# pdftotext The `pdftotext` package provides functions for extraction of plain text from PDF documents. It uses C++ library [Poppler](https://poppler.freedesktop.org/), which is required to be installed in the system. Output of Haskell `pdftotext` library is identical to output of Poppler's tool `pdftotext`. ## Usage ```haskell import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Pdftotext main :: IO () main = do Just pdf <- openFile "path/to/file.pdf" T.putStrLn $ pdftotext Physical pdf ``` ## Flags ### `xml-conduit` `pdftotext` can extract properties from PDF document. One of them is metadata which is in form of XML document. If `xml-conduit` flag is set then the metadata is parsed using `xml-conduit` package, otherwise provided as text. ## Internals The library uses poppler via FFI, therefore internally all functions are of type `IO`. However, their non-`IO` variants (using `unsafePerformIO`) _should be_ safe to use. Module `Pdftotext.Internal` exposes all `IO`-typed functions. ## Contribute Project is hosted at https://sr.ht/~geyaeb/haskell-pdftotext/ . The homepage provides links to [Mercurial repository](https://hg.sr.ht/~geyaeb/haskell-pdftotext), [mailing list](https://lists.sr.ht/~geyaeb/haskell-pdftotext) and [ticket tracker](https://todo.sr.ht/~geyaeb/haskell-pdftotext). Patches, suggestions, questions and general discussions can be send to the [mailing list](https://lists.sr.ht/~geyaeb/haskell-pdftotext). Detailed information about sending patches by email can be found at [https://man.sr.ht/hg.sr.ht/email.md](https://man.sr.ht/hg.sr.ht/email.md).