{-| Module : Database.PostgreSQL.Entity.DBT Copyright : © Clément Delafargue, 2018 Théophile Choutri, 2021 License : MIT Maintainer : theophile@choutri.eu Stability : stable The 'Database.PostgreSQL.Transact.DBT' plumbing module to handle database queries and pools -} module Database.PostgreSQL.Entity.DBT ( mkPool , withPool , withPool' , execute , query , query_ , queryOne , QueryNature(..) ) where import Colourista.IO (cyanMessage, redMessage, yellowMessage) import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Data.Int import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Data.Pool (Pool, createPool, withResource) import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime) import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Control.Monad.Catch (Exception, MonadCatch, try) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG (ConnectInfo, Connection, FromRow, Query, ToRow, close, connect) import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Transact as PGT -- | Create a Pool Connection with the appropriate parameters -- -- @since mkPool :: ConnectInfo -- Database access information -> Int -- Number of sub-pools -> NominalDiffTime -- Allowed timeout -> Int -- Number of connections -> IO (Pool Connection) mkPool connectInfo subPools timeout connections = createPool (connect connectInfo) close subPools timeout connections -- | Run a DBT action with no explicit error handling. -- -- This functions is suited for using 'MonadError' error handling. -- -- === __Example__ -- -- > let e1 = E 1 True True -- > result <- runExceptT @EntityError $ do -- > withPool pool $ insertEntity e1 -- > withPool pool $ markForProcessing 1 -- > case result of -- > Left err -> print err -- > Right _ -> putStrLn "Everything went well" -- -- See the code in the @example/@ directory on GitHub -- -- @since withPool :: (MonadBaseControl IO m) => Pool Connection -> PGT.DBT m a -> m a withPool pool action = withResource pool $ PGT.runDBTSerializable action -- | Run a DBT action while handling errors as Exceptions. -- -- This function wraps the DBT actions in a 'try', so that exceptions -- raised will be converted to the Left branch of the Either. -- -- @since withPool' :: forall errorType result m . (Exception errorType, MonadCatch m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Pool Connection -> PGT.DBT m result -> m (Either errorType result) withPool' pool action = try $ withPool pool action -- | Query wrapper that returns a 'Vector' of results -- -- @since query :: (ToRow params, FromRow result, MonadIO m) => QueryNature -> Query -> params -> PGT.DBT m (Vector result) query queryNature q params = do logQueryFormat queryNature q params V.fromList <$> PGT.query q params -- | Query wrapper that returns one result. -- -- @since queryOne :: (ToRow params, FromRow result, MonadIO m) => QueryNature -> Query -> params -> PGT.DBT m (Maybe result) queryOne queryNature q params = do logQueryFormat queryNature q params result <- PGT.query q params pure $ listToMaybe result -- | Query wrapper that returns a 'Vector' of results and does not take an argument -- -- @since query_ :: (FromRow result, MonadIO m) => QueryNature -> Query -> PGT.DBT m (Vector result) query_ queryNature q = do logQueryFormat queryNature q () V.fromList <$> PGT.query_ q -- | Query wrapper for SQL statements which do not return. -- -- @since execute :: (ToRow params, MonadIO m) => QueryNature -> Query -> params -> PGT.DBT m Int64 execute queryNature q params = do logQueryFormat queryNature q params PGT.execute q params logQueryFormat :: (ToRow params, MonadIO m) => QueryNature -> Query -> params -> PGT.DBT m () logQueryFormat queryNature q params = do msg <- PGT.formatQuery q params case queryNature of Select -> liftIO $ cyanMessage $ "[SELECT] " <> decodeUtf8 msg Update -> liftIO $ yellowMessage $ "[UPDATE] " <> decodeUtf8 msg Insert -> liftIO $ yellowMessage $ "[INSERT] " <> decodeUtf8 msg Delete -> liftIO $ redMessage $ "[DELETE] " <> decodeUtf8 msg -- | This sum type is given to the 'query', 'queryOne' and 'execute' functions to help -- with logging. -- -- @since data QueryNature = Select | Insert | Update | Delete deriving (Eq, Show)