-- | The Convert report. This report converts all account balances to
-- a single commodity, which must be specified.

module Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert (
  , Sorter
  , report
  , cmdLineReport
  , getSorter
  ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import qualified Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous as Ex
import qualified Data.Tree as E
import qualified Data.Traversable as Tvbl
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Options as CO
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Parsers as CP
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Scheme as Scheme
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Balance.Util as U
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert.Chunker as K
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert.Options as O
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert.Parser as P
import qualified Penny.Cabin.Interface as I
import qualified Penny.Lincoln as L
import qualified Penny.Lincoln.Balance as Bal
import qualified Penny.Liberty as Ly
import qualified Penny.Shield as S
import qualified Data.Either as Ei
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as X
import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend, mconcat)
import qualified System.Console.MultiArg as MA

-- | Options for the Convert report. These are the only options you
-- need to use if you are supplying options programatically (as
-- opposed to parsing them in from the command line.)
data Opts = Opts
  { balanceFormat :: L.Commodity -> L.Qty -> X.Text
  , showZeroBalances :: CO.ShowZeroBalances
  , sorter :: Sorter
  , target :: L.To
  , dateTime :: L.DateTime

-- | How to sort each line of the report. Each subaccount has only one
-- BottomLine (unlike in the MultiCommodity report, where each
-- subaccount may have more than one BottomLine, one for each
-- commodity.)
type Sorter =
  (L.SubAccount, L.BottomLine)
  -> (L.SubAccount, L.BottomLine)
  -> Ordering

-- | Converts all commodities in a Balance to a single commodity and
-- combines all the BottomLines into one. Fails with an error message
-- if no conversion data is available.
convertBalance ::
  -> L.DateTime
  -> L.To
  -> L.Balance
  -> Ex.Exceptional X.Text L.BottomLine
convertBalance db dt to bal = fmap mconcat r
    r = mapM (convertOne db dt to) . M.assocs . L.unBalance $ bal

-- | Converts a single BottomLine to a new commodity. Fails with an
-- error message if no conversion data is available.
convertOne ::
  -> L.DateTime
  -> L.To
  -> (L.Commodity, L.BottomLine)
  -> Ex.Exceptional X.Text L.BottomLine
convertOne db dt to (cty, bl) =
  case bl of
    L.Zero -> return L.Zero
    L.NonZero (L.Column dc qt) -> Ex.mapExceptional e g ex
        ex = L.convert db dt to am
        am = L.Amount qt cty Nothing Nothing
        e = convertError to (L.From cty)
        g r = L.NonZero (L.Column dc r)

-- | Creates an error message for conversion errors.
convertError ::
  -> L.From
  -> L.PriceDbError
  -> X.Text
convertError (L.To to) (L.From fr) e =
  let fromErr = L.unCommodity fr
      toErr = L.unCommodity to
  in case e of
    L.FromNotFound ->
      X.pack "no data to convert from commodity "
      `X.append` fromErr
    L.ToNotFound ->
      X.pack "no data to convert to commodity "
      `X.append` toErr
    L.CpuNotFound ->
      X.pack "no data to convert from commodity "
      `X.append` fromErr
      `X.append` (X.pack " to commodity ")
      `X.append` toErr
      `X.append` (X.pack " at given date and time")

-- | Create a price database.
buildDb :: [L.PricePoint] -> L.PriceDb
buildDb = foldl f L.emptyDb where
  f db pb = L.addPrice db pb

-- | All data for the report after all balances have been converted to
-- a single commodity and all the sums of the child accounts have been
-- added to the parent accounts.
data ForestAndBL = ForestAndBL {
  _tbForest :: E.Forest (L.SubAccount, L.BottomLine)
  , _tbTotal :: L.BottomLine
  , _tbTo :: L.To

-- | Converts the balance data in preparation for screen rendering.
rows :: ForestAndBL -> ([K.Row], L.To)
rows (ForestAndBL f tot to) = (first:second:rest, to)
    first = K.ROneCol $ K.OneColRow 0 desc
    desc = X.pack "All amounts reported in commodity: "
           `X.append` (L.unCommodity
                       . L.unTo
                       $ to)
    second = K.RMain $ K.MainRow 0 (X.pack "Total") tot
    rest = map mainRow
           . concatMap E.flatten
           . map U.labelLevels
           $ f

mainRow :: (Int, (L.SubAccount, L.BottomLine)) -> K.Row
mainRow (l, (a, b)) = K.RMain $ K.MainRow l x b
    x = L.text a

-- | The function for the Convert report. Use this function if you are
-- setting the options from a program (as opposed to parsing them in
-- from the command line.) Will fail if the balance conversions fail.
report ::
  -> [L.PricePoint]
  -> [L.Box a]
  -> Ex.Exceptional X.Text [Scheme.PreChunk]
report os@(Opts getFmt _ _ _ _) ps bs = do
  fstBl <- sumConvertSort os ps bs
  let (rs, L.To cy) = rows fstBl
      fmt = getFmt cy
  return $ K.rowsToChunks fmt rs

-- | Creates a report respecting the standard interface for reports
-- whose options are parsed in from the command line.
  :: O.DefaultOpts
  -> I.Report
cmdLineReport o rt = (help o, mkMode)
    mkMode _ _ fsf = MA.Mode
      { MA.mName = "convert"
      , MA.mIntersperse = MA.Intersperse
      , MA.mOpts = map (fmap Right) P.allOptSpecs
      , MA.mPosArgs = Left
      , MA.mProcess = process rt o fsf }

  :: S.Runtime
  -> O.DefaultOpts
  -> ([L.Transaction] -> [L.Box Ly.LibertyMeta])
  -> [Either String (P.Opts -> Ex.Exceptional String P.Opts)]
  -> Ex.Exceptional String (Either I.HelpStr I.ArgsAndReport)
process rt defaultOpts fsf ls = do
  let (posArgs, parsed) = Ei.partitionEithers ls
      op' = foldl (>>=) (return (O.toParserOpts defaultOpts rt)) parsed
  case op' of
      Ex.Exception s -> Ex.throw s
      Ex.Success g -> return $
        let noDefault = X.pack "no default price found"
        in case fromParsedOpts g of
            NeedsHelp -> Left $ help defaultOpts
            DoReport f ->
              let pr ts pps = do
                    rptOpts <- Ex.fromMaybe noDefault $
                      f pps (O.format defaultOpts)
                    let boxes = fsf ts
                    report rptOpts pps boxes
              in Right (posArgs, pr)

-- | Sums the balances from the bottom to the top of the tree (so that
-- parent accounts have the sum of the balances of all their
-- children.) Then converts the commodities to a single commodity, and
-- sorts the accounts as requested. Fails if the conversion fails.
  :: Opts
  -> [L.PricePoint]
  -> [L.Box a]
  -> Ex.Exceptional X.Text ForestAndBL
sumConvertSort os ps bs = mkResult <$> convertedFrst <*> convertedTot
    (Opts _ szb str tgt dt) = os
    bals = U.balances szb bs
    (frst, tot) = U.sumForest mempty mappend bals
    convertBal (a, bal) =
        (\bl -> (a, bl)) <$> convertBalance db dt tgt bal
    db = buildDb ps
    convertedFrst = mapM (Tvbl.mapM convertBal) frst
    convertedTot = convertBalance db dt tgt tot
    mkResult f t = ForestAndBL (U.sortForest str f) t tgt

-- | Determine the most frequent To commodity.
mostFrequent :: [L.PricePoint] -> Maybe L.To
mostFrequent = U.lastMode . map (L.to . L.price)

data HelpOrOpts
  = NeedsHelp
  | DoReport ( [L.PricePoint]
               -> (L.Commodity -> L.Qty -> X.Text)
               -> (Maybe Opts))

-- | Get options for the report, depending on what options were parsed
-- from the command line. Fails if the user did not specify a
-- commodity and mostFrequent fails.
  :: P.Opts
  -> HelpOrOpts
fromParsedOpts (P.Opts szb tgt dt so sb hlp) =
  if hlp
  then NeedsHelp
  else DoReport $ \pps fmt -> case tgt of
    P.ManualTarget to ->
      Just $ Opts fmt szb (getSorter so sb) to dt
    P.AutoTarget ->
      case mostFrequent pps of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        Just to ->
          Just $ Opts fmt szb (getSorter so sb) to dt

-- | Returns a function usable to sort pairs of SubAccount and
-- BottomLine depending on how you want them sorted.
getSorter :: CP.SortOrder -> P.SortBy -> Sorter
getSorter o b = flipper f
    flipper = case o of
      CP.Ascending -> id
      CP.Descending ->
        \g p1 p2 -> case g p1 p2 of
            LT -> GT
            GT -> LT
            EQ -> EQ
    f p1@(a1, _) p2@(a2, _) = case b of
      P.SortByName -> compare a1 a2
      P.SortByQty -> cmpBottomLine p1 p2

cmpBottomLine :: Sorter
cmpBottomLine (n1, bl1) (n2, bl2) =
  case (bl1, bl2) of
    (L.Zero, L.Zero) -> EQ
    (L.NonZero _, L.Zero) -> LT
    (L.Zero, L.NonZero _) -> GT
    (L.NonZero c1, L.NonZero c2) ->
      mconcat [dc, qt, na]
        dc = case (Bal.drCr c1, Bal.drCr c2) of
          (L.Debit, L.Debit) -> EQ
          (L.Debit, L.Credit) -> LT
          (L.Credit, L.Debit) -> GT
          (L.Credit, L.Credit) -> EQ
        qt = compare (Bal.qty c1) (Bal.qty c2)
        na = compare n1 n2

-- ## Help
ifDefault :: Bool -> String
ifDefault b = if b then " (default)" else ""

help :: O.DefaultOpts -> String
help o = unlines $
  [ "convert"
  , "  Show account balances, after converting all amounts"
  , "  to a single commodity. Accepts ONLY the following options:"
  , ""
  , "--show-zero-balances"
  , "  Show balances that are zero"
    ++ ifDefault (CO.unShowZeroBalances . O.showZeroBalances $ o)
  , "--hide-zero-balances"
  , "  Hide balances that are zero"
    ++ ifDefault (not . CO.unShowZeroBalances . O.showZeroBalances $ o)
  , ""
  , "  Convert all commodities to TARGET-COMMODITY."
  ] ++ case O.target o of
        P.ManualTarget (L.To cy) ->
          [ "  default: " ++ (X.unpack . L.unCommodity $ cy) ]
        _ -> []
  [ "--auto-commodity"
  , "  convert all commodities to the commodity that appears most"
  , "  often as the target commodity in your price data. If"
  , "  there is a tie, the price closest to the end of your list"
  , "  of prices is used."
    ++ case O.target o of
        P.AutoTarget -> " (default)"
        _ -> ""
  , ""
  , "--date DATE-TIME, -d DATE-TIME"
  , "  Convert prices as of the date and time given"
  , "  (by default, the current date and time is used.)"
  , ""
  , "--sort qty|name, -s qty|name"
  , "  Sort balances by sub-account name"
    ++ ifDefault (O.sortBy o == P.SortByName)
    ++ " or by quantity"
    ++ ifDefault (O.sortBy o == P.SortByQty)
  , "--ascending"
  , "  Sort in ascending order"
    ++ ifDefault (O.sortOrder o == CP.Ascending)
  , "--descending"
  , "  Sort in descending order"
    ++ ifDefault (O.sortOrder o == CP.Descending)
  , ""
  , "--help, -h"
  , "  Show this help and exit"