Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Conventional Haskell stream programming forces you to choose only two of the following three features:
- Effects
- Streaming
- Composability
If you sacrifice Effects you get Haskell's pure and lazy lists, which you can transform using composable functions in constant space, but without interleaving effects.
If you sacrifice Streaming you get mapM
, forM
"ListT done wrong", which are composable and effectful, but do not return
a single result until the whole list has first been processed and loaded
into memory.
If you sacrifice Composability you write a tightly coupled read,
transform, and write loop in IO
, which is streaming and effectful, but is
not modular or separable.
gives you all three features: effectful, streaming, and composable
programming. pipes
also provides a wide variety of stream programming
abstractions which are all subsets of a single unified machinery:
- effectful
s (like generators), - effectful
s (like iteratees), - effectful
s (like Unix pipes), and: ListT
done right.
All of these are connectable and you can combine them together in clever and unexpected ways because they all share the same underlying type.
requires a basic understanding of monad transformers, which you can
learn about by reading either:
- the paper "Monad Transformers - Step by Step",
- part III "Monads in the Real World" of the tutorial "All About Monads",
- chapter 18 of "Real World Haskell" on monad transformers, or:
- the documentation of the
If you want a Quick Start guide to pipes
, read the documentation in
Pipes.Prelude from top to bottom.
This tutorial is more extensive and explains the pipes
API in greater
detail and illustrates several idioms.
The pipes
library decouples stream processing stages from each other so
that you can mix and match diverse stages to produce useful streaming
programs. If you are a library writer, pipes
lets you package up
streaming components into a reusable interface. If you are an application
writer, pipes
lets you connect pre-made streaming components with minimal
effort to produce a highly-efficient program that streams data in constant
To enforce loose coupling, components can only communicate using two commands:
has four types of components built around these two commands:
s can onlyyield
values and they model streaming sourcesConsumer
s can onlyawait
values and they model streaming sinksPipe
s can bothyield
values and they model stream transformationsEffect
s can neitheryield
and they model non-streaming components
You can connect these components together in four separate ways which parallel the four above types:
s- (
) handlesawait
s - (
) handles bothyield
s andawait
s - (
) handles return values
As you connect components their types will change to reflect inputs and
outputs that you've fused away. You know that you're done connecting things
when you get an Effect
, meaning that you have handled all inputs and
outputs. You run this final Effect
to begin streaming.
s are effectful streams of input. Specifically, a Producer
is a
monad transformer that extends any base monad with a new yield
This yield
command lets you send output downstream to an anonymous
handler, decoupling how you generate values from how you consume them.
The following stdinLn
shows how to incrementally read in
s from standard input and yield
them downstream, terminating
gracefully when reaching the end of the input:
-- echo.hs import Control.Monad (unless) import Pipes import System.IO (isEOF) -- +--------+-- A 'Producer' that yields 'String's -- | | -- | | +-- Every monad transformer has a base monad. -- | | | This time the base monad is 'IO'. -- | | | -- | | | +-- Every monadic action has a return value. -- | | | | This action returns '()' when finished -- v v v v stdinLn :: Producer String IO () stdinLn = do eof <- lift isEOF -- 'lift' an 'IO' action from the base monad unless eof $ do str <- lift getLine yield str -- 'yield' the 'String' stdinLn -- Loop
emits a value, suspending the current Producer
until the value is
consumed. If nobody consumes the value (which is possible) then yield
never returns. You can think of yield
as having the following type:
m => a ->Producer
a m ()
The true type of yield
is actually more general and powerful. Throughout
the tutorial I will present type signatures like this that are simplified at
first and then later reveal more general versions. So read the above type
signature as simply saying: "You can use yield
within a Producer
, but
you may be able to use yield
in other contexts, too."
Click the link to yield
to navigate to its documentation. There you will
see that yield
actually uses the Producer'
(with an apostrophe) type
synonym which hides a lot of polymorphism behind a simple veneer. The
documentation for yield
says that you can also use yield
within a
, too, because of this polymorphism:
m => a ->Pipe
x a m ()
Use simpler types like these to guide you until you understand the fully general type.
loops are the simplest way to consume a Producer
like stdinLn
has the following type:
-- +-- Producer +-- The body of the +-- Result -- | to loop | loop | -- v over v v -- -------------- ------------------ ----------for
m =>Producer
a m r -> (a ->Effect
m ()) ->Effect
m r
(for producer body)
loops over (producer)
, substituting each yield
with (body)
You can also deduce that behavior purely from the type signature:
- The body of the loop takes exactly one argument of type
, which is the same as the output type of theProducer
. Therefore, the body of the loop must get its input from thatProducer
and nowhere else. - The return value of the input
matches the return value of the result, thereforefor
must loop over the entireProducer
and not skip anything.
The above type signature is not the true type of for
, which is actually
more general. Think of the above type signature as saying: "If the first
argument of for
is a Producer
and the second argument returns an
, then the final result must be an Effect
Click the link to for
to navigate to its documentation. There you will
see the fully general type and underneath you will see equivalent simpler
types. One of these says that if the body of the loop is a Producer
, then
the result is a Producer
, too:
m =>Producer
a m r -> (a ->Producer
b m ()) ->Producer
b m r
The first type signature I showed for for
was a special case of this
slightly more general signature because a Producer
that never yield
s is
also an Effect
-- The uninhabited type typeEffect
m r =Producer
m r
This is why for
permits two different type signatures. The first type
signature is just a special case of the second one:
m =>Producer
a m r -> (a ->Producer
b m ()) ->Producer
b m r -- Specialize 'b' to 'X'for
m =>Producer
a m r -> (a ->Producer
m ()) ->Producer
m r -- Producer X = Effectfor
m =>Producer
a m r -> (a ->Effect
m ()) ->Effect
m r
This is the same trick that all pipes
functions use to work with various
combinations of Producer
s, Consumer
s, Pipe
s, and Effect
s. Each
function really has just one general type, which you can then simplify down
to multiple useful alternative types.
Here's an example use of a for
, where the second argument (the
loop body) is an Effect
-- echo.hs loop :: Effect IO () loop = for stdinLn $ \str -> do -- Read this like: "for str in stdinLn" lift $ putStrLn str -- The body of the 'for' loop -- more concise: loop = for stdinLn (lift . putStrLn)
In this example, for
loops over stdinLn
and replaces every yield
with the body of the loop, printing each line. This is exactly
equivalent to the following code, which I've placed side-by-side with the
original definition of stdinLn
for comparison:
loop = do | stdinLn = do eof <- lift isEOF | eof <- lift isEOF unless eof $ do | unless eof $ do str <- lift getLine | str <- lift getLine (lift . putStrLn) str | yield str loop | stdinLn
You can think of yield
as creating a hole and a for
loop is one way to
fill that hole.
Notice how the final loop
only lift
s actions from the base monad and
does nothing else. This property is true for all Effect
s, which are just
glorified wrappers around actions in the base monad. This means we can run
these Effect
s to remove their lift
s and lower them back to the
equivalent computation in the base monad:
m =>Effect
m r -> m r
This is the real type signature of runEffect
, which refuses to accept
anything other than an Effect
. This ensures that we handle all inputs and
outputs before streaming data:
-- echo.hs main :: IO () main = runEffect loop
... or you could inline the entire loop
into the following one-liner:
main = runEffect $ for stdinLn (lift . putStrLn)
Our final program loops over standard input and echoes every line to
standard output until we hit Ctrl-D
to end the input stream:
$ ghc -O2 echo.hs $ ./echo Test<Enter> Test ABC<Enter> ABC <Ctrl-D> $
The final behavior is indistinguishable from just removing all the lift
from loop
main = do | loop = do eof <- isEof | eof <- lift isEof unless eof $ do | unless eof $ do str <- getLine | str <- lift getLine putStrLn str | (lift . putStrLn) str main | loop
This main
is what we might have written by hand if we were not using
, but with pipes
we can decouple the input and output logic from
each other. When we connect them back together, we still produce streaming
code equivalent to what a sufficiently careful Haskell programmer would
have written.
You can also use for
to loop over lists, too. To do so, convert the list
to a Producer
using each
, which is exported by default from Pipes:
each :: Monad m => [a] -> Producer a m () each as = mapM_ yield as
Combine for
and each
to iterate over lists using a "foreach" loop:
runEffect $ for (each [1..4]) (lift . print)
1 2 3 4
is actually more general and works for any Foldable
:: (Monad
f) => f a ->Producer
a m ()
So you can loop over any Foldable
container or even a Maybe
runEffect $ for (each (Just 1)) (lift . print)
You might wonder why the body of a for
loop can be a Producer
. Let's
test out this feature by defining a new loop body that creates three copies
of every value:
-- nested.hs import Pipes import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P -- Pipes.Prelude already has 'stdinLn' triple :: Monad m => a -> Producer a m () triple x = do yield x yield x yield x loop :: Producer String IO () loop = for P.stdinLn triple -- This is the exact same as: -- -- loop = for P.stdinLn $ \x -> do -- yield x -- yield x -- yield x
This time our loop
is a Producer
that outputs String
s, specifically
three copies of each line that we read from standard input. Since loop
a Producer
we cannot run it because there is still unhandled output.
However, we can use yet another for
to handle this new repeated stream:
-- nested.hs main = runEffect $ for loop (lift . putStrLn)
This creates a program which echoes every line from standard input to standard output three times:
$ ./nested Test<Enter> Test Test Test ABC<Enter> ABC ABC ABC <Ctrl-D> $
But is this really necessary? Couldn't we have instead written this using a nested for loop?
main = runEffect $ for P.stdinLn $ \str1 -> for (triple str1) $ \str2 -> lift $ putStrLn str2
Yes, we could have! In fact, this is a special case of the following equality, which always holds no matter what:
-- s :: Monad m =>Producer
a m () -- i.e. 'P.stdinLn' -- f :: Monad m => a ->Producer
b m () -- i.e. 'triple' -- g :: Monad m => b ->Producer
c m () -- i.e. '(lift . putStrLn)' for (for s f) g = for s (\x -> for (f x) g)
We can understand the rationale behind this equality if we first define the
following operator that is the point-free counterpart to for
(~>) :: Monad m => (a ->Producer
b m ()) -> (b ->Producer
c m ()) -> (a ->Producer
c m ()) (f ~> g) x = for (f x) g
Using (~>
) (pronounced "into"), we can transform our original equality
into the following more symmetric equation:
f :: Monad m => a ->Producer
b m () g :: Monad m => b ->Producer
c m () h :: Monad m => c ->Producer
d m () -- Associativity (f ~> g) ~> h = f ~> (g ~> h)
This looks just like an associativity law. In fact, (~>
) has another nice
property, which is that yield
is its left and right identity:
-- Left Identity yield ~> f = f
-- Right Identity f ~> yield = f
In other words, yield
and (~>
) form a Category
, specifically the
generator category, where (~>
) plays the role of the composition operator
and yield
is the identity. If you don't know what a Category
is, that's
okay, and category theory is not a prerequisite for using pipes
. All you
really need to know is that pipes
uses some simple category theory to keep
the API intuitive and easy to use.
Notice that if we translate the left identity law to use for
instead of
) we get:
for (yield x) f = f x
This just says that if you iterate over a pure single-element Producer
then you could instead cut out the middle man and directly apply the body of
the loop to that single element.
If we translate the right identity law to use for
instead of (~>
) we
for s yield = s
This just says that if the only thing you do is re-yield
every element of
a stream, you get back your original stream.
These three "for loop" laws summarize our intuition for how for
should behave and because these are Category
laws in disguise that means
that Producer
s are composable in a rigorous sense of the word.
In fact, we get more out of this than just a bunch of equations. We also
get a useful operator: (~>
). We can use this operator to condense
our original code into the following more succinct form that composes two
main = runEffect $ for P.stdinLn (triple ~> lift . putStrLn)
This means that we can also choose to program in a more functional style and
think of stream processing in terms of composing transformations using
) instead of nesting a bunch of for
The above example is a microcosm of the design philosophy behind the pipes
- Define the API in terms of categories
- Specify expected behavior in terms of category laws
- Think compositionally instead of sequentially
Sometimes you don't want to use a for
loop because you don't want to consume
every element of a Producer
or because you don't want to process every
value of a Producer
the exact same way.
The most general solution is to externally iterate over the Producer
the next
m =>Producer
a m r -> m (Either
r (a,Producer
a m r))
Think of next
as pattern matching on the head of the Producer
. This
returns a Left
if the Producer
is done or it returns a Right
containing the next value, a
, along with the remainder of the Producer
However, sometimes we can get away with something a little more simple and
elegant, like a Consumer
, which represents an effectful sink of values. A
is a monad transformer that extends the base monad with a new
command. This await
command lets you receive input from an
anonymous upstream source.
The following stdoutLn
shows how to incrementally await
s and print them to standard output, terminating gracefully when
receiving a broken pipe error:
import Control.Monad (unless) import Control.Exception (try, throwIO) import qualified GHC.IO.Exception as G import Pipes -- +--------+-- A 'Consumer' that awaits 'String's -- | | -- v v stdoutLn :: Consumer String IO () stdoutLn = do str <- await -- 'await' a 'String' x <- lift $ try $ putStrLn str case x of -- Gracefully terminate if we got a broken pipe error Left e@(G.IOError { G.ioe_type = t}) -> lift $ unless (t == G.ResourceVanished) $ throwIO e -- Otherwise loop Right () -> stdoutLn
is the dual of yield
: we suspend our Consumer
until we receive a
new value. If nobody provides a value (which is possible) then await
never returns. You can think of await
as having the following type:
m =>Consumer
a m a
One way to feed a Consumer
is to repeatedly feed the same input using
) (pronounced "feed"):
-- +- Feed +- Consumer to +- Returns new -- | action | feed | Effect -- v v v -- ---------- -------------- ---------- (>~
) ::Monad
m =>Effect
m b ->Consumer
b m c ->Effect
m c
(draw >~ consumer)
loops over (consumer)
, substituting each await
with (draw)
So the following code replaces every await
in stdoutLn
(lift getLine)
and then removes all the lift
runEffect $ lift getLine >~ stdoutLn
Test<Enter> Test ABC<Enter> ABC 42<Enter> 42 ...
You might wonder why (>~
) uses an Effect
instead of a raw action in the
base monad. The reason why is that (>~
) actually permits the following
more general type:
) ::Monad
m =>Consumer
a m b ->Consumer
b m c ->Consumer
a m c
) is the dual of (~>
), composing Consumer
s instead of Producer
This means that you can feed a Consumer
with yet another Consumer
that you can await
while you await
. For example, we could define the
following intermediate Consumer
that requests two String
s and returns
them concatenated:
doubleUp :: Monad m => Consumer String m String doubleUp = do str1 <- await str2 <- await return (str1 ++ str2) -- more concise: doubleUp = (++) <$> await <*> await
We can now insert this in between (lift getLine)
and stdoutLn
and see
what happens:
runEffect $ lift getLine >~ doubleUp >~ stdoutLn
Test<Enter> ing<Enter> Testing ABC<Enter> DEF<Enter> ABCDEF 42<Enter> 000<Enter> 42000 ...
splits every request from stdoutLn
into two separate requests
returns back the concatenated result.
We didn't need to parenthesize the above chain of (>~
) operators, because
) is associative:
-- Associativity (f >~ g) >~ h = f >~ (g >~ h)
... so we can always omit the parentheses since the meaning is unambiguous:
f >~ g >~ h
Also, (>~
) has an identity, which is await
-- Left identity await >~ f = f -- Right Identity f >~ await = f
In other words, (>~
) and await
form a Category
, too, specifically the
iteratee category, and Consumer
s are also composable.
Our previous programs were unsatisfactory because they were biased either
towards the Producer
end or the Consumer
end. As a result, we had to
choose between gracefully handling end of input (using stdinLn
) or
gracefully handling end of output (using stdoutLn
), but not both at the
same time.
However, we don't need to restrict ourselves to using Producer
exclusively or Consumer
s exclusively. We can connect Producer
s and
s directly together using (>->
) (pronounced "pipe"):
) ::Monad
m =>Producer
a m r ->Consumer
a m r ->Effect
m r
This returns an Effect
which we can run:
-- echo2.hs import Pipes import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P -- Pipes.Prelude also provides 'stdoutLn' main = runEffect $ P.stdinLn >-> P.stdoutLn
This program is more declarative of our intent: we want to stream values
from stdinLn
to stdoutLn
. The above "pipeline" not only echoes
standard input to standard output, but also handles both end of input and
broken pipe errors:
$ ./echo2 Test<Enter> Test ABC<Enter> ABC 42<Enter> 42 <Ctrl-D> $
) is "pull-based" meaning that control flow begins at the most
downstream component (i.e. stdoutLn
in the above example). Any time a
component await
s a value it blocks and transfers control upstream and
every time a component yield
s a value it blocks and restores control back
downstream, satisfying the await
. So in the above example, (>->
matches every await
from stdoutLn
with a yield
from stdinLn
Streaming stops when either stdinLn
terminates (i.e. end of input) or
terminates (i.e. broken pipe). This is why (>->
) requires
that both the Producer
and Consumer
share the same type of return value:
whichever one terminates first provides the return value for the entire
Let's test this by modifying our Producer
and Consumer
to each return a
diagnostic String
-- echo3.hs import Control.Applicative ((<$)) -- (<$) modifies return values import Pipes import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P import System.IO main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering str <- runEffect $ ("End of input!" <$ P.stdinLn) >-> ("Broken pipe!" <$ P.stdoutLn) hPutStrLn stderr str
This lets us diagnose whether the Producer
or Consumer
terminated first:
$ ./echo3 Test<Enter> Test <Ctrl-D> End of input! $ ./echo3 | perl -e 'close STDIN' Test<Enter> Broken pipe! $
You might wonder why (>->
) returns an Effect
that we have to run instead
of directly returning an action in the base monad. This is because you can
connect things other than Producer
s and Consumer
s, like Pipe
s, which
are effectful stream transformations.
A Pipe
is a monad transformer that is a mix between a Producer
, because a Pipe
can both await
and yield
. The following
example Pipe
is analagous to the Prelude's take
, only allowing a fixed
number of values to flow through:
-- take.hs import Control.Monad (replicateM_) import Pipes import Prelude hiding (take) -- +--------- A 'Pipe' that -- | +---- 'await's 'a's and -- | | +-- 'yield's 'a's -- | | | -- v v v take :: Int -> Pipe a a IO () take n = do replicateM_ n $ do -- Repeat this block 'n' times x <- await -- 'await' a value of type 'a' yield x -- 'yield' a value of type 'a' lift $ putStrLn "You shall not pass!" -- Fly, you fools!
You can use Pipe
s to transform Producer
s, Consumer
s, or even other
s using the same (>->
) operator:
) ::Monad
m =>Producer
a m r ->Pipe
a b m r ->Producer
b m r (>->
) ::Monad
m =>Pipe
a b m r ->Consumer
b m r ->Consumer
a m r (>->
) ::Monad
m =>Pipe
a b m r ->Pipe
b c m r ->Pipe
a c m r
For example, you can compose take
after stdinLn
to limit the number
of lines drawn from standard input:
maxInput :: Int -> Producer String IO () maxInput n = P.stdinLn >-> take n
runEffect $ maxInput 3 >-> P.stdoutLn
Test<Enter> Test ABC<Enter> ABC 42<Enter> 42 You shall not pass!>>>
... or you can pre-compose take
before stdoutLn
to limit the number
of lines written to standard output:
maxOutput :: Int -> Consumer String IO () maxOutput n = take n >-> P.stdoutLn
runEffect $ P.stdinLn >-> maxOutput 3
<Exact same behavior>
Those both gave the same behavior because (>->
) is associative:
(p1 >-> p2) >-> p3 = p1 >-> (p2 >-> p3)
Therefore we can just leave out the parentheses:
runEffect $ P.stdinLn >-> take 3 >-> P.stdoutLn
<Exact same behavior>
) is designed to behave like the Unix pipe operator, except with less
quirks. In fact, we can continue the analogy to Unix by defining cat
(named after the Unix cat
utility), which reforwards elements endlessly:
cat :: Monad m => Pipe a a m r cat = forever $ do x <- await yield x
is the identity of (>->
), meaning that cat
satisfies the
following two laws:
-- Useless use of 'cat' cat >-> p = p -- Forwarding output to 'cat' does nothing p >-> cat = p
Therefore, (>->
) and cat
form a Category
, specifically the category of
Unix pipes, and Pipe
s are also composable.
A lot of Unix tools have very simple definitions when written using pipes
-- unix.hs import Control.Monad (forever) import Pipes import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P -- Pipes.Prelude provides 'take', too import Prelude hiding (head) head :: Monad m => Int -> Pipe a a m () head = P.take yes :: Monad m => Producer String m r yes = forever $ yield "y" main = runEffect $ yes >-> head 3 >-> P.stdoutLn
This prints out 3 'y
's, just like the equivalent Unix pipeline:
$ ./unix y y y $ yes | head -3 y y y $
This lets us write "Haskell pipes" instead of Unix pipes. These are much easier to build than Unix pipes and we can connect them directly within Haskell for interoperability with the Haskell language and ecosystem.
also provides a "ListT done right" implementation. This differs
from the implementation in transformers
because this ListT
- obeys the monad laws, and
- streams data immediately instead of collecting all results into memory.
The latter property is actually an elegant consequence of obeying the monad laws.
To bind a list within a ListT
computation, combine Select
and each
import Pipes pair :: ListT IO (Int, Int) pair = do x <- Select $ each [1, 2] lift $ putStrLn $ "x = " ++ show x y <- Select $ each [3, 4] lift $ putStrLn $ "y = " ++ show y return (x, y)
You can then loop over a ListT
by using every
m =>ListT
m a ->Producer
a m ()
So you can use your ListT
within a for
runEffect $ for (every pair) (lift . print)
x = 1 y = 3 (1,3) y = 4 (1,4) x = 2 y = 3 (2,3) y = 4 (2,4)
... or a pipeline:
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
runEffect $ every pair >-> P.print
<Exact same behavior>
Note that ListT
is lazy and only produces as many elements as we request:
runEffect $ for (every pair >-> P.take 2) (lift . print)
x = 1 y = 3 (1,3) y = 4 (1,4)
You can also go the other way, binding Producer
s directly within a
. In fact, this is actually what Select
was already doing:
a m () ->ListT
m a
This lets you write crazy code like:
import Pipes import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P input :: Producer String IO () input = P.stdinLn >-> P.takeWhile (/= "quit") name :: ListT IO String name = do firstName <- Select input lastName <- Select input return (firstName ++ " " ++ lastName)
Here we're binding standard input non-deterministically (twice) as if it were an effectful list:
runEffect $ every name >-> P.stdoutLn
Daniel<Enter> Fischer<Enter> Daniel Fischer Wagner<Enter> Daniel Wagner quit<Enter> Donald<Enter> Stewart<Enter> Donald Stewart Duck<Enter> Donald Duck quit<Enter> quit<Enter>>>>
Notice how this streams out values immediately as they are generated, rather than building up a large intermediate result and then printing all the values in one batch at the end.
computations can be combined in more ways than Pipe
s, so try to
program in ListT
as much as possible and defer converting it to a Pipe
as late as possible using loop
You can combine ListT
computations even if their inputs and outputs are
completely different:
data In = InA A | InB B | InC C data Out = OutD D | OutE E | OutF F -- Independent computations example1 :: A -> ListT IO D example2 :: B -> ListT IO E example3 :: C -> ListT IO F -- Combined computation total :: In -> ListT IO Out total input = case input of InA a -> fmap OutD (example1 a) InB b -> fmap OutE (example2 b) InC c -> fmap OutF (example3 c)
Sometimes you have multiple computations that handle different inputs but the same output, in which case you don't need to unify their outputs:
-- Overlapping outputs example1 :: A -> ListT IO Out example2 :: B -> ListT IO Out example3 :: C -> ListT IO Out -- Combined computation total :: In -> ListT IO Out total input = case input of InA a -> example1 a InB b -> example2 b InC c -> example3 c
Other times you have multiple computations that handle the same input but
produce different outputs. You can unify their outputs using the Monoid
and Functor
instances for ListT
-- Overlapping inputs example1 :: In -> ListT IO D example2 :: In -> ListT IO E example3 :: In -> ListT IO F -- Combined computation total :: In -> ListT IO Out total input = fmap OutD (example1 input) <> fmap OutE (example2 input) <> fmap OutF (example3 input)
You can also chain ListT
computations, feeding the output of the first
computation as the input to the next computation:
-- End-to-end aToB :: A -> ListT IO B bToC :: B -> ListT IO C -- Combined computation aToC :: A -> LIstT IO C aToC = aToB >=> bToC
... or you can just use do
notation if you prefer.
However, the Pipe
type is more general than ListT
and can represent
things like termination. Therefore you should consider mixing Pipe
s with
when you need to take advantage of these extra features:
-- Mix ListT with Pipes example :: In -> ListT IO Out pipe :: Pipe In Out IO () pipe = Pipes.takeWhile (not . isC) >-> loop example where isC (InC _) = True isC _ = False
So promote your ListT
logic to a Pipe
when you need to take advantage of
these Pipe
-specific features.
is more powerful than meets the eye so this section presents some
non-obvious tricks you may find useful.
Many pipe combinators will work on unusual pipe types and the next few
examples will use the cat
pipe to demonstrate this.
For example, you can loop over the output of a Pipe
using for
, which is
how map
is defined:
map :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Pipe a b m r map f = for cat $ \x -> yield (f x) -- Read this as: For all values flowing downstream, apply 'f'
This is equivalent to:
map f = forever $ do x <- await yield (f x)
You can also feed a Pipe
input using (>~
). This means we could have
instead defined the yes
pipe like this:
yes :: Monad m => Producer String m r yes = return "y" >~ cat -- Read this as: Keep feeding "y" downstream
This is equivalent to:
yes = forever $ yield "y"
You can also sequence two Pipe
s together. This is how drop
drop :: Monad m => Int -> Pipe a a m r drop n = do replicateM_ n await cat
This is equivalent to:
drop n = do replicateM_ n await forever $ do x <- await yield x
You can even compose pipes inside of another pipe:
customerService :: Producer String IO () customerService = do each [ "Hello, how can I help you?" -- Begin with a script , "Hold for one second." ] P.stdinLn >-> P.takeWhile (/= "Goodbye!") -- Now continue with a human
Also, you can often use each
in conjunction with (~>
) to traverse nested
data structures. For example, you can print all non-Nothing
from a doubly-nested list:
runEffect $ (each ~> each ~> each ~> lift . print) [[Just 1, Nothing], [Just 2, Just 3]]
1 2 3
Another neat thing to know is that every
has a more general type:
:: (Monad
t) => t m a ->Producer
a m ()
generalizes Foldable
and if you have an effectful container
of your own that you want others to traverse using pipes
, just have your
container implement the toListT
method of the Enumerable
class Enumerable t where toListT :: Monad m => t m a -> ListT m a
You can even use Enumerable
to traverse effectful types that are not even
proper containers, like MaybeT
input :: MaybeT IO String input = do str <- lift getLine guard (str /= "Fail") return str
runEffect $ every input >-> P.stdoutLn
Test<Enter> Test>>>
runEffect $ every input >-> P.stdoutLn
This tutorial covers the concepts of connecting, building, and reading
code. However, this library is only the core component in an
ecosystem of streaming components. Derived libraries that build immediately
upon pipes
: Concurrent reactive programming and message passingpipes-parse
: Minimal utilities for stream parsingpipes-safe
: Resource management and exception safety forpipes
: Grouping streams in constant space
These libraries provide functionality specialized to common streaming
domains. Additionally, there are several libraries on Hackage that provide
even higher-level functionality, which you can find by searching under the
"Pipes" category or by looking for packages with a pipes-
prefix in
their name. Current examples include:
: Miscellaneous utilitiespipes-network
: Networkingpipes-zlib
: Compression and decompressionpipes-binary
: Binary serializationpipes-attoparsec
: High-performance parsingpipes-aeson
: JSON serialization and deserialization
Even these derived packages still do not explore the full potential of
functionality, which actually permits bidirectional communication.
Advanced pipes
users can explore this library in greater detail by
studying the documentation in the Pipes.Core module to learn about the
symmetry of the underlying Proxy
type and operators.
To learn more about pipes
, ask questions, or follow pipes
you can subscribe to the haskell-pipes
mailing list at:!forum/haskell-pipes
... or you can mail the list directly at:
Additionally, for questions regarding types or type errors, you might find the following appendix on types very useful.
Appendix: Types
uses parametric polymorphism (i.e. generics) to overload all
operations. You've probably noticed this overloading already:
works within bothProducer
s andPipe
works within bothConsumer
s andPipe
s- (
) connectsProducer
s, andPipe
s in varying ways
This overloading is great when it works, but when connections fail they produce type errors that appear intimidating at first. This section explains the underlying types so that you can work through type errors intelligently.
s, Consumer
s, Pipe
s, and Effect
s are all special cases of a
single underlying type: a Proxy
. This overarching type permits fully
bidirectional communication on both an upstream and downstream interface.
You can think of it as having the following shape:
Proxy a' a b' b m r Upstream | Downstream +---------+ | | a' <== <== b' -- Information flowing upstream | | a ==> ==> b -- Information flowing downstream | | | +----|----+ v r
The four core types do not use the upstream flow of information. This means
that the a'
and b'
in the above diagram go unused unless you use the
more advanced features provided in Pipes.Core.
uses type synonyms to hide unused inputs or outputs and clean up
type signatures. These type synonyms come in two flavors:
- Concrete type synonyms that explicitly close unused inputs and outputs of
type - Polymorphic type synonyms that don't explicitly close unused inputs or outputs
The concrete type synonyms use ()
to close unused inputs and X
uninhabited type) to close unused outputs:
type Effect = Proxy X () () X Upstream | Downstream +---------+ | | X <== <== () | | () ==> ==> X | | | +----|----+ v r
type Producer b = Proxy X () () b Upstream | Downstream +---------+ | | X <== <== () | | () ==> ==> b | | | +----|----+ v r
type Consumer a = Proxy () a () X Upstream | Downstream +---------+ | | () <== <== () | | a ==> ==> X | | | +----|----+ v r
type Pipe a b = Proxy () a () b Upstream | Downstream +---------+ | | () <== <== () | | a ==> ==> b | | | +----|----+ v r
When you compose Proxy
s using (>->
) all you are doing is placing them
side by side and fusing them laterally. For example, when you compose a
, Pipe
, and a Consumer
, you can think of information flowing
like this:
Producer Pipe Consumer +-----------+ +----------+ +------------+ | | | | | | X <== <== () <== <== () <== <== () | stdinLn | | take 3 | | stdoutLn | () ==> ==> String ==> ==> String ==> ==> X | | | | | | | | | +-----|-----+ +----|-----+ +------|-----+ v v v () () ()
Composition fuses away the intermediate interfaces, leaving behind an
Effect +-----------------------------------+ | | X <== <== () | stdinLn >-> take 3 >-> stdoutLn | () ==> ==> X | | +----------------|------------------+ v ()
also provides polymorphic type synonyms with apostrophes at the end
of their names. These use universal quantification to leave open any unused
input or output ends (which I mark using *
: marks the upstream end unused but still open
type Producer' b m r = forall x' x . Proxy x' x () b m r Upstream | Downstream +---------+ | | * <== <== () | | * ==> ==> b | | | +----|----+ v r
: marks the downstream end unused but still open
type Consumer' a m r = forall y' y . Proxy () a y' y m r Upstream | Downstream +---------+ | | () <== <== * | | a ==> ==> * | | | +----|----+ v r
: marks both ends unused but still open
type Effect' m r = forall x' x y' y . Proxy x' x y' y m r Upstream | Downstream +---------+ | | * <== <== * | | * ==> ==> * | | | +----|----+ v r
Note that there is no polymorphic generalization of a Pipe
Like before, if you compose a Producer'
, a Pipe
, and a Consumer'
Producer' Pipe Consumer' +-----------+ +----------+ +------------+ | | | | | | * <== <== () <== <== () <== <== * | stdinLn | | take 3 | | stdoutLn | * ==> ==> String ==> ==> String ==> ==> * | | | | | | | | | +-----|-----+ +-----|----+ +------|-----+ v v v () () ()
... they fuse into an Effect'
Effect' +-----------------------------------+ | | * <== <== * | stdinLn >-> take 3 >-> stdoutLn | * ==> ==> * | | +----------------|------------------+ v ()
Polymorphic type synonyms come in handy when you want to keep the type as
general as possible. For example, the type signature for yield
to keep the type signature simple while still leaving the
upstream input end open:
m => a ->Producer'
a m ()
This type signature lets us use yield
within a Pipe
, too, because the
type synonym is a special case of the polymorphic Producer'
b m r = forall x' x .Proxy
x' x () b m r typePipe
a b m r =Proxy
() a () b m r
The same is true for await
, which uses the polymorphic Consumer'
m =>Consumer'
a m a
We can use await
within a Pipe
because a Pipe
is a special case of the
polymorphic Consumer'
type synonym:
a m r = forall y' y .Proxy
() a y' y m r typePipe
a b m r =Proxy
() a () b m r
However, polymorphic type synonyms cause problems in many other cases:
- They usually give the wrong behavior when used as the argument of a function (known as the "negative" or "contravariant" position) like this:
f :: Producer' a m r -> ... -- Wrong f :: Producer a m r -> ... -- Right
The former function only accepts polymorphic Producer
s as arguments.
The latter function accepts both polymorphic and concrete Producer
which is probably what you want.
- Even when you desire a polymorphic argument, this induces a higher-ranked
type, because it translates to a
which you cannot factor out to the top-level to simplify the type signature:
f :: (forall x' x y' . Proxy x' x y' m r) -> ...
These kinds of type signatures require the RankNTypes
- Even when you have polymorphic type synonyms as the result of a function
(i.e. the "positive" or "covariant" position), recent versions of
such still require theRankNTypes
extension. For example, thefromHandle
function from Pipes.Prelude requiresRankNTypes
to compile correctly onghc-7.6.3
fromHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> Producer' String m ()
- You can't use polymorphic type synonyms inside other type constructors
without the
io :: IO (Producer' a m r) -- Type error without ImpredicativeTypes
- You can't partially apply polymorphic type synonyms:
stack :: MaybeT (Producer' a m) r -- Type error
In these scenarios you should fall back on the concrete type synonyms, which
are better behaved. If concrete type synonyms are unsatisfactory, then ask
to infer the most general type signature and use that.
For the purposes of debugging type errors you can just remember that:
Input --+ +-- Output | | v v Proxy a' a b' b m r ^ ^ | | +----+-- Ignore these
For example, let's say that you try to run the stdinLn
. This
produces the following type error:
runEffect P.stdinLn
<interactive>:4:5: Couldn't match expected type `X' with actual type `String' Expected type: Effect m0 r0 Actual type: Proxy X () () String IO () In the first argument of `runEffect', namely `P.stdinLn' In the expression: runEffect P.stdinLn
expects an Effect
, which is equivalent to the following type:
Effect IO () = Proxy X () () X IO ()
... but stdinLn
type-checks as a Producer
, which has the following
Producer String IO () = Proxy X () () String IO ()
The fourth type variable (the output) does not match. For an Effect
type variable should be closed (i.e. X
), but stdinLn
has a String
output, thus the type error:
Couldn't match expected type `X' with actual type `String'
Any time you get type errors like these you can work through them by expanding out the type synonyms and seeing which type variables do not match.
You may also consult this table of type synonyms to more easily compare them:
type Effect = Proxy X () () X type Producer b = Proxy X () () b type Consumer a = Proxy () a () X type Pipe a b = Proxy () a () b type Server b' b = Proxy X () b' b type Client a' a = Proxy a' a () X type Effect' m r = forall x' x y' y . Proxy x' x y' y m r type Producer' b m r = forall x' x . Proxy x' x () b m r type Consumer' a m r = forall y' y . Proxy () a y' y m r type Server' b' b m r = forall x' x . Proxy x' x b' b m r type Client' a' a m r = forall y' y . Proxy a' a y' y m r
Appendix: Time Complexity
There are three functions that give quadratic time complexity when used in
within pipes
For example, the time complexity of this code segment scales quadratically
with n
import Control.Monad (replicateM) import Pipes quadratic :: Int -> Consumer a m [a] quadratic n = replicateM n await
These three functions are generally bad practice to use, because all three of them correspond to "ListT done wrong", building a list in memory instead of streaming results.
However, sometimes situations arise where one deliberately intends to build a list in memory. The solution is to use the "codensity transformation" to transform the code to run with linear time complexity. This involves:
- wrapping the code in the
monad transformer (fromControl.Monad.Codensity
module of thekan-extensions
package) usinglift
- applying
- unwrapping the code using
To illustrate this, we'd transform the above example to:
import Control.Monad.Codensity (lowerCodensity) linear :: Monad m => Int -> Consumer a m [a] linear n = lowerCodensity $ replicateM n $ lift await
This will produce the exact same result, but in linear time.
This tutorial is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License