## persistent-migration 0.2.1 Fixes: * Fix build for persistent- ## persistent-migration 0.2.0 Breaking changes: * Moved some types out of `Database.Persist.Migration.Operation` and into `Database.Persist.Migration.Core` Fixes: * Fix for GHC 8.8 Other changes: * Re-export `rawSql` in `Database.Persist.Migration` ## persistent-migration 0.1.0 Breaking changes: * Remove prefixes from operations (#31) * Refactored module structure (#34) * New migration format with batched operations (#36) * `Operation` is now a sum type instead of a newtype wrapper around `Migrateable` (#58) * Interpolation now done with `MigrateSql`, e.g. in `RawOperation` (#62) * Fix bug in `CreateTable` having multiple `Unique` constraints (#63) Other changes: * Add new operations: RenameTable, AddConstraint, DropConstraint (#33) * Use hpack (#42) * Allow specifying defaults in columns (#52) * Add new operation: RenameColumn (#55) ## persistent-migration 0.0.2 * Generalize `hasMigration` and `checkMigration` to `MonadIO` ## persistent-migration 0.0.1 * Initial implementation