{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Passman.Core.PassList
-- Copyright   : Matthew Harm Bekkema 2016
-- License     : GPL-2
-- Maintainer  : mbekkema97@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : POSIX
-- This module handles the Haskell representation of a passlist. A passlist file
-- should have the following format:
-- Each entry separated by a newline. Each field of an entry separated by a tab.
-- The fields in order are: `passListEntryInfo`, `passListEntryLength` and
-- `passListEntryMode`. If any field is missing or unparsable, default values
-- will be used.
-- This example passlist file:
-- >google.com
-- >projecteuler.net	32
-- >wiki.haskell.org	Max	nl
-- Would be parsed as the following `PassList`:
-- >[
-- >  PassListEntry {passListEntryInfo = "google.com", passListEntryLength = Nothing, passListEntryMode = ncl}
-- >, PassListEntry {passListEntryInfo = "projecteuler.net", passListEntryLength = Just 32, passListEntryMode = ncl}
-- >, PassListEntry {passListEntryInfo = "wiki.haskell.org", passListEntryLength = Nothing, passListEntryMode = nl}
-- >]

module Passman.Core.PassList
-- * Data structures
, PassListEntry(..)
-- * Parsing
, stringToEntry
, fileToEntries
-- * Saving
, entryToString
, entriesToFile
) where

import Passman.Core.Internal.Util ( strip, unmapFile, fileMap, splitOn
                                  , lEitherToMaybe)
import Passman.Core.Mode (Mode, readModeDef, defaultMode)

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Monad (mfilter)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Safe (readMay)
import Control.Exception (try, IOException)

-- | Represents the password list.
type PassList = [PassListEntry]

-- | Represents an entry in the password list.
data PassListEntry = PassListEntry
    { -- | The info string to generate the password for.
      passListEntryInfo :: String

      -- | Maximum length of the generated password. `Nothing` if no maximum
      -- length.
    , passListEntryLength :: Maybe Int

      -- | The mode to use when generating the password.
    , passListEntryMode :: Mode
    deriving (Show, Eq)

readLength :: String -> Maybe Int
readLength = mfilter (>0) . readMay

-- | Turns a `PassListEntry` back into a string parsable by `stringToEntry`.
entryToString :: PassListEntry -> String
entryToString (PassListEntry i l m) = i ++ "\t" ++ lengthStr ++ "\t" ++ modeStr
    lengthStr = fromMaybe "Max" (show <$> l)
    modeStr   = show m

-- | Parses a string into a `PassListEntry`. Should be used on each line of the
-- passlist file.
stringToEntry :: String -> PassListEntry
stringToEntry = helper . map strip . splitOn '\t'
    helper :: [String] -> PassListEntry
    helper (a:b:c:_) = PassListEntry a  (readLength b) (readModeDef c)
    helper (a:b:_)   = PassListEntry a  (readLength b) defaultMode
    helper (a:_)     = PassListEntry a  Nothing        defaultMode
    helper _         = PassListEntry "" Nothing        defaultMode

-- | Loads the specified file and parses it into a `PassList`. Catches and
-- returns the `IOException` on failure.
fileToEntries :: FilePath -> IO (Either IOException PassList)
fileToEntries = try . fileMap stringToEntry

-- | Saves the `PassList` to file. Catches and returns the `IOException` on
-- failure.
entriesToFile :: FilePath -> PassList -> IO (Maybe IOException)
entriesToFile fn es = lEitherToMaybe <$> try (unmapFile entryToString es fn)