module Database.PlistBuddy.Audit ( auditOn, auditOff, hashcode, recover, findTrail ) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Char(isSpace)
import Data.Text(Text)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Database.PlistBuddy.Types
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Data.Time
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5 as MD5
import Debug.Trace
auditOn :: FilePath -> Plist -> IO Plist
auditOn auditFile plist = do
au <- openFile auditFile AppendMode
hPutStr au $ "\n\n" ++ take 72 (cycle "-") ++ "\n"
t <- getCurrentTime
h <- hashcode (plist_file plist)
issue au $ t :! Start h
let up u = do
o <- hIsOpen au
if o then do
t <- getCurrentTime
issue au $ t :! u
case u of
Exit -> hClose au
_ -> return ()
else return ()
return $ plist { plist_trail = up, plist_launder = hClose au }
auditOff :: Plist -> IO ()
auditOff = plist_launder
hashcode :: FilePath -> IO ByteString
hashcode fileName = do
bs <- LB.readFile fileName
return $! B16.encode $! MD5.hashlazy bs
issue :: Show a => Handle -> a -> IO ()
issue h u = do
hPutStr h $ show u ++ "\n"
hFlush h
maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
maybeRead str = case reads str of
[(r,rest)] | all isSpace rest -> return r
_ -> Nothing
recover :: FilePath -> IO [AuditTrail]
recover auditFile = do
txt <- readFile auditFile
let trails = [ v | Just (_ :! v) <- map maybeRead $ lines $ txt ]
return $ runTrails trails
runTrails :: [Trail] -> [AuditTrail]
runTrails [] = []
runTrails (inst :rest) = case inst of
Save bs -> runTrails' bs [] rest
Start bs -> runTrails' bs [] rest
_ -> runTrails rest
runTrails' :: ByteString -> RList Trail -> [Trail] -> [AuditTrail]
runTrails' bs [] [] = []
runTrails' bs insts [] = [AuditTrail bs (reverse insts) Nothing]
runTrails' bs insts (inst : rest) = case inst of
Save bs' -> mkTrail (Just bs') $ runTrails' bs' [] rest
Start bs' -> mkTrail Nothing $ runTrails' bs' [] rest
Revert -> runTrails' bs [] rest
Exit -> runTrails rest
Clear _ -> runTrails' bs [inst] rest
_ -> runTrails' bs (inst : insts) rest
mkTrail done k =
if null insts
then k
else (AuditTrail bs (reverse insts) done) : k
type RList a = [a]
findTrail :: ByteString -> [AuditTrail] -> [Trail]
findTrail bs trails = combine $ dropMe trails
combine [] = []
combine ( AuditTrail bs ts (Just bs')
: AuditTrail bs'' ts2 done
: more) | bs' == bs'' =
combine (AuditTrail bs (ts ++ ts2) done : more)
combine (AuditTrail bs ts _ : _) = ts
takeMe [] acc = reverse acc
takeMe (x@(AuditTrail bs' _ _) : xs) acc
| bs == bs' = takeMe xs [x]
| otherwise = takeMe xs (x : acc)
dropMe [] = []
dropMe (x@(AuditTrail bs' _ _) : xs)
| bs == bs' = takeMe xs [x]
| otherwise = dropMe xs