- ^ Stroke colour -> Maybe (C.Colour Double) -- ^ Fill colour -> Point a -- ^ Center coordinates -> Svg rectCentered wid hei sw scol fcol (Point x0 y0) = rect wid hei sw scol fcol p' where p' = Point x0c y0c x0c = x0 - (wid / 2) y0c = y0 - (hei / 2) -- | A square, defined by its center coordinates and side length squareCentered :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => a -- ^ Side length -> a -- ^ Stroke width -> Maybe (C.Colour Double) -- ^ Stroke colour -> Maybe (C.Colour Double) -- ^ Fill colour -> Point a -- ^ Center coordinates -> Svg squareCentered w = rectCentered w w newtype Col = Col { unCol :: C.Colour Double} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance Default Col where def = Col C.blue data LineOptions a = LineOptions { loStrokeWidth :: a -- ^ Stroke width , loStrokeType :: LineStroke_ a -- ^ Stroke type , loColour :: Col -- ^ Stroke colour } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) -- | Line options "picker". Creates an unbounded stream of LineOptions, may be useful when plotting multiple timeseries (essentially imitating the Matlab behaviour) lineOptionCycle :: Fractional a => a -> [LineOptions a] lineOptionCycle lw = let strTys = replicate 5 Continuous <> replicate 5 (Dashed [0.2, 0.5]) <> replicate 5 (Dashed [0.5, 0.2]) cols = Col <$> [C.blue, C.green, C.red, C.black, C.purple] nc = length cols in LineOptions <$> repeat lw <*> strTys <*> cols instance (Default a, Num a) => Default (LineOptions a) where def = LineOptions 2 def def -- | Line segment between two `Point`s -- -- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ line (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) 0.1 Continuous C.blueviolet -- > -- -- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg (line (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) 0.1 (Dashed [0.2, 0.3]) C.blueviolet) -- > line :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => Point a -- ^ First point -> Point a -- ^ Second point -> a -- ^ Stroke width -> LineStroke_ a -- ^ Stroke type -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Stroke colour -> Svg line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) sw lstr col = let svg0 = S.line ! SA.x1 (vd x1) ! SA.y1 (vd y1) ! SA.x2 (vd x2) ! SA.y2 (vd y2) ! SA.stroke (colourAttr col) ! SA.strokeWidth (vd sw) in case lstr of Continuous -> svg0 Dashed d -> svg0 ! strokeDashArray d strokeDashArray :: Real a => [a] -> S.Attribute strokeDashArray sz = SA.strokeDasharray (S.toValue str) where str = intercalate ", " $ map (show . real) sz -- | Specify a continuous or dashed stroke data LineStroke_ a = Continuous | Dashed [a] deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance Default (LineStroke_ a) where def = Continuous tick :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => Axis -> a -> a -> C.Colour Double -> Point a -> Svg tick ax len sw col (Point x y) = line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) sw Continuous col where lh = len / 2 (x1, y1, x2, y2) | ax == Y = (x, y-lh, x, y+lh) | otherwise = (x-lh, y, x+lh, y) plusGlyph, crossGlyph :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => a -> a -> C.Colour Double -> Point a -> Svg plusGlyph w sw col (Point x y) = do line pl pr sw Continuous col line pt pb sw Continuous col where wh = w / 2 pl = Point (x-wh) y pr = Point (x+wh) y pt = Point x (y-wh) pb = Point x (y+wh) crossGlyph w sw col (Point x y) = do line pa pb sw Continuous col line pc pd sw Continuous col where wh = 1.4142 * w pa = Point (x+wh) (x+wh) pb = Point (x-wh) (x-wh) pc = Point (x+wh) (x-wh) pd = Point (x-wh) (x+wh) labeledTick :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => Axis -> a -- ^ Length -> a -- ^ Stroke width -> C.Colour Double -> Int -- ^ Font size -> a -- ^ Label angle -> TextAnchor_ -> (t -> T.Text) -- ^ Label rendering function -> V2 a -- ^ Label shift -> LabeledPoint t a -> Svg labeledTick ax len sw col fontsize lrot tanchor flab vlab (LabeledPoint p label) = do tick ax len sw col p text lrot fontsize col tanchor (flab label) vlab p -- | An array of axis-aligned identical segments (to be used as axis tickmarks), with centers given by the array of `Point`s ticks :: (Foldable t, Show a, RealFrac a) => Axis -- ^ Axis -> a -- ^ Length -> a -- ^ Stroke width -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Stroke colour -> t (Point a) -- ^ Center coordinates -> Svg ticks ax len sw col ps = forM_ ps (tick ax len sw col) labeledTicks ax len sw col fontsize lrot tanchor flab vlab ps = forM_ ps (labeledTick ax len sw col fontsize lrot tanchor flab vlab) -- | A plot axis with labeled tickmarks -- -- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ axis (Point 0 50) X 200 2 C.red 0.05 Continuous 15 (-45) TAEnd T.pack (V2 (-10) 0) [LabeledPoint (Point 50 1) "bla", LabeledPoint (Point 60 1) "asdf"] -- > blaasdf axis :: (Functor t, Foldable t, Show a, RealFrac a) => Point a -- ^ Origin coordinates -> Axis -- ^ Axis (i.e. either `X` or `Y`) -> a -- ^ Length of the axis -> a -- ^ Stroke width -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Stroke colour -> a -- ^ The tick length is a fraction of the axis length -> LineStroke_ a -- ^ Stroke type -> Int -- ^ Label font size -> a -- ^ Label rotation angle -> TextAnchor_ -- ^ How to anchor a text label to the axis -> (l -> T.Text) -- ^ How to render the tick label -> V2 a -- ^ Offset the label -> t (LabeledPoint l a) -- ^ Tick center coordinates -> Svg axis o@(Point ox oy) ax len sw col tickLenFrac ls fontsize lrot tanchor flab vlab ps = do line o pend sw ls col labeledTicks (otherAxis ax) (tickLenFrac * len) sw col fontsize lrot tanchor flab vlab (moveLabeledPoint f <$> ps) where pend | ax == X = Point (ox + len) oy | otherwise = Point ox (oy + len) f | ax == X = setPointY oy | otherwise = setPointX ox -- | A pair of Cartesian axes axes :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => FigureData a -> Frame a -> a -> C.Colour Double -> Int -> Int -> Svg axes fdat (Frame (Point xmi ymi) (Point xma yma)) sw col nx ny = do axis o X lenx sw col 0.01 Continuous fontsize (-45) TAEnd showlabf (V2 (-10) 0) plabx_ axis o Y (- leny) sw col 0.01 Continuous fontsize 0 TAEnd showlabf (V2 (-10) 0) plaby_ where o = Point (figWidth fdat * figLeftMFrac fdat) (figHeight fdat * figBottomMFrac fdat) pxend = movePoint (V2 lenx 0) o pyend = movePoint (V2 0 (- leny)) o plabx_ = zipWith LabeledPoint (pointRange nx o pxend) (take (nx+1) $ subdivSegment xmi xma $ fromIntegral nx) plaby_ = zipWith LabeledPoint (pointRange ny o pyend) (take (ny+1) $ subdivSegment ymi yma $ fromIntegral ny) fontsize = figLabelFontSize fdat lenx = figFWidth fdat leny = figFHeight fdat showlabf x = T.pack $ show (fromRational x :: Fixed E2) -- | `toPlot` performs a number of related operations: -- -- * Maps the dataset to the figure frame -- -- * Renders the X, Y axes -- -- * Renders the transformed dataset onto the newly created plot canvas toPlot :: (Functor t, Foldable t, Show a, RealFrac a) => FigureData a -> (l -> T.Text) -- ^ X tick label -> (l -> T.Text) -- ^ Y tick label -> a -- ^ X label rotation angle -> a -- ^ Y label rotation angle -> a -- ^ Stroke width -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Stroke colour -> Maybe (t (LabeledPoint l a)) -- ^ X axis labels -> Maybe (t (LabeledPoint l a)) -- ^ Y axis labels -> (t (LabeledPoint l a) -> Svg) -- ^ Data rendering function -> t (LabeledPoint l a) -- ^ Data -> Svg toPlot fd flabelx flabely rotx roty sw col1 tickxe tickye plotf dat = do axis oSvg X (width to) sw col1 0.05 Continuous fontsize rotx TAEnd flabelx (V2 (-10) 0) tickx axis oSvg Y (negate $ height to) sw col1 0.05 Continuous fontsize roty TAEnd flabely (V2 (-10) 0) ticky plotf dat' where fontsize = figLabelFontSize fd from = frameFromPoints $ _lp <$> dat to = frameFromFigData fd datf = toSvgFrameLP from to False -- data mapping function dat' = datf <$> dat tickDefault ti d = case ti of Just t -> datf <$> t Nothing -> d tickx = tickDefault tickxe dat' ticky = tickDefault tickye dat' oSvg = Point (xmin to) (ymax to) frameFromFigData :: Num a => FigureData a -> Frame a frameFromFigData fd = mkFrame oTo p2To where fontsize = figLabelFontSize fd wfig = figWidth fd hfig = figHeight fd (left, right) = (figLeftMFrac fd * wfig, figRightMFrac fd * wfig) (top, bot) = (figTopMFrac fd * hfig, figBottomMFrac fd * hfig) oTo = Point left top p2To = Point right bot figFWidth, figFHeight :: Num a => FigureData a -> a figFWidth = width . frameFromFigData figFHeight = height . frameFromFigData -- * text -- | `text` renders text onto the SVG canvas -- -- === Conventions -- -- The `Point` argument `p` refers to the /lower-left/ corner of the text box. -- -- The text box can be rotated by `rot` degrees around `p` and then anchored at either its beginning, middle or end to `p` with the `TextAnchor_` flag. -- -- The user can supply an additional `V2` displacement which will be applied /after/ rotation and anchoring and refers to the rotated text box frame. -- -- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ text (-45) C.green TAEnd "blah" (V2 (- 10) 0) (Point 250 0) -- > blah text :: (Show a, Real a) => a -- ^ Rotation angle of the textbox -> Int -- ^ Font size -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Font colour -> TextAnchor_ -- ^ How to anchor the text to the point -> T.Text -- ^ Text -> V2 a -- ^ Displacement w.r.t. rotated textbox -> Point a -- ^ Initial position of the text box (i.e. before rotation and displacement) -> Svg text rot fontsize col ta te (V2 vx vy) (Point x y) = S.text_ (S.toMarkup te) ! SA.x (vd vx) ! SA.y (vd vy) ! SA.transform (S.translate (real x) (real y) <> S.rotate (real rot)) ! SA.fontSize (vi fontsize) ! SA.fill (colourAttr col) ! textAnchor ta -- | Specify at which end should the text be anchored to its current point data TextAnchor_ = TAStart | TAMiddle | TAEnd deriving (Eq, Show) textAnchor :: TextAnchor_ -> S.Attribute textAnchor TAStart = SA.textAnchor (vs "start") textAnchor TAMiddle = SA.textAnchor (vs "middle") textAnchor TAEnd = SA.textAnchor (vs "end") -- | A circle -- -- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ circle (Point 20 30) 15 (Just C.blue) (Just C.red) -- > circle :: (Real a1, Real a) => a -- ^ Radius -> a -- ^ Stroke width -> Maybe (C.Colour Double) -- ^ Stroke colour -> Maybe (C.Colour Double) -- ^ Fill colour -> Point a1 -- ^ Center -> Svg circle r sw scol fcol (Point x y) = S.circle ! SA.cx (vd x) ! SA.cy (vd y) ! SA.r (vd r) ! colourFillOpt fcol ! colourStrokeOpt scol ! SA.strokeWidth (vd sw) -- | Polyline (piecewise straight line) -- -- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg (polyline [Point 100 50, Point 120 20, Point 230 50] 4 (Dashed [3, 5]) Round C.blueviolet) -- > polyline :: (Foldable t, Show a1, Show a, RealFrac a, RealFrac a1) => a1 -- ^ Stroke width -> LineStroke_ a -- ^ Stroke type -> StrokeLineJoin_ -- ^ Stroke join type -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Stroke colour -> t (Point a) -- ^ Data -> Svg polyline sw strTy slj col lis = let svg0 = S.polyline ! SA.points (S.toValue $ unwords $ map show $ F.toList lis) ! SA.fill none ! SA.stroke (colourAttr col ) ! SA.strokeWidth (vd sw) ! strokeLineJoin slj in case strTy of Continuous -> svg0 Dashed d -> svg0 ! strokeDashArray d none :: S.AttributeValue none = S.toValue ("none" :: String) colourFillOpt :: Maybe (C.Colour Double) -> S.Attribute colourFillOpt Nothing = SA.fill none colourFillOpt (Just c) = SA.fill (colourAttr c) colourStrokeOpt :: Maybe (C.Colour Double) -> S.Attribute colourStrokeOpt Nothing = SA.stroke none colourStrokeOpt (Just c) = SA.stroke (colourAttr c) -- | A filled polyline -- -- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ filledPolyline C.coral 0.3 [(Point 0 1), (Point 10 40), Point 34 50, Point 30 5] -- > filledPolyline :: (Foldable t, Show a, Real o) => C.Colour Double -- ^ Fill colour -> o -- ^ Fill opacity -> t (Point a) -- ^ Contour point coordinates -> Svg filledPolyline col opac lis = S.polyline ! SA.points (S.toValue $ unwords $ map show $ F.toList lis) ! SA.fill (colourAttr col) ! SA.fillOpacity (vd opac) -- | A filled band of colour, given the coordinates of its center line -- -- This element can be used to overlay uncertainty ranges (e.g. the first standard deviation) associated with a given data series. filledBand :: (Foldable t, Real o, Show a) => C.Colour Double -- ^ Fill colour -> o -- ^ Fill opacity -> (l -> a) -- ^ Band maximum value -> (l -> a) -- ^ Band minimum value -> t (LabeledPoint l a) -- ^ Centerline points -> Svg filledBand col opac ftop fbot lis0 = filledPolyline col opac (lis1 <> lis2) where lis = F.toList lis0 f1 lp = setPointY (ftop $ _lplabel lp) $ _lp lp f2 lp = setPointY (fbot $ _lplabel lp) $ _lp lp lis1 = f1 <$> lis lis2 = f2 <$> reverse lis -- | A `candlestick` glyph for time series plots. This is a type of box glyph, commonly used in plotting financial time series. -- -- Some financial market quantities such as currency exchange rates are aggregated over some time period (e.g. a day) and summarized by various quantities, for example opening and closing rates, as well as maximum and minimum over the period. -- -- By convention, the `candlestick` colour depends on the derivative sign of one such quantity (e.g. it is green if the market closes higher than it opened, and red otherwise). candlestick :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -- ^ If True, fill the box with the first colour, otherwise with the second -> (l -> a) -- ^ Box maximum value -> (l -> a) -- ^ Box minimum value -> (l -> a) -- ^ Line maximum value -> (l -> a) -- ^ Line minimum value -> a -- ^ Box width -> a -- ^ Stroke width -> C.Colour Double -- ^ First box colour -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Second box colour -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Line stroke colour -> LabeledPoint l a -- ^ Data point -> Svg candlestick fdec fboxmin fboxmax fmin fmax wid sw col1 col2 colstroke lp = do line pmin pmax sw Continuous colstroke rectCentered wid hei sw (Just colstroke) (Just col) p where p = _lp lp lab = _lplabel lp pmin = setPointY (fmin lab) p pmax = setPointY (fmax lab) p hei = abs $ fboxmax lab - fboxmin lab col | fdec (fboxmax lab) (fboxmin lab) = col1 | otherwise = col2 -- | Specify the type of connection between line segments data StrokeLineJoin_ = Miter | Round | Bevel | Inherit deriving (Eq, Show) strokeLineJoin :: StrokeLineJoin_ -> S.Attribute strokeLineJoin slj = SA.strokeLinejoin (S.toValue str) where str | slj == Miter = "miter" :: String | slj == Round = "round" | slj == Bevel = "bevel" | otherwise = "inherit" -- | Move a Svg entity to a new position translateSvg :: Show a => Point a -> Svg -> Svg translateSvg (Point x y) svg = S.g ! SA.transform (S.translate x y) $ svg -- | Move point to the SVG frame of reference (for which the origing is a the top-left corner of the screen) toSvgFrame :: Fractional a => Frame a -- ^ Initial frame -> Frame a -- ^ Final frame -> Bool -- ^ Flip L-R in [0,1] x [0,1] -> Point a -- ^ Point in the initial frame -> Point a toSvgFrame from to fliplr p = pointFromV2 v' where v' = frameToFrame from to fliplr True (v2fromPoint p) -- | Move LabeledPoint to the SVG frame of reference (uses `toSvgFrame` ) toSvgFrameLP :: Fractional a => Frame a -> Frame a -> Bool -> LabeledPoint l a -> LabeledPoint l a toSvgFrameLP from to fliplr (LabeledPoint p lab) = LabeledPoint (toSvgFrame from to fliplr p) lab -- withToSvgFrame figdata dat = datf -- where -- from = frameFromPoints $ _lp <$> dat -- to = frameFromFigData figdata -- datf = toSvgFrameLP from to False -- data mapping function pixel :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => [C.Colour Double] -> a -> a -> Scientific -> Scientific -> LabeledPoint Scientific a -> Svg pixel pal w h vmin vmax (LabeledPoint p l) = rect w h 0 Nothing (Just col) p where col = pickColour pal (toFloat vmin) (toFloat vmax) (toFloat l) pixel' :: (Show a, RealFrac a, RealFrac t) => [C.Colour Double] -> a -> a -> t -> t -> LabeledPoint t a -> Svg pixel' pal w h vmin vmax (LabeledPoint p l) = rect w h 0 Nothing (Just col) p where col = pickColour pal vmin vmax l pickColour :: RealFrac t => [C.Colour Double] -> t -> t -> t -> C.Colour Double pickColour pal xmin xmax x = pal !! i where i = floor (x01 * fromIntegral (nColors - 1)) x01 = (x-xmin)/(xmax - xmin) nColors = length pal data LegendPosition_ = TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight deriving (Eq, Show) posCoeff :: Fractional a => LegendPosition_ -> (a, a) posCoeff pos = case pos of TopLeft -> (0.1, 0.1) TopRight -> (0.83, 0.15) BottomLeft -> (0.1, 0.9) BottomRight -> (0.9, 0.9) -- | A colour bar legend, to be used within `heatmap`-style plots. colourBar :: (RealFrac t, RealFrac a, Show a, Enum t, Floating a) => FigureData (Ratio Integer) -- ^ Figure data -> [C.Colour Double] -- ^ Palette -> a -- ^ Width -> t -- ^ Value range minimum -> t -- ^ Value range maximum -> Int -- ^ Number of distinct values -> LegendPosition_ -- ^ Legend position in the figure -> a -- ^ Colour bar length -> Svg colourBar fdat pal w vmin vmax n legpos legh = legendBar (fromRational <$> fdat) w vmin vmax n legpos legh (colBarPx pal) legendBar :: (Monad m, Enum t, Fractional t, Fractional a) => FigureData a -> a -> t -> t -> Int -> LegendPosition_ -> a -> (FigureData a -> a -> a -> t -> t -> LabeledPoint t a -> m b) -> m () legendBar fdat w vmin vmax n legpos legh fun = do -- rect wrect hrect 1 (Just C.black) (Just C.white) prect forM_ lps (fun fdat w h vmin vmax) where wrect = 0.95 * (1 - figRightMFrac fdat) * figWidth fdat hrect = 1.5 * legh prect = movePoint (V2 (-0.5 * w) (-0.5 * w)) p2 (legx, legy) = posCoeff legpos legendX = figWidth fdat * legx legendY = figHeight fdat * legy p1 = Point legendX (legendY + legh) p2 = Point legendX legendY lps = zipWith LabeledPoint (pointRange n p1 p2) v_ h = legh / fromIntegral n v_ = take (n+1) [vmin, vmin + dv ..] dv = (vmax - vmin)/fromIntegral n colBarPx :: (Show a, RealFrac a, RealFrac t) => [C.Colour Double] -> FigureData a1 -> a -> a -> t -> t -> LabeledPoint t a -> Svg colBarPx pal fdat w h vmin vmax (LabeledPoint p val) = do text 0 (figLabelFontSize fdat) C.black TAStart (T.pack $ show (rr val :: Fixed E3)) (V2 (1.1*w) (0.5*h)) p rectCentered w h 0 Nothing (Just $ pickColour pal vmin vmax val) p -- * Helpers -- | Render a Colour from `colour` into a `blaze` Attribute colourAttr :: C.Colour Double -> S.AttributeValue colourAttr = S.toValue . C.sRGB24show -- ** -- ** Conversion from primitive numerical types to AttributeValue -- String vs :: String -> S.AttributeValue vs x = S.toValue (x :: String) vi :: Int -> S.AttributeValue vi = S.toValue -- Double vd0 :: Double -> S.AttributeValue vd0 = S.toValue vd :: Real a => a -> S.AttributeValue vd = vd0 . real real :: (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b real = fromRational . toRational vds :: Real a => [a] -> S.AttributeValue vds = S.toValue . unwords . map (show . real)