-- | Use persistent-mongodb the same way you would use other persistent -- libraries and refer to the general persistent documentation. -- There are some new MongoDB specific filters under the filters section. -- These help extend your query into a nested document. -- -- However, at some point you will find the normal Persistent APIs lacking. -- and want lower level-level MongoDB access. -- There are functions available to make working with the raw driver -- easier: they are under the Entity conversion section. -- You should still use the same connection pool that you are using for Persistent. -- -- MongoDB is a schema-less database. -- The MongoDB Persistent backend does not help perform migrations. -- Unlike SQL backends, uniqueness constraints cannot be created for you. -- You must place a unique index on unique fields. {-# LANGUAGE CPP, PackageImports, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Database.Persist.MongoDB ( -- * Entity conversion collectionName , docToEntityEither , docToEntityThrow , entityToDocument , recordToDocument , documentFromEntity , toInsertDoc , entityToInsertDoc , updatesToDoc , filtersToDoc , toUniquesDoc -- * MongoDB specific queries -- $nested , (->.), (~>.), (?&->.), (?&~>.), (&->.), (&~>.) -- ** Filters -- $filters , nestEq, nestNe, nestGe, nestLe, nestIn, nestNotIn , anyEq, nestAnyEq, nestBsonEq, anyBsonEq, multiBsonEq , inList, ninList , (=~.) -- non-operator forms of filters , NestedField(..) , MongoRegexSearchable , MongoRegex -- ** Updates -- $updates , nestSet, nestInc, nestDec, nestMul, push, pull, pullAll, addToSet, eachOp -- * Key conversion helpers , BackendKey(..) , keyToOid , oidToKey , recordTypeFromKey , readMayObjectId , readMayMongoKey , keyToText -- * PersistField conversion , fieldName -- * using connections , withConnection , withMongoPool , withMongoDBConn , withMongoDBPool , createMongoDBPool , runMongoDBPool , runMongoDBPoolDef , ConnectionPool , Connection , MongoAuth (..) -- * Connection configuration , MongoConf (..) , defaultMongoConf , defaultHost , defaultAccessMode , defaultPoolStripes , defaultConnectionIdleTime , defaultStripeConnections , applyDockerEnv -- ** using raw MongoDB pipes , PipePool , createMongoDBPipePool , runMongoDBPipePool -- * network type , HostName , PortID -- * MongoDB driver types , Database , DB.Action , DB.AccessMode(..) , DB.master , DB.slaveOk , (DB.=:) , DB.ObjectId , DB.MongoContext -- * Database.Persist , module Database.Persist ) where import Database.Persist import qualified Database.Persist.Sql as Sql import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as Trans import Control.Exception (throw, throwIO) import Data.Acquire (mkAcquire) import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable import Data.Bson (ObjectId(..)) import qualified Database.MongoDB as DB import Database.MongoDB.Query (Database) import Control.Applicative as A (Applicative, (<$>)) import Network (PortID (PortNumber)) import Network.Socket (HostName) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromJust) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E import qualified Data.Serialize as Serialize import Web.PathPieces (PathPiece(..)) import Web.HttpApiData (ToHttpApiData(..), FromHttpApiData(..), parseUrlPieceMaybe, parseUrlPieceWithPrefix, readTextData) import Data.Conduit import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Aeson (Value (Number), (.:), (.:?), (.!=), FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), withText, withObject) import Data.Aeson.Types (modifyFailure) import Control.Monad (liftM, (>=>), forM_, unless) import qualified Data.Pool as Pool import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime) #ifdef HIGH_PRECISION_DATE import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) #endif import Data.Time.Calendar (Day(..)) #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(0, 7, 0) #else import Data.Attoparsec.Number #endif import Data.Bits (shiftR) import Data.Word (Word16) import Data.Monoid (mappend) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ask, runReaderT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Numeric (readHex) import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) #else import System.Environment (getEnvironment) #endif #ifdef DEBUG import FileLocation (debug) #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) lookupEnv :: String -> IO (Maybe String) lookupEnv key = do env <- getEnvironment return $ lookup key env #endif instance HasPersistBackend DB.MongoContext where type BaseBackend DB.MongoContext = DB.MongoContext persistBackend = id recordTypeFromKey :: Key record -> record recordTypeFromKey _ = error "recordTypeFromKey" newtype NoOrphanNominalDiffTime = NoOrphanNominalDiffTime NominalDiffTime deriving (Show, Eq, Num) instance FromJSON NoOrphanNominalDiffTime where #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(0, 7, 0) parseJSON (Number x) = (return . NoOrphanNominalDiffTime . fromRational . toRational) x #else parseJSON (Number (I x)) = (return . NoOrphanNominalDiffTime . fromInteger) x parseJSON (Number (D x)) = (return . NoOrphanNominalDiffTime . fromRational . toRational) x #endif parseJSON _ = fail "couldn't parse diff time" newtype NoOrphanPortID = NoOrphanPortID PortID deriving (Show, Eq) instance FromJSON NoOrphanPortID where #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(0, 7, 0) parseJSON (Number x) = (return . NoOrphanPortID . PortNumber . fromIntegral ) cnvX where cnvX :: Word16 cnvX = round x #else parseJSON (Number (I x)) = (return . NoOrphanPortID . PortNumber . fromInteger) x #endif parseJSON _ = fail "couldn't parse port number" data Connection = Connection DB.Pipe DB.Database type ConnectionPool = Pool.Pool Connection instance ToHttpApiData (BackendKey DB.MongoContext) where toUrlPiece = keyToText instance FromHttpApiData (BackendKey DB.MongoContext) where parseUrlPiece input = do s <- parseUrlPieceWithPrefix "o" input return input MongoKey A.<$> readTextData s where infixl 3 Left _ y = y x _ = x -- | ToPathPiece is used to convert a key to/from text instance PathPiece (BackendKey DB.MongoContext) where toPathPiece = toUrlPiece fromPathPiece = parseUrlPieceMaybe keyToText :: BackendKey DB.MongoContext -> Text keyToText = T.pack . show . unMongoKey -- | Convert a Text to a Key readMayMongoKey :: Text -> Maybe (BackendKey DB.MongoContext) readMayMongoKey = fmap MongoKey . readMayObjectId readMayObjectId :: Text -> Maybe DB.ObjectId readMayObjectId str = case filter (null . snd) $ reads $ T.unpack str :: [(DB.ObjectId,String)] of (parsed,_):[] -> Just parsed _ -> Nothing instance PersistField DB.ObjectId where toPersistValue = oidToPersistValue fromPersistValue oid@(PersistObjectId _) = Right $ persistObjectIdToDbOid oid fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = fromPersistValue (PersistObjectId bs) fromPersistValue _ = Left $ T.pack "expected PersistObjectId" instance Sql.PersistFieldSql DB.ObjectId where sqlType _ = Sql.SqlOther "doesn't make much sense for MongoDB" instance Sql.PersistFieldSql (BackendKey DB.MongoContext) where sqlType _ = Sql.SqlOther "doesn't make much sense for MongoDB" withConnection :: (Trans.MonadIO m, A.Applicative m) => MongoConf -> (ConnectionPool -> m b) -> m b withConnection mc = withMongoDBPool (mgDatabase mc) (T.unpack $ mgHost mc) (mgPort mc) (mgAuth mc) (mgPoolStripes mc) (mgStripeConnections mc) (mgConnectionIdleTime mc) withMongoDBConn :: (Trans.MonadIO m, Applicative m) => Database -> HostName -> PortID -> Maybe MongoAuth -> NominalDiffTime -> (ConnectionPool -> m b) -> m b withMongoDBConn dbname hostname port mauth connectionIdleTime = withMongoDBPool dbname hostname port mauth 1 1 connectionIdleTime createPipe :: HostName -> PortID -> IO DB.Pipe createPipe hostname port = DB.connect (DB.Host hostname port) createReplicatSet :: (DB.ReplicaSetName, [DB.Host]) -> Database -> Maybe MongoAuth -> IO Connection createReplicatSet rsSeed dbname mAuth = do pipe <- DB.openReplicaSet rsSeed >>= DB.primary testAccess pipe dbname mAuth return $ Connection pipe dbname createRsPool :: (Trans.MonadIO m, Applicative m) => Database -> ReplicaSetConfig -> Maybe MongoAuth -> Int -- ^ pool size (number of stripes) -> Int -- ^ stripe size (number of connections per stripe) -> NominalDiffTime -- ^ time a connection is left idle before closing -> m ConnectionPool createRsPool dbname (ReplicaSetConfig rsName rsHosts) mAuth connectionPoolSize stripeSize connectionIdleTime = do Trans.liftIO $ Pool.createPool (createReplicatSet (rsName, rsHosts) dbname mAuth) (\(Connection pipe _) -> DB.close pipe) connectionPoolSize connectionIdleTime stripeSize testAccess :: DB.Pipe -> Database -> Maybe MongoAuth -> IO () testAccess pipe dbname mAuth = do _ <- case mAuth of Just (MongoAuth user pass) -> DB.access pipe DB.UnconfirmedWrites dbname (DB.auth user pass) Nothing -> return undefined return () createConnection :: Database -> HostName -> PortID -> Maybe MongoAuth -> IO Connection createConnection dbname hostname port mAuth = do pipe <- createPipe hostname port testAccess pipe dbname mAuth return $ Connection pipe dbname createMongoDBPool :: (Trans.MonadIO m, Applicative m) => Database -> HostName -> PortID -> Maybe MongoAuth -> Int -- ^ pool size (number of stripes) -> Int -- ^ stripe size (number of connections per stripe) -> NominalDiffTime -- ^ time a connection is left idle before closing -> m ConnectionPool createMongoDBPool dbname hostname port mAuth connectionPoolSize stripeSize connectionIdleTime = do Trans.liftIO $ Pool.createPool (createConnection dbname hostname port mAuth) (\(Connection pipe _) -> DB.close pipe) connectionPoolSize connectionIdleTime stripeSize createMongoPool :: (Trans.MonadIO m, Applicative m) => MongoConf -> m ConnectionPool createMongoPool c@MongoConf{mgReplicaSetConfig = Just (ReplicaSetConfig rsName hosts)} = createRsPool (mgDatabase c) (ReplicaSetConfig rsName ((DB.Host (T.unpack $ mgHost c) (mgPort c)):hosts)) (mgAuth c) (mgPoolStripes c) (mgStripeConnections c) (mgConnectionIdleTime c) createMongoPool c@MongoConf{mgReplicaSetConfig = Nothing} = createMongoDBPool (mgDatabase c) (T.unpack (mgHost c)) (mgPort c) (mgAuth c) (mgPoolStripes c) (mgStripeConnections c) (mgConnectionIdleTime c) type PipePool = Pool.Pool DB.Pipe -- | A pool of plain MongoDB pipes. -- The database parameter has not yet been applied yet. -- This is useful for switching between databases (on the same host and port) -- Unlike the normal pool, no authentication is available createMongoDBPipePool :: (Trans.MonadIO m, Applicative m) => HostName -> PortID -> Int -- ^ pool size (number of stripes) -> Int -- ^ stripe size (number of connections per stripe) -> NominalDiffTime -- ^ time a connection is left idle before closing -> m PipePool createMongoDBPipePool hostname port connectionPoolSize stripeSize connectionIdleTime = Trans.liftIO $ Pool.createPool (createPipe hostname port) DB.close connectionPoolSize connectionIdleTime stripeSize withMongoPool :: (Trans.MonadIO m, Applicative m) => MongoConf -> (ConnectionPool -> m b) -> m b withMongoPool conf connectionReader = createMongoPool conf >>= connectionReader withMongoDBPool :: (Trans.MonadIO m, Applicative m) => Database -> HostName -> PortID -> Maybe MongoAuth -> Int -> Int -> NominalDiffTime -> (ConnectionPool -> m b) -> m b withMongoDBPool dbname hostname port mauth poolStripes stripeConnections connectionIdleTime connectionReader = do pool <- createMongoDBPool dbname hostname port mauth poolStripes stripeConnections connectionIdleTime connectionReader pool -- | run a pool created with 'createMongoDBPipePool' runMongoDBPipePool :: (Trans.MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => DB.AccessMode -> Database -> DB.Action m a -> PipePool -> m a runMongoDBPipePool accessMode db action pool = Pool.withResource pool $ \pipe -> DB.access pipe accessMode db action runMongoDBPool :: (Trans.MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => DB.AccessMode -> DB.Action m a -> ConnectionPool -> m a runMongoDBPool accessMode action pool = Pool.withResource pool $ \(Connection pipe db) -> DB.access pipe accessMode db action -- | use default 'AccessMode' runMongoDBPoolDef :: (Trans.MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => DB.Action m a -> ConnectionPool -> m a runMongoDBPoolDef = runMongoDBPool defaultAccessMode queryByKey :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => Key record -> DB.Query queryByKey k = (DB.select (keyToMongoDoc k) (collectionNameFromKey k)) {DB.project = projectionFromKey k} selectByKey :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => Key record -> DB.Selection selectByKey k = DB.select (keyToMongoDoc k) (collectionNameFromKey k) updatesToDoc :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => [Update record] -> DB.Document updatesToDoc upds = map updateToMongoField upds updateToBson :: Text -> PersistValue -> Either PersistUpdate MongoUpdateOperation -> DB.Field updateToBson fname v up = #ifdef DEBUG debug ( #endif opName DB.:= DB.Doc [fname DB.:= opValue] #ifdef DEBUG ) #endif where inc = "$inc" mul = "$mul" (opName, opValue) = case up of Left pup -> case (pup, v) of (Assign, PersistNull) -> ("$unset", DB.Int64 1) (Assign,a) -> ("$set", DB.val a) (Add, a) -> (inc, DB.val a) (Subtract, PersistInt64 i) -> (inc, DB.Int64 (-i)) (Multiply, PersistInt64 i) -> (mul, DB.Int64 i) (Multiply, PersistDouble d) -> (mul, DB.Float d) (Subtract, _) -> error "expected PersistInt64 for a subtraction" (Multiply, _) -> error "expected PersistInt64 or PersistDouble for a subtraction" -- Obviously this could be supported for floats by multiplying with 1/x (Divide, _) -> throw $ PersistMongoDBUnsupported "divide not supported" (BackendSpecificUpdate bsup, _) -> throw $ PersistMongoDBError $ T.pack $ "did not expect BackendSpecificUpdate " ++ T.unpack bsup Right mup -> case mup of MongoEach op -> case op of MongoPull -> ("$pullAll", DB.val v) _ -> (opToText op, DB.Doc ["$each" DB.:= DB.val v]) MongoSimple x -> (opToText x, DB.val v) updateToMongoField :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => Update record -> DB.Field updateToMongoField (Update field v up) = updateToBson (fieldName field) (toPersistValue v) (Left up) updateToMongoField (BackendUpdate up) = mongoUpdateToDoc up -- | convert a unique key into a MongoDB document toUniquesDoc :: forall record. (PersistEntity record) => Unique record -> [DB.Field] toUniquesDoc uniq = zipWith (DB.:=) (map (unDBName . snd) $ persistUniqueToFieldNames uniq) (map DB.val (persistUniqueToValues uniq)) -- | convert a PersistEntity into document fields. -- for inserts only: nulls are ignored so they will be unset in the document. -- 'entityToDocument' includes nulls toInsertDoc :: forall record. (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => record -> DB.Document toInsertDoc record = zipFilter (embeddedFields $ toEmbedEntityDef entDef) (map toPersistValue $ toPersistFields record) where entDef = entityDef $ Just record zipFilter :: [EmbedFieldDef] -> [PersistValue] -> DB.Document zipFilter [] _ = [] zipFilter _ [] = [] zipFilter (fd:efields) (pv:pvs) = if isNull pv then recur else (fieldToLabel fd DB.:= embeddedVal (emFieldEmbed fd) pv):recur where recur = zipFilter efields pvs isNull PersistNull = True isNull (PersistMap m) = null m isNull (PersistList l) = null l isNull _ = False -- make sure to removed nulls from embedded entities also embeddedVal :: Maybe EmbedEntityDef -> PersistValue -> DB.Value embeddedVal (Just emDef) (PersistMap m) = DB.Doc $ zipFilter (embeddedFields emDef) $ map snd m embeddedVal je@(Just _) (PersistList l) = DB.Array $ map (embeddedVal je) l embeddedVal _ pv = DB.val pv entityToInsertDoc :: forall record. (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => Entity record -> DB.Document entityToInsertDoc (Entity key record) = keyToMongoDoc key ++ toInsertDoc record collectionName :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => record -> Text collectionName = unDBName . entityDB . entityDef . Just -- | convert a PersistEntity into document fields. -- unlike 'toInsertDoc', nulls are included. recordToDocument :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => record -> DB.Document recordToDocument record = zipToDoc (map fieldDB $ entityFields entity) (toPersistFields record) where entity = entityDef $ Just record entityToDocument :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => record -> DB.Document entityToDocument = recordToDocument {-# DEPRECATED entityToDocument "use recordToDocument" #-} documentFromEntity :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => Entity record -> DB.Document documentFromEntity (Entity key record) = keyToMongoDoc key ++ entityToDocument record zipToDoc :: PersistField a => [DBName] -> [a] -> [DB.Field] zipToDoc [] _ = [] zipToDoc _ [] = [] zipToDoc (e:efields) (p:pfields) = let pv = toPersistValue p in (unDBName e DB.:= DB.val pv):zipToDoc efields pfields fieldToLabel :: EmbedFieldDef -> Text fieldToLabel = unDBName . emFieldDB keyFrom_idEx :: (Trans.MonadIO m, PersistEntity record) => DB.Value -> m (Key record) keyFrom_idEx idVal = case keyFrom_id idVal of Right k -> return k Left err -> liftIO $ throwIO $ PersistMongoDBError $ "could not convert key: " `Data.Monoid.mappend` T.pack (show idVal) `mappend` err keyFrom_id :: (PersistEntity record) => DB.Value -> Either Text (Key record) keyFrom_id idVal = case cast idVal of (PersistMap m) -> keyFromValues $ map snd m pv -> keyFromValues [pv] -- | It would make sense to define the instance for ObjectId -- and then use newtype deriving -- however, that would create an orphan instance instance ToJSON (BackendKey DB.MongoContext) where toJSON (MongoKey (Oid x y)) = toJSON $ DB.showHexLen 8 x $ DB.showHexLen 16 y "" instance FromJSON (BackendKey DB.MongoContext) where parseJSON = withText "MongoKey" $ \t -> maybe (fail "Invalid base64") (return . MongoKey . persistObjectIdToDbOid . PersistObjectId) $ fmap (i2bs (8 * 12) . fst) $ headMay $ readHex $ T.unpack t where -- should these be exported from Types/Base.hs ? headMay [] = Nothing headMay (x:_) = Just x -- taken from crypto-api -- |@i2bs bitLen i@ converts @i@ to a 'ByteString' of @bitLen@ bits (must be a multiple of 8). i2bs :: Int -> Integer -> BS.ByteString i2bs l i = BS.unfoldr (\l' -> if l' < 0 then Nothing else Just (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` l'), l' - 8)) (l-8) {-# INLINE i2bs #-} -- | older versions versions of haddock (like that on hackage) do not show that this defines -- @BackendKey DB.MongoContext = MongoKey { unMongoKey :: DB.ObjectId }@ instance PersistCore DB.MongoContext where newtype BackendKey DB.MongoContext = MongoKey { unMongoKey :: DB.ObjectId } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, PersistField) instance PersistStoreWrite DB.MongoContext where insert record = DB.insert (collectionName record) (toInsertDoc record) >>= keyFrom_idEx insertMany [] = return [] insertMany records@(r:_) = mapM keyFrom_idEx =<< DB.insertMany (collectionName r) (map toInsertDoc records) insertEntityMany [] = return () insertEntityMany ents@(Entity _ r : _) = DB.insertMany_ (collectionName r) (map entityToInsertDoc ents) insertKey k record = DB.insert_ (collectionName record) $ entityToInsertDoc (Entity k record) repsert k record = DB.save (collectionName record) $ documentFromEntity (Entity k record) replace k record = do DB.replace (selectByKey k) (recordToDocument record) return () delete k = DB.deleteOne DB.Select { DB.coll = collectionNameFromKey k , DB.selector = keyToMongoDoc k } update _ [] = return () update key upds = DB.modify (DB.Select (keyToMongoDoc key) (collectionNameFromKey key)) $ updatesToDoc upds updateGet key upds = do result <- DB.findAndModify (queryByKey key) (updatesToDoc upds) either err instantiate result where instantiate doc = do Entity _ rec <- fromPersistValuesThrow t doc return rec err msg = Trans.liftIO $ throwIO $ KeyNotFound $ show key ++ msg t = entityDefFromKey key instance PersistStoreRead DB.MongoContext where get k = do d <- DB.findOne (queryByKey k) case d of Nothing -> return Nothing Just doc -> do Entity _ ent <- fromPersistValuesThrow t doc return $ Just ent where t = entityDefFromKey k instance PersistUniqueRead DB.MongoContext where getBy uniq = do mdoc <- DB.findOne $ (DB.select (toUniquesDoc uniq) (collectionName rec)) {DB.project = projectionFromRecord rec} case mdoc of Nothing -> return Nothing Just doc -> liftM Just $ fromPersistValuesThrow t doc where t = entityDef $ Just rec rec = dummyFromUnique uniq instance PersistUniqueWrite DB.MongoContext where deleteBy uniq = DB.delete DB.Select { DB.coll = collectionName $ dummyFromUnique uniq , DB.selector = toUniquesDoc uniq } upsert newRecord upds = do uniq <- onlyUnique newRecord upsertBy uniq newRecord upds -- - let uniqKeys = map DB.label uniqueDoc -- - let insDoc = DB.exclude uniqKeys $ toInsertDoc newRecord -- let selection = DB.select uniqueDoc $ collectionName newRecord -- - if null upds -- - then DB.upsert selection ["$set" DB.=: insDoc] -- - else do -- - DB.upsert selection ["$setOnInsert" DB.=: insDoc] -- - DB.modify selection $ updatesToDoc upds -- - -- because findAndModify $setOnInsert is broken we do a separate get now upsertBy uniq newRecord upds = do let uniqueDoc = toUniquesDoc uniq :: [DB.Field] let uniqKeys = map DB.label uniqueDoc :: [DB.Label] let insDoc = DB.exclude uniqKeys $ toInsertDoc newRecord :: DB.Document let selection = DB.select uniqueDoc $ collectionName newRecord :: DB.Selection mdoc <- getBy uniq case mdoc of Nothing -> unless (null upds) (DB.upsert selection ["$setOnInsert" DB.=: insDoc]) Just _ -> unless (null upds) (DB.modify selection $ DB.exclude uniqKeys $ updatesToDoc upds) newMdoc <- getBy uniq case newMdoc of Nothing -> err "possible race condition: getBy found Nothing" Just doc -> return doc where err = Trans.liftIO . throwIO . UpsertError {- -- cannot use findAndModify -- because $setOnInsert is crippled -- https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-2643 result <- DB.findAndModifyOpts selection (DB.defFamUpdateOpts ("$setOnInsert" DB.=: insDoc : ["$set" DB.=: insDoc])) { DB.famUpsert = True } either err instantiate result where -- this is only possible when new is False instantiate Nothing = error "upsert: impossible null" instantiate (Just doc) = fromPersistValuesThrow (entityDef $ Just newRecord) doc -} -- | It would make more sense to call this _id, but GHC treats leading underscore in special ways id_ :: T.Text id_ = "_id" -- _id is always the primary key in MongoDB -- but _id can contain any unique value keyToMongoDoc :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => Key record -> DB.Document keyToMongoDoc k = case entityPrimary $ entityDefFromKey k of Nothing -> zipToDoc [DBName id_] values Just pdef -> [id_ DB.=: zipToDoc (primaryNames pdef) values] where primaryNames = map fieldDB . compositeFields values = keyToValues k entityDefFromKey :: PersistEntity record => Key record -> EntityDef entityDefFromKey = entityDef . Just . recordTypeFromKey collectionNameFromKey :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => Key record -> Text collectionNameFromKey = collectionName . recordTypeFromKey projectionFromEntityDef :: EntityDef -> DB.Projector projectionFromEntityDef eDef = map toField (entityFields eDef) where toField :: FieldDef -> DB.Field toField fDef = (unDBName (fieldDB fDef)) DB.=: (1 :: Int) projectionFromKey :: PersistEntity record => Key record -> DB.Projector projectionFromKey = projectionFromEntityDef . entityDefFromKey projectionFromRecord :: PersistEntity record => record -> DB.Projector projectionFromRecord = projectionFromEntityDef . entityDef . Just instance PersistQueryWrite DB.MongoContext where updateWhere _ [] = return () updateWhere filts upds = DB.modify DB.Select { DB.coll = collectionName $ dummyFromFilts filts , DB.selector = filtersToDoc filts } $ updatesToDoc upds deleteWhere filts = do DB.delete DB.Select { DB.coll = collectionName $ dummyFromFilts filts , DB.selector = filtersToDoc filts } instance PersistQueryRead DB.MongoContext where count filts = do i <- DB.count query return $ fromIntegral i where query = DB.select (filtersToDoc filts) $ collectionName $ dummyFromFilts filts -- | uses cursor option NoCursorTimeout -- If there is no sorting, it will turn the $snapshot option on -- and explicitly closes the cursor when done selectSourceRes filts opts = do context <- ask return (pullCursor context `fmap` mkAcquire (open context) (close context)) where close :: DB.MongoContext -> DB.Cursor -> IO () close context cursor = runReaderT (DB.closeCursor cursor) context open :: DB.MongoContext -> IO DB.Cursor open = runReaderT (DB.find (makeQuery filts opts) -- it is an error to apply $snapshot when sorting { DB.snapshot = noSort , DB.options = [DB.NoCursorTimeout] }) pullCursor context cursor = do mdoc <- liftIO $ runReaderT (DB.nextBatch cursor) context case mdoc of [] -> return () docs -> do forM_ docs $ fromPersistValuesThrow t >=> yield pullCursor context cursor t = entityDef $ Just $ dummyFromFilts filts (_, _, orders) = limitOffsetOrder opts noSort = null orders selectFirst filts opts = DB.findOne (makeQuery filts opts) >>= Traversable.mapM (fromPersistValuesThrow t) where t = entityDef $ Just $ dummyFromFilts filts selectKeysRes filts opts = do context <- ask let make = do cursor <- liftIO $ flip runReaderT context $ DB.find $ (makeQuery filts opts) { DB.project = [id_ DB.=: (1 :: Int)] } pullCursor context cursor return $ return make where pullCursor context cursor = do mdoc <- liftIO $ runReaderT (DB.next cursor) context case mdoc of Nothing -> return () Just [_id DB.:= idVal] -> do k <- liftIO $ keyFrom_idEx idVal yield k pullCursor context cursor Just y -> liftIO $ throwIO $ PersistMarshalError $ T.pack $ "Unexpected in selectKeys: " ++ show y orderClause :: PersistEntity val => SelectOpt val -> DB.Field orderClause o = case o of Asc f -> fieldName f DB.=: ( 1 :: Int) Desc f -> fieldName f DB.=: (-1 :: Int) _ -> error "orderClause: expected Asc or Desc" makeQuery :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => [Filter record] -> [SelectOpt record] -> DB.Query makeQuery filts opts = (DB.select (filtersToDoc filts) (collectionName $ dummyFromFilts filts)) { DB.limit = fromIntegral limit , DB.skip = fromIntegral offset , DB.sort = orders , DB.project = projectionFromRecord (dummyFromFilts filts) } where (limit, offset, orders') = limitOffsetOrder opts orders = map orderClause orders' filtersToDoc :: (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => [Filter record] -> DB.Document filtersToDoc filts = #ifdef DEBUG debug $ #endif if null filts then [] else multiFilter AndDollar filts filterToDocument :: (PersistEntity val, PersistEntityBackend val ~ DB.MongoContext) => Filter val -> DB.Document filterToDocument f = case f of Filter field v filt -> [filterToBSON (fieldName field) v filt] BackendFilter mf -> mongoFilterToDoc mf -- The empty filter case should never occur when the user uses ||. -- An empty filter list will throw an exception in multiFilter -- -- The alternative would be to create a query which always returns true -- However, I don't think an end user ever wants that. FilterOr fs -> multiFilter OrDollar fs -- Ignore an empty filter list instead of throwing an exception. -- \$and is necessary in only a few cases, but it makes query construction easier FilterAnd [] -> [] FilterAnd fs -> multiFilter AndDollar fs data MultiFilter = OrDollar | AndDollar deriving Show toMultiOp :: MultiFilter -> Text toMultiOp OrDollar = orDollar toMultiOp AndDollar = andDollar multiFilter :: forall record. (PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => MultiFilter -> [Filter record] -> [DB.Field] multiFilter _ [] = throw $ PersistMongoDBError "An empty list of filters was given" multiFilter multi filters = case (multi, filter (not . null) (map filterToDocument filters)) of -- a $or must have at least 2 items (OrDollar, []) -> orError (AndDollar, []) -> [] (OrDollar, _:[]) -> orError (AndDollar, doc:[]) -> doc (_, doc) -> [toMultiOp multi DB.:= DB.Array (map DB.Doc doc)] where orError = throw $ PersistMongoDBError $ "An empty list of filters was given to one side of ||." existsDollar, orDollar, andDollar :: Text existsDollar = "$exists" orDollar = "$or" andDollar = "$and" filterToBSON :: forall a. ( PersistField a) => Text -> Either a [a] -> PersistFilter -> DB.Field filterToBSON fname v filt = case filt of Eq -> nullEq Ne -> nullNeq _ -> notEquality where dbv = toValue v notEquality = fname DB.=: [showFilter filt DB.:= dbv] nullEq = case dbv of DB.Null -> orDollar DB.=: [ [fname DB.:= DB.Null] , [fname DB.:= DB.Doc [existsDollar DB.:= DB.Bool False]] ] _ -> fname DB.:= dbv nullNeq = case dbv of DB.Null -> fname DB.:= DB.Doc [ showFilter Ne DB.:= DB.Null , existsDollar DB.:= DB.Bool True ] _ -> notEquality showFilter Ne = "$ne" showFilter Gt = "$gt" showFilter Lt = "$lt" showFilter Ge = "$gte" showFilter Le = "$lte" showFilter In = "$in" showFilter NotIn = "$nin" showFilter Eq = error "EQ filter not expected" showFilter (BackendSpecificFilter bsf) = throw $ PersistMongoDBError $ T.pack $ "did not expect BackendSpecificFilter " ++ T.unpack bsf mongoFilterToBSON :: forall typ. PersistField typ => Text -> MongoFilterOperator typ -> DB.Document mongoFilterToBSON fname filt = case filt of (PersistFilterOperator v op) -> [filterToBSON fname v op] (MongoFilterOperator bval) -> [fname DB.:= bval] mongoUpdateToBson :: forall typ. PersistField typ => Text -> UpdateValueOp typ -> DB.Field mongoUpdateToBson fname upd = case upd of UpdateValueOp (Left v) op -> updateToBson fname (toPersistValue v) op UpdateValueOp (Right v) op -> updateToBson fname (PersistList $ map toPersistValue v) op mongoUpdateToDoc :: PersistEntity record => MongoUpdate record -> DB.Field mongoUpdateToDoc (NestedUpdate field op) = mongoUpdateToBson (nestedFieldName field) op mongoUpdateToDoc (ArrayUpdate field op) = mongoUpdateToBson (fieldName field) op mongoFilterToDoc :: PersistEntity record => MongoFilter record -> DB.Document mongoFilterToDoc (NestedFilter field op) = mongoFilterToBSON (nestedFieldName field) op mongoFilterToDoc (ArrayFilter field op) = mongoFilterToBSON (fieldName field) op mongoFilterToDoc (NestedArrayFilter field op) = mongoFilterToBSON (nestedFieldName field) op mongoFilterToDoc (RegExpFilter fn (reg, opts)) = [ fieldName fn DB.:= DB.RegEx (DB.Regex reg opts)] nestedFieldName :: forall record typ. PersistEntity record => NestedField record typ -> Text nestedFieldName = T.intercalate "." . nesFldName where nesFldName :: forall r1 r2. (PersistEntity r1) => NestedField r1 r2 -> [DB.Label] nesFldName (nf1 `LastEmbFld` nf2) = [fieldName nf1, fieldName nf2] nesFldName ( f1 `MidEmbFld` f2) = fieldName f1 : nesFldName f2 nesFldName ( f1 `MidNestFlds` f2) = fieldName f1 : nesFldName f2 nesFldName ( f1 `MidNestFldsNullable` f2) = fieldName f1 : nesFldName f2 nesFldName (nf1 `LastNestFld` nf2) = [fieldName nf1, fieldName nf2] nesFldName (nf1 `LastNestFldNullable` nf2) = [fieldName nf1, fieldName nf2] toValue :: forall a. PersistField a => Either a [a] -> DB.Value toValue val = case val of Left v -> DB.val $ toPersistValue v Right vs -> DB.val $ map toPersistValue vs fieldName :: forall record typ. (PersistEntity record) => EntityField record typ -> DB.Label fieldName f | fieldHaskell fd == HaskellName "Id" = id_ | otherwise = unDBName $ fieldDB $ fd where fd = persistFieldDef f docToEntityEither :: forall record. (PersistEntity record) => DB.Document -> Either T.Text (Entity record) docToEntityEither doc = entity where entDef = entityDef $ Just (getType entity) entity = eitherFromPersistValues entDef doc getType :: Either err (Entity ent) -> ent getType = error "docToEntityEither/getType: never here" docToEntityThrow :: forall m record. (Trans.MonadIO m, PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => DB.Document -> m (Entity record) docToEntityThrow doc = case docToEntityEither doc of Left s -> Trans.liftIO . throwIO $ PersistMarshalError $ s Right entity -> return entity fromPersistValuesThrow :: (Trans.MonadIO m, PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => EntityDef -> [DB.Field] -> m (Entity record) fromPersistValuesThrow entDef doc = case eitherFromPersistValues entDef doc of Left t -> Trans.liftIO . throwIO $ PersistMarshalError $ unHaskellName (entityHaskell entDef) `mappend` ": " `mappend` t Right entity -> return entity mapLeft :: (a -> c) -> Either a b -> Either c b mapLeft _ (Right r) = Right r mapLeft f (Left l) = Left (f l) eitherFromPersistValues :: (PersistEntity record) => EntityDef -> [DB.Field] -> Either T.Text (Entity record) eitherFromPersistValues entDef doc = case mKey of Nothing -> addDetail $ Left $ "could not find _id field: " Just kpv -> do body <- addDetail (fromPersistValues (map snd $ orderPersistValues (toEmbedEntityDef entDef) castDoc)) key <- keyFromValues [kpv] return $ Entity key body where addDetail :: Either Text a -> Either Text a addDetail = mapLeft (\msg -> msg `mappend` " for doc: " `mappend` T.pack (show doc)) castDoc = assocListFromDoc doc -- normally _id is the first field mKey = lookup id_ castDoc -- | unlike many SQL databases, MongoDB makes no guarantee of the ordering -- of the fields returned in the document. -- Ordering might be maintained if persistent were the only user of the db, -- but other tools may be using MongoDB. -- -- Persistent creates a Haskell record from a list of PersistValue -- But most importantly it puts all PersistValues in the proper order orderPersistValues :: EmbedEntityDef -> [(Text, PersistValue)] -> [(Text, PersistValue)] orderPersistValues entDef castDoc = reorder where castColumns = map nameAndEmbed (embeddedFields entDef) nameAndEmbed fdef = (fieldToLabel fdef, emFieldEmbed fdef) -- TODO: the below reasoning should be re-thought now that we are no longer inserting null: searching for a null column will look at every returned field before giving up -- Also, we are now doing the _id lookup at the start. -- -- we have an alist of fields that need to be the same order as entityColumns -- -- this naive lookup is O(n^2) -- reorder = map (fromJust . (flip Prelude.lookup $ castDoc)) castColumns -- -- this is O(n * log(n)) -- reorder = map (\c -> (M.fromList castDoc) M.! c) castColumns -- -- and finally, this is O(n * log(n)) -- * do an alist lookup for each column -- * but once we found an item in the alist use a new alist without that item for future lookups -- * so for the last query there is only one item left -- reorder :: [(Text, PersistValue)] reorder = match castColumns castDoc [] where match :: [(Text, Maybe EmbedEntityDef)] -> [(Text, PersistValue)] -> [(Text, PersistValue)] -> [(Text, PersistValue)] -- when there are no more Persistent castColumns we are done -- -- allow extra mongoDB fields that persistent does not know about -- another application may use fields we don't care about -- our own application may set extra fields with the raw driver match [] _ values = values match (column:columns) fields values = let (found, unused) = matchOne fields [] in match columns unused $ values ++ [(fst column, nestedOrder (snd column) (snd found))] where nestedOrder (Just em) (PersistMap m) = PersistMap $ orderPersistValues em m nestedOrder (Just em) (PersistList l) = PersistList $ map (nestedOrder (Just em)) l -- implied: nestedOrder Nothing found = found nestedOrder _ found = found matchOne (field:fs) tried = if fst column == fst field -- snd drops the name now that it has been used to make the match -- persistent will add the field name later then (field, tried ++ fs) else matchOne fs (field:tried) -- if field is not found, assume it was a Nothing -- -- a Nothing could be stored as null, but that would take up space. -- instead, we want to store no field at all: that takes less space. -- Also, another ORM may be doing the same -- Also, this adding a Maybe field means no migration required matchOne [] tried = ((fst column, PersistNull), tried) assocListFromDoc :: DB.Document -> [(Text, PersistValue)] assocListFromDoc = Prelude.map (\f -> ( (DB.label f), cast (DB.value f) ) ) oidToPersistValue :: DB.ObjectId -> PersistValue oidToPersistValue = PersistObjectId . Serialize.encode oidToKey :: (ToBackendKey DB.MongoContext record) => DB.ObjectId -> Key record oidToKey = fromBackendKey . MongoKey persistObjectIdToDbOid :: PersistValue -> DB.ObjectId persistObjectIdToDbOid (PersistObjectId k) = case Serialize.decode k of Left msg -> throw $ PersistError $ T.pack $ "error decoding " ++ (show k) ++ ": " ++ msg Right o -> o persistObjectIdToDbOid _ = throw $ PersistInvalidField "expected PersistObjectId" keyToOid :: ToBackendKey DB.MongoContext record => Key record -> DB.ObjectId keyToOid = unMongoKey . toBackendKey instance DB.Val PersistValue where val (PersistInt64 x) = DB.Int64 x val (PersistText x) = DB.String x val (PersistDouble x) = DB.Float x val (PersistBool x) = DB.Bool x #ifdef HIGH_PRECISION_DATE val (PersistUTCTime x) = DB.Int64 $ round $ 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds x) #else -- this is just millisecond precision: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-1460 val (PersistUTCTime x) = DB.UTC x #endif val (PersistDay d) = DB.Int64 $ fromInteger $ toModifiedJulianDay d val (PersistNull) = DB.Null val (PersistList l) = DB.Array $ map DB.val l val (PersistMap m) = DB.Doc $ map (\(k, v)-> (DB.=:) k v) m val (PersistByteString x) = DB.Bin (DB.Binary x) val x@(PersistObjectId _) = DB.ObjId $ persistObjectIdToDbOid x val (PersistTimeOfDay _) = throw $ PersistMongoDBUnsupported "PersistTimeOfDay not implemented for the MongoDB backend. only PersistUTCTime currently implemented" val (PersistRational _) = throw $ PersistMongoDBUnsupported "PersistRational not implemented for the MongoDB backend" val (PersistDbSpecific _) = throw $ PersistMongoDBUnsupported "PersistDbSpecific not implemented for the MongoDB backend" cast' (DB.Float x) = Just (PersistDouble x) cast' (DB.Int32 x) = Just $ PersistInt64 $ fromIntegral x cast' (DB.Int64 x) = Just $ PersistInt64 x cast' (DB.String x) = Just $ PersistText x cast' (DB.Bool x) = Just $ PersistBool x cast' (DB.UTC d) = Just $ PersistUTCTime d cast' DB.Null = Just $ PersistNull cast' (DB.Bin (DB.Binary b)) = Just $ PersistByteString b cast' (DB.Fun (DB.Function f)) = Just $ PersistByteString f cast' (DB.Uuid (DB.UUID uid)) = Just $ PersistByteString uid cast' (DB.Md5 (DB.MD5 md5)) = Just $ PersistByteString md5 cast' (DB.UserDef (DB.UserDefined bs)) = Just $ PersistByteString bs cast' (DB.RegEx (DB.Regex us1 us2)) = Just $ PersistByteString $ E.encodeUtf8 $ T.append us1 us2 cast' (DB.Doc doc) = Just $ PersistMap $ assocListFromDoc doc cast' (DB.Array xs) = Just $ PersistList $ mapMaybe DB.cast' xs cast' (DB.ObjId x) = Just $ oidToPersistValue x cast' (DB.JavaScr _) = throw $ PersistMongoDBUnsupported "cast operation not supported for javascript" cast' (DB.Sym _) = throw $ PersistMongoDBUnsupported "cast operation not supported for sym" cast' (DB.Stamp _) = throw $ PersistMongoDBUnsupported "cast operation not supported for stamp" cast' (DB.MinMax _) = throw $ PersistMongoDBUnsupported "cast operation not supported for minmax" cast :: DB.Value -> PersistValue -- since we have case analysys this won't ever be Nothing -- However, unsupported types do throw an exception in pure code -- probably should re-work this to throw in IO cast = fromJust . DB.cast' instance Serialize.Serialize DB.ObjectId where put (DB.Oid w1 w2) = do Serialize.put w1 Serialize.put w2 get = do w1 <- Serialize.get w2 <- Serialize.get return (DB.Oid w1 w2) dummyFromUnique :: Unique v -> v dummyFromUnique _ = error "dummyFromUnique" dummyFromFilts :: [Filter v] -> v dummyFromFilts _ = error "dummyFromFilts" data MongoAuth = MongoAuth DB.Username DB.Password deriving Show -- | Information required to connect to a mongo database data MongoConf = MongoConf { mgDatabase :: Text , mgHost :: Text , mgPort :: PortID , mgAuth :: Maybe MongoAuth , mgAccessMode :: DB.AccessMode , mgPoolStripes :: Int , mgStripeConnections :: Int , mgConnectionIdleTime :: NominalDiffTime -- | YAML fields for this are @rsName@ and @rsSecondaries@ -- mgHost is assumed to be the primary , mgReplicaSetConfig :: Maybe ReplicaSetConfig } deriving Show defaultHost :: Text defaultHost = "" defaultAccessMode :: DB.AccessMode defaultAccessMode = DB.ConfirmWrites ["w" DB.:= DB.Int32 1] defaultPoolStripes, defaultStripeConnections :: Int defaultPoolStripes = 1 defaultStripeConnections = 10 defaultConnectionIdleTime :: NominalDiffTime defaultConnectionIdleTime = 20 defaultMongoConf :: Text -> MongoConf defaultMongoConf dbName = MongoConf { mgDatabase = dbName , mgHost = defaultHost , mgPort = DB.defaultPort , mgAuth = Nothing , mgAccessMode = defaultAccessMode , mgPoolStripes = defaultPoolStripes , mgStripeConnections = defaultStripeConnections , mgConnectionIdleTime = defaultConnectionIdleTime , mgReplicaSetConfig = Nothing } data ReplicaSetConfig = ReplicaSetConfig DB.ReplicaSetName [DB.Host] deriving Show instance FromJSON MongoConf where parseJSON v = modifyFailure ("Persistent: error loading MongoDB conf: " ++) $ flip (withObject "MongoConf") v $ \o ->do db <- o .: "database" host <- o .:? "host" .!= defaultHost NoOrphanPortID port <- o .:? "port" .!= NoOrphanPortID DB.defaultPort poolStripes <- o .:? "poolstripes" .!= defaultPoolStripes stripeConnections <- o .:? "connections" .!= defaultStripeConnections NoOrphanNominalDiffTime connectionIdleTime <- o .:? "connectionIdleTime" .!= NoOrphanNominalDiffTime defaultConnectionIdleTime mUser <- o .:? "user" mPass <- o .:? "password" accessString <- o .:? "accessMode" .!= confirmWrites mRsName <- o .:? "rsName" rsSecondaires <- o .:? "rsSecondaries" .!= [] mPoolSize <- o .:? "poolsize" case mPoolSize of Nothing -> return () Just (_::Int) -> fail "specified deprecated poolsize attribute. Please specify a connections. You can also specify a pools attribute which defaults to 1. Total connections opened to the db are connections * pools" accessMode <- case accessString of "ReadStaleOk" -> return DB.ReadStaleOk "UnconfirmedWrites" -> return DB.UnconfirmedWrites "ConfirmWrites" -> return defaultAccessMode badAccess -> fail $ "unknown accessMode: " ++ T.unpack badAccess let rs = case (mRsName, rsSecondaires) of (Nothing, []) -> Nothing (Nothing, _) -> error "found rsSecondaries key. Also expected but did not find a rsName key" (Just rsName, hosts) -> Just $ ReplicaSetConfig rsName $ fmap DB.readHostPort hosts return MongoConf { mgDatabase = db , mgHost = host , mgPort = port , mgAuth = case (mUser, mPass) of (Just user, Just pass) -> Just (MongoAuth user pass) _ -> Nothing , mgPoolStripes = poolStripes , mgStripeConnections = stripeConnections , mgAccessMode = accessMode , mgConnectionIdleTime = connectionIdleTime , mgReplicaSetConfig = rs } where confirmWrites = "ConfirmWrites" instance PersistConfig MongoConf where type PersistConfigBackend MongoConf = DB.Action type PersistConfigPool MongoConf = ConnectionPool createPoolConfig = createMongoPool runPool c = runMongoDBPool (mgAccessMode c) loadConfig = parseJSON -- | docker integration: change the host to the mongodb link applyDockerEnv :: MongoConf -> IO MongoConf applyDockerEnv mconf = do mHost <- lookupEnv "MONGODB_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR" return $ case mHost of Nothing -> mconf Just h -> mconf { mgHost = T.pack h } -- --------------------------- -- * MongoDB specific Filters -- $filters -- -- You can find example usage for all of Persistent in our test cases: -- -- -- These filters create a query that reaches deeper into a document with -- nested fields. type instance BackendSpecificFilter DB.MongoContext record = MongoFilter record type instance BackendSpecificUpdate DB.MongoContext record = MongoUpdate record data NestedField record typ = forall emb. PersistEntity emb => EntityField record [emb] `LastEmbFld` EntityField emb typ | forall emb. PersistEntity emb => EntityField record [emb] `MidEmbFld` NestedField emb typ | forall nest. PersistEntity nest => EntityField record nest `MidNestFlds` NestedField nest typ | forall nest. PersistEntity nest => EntityField record (Maybe nest) `MidNestFldsNullable` NestedField nest typ | forall nest. PersistEntity nest => EntityField record nest `LastNestFld` EntityField nest typ | forall nest. PersistEntity nest => EntityField record (Maybe nest) `LastNestFldNullable` EntityField nest typ -- | A MongoRegex represents a Regular expression. -- It is a tuple of the expression and the options for the regular expression, respectively -- Options are listed here: -- If you use the same options you may want to define a helper such as @r t = (t, "ims")@ type MongoRegex = (Text, Text) -- | Mark the subset of 'PersistField's that can be searched by a mongoDB regex -- Anything stored as PersistText or an array of PersistText would be valid class PersistField typ => MongoRegexSearchable typ where instance MongoRegexSearchable Text instance MongoRegexSearchable rs => MongoRegexSearchable (Maybe rs) instance MongoRegexSearchable rs => MongoRegexSearchable [rs] -- | Filter using a Regular expression. (=~.) :: forall record searchable. (MongoRegexSearchable searchable, PersistEntity record, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => EntityField record searchable -> MongoRegex -> Filter record fld =~. val = BackendFilter $ RegExpFilter fld val data MongoFilterOperator typ = PersistFilterOperator (Either typ [typ]) PersistFilter | MongoFilterOperator DB.Value data UpdateValueOp typ = UpdateValueOp (Either typ [typ]) (Either PersistUpdate MongoUpdateOperation) deriving Show data MongoUpdateOperation = MongoEach MongoUpdateOperator | MongoSimple MongoUpdateOperator deriving Show data MongoUpdateOperator = MongoPush | MongoPull | MongoAddToSet deriving Show opToText :: MongoUpdateOperator -> Text opToText MongoPush = "$push" opToText MongoPull = "$pull" opToText MongoAddToSet = "$addToSet" data MongoFilter record = forall typ. PersistField typ => NestedFilter (NestedField record typ) (MongoFilterOperator typ) | forall typ. PersistField typ => ArrayFilter (EntityField record [typ]) (MongoFilterOperator typ) | forall typ. PersistField typ => NestedArrayFilter (NestedField record [typ]) (MongoFilterOperator typ) | forall typ. MongoRegexSearchable typ => RegExpFilter (EntityField record typ) MongoRegex data MongoUpdate record = forall typ. PersistField typ => NestedUpdate (NestedField record typ) (UpdateValueOp typ) | forall typ. PersistField typ => ArrayUpdate (EntityField record [typ]) (UpdateValueOp typ) -- | Point to an array field with an embedded object and give a deeper query into the embedded object. -- Use with 'nestEq'. (->.) :: forall record emb typ. PersistEntity emb => EntityField record [emb] -> EntityField emb typ -> NestedField record typ (->.) = LastEmbFld -- | Point to an array field with an embedded object and give a deeper query into the embedded object. -- This level of nesting is not the final level. -- Use '->.' or '&->.' to point to the final level. (~>.) :: forall record typ emb. PersistEntity emb => EntityField record [emb] -> NestedField emb typ -> NestedField record typ (~>.) = MidEmbFld -- | Point to a nested field to query. This field is not an array type. -- Use with 'nestEq'. (&->.) :: forall record typ nest. PersistEntity nest => EntityField record nest -> EntityField nest typ -> NestedField record typ (&->.) = LastNestFld -- | Same as '&->.', but Works against a Maybe type (?&->.) :: forall record typ nest. PersistEntity nest => EntityField record (Maybe nest) -> EntityField nest typ -> NestedField record typ (?&->.) = LastNestFldNullable -- | Point to a nested field to query. This field is not an array type. -- This level of nesting is not the final level. -- Use '->.' or '&>.' to point to the final level. (&~>.) :: forall val nes nes1. PersistEntity nes1 => EntityField val nes1 -> NestedField nes1 nes -> NestedField val nes (&~>.) = MidNestFlds -- | Same as '&~>.', but works against a Maybe type (?&~>.) :: forall val nes nes1. PersistEntity nes1 => EntityField val (Maybe nes1) -> NestedField nes1 nes -> NestedField val nes (?&~>.) = MidNestFldsNullable infixr 4 =~. infixr 5 ~>. infixr 5 &~>. infixr 5 ?&~>. infixr 6 &->. infixr 6 ?&->. infixr 6 ->. infixr 4 `nestEq` infixr 4 `nestNe` infixr 4 `nestGe` infixr 4 `nestLe` infixr 4 `nestIn` infixr 4 `nestNotIn` infixr 4 `anyEq` infixr 4 `nestAnyEq` infixr 4 `nestBsonEq` infixr 4 `multiBsonEq` infixr 4 `anyBsonEq` infixr 4 `nestSet` infixr 4 `push` infixr 4 `pull` infixr 4 `pullAll` infixr 4 `addToSet` -- | The normal Persistent equality test '==.' is not generic enough. -- Instead use this with the drill-down arrow operaters such as '->.' -- -- using this as the only query filter is similar to the following in the mongoDB shell -- -- > db.Collection.find({"object.field": item}) nestEq, nestNe, nestGe, nestLe, nestIn, nestNotIn :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ , PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Filter record nestEq = nestedFilterOp Eq nestNe = nestedFilterOp Ne nestGe = nestedFilterOp Ge nestLe = nestedFilterOp Le nestIn = nestedFilterOp In nestNotIn = nestedFilterOp NotIn nestedFilterOp :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ , PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext ) => PersistFilter -> NestedField record typ -> typ -> Filter record nestedFilterOp op nf v = BackendFilter $ NestedFilter nf $ PersistFilterOperator (Left v) op -- | same as `nestEq`, but give a BSON Value nestBsonEq :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ , PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext ) => NestedField record typ -> DB.Value -> Filter record nf `nestBsonEq` val = BackendFilter $ NestedFilter nf $ MongoFilterOperator val -- | Like '(==.)' but for an embedded list. -- Checks to see if the list contains an item. -- -- In Haskell we need different equality functions for embedded fields that are lists or non-lists to keep things type-safe. -- -- using this as the only query filter is similar to the following in the mongoDB shell -- -- > db.Collection.find({arrayField: arrayItem}) anyEq :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ , PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext ) => EntityField record [typ] -> typ -> Filter record fld `anyEq` val = BackendFilter $ ArrayFilter fld $ PersistFilterOperator (Left val) Eq -- | Like nestEq, but for an embedded list. -- Checks to see if the nested list contains an item. nestAnyEq :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ , PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext ) => NestedField record [typ] -> typ -> Filter record fld `nestAnyEq` val = BackendFilter $ NestedArrayFilter fld $ PersistFilterOperator (Left val) Eq multiBsonEq :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ , PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext ) => EntityField record [typ] -> DB.Value -> Filter record multiBsonEq = anyBsonEq {-# DEPRECATED multiBsonEq "Please use anyBsonEq instead" #-} -- | same as `anyEq`, but give a BSON Value anyBsonEq :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ , PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext ) => EntityField record [typ] -> DB.Value -> Filter record fld `anyBsonEq` val = BackendFilter $ ArrayFilter fld $ MongoFilterOperator val nestSet, nestInc, nestDec, nestMul :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ , PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => NestedField record typ -> typ -> Update record nestSet = nestedUpdateOp Assign nestInc = nestedUpdateOp Add nestDec = nestedUpdateOp Subtract nestMul = nestedUpdateOp Multiply push, pull, addToSet :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ , PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext ) => EntityField record [typ] -> typ -> Update record fld `push` val = backendArrayOperation MongoPush fld val fld `pull` val = backendArrayOperation MongoPull fld val fld `addToSet` val = backendArrayOperation MongoAddToSet fld val backendArrayOperation :: forall record typ. (PersistField typ, BackendSpecificUpdate (PersistEntityBackend record) record ~ MongoUpdate record) => MongoUpdateOperator -> EntityField record [typ] -> typ -> Update record backendArrayOperation op fld val = BackendUpdate $ ArrayUpdate fld $ UpdateValueOp (Left val) (Right $ MongoSimple op) -- | equivalent to $each -- -- > eachOp push field [] -- -- @eachOp pull@ will get translated to @$pullAll@ eachOp :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ, PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext) => (EntityField record [typ] -> typ -> Update record) -> EntityField record [typ] -> [typ] -> Update record eachOp haskellOp fld val = case haskellOp fld (error "eachOp: undefined") of BackendUpdate (ArrayUpdate _ (UpdateValueOp (Left _) (Right (MongoSimple op)))) -> each op BackendUpdate (ArrayUpdate{}) -> error "eachOp: unexpected ArrayUpdate" BackendUpdate (NestedUpdate{}) -> error "eachOp: did not expect NestedUpdate" Update{} -> error "eachOp: did not expect Update" where each op = BackendUpdate $ ArrayUpdate fld $ UpdateValueOp (Right val) (Right $ MongoEach op) pullAll :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ , PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext ) => EntityField record [typ] -> [typ] -> Update record fld `pullAll` val = eachOp pull fld val nestedUpdateOp :: forall record typ. ( PersistField typ , PersistEntityBackend record ~ DB.MongoContext ) => PersistUpdate -> NestedField record typ -> typ -> Update record nestedUpdateOp op nf v = BackendUpdate $ NestedUpdate nf $ UpdateValueOp (Left v) (Left op) -- | Intersection of lists: if any value in the field is found in the list. inList :: PersistField typ => EntityField v [typ] -> [typ] -> Filter v f `inList` a = Filter (unsafeCoerce f) (Right a) In infix 4 `inList` -- | No intersection of lists: if no value in the field is found in the list. ninList :: PersistField typ => EntityField v [typ] -> [typ] -> Filter v f `ninList` a = Filter (unsafeCoerce f) (Right a) In infix 4 `ninList`