{-#LANGUAGE RankNTypes#-} module Pipes.Text.IO ( -- * Text IO -- $textio -- * Caveats -- $caveats -- * Producers fromHandle , stdin , readFile -- * Consumers , toHandle , stdout , writeFile ) where import qualified System.IO as IO import Control.Exception (throwIO, try) import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(Errno), ePIPE) import qualified GHC.IO.Exception as G import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Pipes import qualified Pipes.Safe.Prelude as Safe import qualified Pipes.Safe as Safe import Pipes.Safe (MonadSafe(..), Base(..)) import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile) {- $textio Where pipes IO replaces lazy IO, @Producer Text m r@ replaces lazy 'Text'. This module exports some convenient functions for producing and consuming pipes 'Text' in IO, namely, 'readFile', 'writeFile', 'fromHandle', 'toHandle', 'stdin' and 'stdout'. Some caveats described below. The main points are as in <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes-bytestring-1.0.0/docs/Pipes-ByteString.html Pipes.ByteString> An 'IO.Handle' can be associated with a 'Producer' or 'Consumer' according as it is read or written to. > import Pipes > import qualified Pipes.Text as Text > import qualified Pipes.Text.IO as Text > import System.IO > > main = > withFile "inFile.txt" ReadMode $ \hIn -> > withFile "outFile.txt" WriteMode $ \hOut -> > runEffect $ Text.fromHandle hIn >-> Text.toHandle hOut To stream from files, the following is perhaps more Prelude-like (note that it uses Pipes.Safe): > import Pipes > import qualified Pipes.Text as Text > import qualified Pipes.Text.IO as Text > import Pipes.Safe > > main = runSafeT $ runEffect $ Text.readFile "inFile.txt" >-> Text.writeFile "outFile.txt" Finally, you can stream to and from 'stdin' and 'stdout' using the predefined 'stdin' and 'stdout' pipes, as with the following \"echo\" program: > main = runEffect $ Text.stdin >-> Text.stdout -} {- $caveats The operations exported here are a convenience, like the similar operations in @Data.Text.IO@ (or rather, @Data.Text.Lazy.IO@, since, again, @Producer Text m r@ is 'effectful text' and something like the pipes equivalent of lazy Text.) * Like the functions in @Data.Text.IO@, they attempt to work with the system encoding. * Like the functions in @Data.Text.IO@, they significantly slower than ByteString operations. Where you know what encoding you are working with, use @Pipes.ByteString@ and @Pipes.Text.Encoding@ instead, e.g. @view utf8 Bytes.stdin@ instead of @Text.stdin@ * Like the functions in @Data.Text.IO@ , they use Text exceptions, not the standard Pipes protocols. Something like > view utf8 . Bytes.fromHandle :: Handle -> Producer Text IO (Producer ByteString m ()) yields a stream of Text, and follows standard pipes protocols by reverting to (i.e. returning) the underlying byte stream upon reaching any decoding error. (See especially the pipes-binary package.) By contrast, something like > Text.fromHandle :: Handle -> Producer Text IO () supplies a stream of text returning '()', which is convenient for many tasks, but violates the pipes @pipes-binary@ approach to decoding errors and throws an exception of the kind characteristic of the @text@ library instead. -} {-| Convert a 'IO.Handle' into a text stream using a text size determined by the good sense of the text library. Note with the remarks at the head of this module that this is slower than @view utf8 (Pipes.ByteString.fromHandle h)@ but uses the system encoding and has other nice @Data.Text.IO@ features -} fromHandle :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Producer Text m () fromHandle h = go where go = do txt <- liftIO (T.hGetChunk h) if T.null txt then return () else do yield txt go {-# INLINABLE fromHandle#-} -- | Stream text from 'stdin' stdin :: MonadIO m => Producer Text m () stdin = fromHandle IO.stdin {-# INLINE stdin #-} {-| Stream text from a file in the simple fashion of @Data.Text.IO@ >>> runSafeT $ runEffect $ Text.readFile "hello.hs" >-> Text.map toUpper >-> hoist lift Text.stdout MAIN = PUTSTRLN "HELLO WORLD" -} readFile :: MonadSafe m => FilePath -> Producer Text m () readFile file = Safe.withFile file IO.ReadMode fromHandle {-# INLINE readFile #-} {-| Stream text to 'stdout' Unlike 'toHandle', 'stdout' gracefully terminates on a broken output pipe. Note: For best performance, it might be best just to use @(for source (liftIO . putStr))@ instead of @(source >-> stdout)@ . -} stdout :: MonadIO m => Consumer' Text m () stdout = go where go = do txt <- await x <- liftIO $ try (T.putStr txt) case x of Left (G.IOError { G.ioe_type = G.ResourceVanished , G.ioe_errno = Just ioe }) | Errno ioe == ePIPE -> return () Left e -> liftIO (throwIO e) Right () -> go {-# INLINABLE stdout #-} {-| Convert a text stream into a 'Handle' Note: again, for best performance, where possible use @(for source (liftIO . hPutStr handle))@ instead of @(source >-> toHandle handle)@. -} toHandle :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> Consumer' Text m r toHandle h = for cat (liftIO . T.hPutStr h) {-# INLINABLE toHandle #-} {-# RULES "p >-> toHandle h" forall p h . p >-> toHandle h = for p (\txt -> liftIO (T.hPutStr h txt)) #-} -- | Stream text into a file. Uses @pipes-safe@. writeFile :: (MonadSafe m) => FilePath -> Consumer' Text m () writeFile file = Safe.withFile file IO.WriteMode toHandle {-# INLINE writeFile #-}