# Phoityne VSCode Phoityne is a ghci debug viewer for Visual Studio Code. (on Windows) ## Debug on VSCode 1. Start VSCode 2. Open stack project folder 3. Open debug view 4. Open launch.json 5. Set startup source file. Default file is test/Spec.hs 6. Run debug(F5) [![Demo Video1](https://sites.google.com/site/phoityne/doc_jp/demo01.gif)](https://sites.google.com/site/phoityne/doc_jp/demo01.gif?attredirects=0) ## Important * Breakpoint can be set in a .hs file which defineds "module ... where". * Source file extension must be ".hs" * When you start debugging for the first time, .vscode/tasks.json will be created automatically. Then you can use F6, F7, F8 shortcut key. ## Install ### Run stack install % stack install phoityne-vscode . . . . . % Add 'phoityne-vscode.exe' to PATH environment. % where $path:phoityne-vscode.exe C:\Users\phoityne\AppData\Roaming\local\bin\phoityne-vscode.exe % ### Install vscode extensions 1. ctrlr + p on Visual Studio Code 2. ext install haskell ... 3. select "[Haskell GHCi debug viewer Phoityne](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=phoityne.phoityne-vscode)" ## Key Bindings * F5 : start debug * F6 : show command menu (for stack watch) * Shift + F6 : stop stack watch * F7 : stack clean & build * F8 : stack test