# persistent-mysql-pure [![hackage version](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/persistent-mysql-pure.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/persistent-mysql-pure) This is a fork of persistent-mysql-haskell. Using the latest [branch](https://github.com/chordify/persistent/tree/persistent-mysql-haskell-9.2) from chordify. A pure haskell backend for [persistent](https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent) using the MySQL database server. Internally it uses the [mysql-pure](https://github.com/jappeace/mysql-pure) driver in order to access the database. See [example/Main.hs](https://github.com/naushadh/persistent/blob/persistent-mysql-pure/persistent-mysql-pure/example/Main.hs) for how this MySQL backend can be used with Persistent. ### Motivation `persistent-mysql` uses [mysql](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mysql) (via [mysql-simple](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mysql-simple)) as the database driver. `mysql` is a haskell FFI wrapper for `mysqlclient` written in C. Reasons to use a pure haskell driver: - `mysql` has [concurrency issues](https://ro-che.info/articles/2015-04-17-safe-concurrent-mysql-pure) as noted by [@feuerbach](https://github.com/feuerbach). - [mysql-pure](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mysql-pure), a pure haskell driver by [@winterland1989](https://github.com/winterland1989), outperforms `mysql-simple` in benchmarks (see hackage or project repo). - better portability and possible static compilation of an entire project that uses `persistent-mysql`. - result streaming support means persistent [`selectSource` streams data from database](http://www.jakubkonka.com/2014/01/23/conduit-haskell.html). Effectively addressing [#657 selectSource does not stream results](https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/issues/657). - a newtype-d `MySQLConnectInfo` allows adding configuring _how_ persistent and the underlying driver are glued. Ex: [#679](https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/issues/679) can be elegantly addressed in this library. Personal experience on replacing `mysql-simple` with `mysql-pure` in a project: - Performance gains consistent with benchmark. - Smoother deployment to [AWS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Machine_Image), since `mysql` appears to have a hard dependency on the oracle version of `libmysqlclient` that does not work with the open source variant that is available by default on Amazon Linux (and possibly on other Linux distros). ### Potential issues moving from persistent-mysql to persistent-mysql-pure `ConnectInfo` and `defaultConnectInfo` are not the same between `mysql` and `mysql-pure`, therefore this package is not a 100% drop in replacement for persistent-mysql from the connection configuration perspective. - `mysql-pure` does not allow provide an API for the entirety of [mysqlclient options](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mysql-0.1.4/docs/Database-MySQL-Base.html#t:Option). Therefore neither can this package. - Given the inevitable incompatibility with `persistent-mysql`, and in the interest of [providing a forward-compatible API](http://www.snoyman.com/blog/2016/11/designing-apis-for-extensibility), `ConnectInfo` internals and `defaultConnectInfo` have been deprecated. However the similar utility can be achieved like so: ```diff import Database.Persist.MySQL connectInfo :: MySQLConnectInfo - connectInfo = defaultConnectInfo - { connectHost = "localhost" - , connectUser = "test" - , connectPassword = "test" - , connectDatabase = "test" - } + connectInfo = mkMySQLConnectInfo "localhost" "test" "test" "test" connectInfoNewPort :: MySQLConnectInfo - connectInfoNewPort = connectInfo { connectPort = 3307 } + connectInfoNewPort = setMySQLConnectInfoPort 3307 connectInfo connectInfoNewCharSet :: MySQLConnectInfo - connectInfoNewCharSet = connectInfo { connectOptions = [CharsetName "utf8"] } + connectInfoNewCharSet = setMySQLConnectInfoCharset 33 connectInfo ``` - `mysql-pure` and `mysql` have different APIs/mechanisms for securing the connection to MySQL. `persistent-mysql-pure` exposes an API to utilize [TLS client params](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mysql-pure/docs/Database-MySQL-TLS.html) that ships with `mysql-pure`. ```diff connectInfoCustomCaStore :: MySQLConnectInfo - connectInfoCustomCaStore = connectInfo { connectSSL = Just customCaParams } + connectInfoCustomCaStore = setMySQLConnectInfoTLS customCaParams connectInfo where - customCaParams = defaultSSLInfo { sslCAPath = "foobar.pem" } + customCaParams = makeClientParams $ CustomCAStore "foobar.pem" ``` Aside from connection configuration, persistent-mysql-pure is functionally on par with persistent-mysql (as of writing this). This can be seen by [comparing persistent-test between this fork and upstream](https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/compare/master...naushadh:persistent-mysql-pure#diff-028f5df7b2b9c5c8b0fa670fc8c69bff). #### Yesod In order to use `persistent-mysql-pure` with `yesod` you have to modify `Settings.hs`: ```diff - import Database.Persist.MySQL (MySQLConf (..)) + import Database.Persist.MySQL (MySQLConf, mkMySQLConf, myConnInfo, myPoolSize, setMySQLConnectInfoCharset) ``` ```diff - import qualified Database.MySQL.Base as MySQL ``` ```diff - -- This code enables MySQL's strict mode, without which MySQL will truncate data. - -- See https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/wiki/Database-Configuration#strict-mode for details - -- If you choose to keep strict mode enabled, it's recommended that you enable it in your my.cnf file so that it's also enabled for your MySQL console sessions. - -- (If you enable it in your my.cnf file, you can delete this code). - let appDatabaseConf = fromYamlAppDatabaseConf { myConnInfo = (myConnInfo fromYamlAppDatabaseConf) { - MySQL.connectOptions = - ( MySQL.connectOptions (myConnInfo fromYamlAppDatabaseConf)) ++ [MySQL.InitCommand "SET SESSION sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES';\0"] - } - } ``` And in `Application.hs`: ```diff - import qualified Database.MySQL.Base as MySQL ``` ```diff import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (Settings, defaultSettings, defaultShouldDisplayException, runSettings, setHost, - setFork, setOnOpen, setOnClose, + setFork, setOnException, setPort, getPort) ``` ```diff - -- See http://www.yesodweb.com/blog/2016/11/use-mysql-safely-in-yesod - MySQL.initLibrary ``` ```diff - $ setOnOpen (const $ MySQL.initThread >> return True) - $ setOnClose (const MySQL.endThread) ``` Optionally you may enable the MYSQL strict mode (in each transaction) by modifying `Foundation.hs` (or editing the `my.cnf` server configuration): ```diff - import Database.Persist.Sql (ConnectionPool, runSqlPool) + import Database.Persist.Sql (ConnectionPool, rawExecute, runSqlPool) ``` ```diff - runSqlPool action $ appConnPool master + runSqlPool + (rawExecute "SET SESSION sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'" [] >> action) + (appConnPool master) ``` ### FAQs #### Why isn't this part of the main/upstream persistent repo? - TLDR: Upstream wants to gauge community interest before absorbing this backend into the main repo. - Long version: See [issue yesodweb/persistent/issues/659](https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/issues/659). #### persistent-mysql supports X but persistent-mysql-pure API doesn't. Why? - Internals (getters/setters) of MySQLConnectInfo and `defaultConnectInfo` are intentionally masked for [forward compatibility](http://www.snoyman.com/blog/2016/11/designing-apis-for-extensibility). - For all others, feel free to open an issue and/or submit a PR. #### Does persistent-mysql-pure ship with tests? - It does! :) `persistent-test` is fully re-used with an additional flag to specifically test persistent-mysql-pure. - [CI/Travis](https://travis-ci.org/naushadh/persistent), see [.travis.yml](../.travis.yml). - Local, ```bash stack test persistent-test --flag persistent-test:mysql_haskell --exec persistent-test ```