> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} | In this tutorial you will learn how to use this library. The /Simple example/ section should be enough to get you going, but you can keep reading if you want to better understand how to deal with complex parsing scenarios. You may import this module and try the subsequent examples as you go. > module Control.Proxy.Attoparsec.Tutorial > (-- * Simple example > -- $example-simple > > -- * Parsing control proxies > -- ** Handling parser errors > -- $example-errors > > -- ** Composing > -- $example-compose-control > > -- ** Custom behavior > -- $example-control-custom > > -- * Try for yourself > -- $example-try > Name(..) > , hello > , input1 > , input2 > , helloPipe1 > , helloPipe2 > , helloPipe3 > , helloPipe4 > , helloPipe5 > , helloPipe6 > , skipPartialResults > ) where > > import Control.Proxy > import Control.Proxy.Attoparsec > import Control.Proxy.Trans.Either > import Data.Attoparsec.Text > import Data.Text > > data Name = Name Text > deriving (Show, Eq) > > hello :: Parser Name > hello = fmap Name $ "Hello " .*> takeWhile1 (/='.') <*. "." > > input1 :: [Text] > input1 = > [ "Hello Kate." > , "Hello Mary.Hello Jef" > , "f." > , "Hel" > , "lo Tom." > ] > > input2 :: [Text] > input2 = > [ "Hello Amy." > , "Hello, Hello Tim." > , "Hello Bob." > , "Hello James" > , "Hello" > , "Hello World." > , "HexHello Jon." > , "H" > , "ello Ann" > , "." > , "Hello Jean-Luc." > ] > > helloPipe1 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe p Text Name m r > helloPipe1 = parserInputD >-> parserD hello > > helloPipe2 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe p Text Name m r > helloPipe2 = parserInputD >-> retryLeftovers >-> parserD hello > > helloPipe3 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe (EitherP BadInput p) Text Name m r > helloPipe3 = parserInputD >-> throwParsingErrors >-> parserD hello > > helloPipe4 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe (EitherP BadInput p) Text Name m r > helloPipe4 = parserInputD >-> limitInputLength 10 >-> parserD hello > > helloPipe5 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe (EitherP BadInput p) Text Name m r > helloPipe5 = parserInputD >-> limitInputLength 10 >-> retryLeftovers >-> parserD hello > > helloPipe6 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe p Text Name m r > helloPipe6 = parserInputD >-> skipPartialResults >-> parserD hello > > skipPartialResults > :: (Monad m, Proxy p, AttoparsecInput a) > => ParserStatus a > -> p (ParserStatus a) (ParserSupply a) (ParserStatus a) (ParserSupply a) m r > skipPartialResults = runIdentityK . foreverK $ go > where go x@(Parsing _) = request x >>= \(_, a) -> respond (Start, a) > go x = request x >>= respond $example-simple We'll write a simple 'Parser' that turns 'Text' like /“Hello John Doe.”/ into @'Name' \"John Doe\"@, and then make a 'Pipe' that turns those 'Text' values flowing downstream into 'Name' values flowing downstream using that 'Parser'. In this example we are using 'Text', but we may as well use 'Data.ByteString.ByteString'. Also, the 'OverloadedStrings' language extension lets us write our parser easily. > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} > > import Control.Proxy > import Control.Proxy.Attoparsec > import Control.Proxy.Trans.Either > import Data.Attoparsec.Text > import Data.Text > > data Name = Name Text > deriving (Show) > > hello :: Parser Name > hello = fmap Name $ "Hello " .*> takeWhile1 (/='.') <*. "." We are done with our parser, now lets make a simple parsing 'Pipe' with it. > helloPipe1 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe p Text Name m r > helloPipe1 = parserInputD >-> parserD hello As the type indicates, this 'Pipe' receives 'Text' values from upstream and sends 'Name' values downstream. This 'Pipe' is made of two smaller two smaller cooperating 'Proxy's: 1. 'parserInputD': Prepares @a@ input received from upstream to be consumed by a downstream parsing 'Proxy'. 2. 'parserD': Repeatedly runs a given @'Parser' a b@ on input 'a' from upstream, and sends 'b' values downstream. We need some sample input to test our simple 'helloPipe1'. > input1 :: [Text] > input1 = > [ "Hello Kate." > , "Hello Mary.Hello Jef" > , "f." > , "Hel" > , "lo Tom." > ] We'll use @'fromListS' input1@ as our input source, which sends downstream one element from the list at a time. We'll call each of these elements a /chunk/. So, @'fromListS' input1@ sends 5 /chunks/ of 'Text' downstream. Notice how some of our /chunks/ are not, by themselves, complete inputs for our 'hello' 'Parser'. This is fine; we want to be able to feed the 'Parser' with either partial or complete input as soon as it's received from upstream. More input will be requested when needed. Attoparsec's 'Parser' handles partial parsing just fine. >>> runProxy $ fromListS input1 >-> helloPipe1 >-> printD Name "Kate" Name "Mary" Name "Jeff" Name "Tom" We have accomplished our simple goal: We've made a 'Pipe' that parses downstream flowing input using our 'Parser' 'hello'. $example-errors Let's try with some more complex input. > input2 :: [Text] > input2 = > [ "Hello Amy." > , "Hello, Hello Tim." > , "Hello Bob." > , "Hello James" > , "Hello" > , "Hello World." > , "HexHello Jon." > , "H" > , "ello Ann" > , "." > , "Hello Jean-Luc." > ] >>> runProxy $ fromListS input2 >-> helloPipe1 >-> printD Name "Amy" Name "Bob" Name "JamesHelloHello World" Name "Ann" Name "Jean-Luc" The simple @helloPipe1@ we built skips /chunks/ of input that fail to be parsed, and then continues parsing new input. That approach might be enough if you are certain your input is always well-formed, but sometimes you may prefer to act differently on these extraordinary situations. Instead of just using 'parserInputD' and 'parserD' to build our 'helloPipe1', we could have used an additional 'Proxy' in between them to handle these situations. The module "Control.Proxy.Attoparsec.Control" exports some useful 'Proxy's that serve this purpose. The default behavior just mentioned resembles the one provided by 'skipMalformedChunks'. Here are some other examples: ['retryLeftovers'] On parsing failures, keep retrying with any left-over input, skipping individual bits each time. If there are no left-overs, then more input is requests form upstream. > helloPipe2 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe p Text Name m r > helloPipe2 = parserInputD >-> retryLeftovers >-> parserD hello >>> runProxy $ fromListS input2 >-> helloPipe2 >-> printD Name "Amy" Name "Tim" Name "Bob" Name "JamesHelloHello World" Name "Jon" Name "Ann" Name "Jean-Luc" ['throwParsingErrors'] When a parsing error arises, aborts execution by throwing 'MalformedInput' in the 'EitherP' proxy transformer. > helloPipe3 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe (EitherP BadInput p) Text Name m r > helloPipe3 = parserInputD >-> throwParsingErrors >-> parserD hello >>> runProxy . runEitherK $ fromListS input2 >-> helloPipe3 >-> printD Name "Amy" Left (MalformedInput {miParserErrror = ParserError {errorContexts = [], errorMessage = "Failed reading: takeWith"}}) [@'limitInputLength' n@] If a @'Parser' a b@ has consumed input @a@ of length longer than @n@ without producing a @b@ value, and it's still requesting more input, then throw 'InputTooLong' in the 'EitherP' proxy transformer. > helloPipe4 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe (EitherP BadInput p) Text Name m r > helloPipe4 = parserInputD >-> limitInputLength 10 >-> parserD hello >>> runProxy . runEitherK $ fromListS input2 >-> helloPipe4 >-> printD Name "Amy" Name "Bob" Left (InputTooLong {itlLenght = 11}) Notice that by default, as mentioned earlier, parsing errors are ignored by skipping the malformed /chunk/. That's why we didn't get any complaint about the malformed input between /“Amy”/ and /“Bob”/. $example-compose-control These 'Proxy's that control the parsing behavior can be easily plugged together with @('>->')@ to achieve a combined functionality. Keep in mind that the order in which these 'Proxy's are used is important. Suppose you don't want to parse inputs of length longer than 10, and on parsing failures, you want to retry feeding the parser with any left-overs. You could achieve that behaviour like this: > helloPipe5 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe (EitherP BadInput p) Text Name m r > helloPipe5 = parserInputD >-> limitInputLength 10 >-> retryLeftovers >-> parserD hello >>> runProxy . runEitherK $ fromListS input2 >-> helloPipe5 >-> printD Name "Amy" Name "Tim" Name "Bob" Left (InputTooLong {itlLenght = 11}) $example-control-custom In case the 'Proxy's provided by "Control.Proxy.Attoparsec.Control" are not enough for your needs, you can create your custom parsing control 'Proxy'. Through a parsing control 'Proxy', @'ParserStatus' a@ values flow upstream and @'ParserSupply' a@ values flow downstream. A parsing control 'Proxy' may use, replace, or alter the flow of these values to achieve its purpose. A @'ParserStatus' a@ value received from downstream reports the status of a 'parserD' parsing 'Proxy', and in exchange, downstream expects a @'ParserSupply' a@ value. @'ParserSupply' a@ values carry raw input to be parsed and directives on how it should be used. @'ParserSupply' a@ is just a type synonym for @('SupplyUse', a)@. The @a@ value is the input chunk, and the 'SupplyUse' value could be either 'Resume' if the parser currently waiting for input should be fed, or 'Start', if a new parser should be started and fed the input, effectively aborting any parsing activity currently waiting for more input. See the documentation about 'ParserStatus' and 'ParserSupply' for more details. Suppose you want to write a parsing control 'Proxy' that never provides additional input to partial parsing results. Let's first take a look at the type of this 'Proxy': > skipPartialResults > :: (Monad m, Proxy p, AttoparsecInput a) > => ParserStatus a > -> p (ParserStatus a) (ParserSupply a) (ParserStatus a) (ParserSupply a) m r Just like we said, @'ParserStatus' a@ values flow upstream and @'ParserSupply' a@ values flow downstream. Now to a simple implementation: If we receive @'Parsing' n@ from downstream, then we know there is a partial parsing result waiting for more input. If we were to respond to this request with @('Resume', a)@, then the partial parser would continue consuming input, but if we change our response to @('Start', a)@, then the partial parser would be aborted and a new parser would start consuming the given input. A simple implementation is quite straightforward: > skipPartialResults = runIdentityK . foreverK $ go > where go x@(Parsing _) = request x >>= \(_, a) -> respond (Start, a) > go x = request x >>= respond We forward upstream the requests we get from downstream. However, in the case of a @'Parsing' n@ status, we replace with 'Start' the first value in the @'ParserSupply' a@ pair we receive from upstream before responding. Now we can use this parsing control 'Proxy' with some simple input and see it working. > helloPipe6 :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => () -> Pipe p Text Name m r > helloPipe6 = parserInputD >-> skipPartialResults >-> parserD hello >>> runProxy $ fromListS input1 >-> helloPipe6 >-> printD Name "Kate" Name "Mary" $example-try This module exports the following previous examples so that you can try them.