{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module TestODBC where import Database.Persist import Database.Persist.ODBC import Database.Persist.TH import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Logger import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time (getCurrentTime,UTCTime) import System.Environment (getArgs) import Employment import Data.Conduit import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import Control.Monad (when,unless) import qualified Database.HDBC as H import qualified Database.HDBC.ODBC as H import FtypeEnum import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E import Database.Esqueleto (select,where_,(^.),from,Value(..)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Ratio import Text.Blaze.Html --import Debug.Trace share [mkPersist sqlOnlySettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll", mkDeleteCascade sqlOnlySettings] [persistLowerCase| Test0 mybool Bool deriving Show Test1 flag Bool flag1 Bool Maybe dbl Double db2 Double Maybe deriving Show Test2 dt UTCTime deriving Show Persony name String employment Employment deriving Show Personx name String Eq Ne Desc age Int Lt Asc color String Maybe Eq Ne Unique PersonxNameKey name deriving Show Testnum bar Int znork Int Maybe znork1 String znork2 String Maybe znork3 UTCTime name String Maybe deriving Show Foo bar String deriving Show Personz name String age Int Maybe deriving Show BlogPost title String authorId PersonzId deriving Show Asm name Text description Text Unique MyUniqueAsm name -- deriving Typeable deriving Show Xsd name Text description Text asmid AsmId Unique MyUniqueXsd name -- global -- deriving Typeable deriving Show Ftype name Text Unique MyUniqueFtype name -- deriving Typeable deriving Show Line name Text description Text pos Int ftypeid FtypeEnum xsdid XsdId Unique EinzigName xsdid name -- within an xsd:so can repeat fieldnames in different xsds Unique EinzigPos xsdid pos -- deriving Typeable deriving Show Interface name Text fname Text ftypeid FtypeId iname FtypeEnum Unique MyUniqueInterface name -- deriving Typeable deriving Show Testother -- json -- no FromJSON instance in aeson anymore for bytestring bs1 ByteString Maybe bs2 ByteString deriving Show Testrational json rat Rational deriving Show Testhtml myhtml Html -- deriving Show Testblob bs1 ByteString Maybe deriving Show Testblob3 bs1 ByteString bs2 ByteString bs3 ByteString deriving Show Testlen txt Text maxlen=5 -- default='xx12' str String maxlen=5 bs ByteString maxlen=5 mtxt Text Maybe maxlen=5 mstr String Maybe maxlen=5 mbs ByteString Maybe maxlen=5 deriving Show |] main :: IO () main = do [arg] <- getArgs let (dbtype',dsn) = case arg of -- odbc system dsn "d" -> (DB2,"dsn=db2_test") "p" -> (Postgres,"dsn=pg_test") "m" -> (MySQL,"dsn=mysql_test") -- have to pass UID=..; PWD=..; or use Trusted_Connection or Trusted Connection depending on the driver and environment "s" -> (MSSQL True,"dsn=mssql_test; Trusted_Connection=True") -- mssql 2012 [full limit and offset support] "so" -> (MSSQL False,"dsn=mssql_test; Trusted_Connection=True") -- mssql pre 2012 [limit support only] "o" -> (Oracle False,"dsn=oracle_test") -- pre oracle 12c [no support for limit and offset] "on" -> (Oracle True,"dsn=oracle_test") -- >= oracle 12c [full limit and offset support] "q" -> (Sqlite False,"dsn=sqlite_test") "qn" -> (Sqlite True,"dsn=sqlite_test") xs -> error $ "unknown option:choose p m s so o on d q qn found[" ++ xs ++ "]" runResourceT $ runNoLoggingT $ withODBCConn Nothing dsn $ runSqlConn $ do conn <- askSqlConn let dbtype=read $ T.unpack $ connRDBMS conn liftIO $ putStrLn $ "original:" ++ show dbtype' ++ " calculated:" ++ show dbtype liftIO $ putStrLn "\nbefore migration\n" runMigration migrateAll liftIO $ putStrLn "after migration" case dbtype of MSSQL {} -> do -- deleteCascadeWhere Asm causes seg fault for mssql only deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Line]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Xsd]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Asm]) _ -> do deleteCascadeWhere ([]::[Filter Asm]) deleteCascadeWhere ([]::[Filter Personz]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Personz]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Persony]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Personx]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Testother]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Testrational]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Testblob]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Testblob3]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Testother]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Testnum]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Testhtml]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Testblob3]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Test1]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Test0]) deleteWhere ([]::[Filter Testlen]) when True $ testbase dbtype testbase :: DBType -> SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () testbase dbtype = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in testbase\n" a1 <- insert $ Foo "test" liftIO $ putStrLn $ "a1=" ++ show a1 aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Foo]) [] liftIO $ putStrLn $ "aa=" ++ show aa johnId <- insert $ Personz "John Doe" $ Just 35 liftIO $ putStrLn $ "johnId[" ++ show johnId ++ "]" janeId <- insert $ Personz "Jane Doe" Nothing liftIO $ putStrLn $ "janeId[" ++ show janeId ++ "]" aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Personz]) [] unless (length aa == 2) $ error $ "wrong number of Personz rows " ++ show aa _ <- insert $ BlogPost "My fr1st p0st" johnId _ <- insert $ BlogPost "One more for good measure" johnId aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter BlogPost]) [] unless (length aa == 2) $ error $ "wrong number of BlogPost rows " ++ show aa --oneJohnPost <- selectList [BlogPostAuthorId ==. johnId] [LimitTo 1] --liftIO $ print (oneJohnPost :: [Entity BlogPost]) john <- get johnId liftIO $ print (john :: Maybe Personz) dt <- liftIO getCurrentTime v1 <- insert $ Testnum 100 Nothing "hello" (Just "world") dt Nothing v2 <- insert $ Testnum 100 (Just 222) "dude" Nothing dt (Just "something") liftIO $ putStrLn $ "v1=" ++ show v1 liftIO $ putStrLn $ "v2=" ++ show v2 aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Testnum]) [] unless (length aa == 2) $ error $ "wrong number of Testnum rows " ++ show aa delete janeId deleteWhere [BlogPostAuthorId ==. johnId] test0 test1 dbtype test2 test3 test4 test5 dbtype test6 when (limitoffset dbtype) test7 when (limitoffset dbtype) test8 case dbtype of Oracle { oracle12c=False } -> return () _ -> test9 test10 dbtype test11 dbtype test12 dbtype test0::SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test0 = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test0\n" pid <- insert $ Personx "Michael" 25 Nothing liftIO $ print pid p1 <- get pid liftIO $ print p1 replace pid $ Personx "Michael" 26 Nothing p2 <- get pid liftIO $ print p2 p3 <- selectList [PersonxName ==. "Michael"] [] liftIO $ print p3 _ <- insert $ Personx "Michael2" 27 Nothing deleteWhere [PersonxName ==. "Michael2"] p4 <- selectList [PersonxAge <. 28] [] liftIO $ print p4 update pid [PersonxAge =. 28] p5 <- get pid liftIO $ print p5 updateWhere [PersonxName ==. "Michael"] [PersonxAge =. 29] p6 <- get pid liftIO $ print p6 _ <- insert $ Personx "Eliezer" 2 $ Just "blue" p7 <- selectList [] [Asc PersonxAge] liftIO $ print p7 _ <- insert $ Personx "Abe" 30 $ Just "black" p8 <- selectList [PersonxAge <. 30] [Desc PersonxName] liftIO $ print p8 _ <- insert $ Personx "Abe1" 31 $ Just "brown" p9 <- selectList [PersonxName ==. "Abe1"] [] liftIO $ print p9 aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Personx]) [] unless (length aa == 4) $ error $ "wrong number of Personx rows " ++ show aa p10 <- getBy $ PersonxNameKey "Michael" liftIO $ print p10 p11 <- selectList [PersonxColor ==. Just "blue"] [] liftIO $ print p11 p12 <- selectList [PersonxColor ==. Nothing] [] liftIO $ print p12 p13 <- selectList [PersonxColor !=. Nothing] [] liftIO $ print p13 delete pid plast <- get pid liftIO $ print plast test1::DBType -> SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test1 dbtype = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test1\n" pid <- insert $ Persony "Dude" Retired liftIO $ print pid pid <- insert $ Persony "Dude1" Employed liftIO $ print pid pid <- insert $ Persony "Snoyman aa" Unemployed liftIO $ print pid pid <- insert $ Persony "bbb Snoyman" Employed liftIO $ print pid aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Persony]) [] unless (length aa == 4) $ error $ "wrong number of Personz rows " ++ show aa liftIO $ putStrLn $ "persony " ++ show aa let sql = case dbtype of MSSQL {} -> "SELECT [name] FROM [persony] WHERE [name] LIKE '%Snoyman%'" MySQL {} -> "SELECT `name` FROM `persony` WHERE `name` LIKE '%Snoyman%'" _ -> "SELECT \"name\" FROM \"persony\" WHERE \"name\" LIKE '%Snoyman%'" rawQuery sql [] $$ CL.mapM_ (liftIO . print) test2::SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test2 = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test2\n" aaa <- insert $ Test0 False liftIO $ print aaa aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Test0]) [] unless (length aa == 1) $ error $ "wrong number of Personz rows " ++ show aa test3::SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test3 = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test3\n" a1 <- insert $ Test1 True (Just False) 100.3 Nothing liftIO $ putStrLn $ "a1=" ++ show a1 a2 <- insert $ Test1 False Nothing 100.3 (Just 12.44) liftIO $ putStrLn $ "a2=" ++ show a2 a3 <- insert $ Test1 True (Just True) 100.3 (Just 11.11) liftIO $ putStrLn $ "a3=" ++ show a3 a4 <- insert $ Test1 False Nothing 100.3 Nothing liftIO $ putStrLn $ "a4=" ++ show a4 ret <- selectList ([]::[Filter Test1]) [] liftIO $ putStrLn $ "ret=" ++ show ret aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Test1]) [] unless (length aa == 4) $ error $ "wrong number of Test1 rows " ++ show aa test4::SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test4 = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test4\n" a1 <- insert $ Asm "NewAsm1" "description for newasm1" x11 <- insert $ Xsd "NewXsd11" "description for newxsd11" a1 l111 <- insert $ Line "NewLine111" "description for newline111" 10 Xsd_string x11 l112 <- insert $ Line "NewLine112" "description for newline112" 11 Xsd_boolean x11 l113 <- insert $ Line "NewLine113" "description for newline113" 12 Xsd_decimal x11 l114 <- insert $ Line "NewLine114" "description for newline114" 15 Xsd_int x11 x12 <- insert $ Xsd "NewXsd12" "description for newxsd12" a1 l121 <- insert $ Line "NewLine121" "description for newline1" 12 Xsd_int x12 l122 <- insert $ Line "NewLine122" "description for newline2" 19 Xsd_boolean x12 l123 <- insert $ Line "NewLine123" "description for newline3" 13 Xsd_string x12 l124 <- insert $ Line "NewLine124" "description for newline4" 99 Xsd_double x12 l125 <- insert $ Line "NewLine125" "description for newline5" 2 Xsd_boolean x12 a2 <- insert $ Asm "NewAsm2" "description for newasm2" a3 <- insert $ Asm "NewAsm3" "description for newasm3" x31 <- insert $ Xsd "NewXsd31" "description for newxsd311" a3 aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Asm]) [] unless (length aa == 3) $ error $ "wrong number of Asm rows " ++ show aa aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Xsd]) [] unless (length aa == 3) $ error $ "wrong number of Xsd rows " ++ show aa aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Line]) [] unless (length aa == 9) $ error $ "wrong number of Line rows " ++ show aa [Value mpos] <- select $ from $ \ln -> do where_ (ln ^. LineXsdid E.==. E.val x11) return $ E.joinV $ E.max_ (E.just (ln ^. LinePos)) liftIO $ putStrLn $ "mpos=" ++ show mpos test5::DBType -> SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test5 dbtype = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test5\n" a1 <- insert $ Testother (Just "abc") "zzzz" case dbtype of MSSQL {} -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ show dbtype ++ " insert multiple blob fields with a null fails" DB2 {} -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ show dbtype ++ " insert multiple blob fields with a null fails" _ -> do a2 <- insert $ Testother Nothing "aaa" liftIO $ putStrLn $ "a2=" ++ show a2 a3 <- insert $ Testother (Just "nnn") "bbb" a4 <- insert $ Testother (Just "ddd") "mmm" xs <- case dbtype of Oracle {} -> selectList ([]::[Filter Testother]) [] -- cannot sort blobs in oracle DB2 {} -> selectList ([]::[Filter Testother]) [] -- cannot sort blobs in db2? _ -> selectList [] [Desc TestotherBs1] liftIO $ putStrLn $ "xs=" ++ show xs case dbtype of Oracle {} -> return () DB2 {} -> return () _ -> do ys <- selectList [] [Desc TestotherBs2] liftIO $ putStrLn $ "ys=" ++ show ys aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Testother]) [] case dbtype of MSSQL {} -> unless (length aa == 3) $ error $ show dbtype ++ " :wrong number of Testother rows " ++ show aa DB2 {} -> unless (length aa == 3) $ error $ show dbtype ++ " :wrong number of Testother rows " ++ show aa _ -> unless (length aa == 4) $ error $ "wrong number of Testother rows " ++ show aa test6::SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test6 = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test6\n" r1 <- insert $ Testrational (4%6) r2 <- insert $ Testrational (13 % 14) liftIO $ putStrLn $ "r1=" ++ show r1 liftIO $ putStrLn $ "r2=" ++ show r2 zs <- selectList [] [Desc TestrationalRat] liftIO $ putStrLn $ "zs=" ++ show zs h1 <- insert $ Testhtml $ preEscapedToMarkup ("


"::String) liftIO $ putStrLn $ "h1=" ++ show h1 aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Testrational]) [] unless (length aa == 2) $ error $ "wrong number of Testrational rows " ++ show aa aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Testhtml]) [] unless (length aa == 1) $ error $ "wrong number of Testhtml rows " test7::SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test7 = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test7\n" xs <- selectList [] [Desc LinePos, LimitTo 2, OffsetBy 3] liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (length xs) ++ " rows: limit=2,offset=3 xs=" ++ show xs xs <- selectList [] [Desc LinePos, LimitTo 2] liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (length xs) ++ " rows: limit=2 xs=" ++ show xs xs <- selectList [] [Desc LinePos, OffsetBy 3] liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (length xs) ++ " rows: offset=3 xs=" ++ show xs test8::SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test8 = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test8\n" xs <- select $ from $ \ln -> do where_ (ln ^. LinePos E.>=. E.val 0) E.orderBy [E.asc (ln ^. LinePos)] E.limit 2 E.offset 3 return ln liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (length xs) ++ " rows: limit=2 offset=3 xs=" ++ show xs test9::SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test9 = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test9\n" xs <- selectList [] [Desc LinePos, LimitTo 2] liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (length xs) ++ " rows: limit=2,offset=0 xs=" ++ show xs xs <- selectList [] [Desc LinePos, LimitTo 4] liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (length xs) ++ " rows: limit=4,offset=0 xs=" ++ show xs test10::DBType -> SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test10 dbtype = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test10\n" a1 <- insert $ Testblob3 "abc1" "def1" "zzzz1" a2 <- insert $ Testblob3 "abc2" "def2" "test2" case dbtype of Oracle {} -> liftIO $ putStrLn "skipping insert empty string into oracle blob column (treated as a null)" {- *** Exception: SqlError {seState = "[\"HY000\"]", seNativeError = -1, seErrorMsg = "execute execute: [\"1400: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (\\\"SYSTEM\\\".\\\"testblob3\\\".\\\"bs1\\\")\\n\"]"} -} _ -> do a3 <- insert $ Testblob3 "" "hello3" "world3" return () ys <- selectList ([]::[Filter Testblob3]) [] liftIO $ putStrLn $ "ys=" ++ show ys aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Testblob3]) [] case dbtype of Oracle {} -> unless (length aa == 2) $ error $ show dbtype ++ " :wrong number of Testblob3 rows " ++ show aa _ -> unless (length aa == 3) $ error $ "wrong number of Testblob3 rows " ++ show aa test11::DBType -> SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test11 dbtype = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test11\n" case dbtype of MSSQL {} -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ show dbtype ++ ":inserting null in a blob not supported so skipping" DB2 {} -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ show dbtype ++ ":inserting null in a blob not supported so skipping" _ -> do _ <- insert $ Testblob Nothing return () _ <- insert $ Testblob $ Just "some data for testing" _ <- insert $ Testblob $ Just "world" liftIO $ putStrLn "after testblob inserts" xs <- selectList ([]::[Filter Testblob]) [] -- mssql fails if there is a null in a blog column liftIO $ putStrLn $ "testblob xs=" ++ show xs aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Testblob]) [] case dbtype of MSSQL {} -> unless (length aa == 2) $ error $ show dbtype ++ " :wrong number of Testblob rows " ++ show aa DB2 {} -> unless (length aa == 2) $ error $ show dbtype ++ " :wrong number of Testblob rows " ++ show aa _ -> unless (length aa == 3) $ error $ "wrong number of Testblob rows " ++ show aa test12::DBType -> SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) () test12 dbtype = do liftIO $ putStrLn "\n*** in test12\n" a1 <- insert $ Testlen "txt1" "str1" "bs1" (Just "txt1m") (Just "str1m") (Just "bs1m") a2 <- insert $ Testlen "txt2" "str2" "bs2" (Just "aaaa") (Just "str2m") (Just "bs2m") aa <- selectList ([]::[Filter Testlen]) [] case dbtype of -- Oracle {} -> unless (length aa == 2) $ error $ show dbtype ++ " :wrong number of Testlen rows " ++ show aa _ -> unless (length aa == 2) $ error $ "wrong number of Testlen rows " ++ show aa liftIO $ putStrLn $ "aa=" ++ show aa limitoffset :: DBType -> Bool limitoffset dbtype = -- trace ("limitoffset dbtype=" ++ show dbtype) $ case dbtype of Oracle False -> False MSSQL False -> False _ -> True main2::IO () main2 = do -- let connectionString = "dsn=mssql_test; Trusted_Connection=True" let connectionString = "dsn=db2_test" conn <- H.connectODBC connectionString putStrLn "\n1\n" stmt1 <- H.prepare conn "select * from test93" putStrLn "\n2\n" vals <- H.execute stmt1 [] putStrLn "\n3\n" results <- H.fetchAllRowsAL stmt1 putStrLn "\n4\n" mapM_ print results putStrLn "\na\n" --stmt1 <- H.prepare conn "create table test93 (bs1 blob)" --putStrLn "\nb\n" --vals <- H.execute stmt1 [] --putStrLn "\nc\n" stmt1 <- H.prepare conn "insert into test93 values(blob(?))" putStrLn "\nd\n" vals <- H.execute stmt1 [H.SqlByteString "hello world"] putStrLn "\ne\n" -- _ <- H.commit conn -- error "we are done!!" -- a <- H.quickQuery' conn "select * from testblob" [] -- hangs here in both mssql drivers [not all the time] -- putStrLn $ "\n5\n" -- print a stmt <- H.prepare conn "insert into testblob (bs1) values(?)" putStrLn "\n6\n" vals <- H.execute stmt [H.SqlNull] putStrLn "\n7\n" vals <- H.execute stmt [H.SqlNull] putStrLn "\n8\n" vals <- H.execute stmt [H.SqlNull] putStrLn "\n9\n" results <- H.fetchAllRowsAL stmt1 mapM_ print results putStrLn "\nTESTBLOB worked\n" --stmt <- H.prepare conn "insert into testother (bs1,bs2) values(convert(varbinary(max),?),convert(varbinary(max),?))" stmt <- H.prepare conn "insert into testother (bs1,bs2) values(convert(varbinary(max), cast (? as varchar(100))),convert(varbinary(max), cast (? as varchar(100))))" vals <- H.execute stmt [H.SqlByteString "hello",H.SqlByteString "test"] --vals <- H.execute stmt [H.SqlNull,H.SqlByteString "test"] putStrLn "\nTESTOTHER worked\n" H.commit conn print vals main3::IO () main3 = do --let connectionString = "dsn=pg_test" let connectionString = "dsn=mysql_test" --let connectionString = "dsn=mssql_test; Trusted_Connection=True" --let connectionString = "dsn=oracle_test" --let connectionString = "dsn=db2_test" conn <- H.connectODBC connectionString putStrLn "\n1\n" putStrLn $ "drivername=" ++ H.hdbcDriverName conn putStrLn $ "clientver=" ++ H.hdbcClientVer conn putStrLn $ "proxied drivername=" ++ H.proxiedClientName conn putStrLn $ "proxied clientver=" ++ H.proxiedClientVer conn putStrLn $ "serverver=" ++ H.dbServerVer conn let lenfn="len" -- mssql --let lenfn="length" a <- H.describeTable conn "persony" print a stmt <- H.prepare conn ("update \"persony\" set \"name\" = ? where \"id\" >= ?") putStrLn "\n2\n" vals <- H.execute stmt [H.SqlString "dooble and stuff", H.toSql (1::Integer)] print vals putStrLn "\n3\n" stmt <- H.prepare conn ("select \"id\","++lenfn++"(\"name\"),\"name\" from \"persony\"") putStrLn "\n4\n" vals <- H.execute stmt [] results <- H.fetchAllRowsAL' stmt mapM_ print results H.commit conn main4::IO () main4 = do --let connectionString = "dsn=pg_test" let connectionString = "dsn=mysql_test" --let connectionString = "dsn=mssql_test; Trusted_Connection=True" --let connectionString = "dsn=oracle_test" --let connectionString = "dsn=db2_test" conn <- H.connectODBC connectionString putStrLn "\nbefore create\n" stmt <- H.prepare conn "create table fred (nm varchar(100) not null)" a <- H.execute stmt [] print a putStrLn "\nbefore insert\n" stmt <- H.prepare conn "insert into fred values(?)" a <- H.execute stmt [H.SqlString "hello"] print a putStrLn "\nbefore select\n" stmt <- H.prepare conn "select nm,length(nm) from fred" vals <- H.execute stmt [] results <- H.fetchAllRowsAL' stmt putStrLn "select after insert" print results putStrLn "\nbefore update\n" stmt <- H.prepare conn "update fred set nm=?" a <- H.execute stmt [H.SqlString "worldly"] putStrLn "\nbefore select #2\n" stmt <- H.prepare conn "select nm,length(nm) from fred" vals <- H.execute stmt [] results <- H.fetchAllRowsAL' stmt putStrLn "select after update" print results H.commit conn {- drivername=odbc clientver=03.80.0000 proxied drivername=PostgreSQL proxied clientver=09.02.0100 serverver=9.3.0 [("id",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlIntegerT, colSize = Just 10, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("name",SqlCol Desc {colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 255, colOctetLength = Nothing, c olDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("employment",SqlColDesc { colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 255, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecD igits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False})] drivername=odbc clientver=03.80.0000 proxied drivername=MySQL proxied clientver=05.02.0005 serverver=5.6.13-log [("id",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlBigIntT, colSize = Just 19, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just True}),("name",SqlColDe sc {colType = SqlLongVarCharT, colSize = Just 65535, colOctetLength = Nothin g, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("employment",SqlColDe sc {colType = SqlLongVarCharT, colSize = Just 65535, colOctetLength = Nothin g, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False})] drivername=odbc clientver=03.80.0000 proxied drivername=Microsoft SQL Server proxied clientver=06.01.7601 serverver=11.00.2100 [("id",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlBigIntT, colSize = Just 19, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("name",SqlColD esc {colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, c olDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("employment",SqlColDesc { colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDec Digits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False})] drivername=odbc clientver=03.80.0000 proxied drivername=DB2/NT proxied clientver=10.05.0000 serverver=10.05.0000 [("id",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlBigIntT, colSize = Just 19, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("name",SqlColD esc {colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, c olDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("employment",SqlColDesc { colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDec Digits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("id",SqlColDesc {colType = Sql BigIntT, colSize = Just 19, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing , colNullable = Just False}),("name",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlVarCharT, colS ize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullab le = Just False}),("employment",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False})] drivername=odbc clientver=03.80.0000 proxied drivername=DB2/NT proxied clientver=10.05.0000 serverver=10.05.0000 [("id",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlBigIntT, colSize = Just 19, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("name",SqlColD esc {colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, c olDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("employment",SqlColDesc { colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDec Digits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("id",SqlColDesc {colType = Sql BigIntT, colSize = Just 19, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing , colNullable = Just False}),("name",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlVarCharT, colS ize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullab le = Just False}),("employment",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False})] drivername=odbc clientver=03.80.0000 proxied drivername=Oracle proxied clientver=11.02.0002 serverver=11.02.0020 [("id",SqlColDesc {colType = SqlFloatT, colSize = Just 38, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("name",SqlColDe sc {colType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, co lDecDigits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False}),("employment",SqlColDesc {c olType = SqlVarCharT, colSize = Just 1000, colOctetLength = Nothing, colDecD igits = Nothing, colNullable = Just False})] -}