module Crypto.Password
  ( CharType(..)
  , PasswordFeature(..)

  , generatePassword
  , validatePassword

  , formatCharType
  , passwordFeatureMessage
  ) where

import qualified Control.Monad.Random as Random (fromList)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, elems, insert, lookup, fromList, toList)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Random (randomRIO)

data CharType = Lowercase
              | Uppercase
              | Digit
              | Symbol
              deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Ord CharType where
  compare Lowercase Uppercase = LT
  compare Lowercase Digit = LT
  compare Lowercase Symbol = LT
  compare Uppercase Digit = LT
  compare Uppercase Symbol = LT
  compare Digit Symbol = LT

  compare x y | x == y    = EQ
              | otherwise = GT

lowercaseChars = "abcdefghijkpqrstuvwxyz"
digitChars     = "0123456789"
symbolChars    = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"

isCharType :: CharType -> Char -> Bool
isCharType Lowercase = (`elem` lowercaseChars)
isCharType Uppercase = (`elem` uppercaseChars)
isCharType Digit     = (`elem` digitChars)
isCharType Symbol    = (`elem` symbolChars)

-- | Return description of given char type
formatCharType :: CharType -> String
formatCharType Lowercase = "lowercase character(s)"
formatCharType Uppercase = "uppercase character(s)"
formatCharType Digit     = "digit(s)"
formatCharType Symbol    = "symbol character(s)"

randomElement :: [a] -> IO a
randomElement elems = fmap (elems!!) $ randomRIO (0, (length elems - 1))

genRandom :: CharType -> IO Char
genRandom Lowercase = randomElement lowercaseChars
genRandom Uppercase = randomElement uppercaseChars
genRandom Digit     = randomElement digitChars
genRandom Symbol    = randomElement symbolChars

data PasswordFeature = Length Int
                     | Include CharType
                     | IncludeAtLeast Int CharType
                     deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Return description of given password feature
passwordFeatureMessage :: PasswordFeature -> String
passwordFeatureMessage (Length x) = "should be at least " ++ show x ++ " character(s) long"
passwordFeatureMessage (Include t) = "should include " ++ formatCharType t
passwordFeatureMessage (IncludeAtLeast x t) = "should have at least " ++ show x ++ " " ++ formatCharType t

data PasswordGenState = PasswordGenState (Map CharType Int) Int Int

newPasswordGenState m l =
  PasswordGenState m (sum . Map.elems $ m) l

-- | Generate password based on given password features
generatePassword :: [PasswordFeature] -> IO String
generatePassword features = generate (newPasswordGenState minCounts len) ""
  where generate :: PasswordGenState -> String -> IO String
        generate (PasswordGenState _ _ 0) password = return password
        generate (PasswordGenState m min left) password = do
          let weightFunc = if left > min then defaultWeights else countWeights
          charType <- Random.fromList $ map weightFunc $ Map.toList m

          let left' = left - 1
          let charTypeCount = fromMaybe 0 $ Map.lookup charType m
              newState = if (charTypeCount == 0)
                         then PasswordGenState m min left'
                         else PasswordGenState (Map.insert charType (charTypeCount-1) m) (min-1) left'

          c <- genRandom charType

          generate newState (c:password)

          where countWeights (k, v) = (k, toRational v)
                defaultWeights (k, v) = (k, defaultCharTypeWeight k)

                defaultCharTypeWeight Lowercase = 3
                defaultCharTypeWeight _ = 1

        len = case filter isLength features of
                [] -> 8
                (Length x:_) -> x

          where isLength :: PasswordFeature -> Bool
                isLength (Length _) = True
                isLength _ = False

        minCounts :: Map CharType Int
        minCounts = let counts = foldl' updateCountsWithFeature Map.empty features
                     in if (counts == Map.empty) then defaultCounts else counts
          where updateCountsWithFeature m (Include t) = Map.insert t 0 m
                updateCountsWithFeature m (IncludeAtLeast x t) = Map.insert t x m
                updateCountsWithFeature m _ = m

                defaultCounts = Map.fromList [(Lowercase, 0), (Digit, 0)]

-- | Validate password based on features. Returns either first password feature
-- that password does not conform to or void.
validatePassword :: [PasswordFeature]            -- password features to validate with
                 -> String                       -- password
                 -> Either PasswordFeature ()
validatePassword features password = foldl (>>) (Right ()) $ map (checkEither password) features
  where checkEither :: String -> PasswordFeature -> Either PasswordFeature ()
        checkEither s c = if check s c then Right () else Left c

        check :: String -> PasswordFeature -> Bool
        check s (Length x)  = length s >= x
        check s (Include t) = True
        check s (IncludeAtLeast x t)  = count (isCharType t) s >= x

        count :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
        count p xs = length . filter p $ xs