module PP.Builders.Lalr
( LalrItem(..)
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import PP.Builder
import PP.Builders.Lr1
import PP.Rule
data LalrItem = LalrItem Rule Int Rule
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show LalrItem where
show (LalrItem (Rule a xs) p la) =
"[" ++ a ++ " -> " ++ right xs p ++ "; " ++ show la ++ "]"
right :: [Rule] -> Int -> String
right [] _ = ""
right xs 0 = "*," ++ right xs (1)
right [x] _ = show x
right (x:xs) p = show x ++ "," ++ right xs (p 1)
instance Binary LalrItem where
put (LalrItem r p la) = put r >> put p >> put la
get = liftM3 LalrItem get get get
instance LrBuilder LalrItem where
collection rs fs = fusion (collection rs fs :: LrCollection Lr1Item)
table c = case actions of
Right act -> Right $ Map.union (Map.fromList act) (Map.fromList gotos)
Left err -> Left err
actions = let act = shifts ++ reduces ++ accepts in
case conflict [] [] act of
[] -> Right act
xs -> Left xs
conflict _ con [] = con
conflict acc con ((k, v):xs) = case L.lookup k acc of
Nothing -> conflict ((k,v):acc) con xs
Just v2 -> conflict acc ((show k ++ " conflict: " ++ show v ++ " with " ++ show v2) : con) xs
shifts = [((i, s), LrShift $ fromJust j)
| i <- [0..(Vector.length c 1)]
, let is = c Vector.! i
, s <- symbol is
, term s
, let j = next gs i s
, isJust j]
reduces = [((i, la), LrReduce r)
| i <- [0..(Vector.length c 1)]
, let is = c Vector.! i
, x@(LalrItem r@(Rule s _) _ la) <- reductibles is
, s /= "__start"]
accepts = [((i, Empty), LrAccept)
| i <- [0..(Vector.length c 1)]
, let is = c Vector.! i
, acc is]
gotos = [((i, s), LrGoto $ fromJust j)
| i <- [0..(Vector.length c 1)]
, let is = c Vector.! i
, s <- symbol is
, nonTerm s
, let j = next gs i s
, isJust j]
term (Term _) = True
term (TermToken _) = True
term _ = False
reductibles is = [x | x <- Set.toList is, reductible x]
reductible (LalrItem (Rule _ xs) p _) = L.length xs == p + 1
acc = not . Set.null . Set.filter
(\(LalrItem (Rule s _) p la) -> s == "__start" && p == 1 && la == Empty)
nonTerm (NonTerm _) = True
nonTerm _ = False
gs = gotoSet c
type GotoSet = Map.Map (Int, Rule) Int
gotoSet :: LrCollection LalrItem -> GotoSet
gotoSet c = Map.fromList [((i, s), fromJust j)
| i <- [0..(Vector.length c 1)]
, let is = c Vector.! i
, s <- symbol is
, let j = goto c i s
, isJust j]
next :: GotoSet -> Int -> Rule -> Maybe Int
next gs i r = Map.lookup (i, r) gs
symbol :: LrSet LalrItem -> [Rule]
symbol is = L.sort $ L.nub [x
| LalrItem (Rule _ xs) p _ <- Set.toList is
, let x = xs !! p
, x /= Empty]
goto :: LrCollection LalrItem -> Int -> Rule -> Maybe Int
goto c i = goto' (c Vector.! i)
goto' is r = case list is r of
[] -> Nothing
(x:_) -> find $ inc x
find x = Vector.findIndex (Set.member x) c
list is r = [x | x <- Set.toList is, accept x r]
accept (LalrItem (Rule _ xs) p _) r = xs !! p == r
inc (LalrItem r p la) = LalrItem r (p + 1) la
fusion :: LrCollection Lr1Item -> LrCollection LalrItem
fusion lr1 = Vector.foldl' fusion' Vector.empty lalr
fusion' acc is = case core acc is of
[] -> acc
[_] -> Vector.snoc acc is
xs -> Vector.snoc acc (Set.unions xs)
core acc is = [isx | isx <- Vector.toList lalr, same isx is, unique isx acc]
unique is acc = L.null [0 | isx <- Vector.toList acc, same is isx]
same isa isb = component isa == component isb
component = Set.toList . (\(LalrItem r p _) -> (r, p))
lalr = toLalrItem lr1
toLalrItem :: LrCollection Lr1Item -> LrCollection LalrItem
toLalrItem = ( (\(Lr1Item r p la) -> LalrItem r p la))