pipes-rt ======== [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/ImAlsoGreg/pipes-rt.png)](http://travis-ci.org/ImAlsoGreg/pipes-rt) A few pipes to yield values at a steady rate, as a poisson process, or according to the values themselves For example: ``` λ: import Pipes λ: import qualified Pipes.Prelude as PP λ: import Pipes.RealTime λ: import Data.Time λ: import Data.Time.Clock λ: -- Pass values at 2 Hz λ: runEffect $ each [1..4] >-> steadyCat 2 >-> PP.print [1/2 second pause...] 1 [1/2 second pause...] 2 [1/2 second pause...] 3 [1/2 second pause...] 4 [1/2 second pause...] λ: -- Pass Values at 100 Hz, printing arrival times λ: runEffect $ for (each [1..10] >-> steadyCat 100) (const $ lift (getCurrentTime >>= print)) 2013-10-10 19:55:53.944484 UTC 2013-10-10 19:55:53.954939 UTC [ ] 2013-10-10 19:55:53.964623 UTC [ ] 2013-10-10 19:55:53.975125 UTC [ .. pauses .. ] 2013-10-10 19:55:53.984759 UTC [ ] 2013-10-10 19:55:53.994345 UTC [ ] 2013-10-10 19:55:54.004886 UTC 2013-10-10 19:55:54.01449 UTC 2013-10-10 19:55:54.025124 UTC 2013-10-10 19:55:54.034661 UTC λ: -- Pass values with Poisson timing, average 4 Hz, print data and arrival time λ: runEffect $ for (each "Testing" >-> poissonCat 4) (\c -> lift (getCurrentTime >>= \t -> print (c,t))) ('T',2013-10-10 19:57:29.707621 UTC) ('e',2013-10-10 19:57:29.710815 UTC) ('s',2013-10-10 19:57:29.71766 UTC) ('t',2013-10-10 19:57:29.726371 UTC) ('i',2013-10-10 19:57:29.74401 UTC) ('n',2013-10-10 19:57:29.744338 UTC) ('g',2013-10-10 19:57:29.759882 UTC) λ: -- Get timestamps from the data being piped λ: import Data.Char λ: let timeOfChar = (/ 10) . fromIntegral . (\c -> ord c - ord 'a') λ: runEffect $ for (each "abcdwxyz" >-> relativeTimeCat timeOfChar) (\v -> lift (getCurrentTime >>= \t -> print (v,t))) ('a',2013-11-07 15:54:05.645025 UTC) [ .. short pause .. ] ('b',2013-11-07 15:54:05.745847 UTC) [ .. short pause .. ] ('c',2013-11-07 15:54:05.845771 UTC) [ .. short pause .. ] ('d',2013-11-07 15:54:05.945533 UTC) [ .. long pause .. ] ('w',2013-11-07 15:54:07.847302 UTC) [ .. short pause .. ] ('x',2013-11-07 15:54:07.946071 UTC) [ .. short pause .. ] ('y',2013-11-07 15:54:08.045846 UTC) [ .. short pause .. ] ('z',2013-11-07 15:54:08.145573 UTC) [ .. short pause .. ] λ: -- "Delay" the output by -2 seconds, which means λ: -- skip ahead by 2 seconds λ: let myPrint = (\v -> (getCurrentTime >>= \t -> print (v,t))) :: Char -> IO () λ: runEffect $ for (each "abcdwxyz" >-> relativeTimeCatDelayedBy timeOfChar (-0.2)) (lift . myPrint) ('c',2013-11-08 02:55:37.131626 UTC) ('d',2013-11-08 02:55:37.232347 UTC) [ .. we discarded the early data .. ] ('w',2013-11-08 02:55:39.134008 UTC) [ .. and jumped in immediately .. ] ('x',2013-11-08 02:55:39.232772 UTC) [ .. at 'c' .. ] ('y',2013-11-08 02:55:39.332545 UTC) ('z',2013-11-08 02:55:39.432303 UTC) ```