-- | This module provides the tutorial for "Control.Proxy" module Control.Proxy.Tutorial ( -- * Basics -- $basics -- * Types -- $types -- * Composition -- $composition -- * Idioms -- $idioms -- * The importance of compositionality -- $compose -- * Mixing monads and composition -- $monads -- * Pipe Compatibility -- $pipes ) where import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Proxy {- $basics The 'Proxy' type models composable chains of client-server interactions. A 'Proxy' is a monad transformer that extends the base monad with the ability to 'request' input from upstream and 'respond' with output to downstream. For example, consider the following toy remote procedure call 'Server': > import Control.Proxy > import Control.Monad.Trans > > incrementer :: Int -> Server Int Int IO r > incrementer question = do > lift $ putStrLn $ "Server received : " ++ show question > let answer = question + 1 > lift $ putStrLn $ "Server responded: " ++ show answer > nextQuestion <- respond answer > incrementer nextQuestion We can understand what the 'Server' does just by looking at the type: > | Question | Answer | Base monad | Return value > Server Int Int IO r Our 'Server' receives questions about 'Int's, and responds with answers that are 'Int's. The base monad is 'IO' because our 'Server' 'lift's two 'putStrLn' statements to chat out loud. The return value is polymorphic because our 'Server' never terminates. Note that the base monad doesn't always need to be 'IO'. Unlike typical servers, these kinds of 'Server's are pure syntax trees with no side effects unless you call 'lift'. Now we can write a 'Client' that interacts with our 'Server': > import Control.Monad > > oneTwoThree :: () -> Client Int Int IO () > oneTwoThree () = forM_ [1, 2, 3] $ \question -> do > lift $ putStrLn $ "Client requested: " ++ show question > answer <- request question > lift $ putStrLn $ "Client received : " ++ show answer > lift $ putStrLn "*" Again, the type explains what the 'Client' does: > | Question | Answer | Base monad | Return value > Client Int | Int | IO | () Our 'Client' asks questions about 'Int's and receives answers that are 'Int's. The 'Client' also uses 'IO' as the base monad. We can then compose the 'Client' and 'Server' into a 'Session' using the ('<-<') operator: > session :: () -> Session IO () > session = oneTwoThree <-< incrementer The 'Session' type indicates that we have a self-contained session that we can run in the 'IO' monad. We run it using the the 'runSession' function: >>> runSession session :: IO () Client requested: 1 Server received : 1 Server responded: 2 Client received : 2 * Client requested: 2 Server received : 2 Server responded: 3 Client received : 3 * Client requested: 3 Server received : 3 Server responded: 4 Client received : 4 * Now, let's add an intermediate 'Proxy' between the 'Client' and 'Server' that subtly tampers with the stream going through it: > malicious :: Int -> Proxy Int Int Int Int IO r > malicious question = do > question' <- if (question > 2) > then do > lift $ putStrLn "MUAHAHAHA!" > return (question + 1) > else return question > answer <- request question' > nextQuestion <- respond answer > malicious nextQuestion The type tells us what our 'Proxy' does: > | Upstream (Server) | Downstream (Client) | > | Question | Answer | Question | Answer | Base monad | Return value > Proxy Int Int Int Int IO r A 'Proxy' bridges two separate interfaces. The first two parameters define the upstream interface (i.e. in the 'Server' direction) and the second two parameters define the downstream interface (i.e. in the 'Client' direction). We can see if our proxy does its job correctly: >>> runSession $ oneTwoThree <-< malicious <-< incrementer Client requested: 1 Server received : 1 Server responded: 2 Client received : 2 * Client requested: 2 Server received : 2 Server responded: 3 Client received : 3 * Client requested: 3 MUAHAHAHA! Server received : 4 Server responded: 5 Client received : 5 * We can also add more proxies as we see fit: >>> runSession $ oneTwoThree <-< malicious <-< malicious <-< incrementer Client requested: 1 Server received : 1 Server responded: 2 Client received : 2 * Client requested: 2 Server received : 2 Server responded: 3 Client received : 3 * Client requested: 3 MUAHAHAHA! MUAHAHAHA! Server received : 5 Server responded: 6 Client received : 6 * -} {- $types You probably noticed something odd: ('<-<') seems to be composing values of different types. Sometimes it composes a 'Server' or a 'Client' or a 'Proxy'. In reality, though, both 'Server' and 'Client' are just type synonyms for special cases of 'Proxy': > type Server arg ret = Proxy Void () arg ret > type Client arg ret = Proxy arg ret () Void A 'Server' is just a 'Proxy' that has no upstream interface, and a 'Client' is just a 'Proxy' that has no downstream interface. In fact, 'Session' is a 'Proxy', too: > type Session = Proxy Void () () Void A 'Session' is just a 'Proxy' that has neither an upstream interface nor a downstream interface. The 'Proxy' is the unifying type of the module that all other types derive from and ('<-<') always composes two 'Proxy's and returns a new 'Proxy' of the correct type. You also probably noticed another odd thing: we parametrize every 'Proxy' on its initial argument: > +- Initial Arg > | > v > incrementer :: Int -> Server Int Int IO r > malicious :: Int -> Proxy Int Int Int Int IO r > oneTwoThree :: () -> Client Int Int IO () > > session :: () -> Session IO () This input initializes each 'Proxy' and corresponds to the input on the downstream interface. I will expand the 'Server' and 'Client' type synonyms to show this: > +- Initial Arg = This -+ > | | > v v > incrementer :: Int -> Proxy Void () Int Int IO r > malicious :: Int -> Proxy Int Int Int Int IO r > oneTwoThree :: () -> Proxy Int Int () Void IO () > > session :: () -> Proxy Void () () Void IO () Composition supplies the first request through this initial parameters and all subsequent requests are bound to 'respond' statements. This means that the actual types you compose are all of the form: > proxy :: req_b -> Proxy req_a resp_a req_b resp_b m r -} {- $composition 'Proxy' composition posseses an identity 'Proxy' that is completely transparent to anything upstream or downstream of it: > idT :: (Monad m) => req -> Proxy req resp req resp m r > idT question = do > answer <- request question > nextQuestion <- respond answer > idT nextQuestion Transparency means that: > idT <-< p = p > > p <-< idT = p Also, 'Proxy' composition has the nice property that it behaves exactly the same way no matter how you group components: > (p1 <-< p2) <-< p3 = p1 <-< (p2 <-< p3) This means that ('<-<') and 'idT' define a category, and the above equations are the category laws. These laws guarantee the following nice properties of components: * You can reason about each component's behavior independently of other components * You don't encounter boundary cases between components * You don't encounter edge cases at the 'Server' or 'Client' ends The semantics of 'Proxy' composition are simple: * 'request' blocks until it receives a response from upstream * 'respond' blocks until it receives a new request from downstream * If any 'Proxy' in the chain terminates, the entire chain terminates -} {- $idioms We frequently encounter the following recurring pattern when writing 'Proxy's: > someProxy arg = do > ... > nextArg <- respond x > someProxy nexArg "Control.Proxy" provides the 'foreverK' utility function which abstracts away this manual recursion: > foreverK f = f >=> foreverK f Using 'foreverK', we can simplify the definition of 'incrementer': > incrementer = foreverK $ \question -> do > lift $ putStrLn $ "Server received : " ++ show question > let answer = question + 1 > lift $ putStrLn $ "Server responded: " ++ show answer > respond answer ... which looks exactly like the way you might write server code in another programming language. We can similarly simplify 'malicious' this way: > malicious = foreverK $ \question -> do > question' <- if (question > 2) > then do > lift $ putStrLn "MUAHAHAHA!" > return (question + 1) > else return question > answer <- request question' > respond answer ... or 'idT': > idT = foreverK $ \question -> do > answer <- request question > respond answer > > -- or: idT = foreverK (request >=> respond) > -- = request >=> respond >=> request >=> respond >=> ... -} {- $compose We can mix and match different components to rapidly define emergent behaviors from a resuable set of core primitives. For example, we could replace our client with a command line prompt where the user requests inputs: > inputPrompt :: (Read a, Show b) => () -> Client a b IO r > inputPrompt () = forever $ do > str <- lift $ getLine > let a = read str > b <- request a > lift $ print b > lift $ putStrLn "*" >>> runSession $ inputPrompt <-< incrementer 42 Server received : 42 Server responded: 43 43 * 666 Server received : 666 Server responded: 667 667 * Oh no, we lost our useful client diagnostic messages! No worries, we can abstract that functionality away into its own component: > diagnoseClient :: (Show a, Show b) => a -> Proxy a b a b IO r > diagnoseClient = foreverK $ \a -> do > lift $ putStrLn $ "Client requested: " ++ show a > b <- request a > lift $ putStrLn $ "Client received : " ++ show b > respond b >>> runSession $ inputPrompt <-< diagnoseClient <-< incrementer 42 Client requested: 42 Server received : 42 Server responded: 43 Client received : 43 43 * 666 Client requested: 666 Server received : 666 Server responded: 667 Client received : 667 667 * Because of associativity, we can bundle @inputPrompt@ and @diagnoseClient@ into a single black box and not worry that the abstraction will leak due to grouping issues: > verboseInput :: (Read a, Show b, Show a) => () -> Client a b IO r > verboseInput = inputPrompt <-< diagnoseClient >>> runSession $ verboseInput <-< incrementer Or what if I want to cache the results coming out of @incrementer@? I can define a 'Proxy' to cache all requests going through it: > import qualified Data.Map as M > > cache :: (Ord a) => a -> Proxy a b a b IO r > cache = cache' M.empty > > cache' m a = > case M.lookup a m of > Nothing -> do > b <- request a > a' <- respond b > cache' (M.insert a b m) a' > Just b -> do > lift $ putStrLn "Used cache!" > a' <- respond b > cache' m a' >>> runSession $ verboseInput <-< cache <-< incrementer 42 Client requested: 42 Server received : 42 Server responded: 43 Client received : 43 43 * 42 Client requested: 42 Used cache! Client received : 43 43 * Note that I don't distinguish between a "reverse proxy" or a "forward proxy" since composition doesn't distinguish either. You can attach the @cache@ 'Proxy' to a 'Client': > client' = client <-< cache ... or to a 'Server': > server' = cache <-< server ... or anywhere in between. It's completely up to you! -} {- $monads All the previous examples use a single composition chain, but you need not restrict yourself to that design pattern. Remember that the result of composition is a 'Proxy' itself (parametrized by an input), and 'Proxy's are 'Monad's, so you can bind the result of composition directly within another @do@ block to generate complex behaviors: > mixedClient :: () -> Client Int Int IO r > mixedClient () = do > oneTwoThree () > -- Here we bind composition within a larger do block > (inputPrompt <-< cache) () >>> runSession $ mixedClient <-< incrementer Client requested: 1 Server received : 1 Server responded: 2 Client received : 2 * Client requested: 2 Server received : 2 Server responded: 3 Client received : 3 * Client requested: 3 Server received : 3 Server responded: 4 Client received : 4 * 42 Server received : 42 Server responded: 43 43 * 42 Used cache! 43 * So feel free to use your imagination! Up until the moment you call 'runSession', you can freely mix composition or @do@ notation within each other. -} {- $pipes 'Proxy's generalize 'Pipe's by permitting communication upstream. Fortunately, though, you don't need to rewrite your code if you have already used 'Pipe's. "Control.Proxy" formulates all of the 'Pipe' types and primitives in terms of the 'Proxy' type. This means that if you wish to upgrade your 'Pipe' code to take advantage of upstream communication, you only need to import "Control.Proxy" instead of "Control.Pipe" and everything will still work out of the box. Then you can selectively upgrade certain components to communicate upstream as necessary. To understand how 'Pipe's map onto 'Proxy's, just check out the 'Pipe' definition in "Control.Proxy": > type Pipe a b = Proxy () a () b In other words, a 'Pipe' is just a 'Proxy' where you never pass any informationupstream. "Control.Pipe" will not be deprecated, however, and will be preserved for users who do not wish to communicate information upstream. -}