{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Utils.QuickCheck ( CreateTable'(..) , toOperation , ColumnIdentifier(..) , Identifier(..) , genPersistValue -- * Utilities , DistinctList(..) , mapSome , group ) where import Control.Monad ((>=>)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString import Data.List (nub) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorian) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..), secondsToDiffTime) import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeOfDay(..)) import Database.Persist.Migration (Column(..), ColumnProp(..), Operation(..), TableConstraint(..)) import Database.Persist.Sql (PersistValue(..), SqlType(..)) import Test.QuickCheck hiding (scale) -- | A duplicate of the CreateTable constructor for testing. data CreateTable' = CreateTable' { ctName :: Text , ctSchema :: [Column] , ctConstraints :: [TableConstraint] } deriving (Show) toOperation :: CreateTable' -> Operation toOperation CreateTable'{..} = CreateTable ctName ctSchema ctConstraints instance Arbitrary CreateTable' where arbitrary = do name <- arbitrary let Identifier ctName = name -- get names of tables this table can have foreign keys towards DistinctList colNames <- arbitrary -- max out at 100 names let colNames' = take 100 $ map unColIdent colNames -- generate schema DistinctList tableNames <- arbitrary let tableNames' = filter (/= name) tableNames cols <- vectorOf (length colNames') $ genColumn tableNames' let idCol = Column "id" SqlInt32 [NotNull, AutoIncrement] cols' = map (\(colName', col) -> col{colName = colName'}) $ zip colNames' cols ctSchema = idCol : cols' -- all of the columns that will be unique uniqueCols <- sublistOf $ map colName cols' let mkUnique names = -- constraint name can be max 63 characters let namespace = Text.take 10 ctName constraintName = Text.take 63 $ "unique_" <> Text.intercalate "_" (namespace:names) in Unique constraintName names -- unique constraints should not have more than 32 columns max32 l = if length l > 32 then take 32 l : max32 (drop 32 l) else [l] uniqueConstraints <- map mkUnique . concatMap max32 <$> group uniqueCols let ctConstraints = PrimaryKey ["id"] : uniqueConstraints return $ CreateTable'{..} -- | Generate an arbitrary Column with a possibly pre-determined name. -- -- Also given the set of table names that can be referenced by foreign keys. genColumn :: [Identifier] -> Gen Column genColumn tableNames = do colName <- fmap unColIdent arbitrary references <- if null tableNames then return [] else do Identifier table <- elements tableNames arbitrarySingleton 10 $ References (table, "id") colType <- if null references then arbitrary else return SqlInt32 autoIncrement <- arbitrarySingleton 1 AutoIncrement notNull <- arbitrarySingleton 50 NotNull colDefault <- case autoIncrement of [] -> arbitrarySingleton 10 . Default =<< genPersistValue colType _ -> return [] let colProps = notNull ++ autoIncrement ++ references ++ colDefault return Column{..} where -- get list with x% chance of having the given element and (100 - x)% chance of -- being an empty list arbitrarySingleton x v = frequency [(x, pure [v]), (100 - x, pure [])] instance Arbitrary Column where arbitrary = listOf arbitrary >>= genColumn newtype Identifier = Identifier { unIdent :: Text } deriving (Show,Eq) instance Arbitrary Identifier where arbitrary = do first <- elements underletter rest <- listOf $ elements $ underletter ++ ['0'..'9'] return . Identifier . Text.pack . take 63 $ first : rest where underletter = '_':['a'..'z'] newtype ColumnIdentifier = ColumnIdentifier { unColIdent :: Text } deriving (Show,Eq) instance Arbitrary ColumnIdentifier where arbitrary = do Identifier ident <- arbitrary if ident `elem` invalidIdents then arbitrary else return $ ColumnIdentifier ident where invalidIdents = [ "id" -- https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/ddl-system-columns.html , "oid", "tableoid", "xmin", "cmin", "xmax", "cmax", "ctid" ] instance Arbitrary SqlType where arbitrary = do numPrecision <- choose (1, 1000) numScale <- choose (0, numPrecision) elements [ SqlString , SqlInt32 , SqlInt64 , SqlReal , SqlNumeric numPrecision numScale , SqlBool , SqlDay , SqlTime , SqlDayTime , SqlBlob ] -- | Generate an arbitrary PersistValue for the given SqlType. genPersistValue :: SqlType -> Gen PersistValue genPersistValue = \case SqlString -> PersistText . Text.map cleanText <$> arbitrary SqlInt32 -> PersistInt64 <$> choose (-2147483648, 2147483647) SqlInt64 -> PersistInt64 <$> choose (-2147483648, 2147483647) SqlReal -> PersistDouble . cleanDouble <$> arbitrary SqlNumeric precision scale -> do v <- choose (0, 1) :: Gen Double let v' = truncate (v * (10 ^ precision)) :: Integer x = fromIntegral v' / (10 ^ scale) return . PersistRational . toRational . cleanDouble $ x SqlBool -> PersistBool <$> arbitrary SqlDay -> PersistDay <$> arbitrary SqlTime -> PersistTimeOfDay <$> arbitrary SqlDayTime -> PersistUTCTime <$> arbitrary SqlBlob -> PersistByteString . ByteString.map cleanText <$> arbitrary SqlOther _ -> fail "SqlOther not supported" where cleanDouble :: Double -> Double cleanDouble x = if isInfinite x || isNaN x then 0 else x -- https://github.com/lpsmith/postgresql-simple/issues/169 cleanText :: Char -> Char cleanText '?' = '_' cleanText c = c {- Utilities -} newtype DistinctList a = DistinctList { unDistinctList :: [a] } deriving (Show) instance (Arbitrary a, Eq a) => Arbitrary (DistinctList a) where arbitrary = DistinctList . nub <$> listOf arbitrary instance Arbitrary Text where arbitrary = Text.pack . getASCIIString <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary ByteString where arbitrary = Text.encodeUtf8 <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Day where arbitrary = fromGregorian <$> choose (1, 294276) <*> choose (1, 12) <*> choose (1, 31) instance Arbitrary TimeOfDay where arbitrary = TimeOfDay <$> choose (0, 23) <*> choose (0, 59) <*> genSeconds where genSeconds = fromRational . toRational <$> (choose (0, 60) :: Gen Double) instance Arbitrary UTCTime where arbitrary = UTCTime <$> arbitrary <*> (secondsToDiffTime <$> choose (0, 86400)) -- | Randomly modify at least one element in the list with the given function. mapSome :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> Gen [a] mapSome _ [] = return [] mapSome f l = do i <- choose (0, length l - 1) let (half1, half2) = splitAt i l modify = mapM $ \x -> do shouldModify <- arbitrary return $ if shouldModify then f x else x half1' <- modify half1 half2' <- modify $ tail half2 return $ half1' ++ [f $ head half2] ++ half2' -- | Randomly group the given list. group :: [a] -> Gen [[a]] group = shuffle >=> partition [] where partition res [] = return res partition res l = do i <- choose (1, length l) let (first, rest) = splitAt i l partition (first : res) rest