pdf-slave ========= [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/NCrashed/pdf-slave.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/NCrashed/pdf-slave) Tool that compiles [haskintex](http://daniel-diaz.github.io/projects/haskintex/) (TeX with embedded Haskell) files into PDF documents. Templates are described in YAML format and can define dependencies. Features: * Input JSON file for `htex` file that holds template varying data. * Option for packing a template in all-in YAML bundle. * Support for template dependencies that include: - Bibtex files - Images, listings, other static files. - Other `.htex` templates that compiles into TeX and includes into parent template. - Other `.htex` templates that compiles into PDF and includes into parent template. Description =========== In many real-world systems we need to produce reports, cheques and other documents to users. One possible solution is rendering LaTeX files, but it is not flexible enough as you need to solve burden with generation of LaTeX file from varying inputs, manage static files like images and handling dependencies between pieces of document. The new tool takes the burden away. Now all static files and generation code is located within a single template project, that describes how to build your PDF document in a declaretive way. Common work flow with pdf-slave: * Develop template from several LaTeX files with embedded Haskell (thanks to [haskintex](http://daniel-diaz.github.io/projects/haskintex/) tool) * Pack the template project into bundle all-in file. * Distribute the bundle (for instance to your service server). * Call pdf-slave with bundle and inputs in JSON file to generate PDF document. Template reference ================== Common template consists of several files: * `template_input.json` - Input data for template in JSON format. ``` JSON { "line-width": 2, "spiral-precision": 0.01, "spiral-interval": [0,4], "spiral-a": 0.1, "spiral-b": 4 } ``` * `template.htex` - TeX/LaTeX with embedded Haskell that reads input data from file `template.json`. You have to provide code at the beginning of file that reads the inputs, like that: Make a `Helper.hs` file in directory with template: ``` haskell module Helper where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import Data.Aeson import System.IO.Unsafe defaultInput :: FromJSON a => a {-# NOINLINE defaultInput #-} defaultInput = case unsafePerformIO $ fmap eitherDecode' $ BS.readFile "input.json" of Left e -> error (show e) Right a -> a ``` Next in your `.htex` file: ``` Haskell \begin{document} \begin{haskellpragmas} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} \end{haskellpragmas} \begin{writehaskell} import Data.Aeson import Helper data Input = Input { lineWidth :: Double , spiralPrecision :: Double , spiralInterval :: (Double, Double) , spiralA :: Double , spiralB :: Double } instance FromJSON Input where parseJSON (Object o) = Input <$> o .: "line-width" <*> o .: "spiral-precision" <*> o .: "spiral-interval" <*> o .: "spiral-a" <*> o .: "spiral-b" inpt :: Input inpt = defaultInput \end{writehaskell} ``` Note: The tool copies JSON with inputs to build folder with .htex twice, once with name specified at `input` key in template description and secondly at fixed `input.json`. * `template.yaml` - description of template and its dependencies. ``` YAML name: template01 # name of template input: template01_input.json # name of input file body: template01.htex # name of .htex file dependencies: {} # dependency tree (see below) haskintex-opts: [] # additional flags to haskintex ``` For input `Helper.hs` you should make a record to inform `pdf-slave` that the module should be copied to build directory: ``` YAML dependencies: Helper.hs: type: other ``` ## Dependencies There are 4 different types of dependencies: * `other` - static files that don't require any processing. They could be images, listings etc. Example of YAML configuration: ``` YAML dependencies: lambda.png: # name of dependency is equal to filename relative to parent template type: other # marks type of dependency code/demo.hs: type: other ``` See [examples/example02](https://github.com/NCrashed/pdf-slave/tree/master/examples/template02) for full example. * `bibtex` - bibliography files that require additional passes with `bibtex`. Example of YAML configuration: ``` YAML dependencies: biblio.bib: # name of dependency is equal to filename relative to parent template type: bibtex # marks type of dependency ``` See [examples/example03](https://github.com/NCrashed/pdf-slave/tree/master/examples/template03) for full example. * `template` - other `.htex` templates that are included in parent via `\\input{...}` or `\\include{..}`. Example of YAML configuration: ``` YAML dependencies: dep1: # name of dependency defines subfolder where the output tex file is located type: template # marks type of dependency name: dep1 input: dep1_input.json body: dep1.htex dep2: type: template name: dep2 body: dep2.htex dependencies: lambda.png: type: other code/demo.hs: type: other ``` See [examples/example04](https://github.com/NCrashed/pdf-slave/tree/master/examples/template04) for full example. **Note that `code/demo.hs` subdependency should be included as `dep2/code/demo.hs` in `dep2.htex` as `dep2.tex` is inlined into parent.** * `template_pdf` - other `.htex` templates that are included as PDFs into parent template. Example of YAML configuration: ``` YAML dependencies: template01: # name of dependency defines subfolder where the output tex file is located type: template_pdf # marks type of dependency name: template01 input: template01_input.json body: template01.htex template02: type: template_pdf name: template02 body: template02.htex dependencies: lambda.png: type: other code/demo.hs: type: other ``` See [examples/example05](https://github.com/NCrashed/pdf-slave/tree/master/examples/template05) for full example. ### Input propagation When you work with dependencies you have two options how to handle inputs: * Define dependency inputs in its own file: ``` YAML dependencies: dep1: type: template name: dep1 input: dep1_input.json # private input file body: dep1.htex ``` * Define dependency inputs in parent file: ``` YAML name: template06 input: template06_input.json # contains inputs for dep1 body: template06.htex dependencies: dep1: type: template name: dep1 body: dep1.htex ``` Contents of `template06_input.json`: ``` JSON { "dep1": { "line-width": 2, "spiral-precision": 0.01, "spiral-interval": [0,4], "spiral-a": 0.1, "spiral-b": 4 } } ``` Note that key of subsection must be equal to name of dependency. See [examples/example06](https://github.com/NCrashed/pdf-slave/tree/master/examples/template06) for full example. ## Making bundles One can pack all `.htex`, `.json`, `.yaml` and all dependencies in single YAML bundle that can be easily distributed, transmitted between services and stored: ``` bash cd examples/template01 pdf-slave --template template01.yaml --output template01_bundle.yaml pack ``` As modification of such bundles isn't handy, one can unpack bundle: ``` bash pdf-slave --template template01_bundle.yaml --output template01_directory unpack ``` Rendering of bundles is handled with the same command that is used for ordinary templates. Compilation =========== You need: * LaTeX distribution (for instance, texlive or miktex) * [stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/) or system wide GHC 8.0.1 + Cabal 1.24.0. Compilation with stack: ``` bash git clone https://github.com/NCrashed/pdf-slave.git cd pdf-slave stack install ``` Compilation with cabal: ``` bash git clone https://github.com/NCrashed/pdf-slave.git cd pdf-slave cabal sandbox init cabal install --dependencies-only cabal install ``` Running examples ================ You need: * LaTeX distribution (for instance, texlive or miktex) * stack or GHC+Cabal (yes, you need GHC to evaluate templates at runtime) * `pdf-slave` and `haskintex` executables in PATH Stack users: ``` bash cd examples/template01 stack install aeson HaTeX stack exec -- pdf-slave --template template01.yaml --output output.pdf pdf && xdg-open output.pdf ``` Cabal users: ``` bash cd examples/template01 cabal sandbox init cabal install aeson HaTeX pdf-slave --template template01.yaml --output output.pdf pdf && xdg-open output.pdf ``` Docker build ============ 1. Run `cook_doocker.sh` script. This will build two images, one `pdf-slave-build` for compilation of binaries and the second one `pdf-slave` for production usage. 2. Usage: ``` bash docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/examples/template01:/data/examples pdf-slave pdf --template examples/template01.yaml --output examples/output.pdf xdg-open examples/template01/output.pdf ``` 3. Or download [precompiled container](https://hub.docker.com/r/ncrashed/pdf-slave/) from Docker Hub. Credits ======= * Daniel Díaz - author of `haskintex` tool that is core of the package. * Alexander Vershilov aka qnikst - help with debugging and new `Helper.hs` module.