The version fixed the long existing issues with not working prepending needed concatenations for the text in the
module Data.Phonetic.Languages.PrepareText. Added also the possibility to not only prepend needed words, but also append.
This introduces breaking changes, so please, check the code that uses library functions afterwards.
The version is prepared to the Day of the Saints Cyril and Methodius, the 'Apostles to the Slavs',
and to the Day of Slavic writing systems and culture.
The functions in the modules Phonetic.Languages.General.Simple.Parsing, Phonetic.Languages.General.Lines.Parsing,
Phonetic.Languages.General.GetInfo.Parsing highly depend on the data types in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics
They use the parsing with the failing possibilities, so for them, to work properly, you need to specify every
piece of data accordingly to the specifications in the imported modules and in the new modules themselves.
Otherwise, the functions definitely will not work correctly.
Are provided mainly for testing purposes, may be not enough performant for production usage.
Espeak-ng Additional Usage and IPA
You can use additionally the espeak-ng program (see: and in the
Unix / Linux terminal (bash shell) you can enter as a command something like:
cat - | tr -d [:punct:] | espeak-ng -v{lang} -x -g 1 -s 130 --ipa
where {lang} is the needed language code (see, the output of the espeak-ng --voices and besides the manual page for
the espeak-ng).
The IPA symbols information can be taken from the
or the
Please, take into account the license information: the IPA chart and all its subparts
are copyright 2018/2005 by the International Phonetic Association. As of July 2012, they are made freely
available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). This license
allows any kind of re-use (including commercial reproduction and derivative works), as long as attribution
is given and the reproduction or derivative work is under the same license.
See for further description.
It is rather easy to create the corresponding GWritingSystemPRPLX information using the IPA, but you can use
some other respesentation. The idea for this is that you can use IPA line produced by the espeak-ng as the
input 'String'.
Some Ideas to Be Checked (Hypotheses)
The phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-examples-array library is based on the idea of the defined
phonetic phenomenae durations in time while speaking. Definitely, they have some durations, the question of
interest is that there are no stable ones, immutable ones. The durations vary not only from situation to situation,
from one speaker to another one, from circumstances etc., but also the durations for some phonemes can vary
depending on their neighbouring ones and, therefore, being some (probably, a new one in every case) function
of the neighbour phonemes. This fact is not taken into account in this version of the package and library, but
it has some meaning.
A Child Learns to Read, or Somebody New to the Language
When a child just begins to read words in the language (or, there can be just somebody new to the language) he or she
starts with phonemes pronunciation for every meaningful written (and, hence, read) symbol. Afterwards, after some
practice, he / she starts to read smoothly. Nevertheless, if the text is actually a poetic piece, e. g. some
poem, it is OFTEN (may be, usually, or sometimes, or occasionally, etc.) just evident that the text being read
in such a manner has some rhythmicity properties, despite the fact that the phonemes are read and pronounced in
a manner of irregular and to some extent irrelevant to the normal speech mode lengths (durations). We can
distinguish (often) the poetic text from the non-poetic one just by some arrangement of the elements.
The same situation occurs when a person with an accent (probably, strong, or rather uncommon) reads a poetic text.
Or in other situations. The library design works just as in these situations. It assumes predefined durations, but
having several reasonable (sensible) ones we can evaluate (approximately, of course) the rhythmicity properties
and some other ones, just as the algorithms provided here.
This, to the mind of the author, is a ground for using the library and its functionality in such cases.
Using the Espeak and IPA functionality
You can use the EspeakNG_IPA module for this since the version.
"w" and "x" Series of properties
Since the version you can use also "w" and "x" series (lines) of properties. They use more complex
approach and are intended for 4 elements in the rhythmic groups. For more information, please, refer to the
section 'WX argument' in the Ukrainian instruction:
or here:
The instruction in English is here:
or here:
There are also some additional information there about the changes in the version.
Since the version there are made several significant changes.
Changed the command line arguments modifiers notation to the small letters,
removed the double ++ sign (changed to just single +) to simplify the command line arguments usage.
Also changed the way to sign the writing to file for the Phonetic.Languages.General.Simple module.
Added new lines of properties for the (hypothetic) polyrhythmicity handling. Among them
"c", "s", "t", "u", "v" lines are. Changed the dependencies
boundaries. Added the possibility to 'grow lines' to Phonetic.Languages.General.Lines and
Phonetic.Languages.General.GetTextualInfo modules.
Since the version the "c", "s", "t", "u" and "v" series can have negative (by sign) result of the
properties. This does not influence the general behavior of the functions.
Since the version there are also new "weighted" properties lines used.
Since the version there are also recursive interactive mode of the
Phonetic.Languages.General.Simple module functions.
Since the version added the pairwise permutations
mode (with +p command line argument) where just pairwise
permutations are used and the length of the line can be
up to 10 words or their concatenations.
Since the version you can use two reduced set of permutations modes
in addition to the default full universal set of permutations mode. To
use them, please, add "+p {1 or 2}" to the command line arguments.
For more information, please, refer to the instructions following the links
The version fixes issues with changing the structure of output
(intervals rearrangements) so that the programs now work as
described. If you used earlier changing structure with the arguments
then all the results must be re-considered (re-done)
with fixed version
The author ask for pardon because of such longlasted issue.
Improved documentation.
Fixed issues with string interpreter (see the appropriate information) and added the possibility to adjust splitting.