-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import qualified Control.Concurrent.Chan as Chan import Control.Exception (finally) import Control.Monad (forever, unless, when) import qualified Data.Aeson.Extended as A import Data.Monoid (mempty, (<>)) import Data.Time (UTCTime) import Data.Version (showVersion) import qualified Options.Applicative as OA import Patat.AutoAdvance import Patat.Presentation import qualified Paths_patat import Prelude import qualified System.Console.ANSI as Ansi import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getModificationTime) import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess) import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Options = Options { oFilePath :: !(Maybe FilePath) , oForce :: !Bool , oDump :: !Bool , oWatch :: !Bool , oVersion :: !Bool } deriving (Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parseOptions :: OA.Parser Options parseOptions = Options <$> (OA.optional $ OA.strArgument $ OA.metavar "FILENAME" <> OA.help "Input file") <*> (OA.switch $ OA.long "force" <> OA.short 'f' <> OA.help "Force ANSI terminal" <> OA.hidden) <*> (OA.switch $ OA.long "dump" <> OA.short 'd' <> OA.help "Just dump all slides and exit" <> OA.hidden) <*> (OA.switch $ OA.long "watch" <> OA.short 'w' <> OA.help "Watch file for changes") <*> (OA.switch $ OA.long "version" <> OA.help "Display version info and exit" <> OA.hidden) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parserInfo :: OA.ParserInfo Options parserInfo = OA.info (OA.helper <*> parseOptions) $ OA.fullDesc <> OA.header ("patat v" <> showVersion Paths_patat.version) <> OA.progDescDoc (Just desc) where desc = PP.vcat [ "Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc" , "" , "Controls:" , "- Next slide: space, enter, l, right" , "- Previous slide: backspace, h, left" , "- Go forward 10 slides: j, down" , "- Go backward 10 slides: k, up" , "- First slide: 0" , "- Last slide: G" , "- Reload file: r" , "- Quit: q" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parserPrefs :: OA.ParserPrefs parserPrefs = OA.prefs OA.showHelpOnError -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- errorAndExit :: [String] -> IO a errorAndExit msg = do mapM_ (IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr) msg exitFailure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assertAnsiFeatures :: IO () assertAnsiFeatures = do supports <- Ansi.hSupportsANSI IO.stdout unless supports $ errorAndExit [ "It looks like your terminal does not support ANSI codes." , "If you still want to run the presentation, use `--force`." ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do options <- OA.customExecParser parserPrefs parserInfo when (oVersion options) $ do putStrLn (showVersion Paths_patat.version) exitSuccess filePath <- case oFilePath options of Just fp -> return fp Nothing -> OA.handleParseResult $ OA.Failure $ OA.parserFailure parserPrefs parserInfo OA.ShowHelpText mempty errOrPres <- readPresentation filePath pres <- either (errorAndExit . return) return errOrPres unless (oForce options) assertAnsiFeatures if oDump options then dumpPresentation pres else interactiveLoop options pres where interactiveLoop :: Options -> Presentation -> IO () interactiveLoop options pres0 = (`finally` Ansi.showCursor) $ do IO.hSetBuffering IO.stdin IO.NoBuffering Ansi.hideCursor -- Spawn the initial channel that gives us commands based on user input. commandChan0 <- Chan.newChan _ <- forkIO $ forever $ readPresentationCommand >>= Chan.writeChan commandChan0 -- If an auto delay is set, use 'autoAdvance' to create a new one. commandChan <- case psAutoAdvanceDelay (pSettings pres0) of Nothing -> return commandChan0 Just (A.FlexibleNum delay) -> autoAdvance delay commandChan0 -- Spawn a thread that adds 'Reload' commands based on the file time. mtime0 <- getModificationTime (pFilePath pres0) when (oWatch options) $ do _ <- forkIO $ watcher commandChan (pFilePath pres0) mtime0 return () let loop :: Presentation -> Maybe String -> IO () loop pres mbError = do case mbError of Nothing -> displayPresentation pres Just err -> displayPresentationError pres err c <- Chan.readChan commandChan update <- updatePresentation c pres case update of ExitedPresentation -> return () UpdatedPresentation pres' -> loop pres' Nothing ErroredPresentation err -> loop pres (Just err) loop pres0 Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- watcher :: Chan.Chan PresentationCommand -> FilePath -> UTCTime -> IO a watcher chan filePath mtime0 = do -- The extra exists check helps because some editors temporarily make the -- file dissapear while writing. exists <- doesFileExist filePath mtime1 <- if exists then getModificationTime filePath else return mtime0 when (mtime1 > mtime0) $ Chan.writeChan chan Reload threadDelay (200 * 1000) watcher chan filePath mtime1