-- |
-- Module      : Passman.Core.Hash
-- Copyright   : Matthew Harm Bekkema 2016
-- License     : GPL-2
-- Maintainer  : mbekkema97@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : POSIX

module Passman.Core.Hash
-- * Password Generation
-- * Master Password
, MasterPassword
, masterPassword
, fromMasterPassword
-- ** Hashing
, hashMasterPassword
, checkMasterPassword
) where

import Prelude hiding (foldr)

import Passman.Core.PassList(PassListEntry(..))
import Passman.Core.Internal.Util (toBase, bytesToInt, bsPack, bsUnpack)
import Passman.Core.Mode (modeToConstraint)
import Passman.Core.Internal.Compat (Natural)
import Passman.Core.Internal.BFEncoding as BFE

import qualified Crypto.BCrypt as BCrypt
import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5 as MD5
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Foldable (foldr)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (mfilter)

-- | Represents valid master passwords.
newtype MasterPassword = MP ByteString

-- | Turn a master password back into a string.
fromMasterPassword :: MasterPassword -> String
fromMasterPassword (MP bs) = bsUnpack bs

-- | Turn a string into a master password. `Nothing` if it contains invalid
-- bytes or is too long
masterPassword :: String -> Maybe MasterPassword
masterPassword s = let bs = bsPack s in
  if (BS.length bs > 72) || BS.elem 0 bs
    then Nothing
    else Just $ MP bs

shorten :: Maybe Int -> String -> String
shorten = flip $ foldr take

-- | Deterministically generates a password.
generatePassword :: PassListEntry
                 -> MasterPassword -- ^ The master password
                 -> String         -- ^ The generated password
generatePassword (PassListEntry i l m) (MP p) = shorten l $ customDigest (modeToConstraint m) h
    h :: ByteString
    h = BFE.decode $ BS.drop 29 $ fromJust ( BCrypt.hashPassword p salt )
    Just salt = BCrypt.genSalt (bsPack "$2y$") 12 $ MD5.hash $ bsPack i

-- | Generates a hash of the master password to be stored in the config.
hashMasterPassword :: MasterPassword -- ^ Master password
                   -> IO String      -- ^ Hash
hashMasterPassword (MP p) = do
    Just salt <- BCrypt.genSaltUsingPolicy BCrypt.slowerBcryptHashingPolicy {BCrypt.preferredHashCost = 12}
    let Just hash = BCrypt.hashPassword p salt
    return $ bsUnpack hash

-- | Tests if the master password is correct against a hash produced by
-- `hashMasterPassword`.
-- >>> hash <- hashMasterPassword pass
-- >>> checkMasterPassword hash pass
-- True
checkMasterPassword :: String         -- ^ Hash
                    -> MasterPassword -- ^ Master password
                    -> Bool
checkMasterPassword hash (MP pass) = BCrypt.validatePassword (bsPack hash) pass

customDigest :: String -> ByteString -> String
customDigest charSet cs = (!!) charSet <$> is
    is :: [Int]
    is = map fromIntegral $ toBase l (bytesToInt cs)
    l :: Natural
    l = fromIntegral $ length charSet