module Main where import System.Random (RandomGen, mkStdGen, random) import Data.IntSet (IntSet) import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import qualified Data.PerfectHash.Construction as Construction import qualified Data.PerfectHash.Lookup as Lookup import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Vector import qualified Exercise valueCount = 250000 data RandIntAccum t = RandIntAccum t -- ^ random number generator Int -- ^ max count IntSet -- ^ accumulated unique random numbers -- | Since computing the size of the set is O(N), we -- maintain the count separately. getUniqueRandomIntegers :: RandomGen t => RandIntAccum t -> IntSet getUniqueRandomIntegers (RandIntAccum std_gen count current_set) = if count == 0 then current_set else getUniqueRandomIntegers newstate where (next_int, next_std_gen) = random std_gen a = RandIntAccum next_std_gen newstate = if IntSet.member next_int current_set then a count current_set else a (count - 1) (IntSet.insert next_int current_set) intMapTuples :: [(Int, Int)] intMapTuples = zip random_ints [1..] where seed_value = RandIntAccum (mkStdGen 0) valueCount IntSet.empty random_ints = IntSet.toList $ getUniqueRandomIntegers seed_value main = do putStrLn $ unwords ["Keys size:", show $ length intMapTuples] let lookup_table = Construction.createMinimalPerfectHash intMapTuples putStrLn $ unwords [ "Finished computing lookup table with" , show $ Lookup.size lookup_table , "entries." ] let direct_mapping_nonces = Vector.filter (< 0) $ Lookup.nonces lookup_table putStrLn $ unwords [ "There were" , show $ Vector.length direct_mapping_nonces , "lookup entries with direct mappings." ] Exercise.eitherExit $ Exercise.testLookups lookup_table intMapTuples