module Database.PlistBuddy
, openPlist
, Plist()
, send
, throwPlistError
, catchPlistError
, help
, exit
, save
, revert
, clear
, get
, set
, add
, delete
, Value(..)
, valueType
, debugOn
, PlistBuddyException(..)
, Trail(..)
, AuditTrail(..)
, auditOn
, auditOff
, replay
, recover
, hashcode
, findTrail
, BackgroundPlist
, backgroundPlist
, bgSend
, bgAutoSave
) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Char (ord,isSpace,isDigit)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Text(Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Database.PlistBuddy.Audit
import Database.PlistBuddy.Command
import Database.PlistBuddy.Open
import Database.PlistBuddy.Types as Types
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import Data.List ()
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import System.Directory (removeFile)
import System.Process
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Pty
import System.Timeout
import Text.XML.Light as X
import Data.Time
import Data.Either(either)
import GHC.Generics
import Debug.Trace
import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
debugOn :: Plist -> Plist
debugOn p = p { plist_debug = True }
send :: Plist -> PlistBuddy a -> IO a
send dev (PlistBuddy m) = bracket (takeMVar lock) (putMVar lock) $ \ () -> do
d <- readIORef (plist_dirty dev)
case d of
Just {} -> do
v <- runReaderT (runExceptT m) dev
case v of
Left (PlistError msg) -> fail msg
Right val -> return val
Nothing -> throw $ PlistBuddyException $ "plist handle has been closed with exit"
where lock = plist_lock dev
help :: PlistBuddy Text
help = do
plist <- ask
res <- liftIO $ command plist "Help"
return $ E.decodeUtf8 $ res
exit :: PlistBuddy ()
exit = do
plist <- ask
liftIO $ plist_trail plist Exit
liftIO $ do
(void $ command plist "Exit") `catch` \ (e :: IOException) -> do { return () }
debug ("waiting for Process on exit")
r <- liftIO $ do
waitForProcess (plist_proc plist)
debug ("closing pty after process closed",r)
liftIO $ do
closePty (plist_pty plist)
debug ("done with exit, including closing pty")
liftIO $ writeIORef (plist_dirty plist) $ Nothing
return ()
save :: PlistBuddy ()
save = do
plist <- ask
res <- liftIO $ command plist "Save"
case res of
"Saving..." -> do
bs <- liftIO $ hashcode (plist_file plist)
liftIO $ plist_trail plist $ Save bs
dirty False
return ()
_ -> error $ "save failed: " <> show res
revert :: PlistBuddy ()
revert = do
plist <- ask
res <- liftIO $ command plist "Revert"
case res of
"Reverting to last saved state..." -> do
liftIO $ plist_trail plist Revert
dirty False
return ()
_ -> error $ "revert failed: " ++ show res
clear :: Value -> PlistBuddy ()
clear value = do
plist <- ask
ty <- case value of
Array [] -> return $ valueType value
Array _ -> error "add: array not empty"
Dict [] -> return $ valueType value
Dict _ -> error "add: dict not empty"
_ -> error "adding a non dict/array to the root path"
res <- liftIO $ command plist $ "Clear " <> ty
case res of
"Initializing Plist..." -> do
liftIO $ plist_trail plist $ Clear value
dirty True
return ()
_ -> fail $ "add failed: " ++ show res
get :: [Text] -> PlistBuddy Value
get entry = do
debug ("get",entry)
plist <- ask
res <- liftIO $ command plist $ "Print" <> BS.concat [ ":" <> quoteText e | e <- entry ]
if "Print: Entry, " `BS.isPrefixOf` res && ", Does Not Exist" `BS.isSuffixOf` res
then throwPlistError $ PlistError $ "value not found"
else case parseXMLDoc (BS.filter (/= fromIntegral (ord '\r')) res) of
Nothing -> error "get: early parse error"
Just (Element _ _ xml _) -> case parse (onlyElems xml) of
Nothing -> error ("get: late parse error : " ++ show (onlyElems xml))
Just v -> return $ v
parse :: [Element] -> Maybe Value
parse [] = Nothing
parse (Element nm attr cs _:_) =
case showQName nm of
"integer" -> Integer <$> parseInteger cs
"string" -> String <$> parseString cs
"dict" -> Dict <$> parseDict cs
"array" -> Array <$> parseArray cs
"false" -> return $ Bool False
"true" -> return $ Bool True
"real" -> Real <$> parseReal cs
"data" -> Data <$> parseData cs
"date" -> Date <$> parseDate cs
x -> error $ show ("other",x,cs)
parseInteger :: [Content] -> Maybe Integer
parseInteger = return . read . concatMap showContent
parseReal :: [Content] -> Maybe Double
parseReal = return . read . concatMap showContent
parseDate :: [Content] -> Maybe UTCTime
parseDate = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%FT%XZ"
. concatMap showContent
parseData :: [Content] -> Maybe ByteString
parseData = either (const Nothing)
. B64.decode
. E.encodeUtf8
. T.filter (not . isSpace)
. T.pack
. showContents
parseString :: [Content] -> Maybe Text
parseString = return . T.pack . showContents
showContents :: [Content] -> String
showContents = concatMap showContent
showContent :: Content -> String
showContent (Elem e) = error "internal Elem"
showContent (Text e) = case cdVerbatim e of
CDataText -> cdData e
CDataVerbatim -> error "internal CDataVerbatim"
CDataRaw -> error "internal CDataRaw"
showContent (CRef e) = error "internal CRef"
parseDict :: [Content] -> Maybe [(Text,Value)]
parseDict cs = parseDict' (onlyElems cs)
parseDict' :: [Element] -> Maybe [(Text,Value)]
parseDict' [] = return []
parseDict' (Element nm attr cs _
: e
: rest) | showQName nm == "key"
= do v <- parse [e]
ivs <- parseDict' rest
return $ (T.pack $ concatMap showContent $ cs, v) : ivs
parseDict' _ = Nothing
parseArray :: [Content] -> Maybe [Value]
parseArray cs = parseArray' (onlyElems cs)
parseArray' :: [Element] -> Maybe [Value]
parseArray' [] = return []
parseArray' (e : rest)
= do v <- parse [e]
vs <- parseArray' rest
return $ v : vs
parseDict' _ = Nothing
set :: [Text] -> Value -> PlistBuddy ()
set [] value = error "Can not set empty path"
set entry (Date d) = mergeDate entry d (Set entry $ Date $ d)
set entry (Data d) = importData entry d (Set entry $ Data $ d)
set entry (Dict xs) = error "set: dict not allowed"
set entry (Array xs) = error "set: array not allowed"
set entry value = do
debug ("set",entry,value,valueType value)
plist <- ask
dirty True
res <- liftIO $ command plist $ "Set " <> BS.concat [ ":" <> quoteText e | e <- entry ]
<> " " <> quoteValue value
case res of
"" -> do
liftIO $ plist_trail plist $ Set entry value
return ()
"Unrecognized Date Format" -> error $ "Unrecognized"
_ -> throwPlistError $ PlistError $ "set failed: " ++ show res
add :: [Text] -> Value -> PlistBuddy ()
add [] value = error "Can not add to an empty path"
add entry (Date d) = mergeDate entry d (Add entry $ Date $ d)
add entry (Data d) = importData entry d (Add entry $ Data $ d)
add entry (Dict xs) | not (null xs) = error "add: dict not empty"
add entry (Array xs) | not (null xs) = error "add: array not empty"
add entry value = do
debug ("add",entry,value,valueType value)
plist <- ask
dirty True
res <- liftIO $ command plist $ "Add " <> BS.concat [ ":" <> quoteText e | e <- entry ]
<> " " <> valueType value <> " "
<> quoteValue value
case res of
"" -> do
liftIO $ plist_trail plist $ Add entry value
return ()
_ -> throwPlistError $ PlistError $ "add failed: " ++ show res
delete :: [Text] -> PlistBuddy ()
delete entry = do
debug ("delete",entry)
plist <- ask
dirty True
res <- liftIO $ command plist $ "delete " <> BS.concat [ ":" <> quoteText e | e <- entry ]
case res of
"" -> do
liftIO $ plist_trail plist $ Delete entry
return ()
_ -> throwPlistError $ PlistError $ "delete failed: " ++ show res
importData :: [Text] -> ByteString -> Trail -> PlistBuddy ()
importData entry d t = do
debug ("import(add/set)",entry,d)
plist <- ask
dirty True
nm <- liftIO $ do
(nm,h) <- openBinaryTempFile "/tmp" "plist-data-.tmp"
BS.hPutStr h d
hClose h
return nm
res <- liftIO $ command plist $ "Import " <> BS.concat [ ":" <> quoteText e | e <- entry ]
<> " "
<> (quoteText $ T.pack $ nm)
liftIO $ removeFile nm
case res of
"" -> do
liftIO $ plist_trail plist t
return ()
_ -> throwPlistError $ PlistError $ "import(add/set) failed: " ++ show res
mergeDate :: [Text] -> UTCTime -> Trail -> PlistBuddy ()
mergeDate entry d t = do
debug ("merge(set/get)",entry,d)
plist <- ask
dirty True
v <- get (init entry)
case v of
Dict env -> do
res <- liftIO $ do
(nm,h) <- openBinaryTempFile "/tmp" "plist-date-.tmp"
hPutStr h $ showTopElement $
unode "dict" $
[ unode "key" $ T.unpack $ last entry
, unode "date" $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%XZ" d
hClose h
when (last entry `elem` map fst env) $ do
void $ command plist $ "delete " <> BS.concat [ ":" <> quoteText e | e <- entry ]
res <- command plist $ "merge " <> quoteText (T.pack nm) <> " "
<> BS.concat [ ":" <> quoteText e | e <- (init entry) ]
removeFile nm
return res
case res of
"" -> do
liftIO $ plist_trail plist t
return ()
_ -> throwPlistError $ PlistError $ "merge(set/get) failed: " ++ show res
Array vs | T.all isDigit (last entry) -> do
res <- liftIO $ do
(nm,h) <- openBinaryTempFile "/tmp" "plist-date-.tmp"
hPutStr h $ showTopElement $
unode "array" $
[ unode "date" $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%XZ" d
hClose h
res <- command plist $ "merge " <> quoteText (T.pack nm) <> " "
<> BS.concat [ ":" <> quoteText e | e <- (init entry) ]
removeFile nm
let n = if T.null (last entry)
then length vs
else read $ T.unpack $ last $ entry
when (n < length vs) $ do
let path x = BS.concat [ ":" <> quoteText e
| e <- init entry ++ [T.pack $ show $ x]
void $ command plist $ "copy " <> path (length vs) <> " " <> path n
void $ command plist $ "delete " <> path (length vs)
return res
case res of
"" -> return ()
_ -> throwPlistError $ PlistError $ "merge(set/get) failed: " ++ show res
_ -> error $ "add/set error for date; path type error"
dirty :: Bool -> PlistBuddy ()
dirty b = do
plist <- ask
liftIO $ writeIORef (plist_dirty plist) $ Just b
quoteText :: Text -> ByteString
quoteText = quoteBS . E.encodeUtf8
quoteBS :: ByteString -> ByteString
quoteBS q = "'" <> BS.concatMap esc q <> "'"
where esc 39 = "\\'"
esc 92 = "\\\\"
esc 10 = "\\n"
esc 34 = "\\\""
esc c = BS.pack [c]
quoteValue :: Value -> ByteString
quoteValue (String txt) = quoteBS $ E.encodeUtf8 $ txt
quoteValue (Array {}) = ""
quoteValue (Dict {}) = ""
quoteValue (Bool True) = "true"
quoteValue (Bool False) = "false"
quoteValue (Real r) = E.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $ show r
quoteValue (Integer i) = E.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $ show i
quoteValue other = error $ "can not quote " ++ show other
valueType :: Value -> ByteString
valueType (String txt) = "string"
valueType (Array {}) = "array"
valueType (Dict {}) = "dict"
valueType (Bool True) = "bool"
valueType (Bool False) = "bool"
valueType (Real r) = "real"
valueType (Integer i) = "integer"
valueType (Date {}) = "date"
valueType (Data {}) = "data"
debug :: (Show a) => a -> PlistBuddy ()
debug a = do
plist <- ask
when (plist_debug plist) $ do
liftIO $ do
tid <- myThreadId
print (tid,a)
replay :: Trail -> PlistBuddy ()
replay (Save {}) = save
replay Revert = revert
replay Exit = exit
replay (Clear v) = clear v
replay (Set p v) = set p v
replay (Add p v) = add p v
replay (Delete p) = delete p
replay (Types.Start {}) = return ()
data BackgroundPlist = BackgroundPlist Int (IO Plist) (MVar BackgroundState)
data BackgroundState
= Sleeping
| Awake Plist
backgroundPlist :: Int -> IO Plist -> IO BackgroundPlist
backgroundPlist n p = do
v <- newMVar Sleeping
return $ BackgroundPlist n p v
bgSend :: BackgroundPlist -> PlistBuddy a -> IO a
bgSend bg@(BackgroundPlist n p v) m = do
st <- takeMVar v
case st of
Sleeping -> do
dev <- p
forkIO $ do
threadDelay (n * 1000 * 1000)
bgAutoSave bg
r <- send dev m
putMVar v $ Awake dev
return r
Awake dev -> do
r <- send dev m
putMVar v $ Awake dev
return r
bgAutoSave :: BackgroundPlist -> IO ()
bgAutoSave bg@(BackgroundPlist n p v) = do
st <- takeMVar v
case st of
Sleeping -> putMVar v Sleeping
Awake dev -> do
d <- readIORef (plist_dirty dev)
(case d of
Nothing -> return ()
Just True -> send dev $ do { save ; exit }
Just False -> send dev $ do { exit }) `finally` putMVar v Sleeping