{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, UnboxedTuples, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications #-} module Main where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import TestUtils import qualified Primitive.Parsers as Parsers import Parsley.Internal (empty, line, col) main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Primitive Combinator Tests" [ pureTests , apTests , thenTests , prevTests , altTests , emptyTests , satisfyTests , lookAheadTests , notFollowedByTests , tryTests , branchTests , conditionalTests , recursionTests , positionTests ] pure7 :: String -> Maybe Int pure7 = $$(parseMocked Parsers.pure7 [||Parsers.pure7||]) pureTests :: TestTree pureTests = testGroup "pure should" [ testCase "not need to consume input" $ pure7 "" @?= Just 7 , testCase "not fail if there is input" $ pure7 "a" @?= Just 7 ] apTests :: TestTree apTests = testGroup "<*> should" [] thenTests :: TestTree thenTests = testGroup "*> should" [] prevTests :: TestTree prevTests = testGroup "<* should" [] abOrC :: String -> Maybe String abOrC = $$(parseMocked Parsers.abOrC [||Parsers.abOrC||]) abOrCThenD :: String -> Maybe String abOrCThenD = $$(parseMocked Parsers.abOrCThenD [||Parsers.abOrCThenD||]) altTests :: TestTree altTests = testGroup "<|> should" [ testCase "take the left branch if it succeeds" $ do abOrC "ab" @?= Just "ab" abOrCThenD "abd" @?= Just "ab" , testCase "take the right branch if left failed without consumption" $ do abOrC "c" @?= Just "c" abOrC "d" @?= Nothing abOrCThenD "cd" @?= Just "c" abOrCThenD "d" @?= Nothing , testCase "fail if the left branch fails and consumes input" $ abOrC "a" @?= Nothing ] constNothing :: String -> Maybe () constNothing = $$(parseMocked empty [||empty||]) emptyTests :: TestTree emptyTests = testGroup "empty should" [ testCase "fail the parser with no input" $ constNothing "" @?= Nothing , testCase "fail the parser with input" $ constNothing "a" @?= Nothing ] digit :: String -> Maybe Char digit = $$(parseMocked Parsers.digit [||Parsers.digit||]) twoDigits :: String -> Maybe Char twoDigits = $$(parseMocked Parsers.twoDigits [||Parsers.twoDigits||]) satisfyTests :: TestTree satisfyTests = testGroup "satisfy should" [ testCase "fail when given no input" $ digit "" @?= Nothing , testCase "fail when given incorrect input" $ digit "a" @?= Nothing , testCase "succeed when given correct input" $ digit "1" @?= Just '1' , testCase "actually consume input" $ twoDigits "1" @?= Nothing , testCase "consume more than 1 piece of input with two" $ twoDigits "12" @?= Just '2' ] lookAheadDigit :: String -> Maybe Char lookAheadDigit = $$(parseMocked Parsers.lookAheadDigit [||Parsers.lookAheadDigit||]) lookAheadTests :: TestTree lookAheadTests = testGroup "lookAhead should" [ testCase "rollback consumed input" $ lookAheadDigit "9" @?= Just '9' , testCase "fail when given no input when expected" $ lookAheadDigit "" @?= Nothing ] notFollowedByTests :: TestTree notFollowedByTests = testGroup "notFollowedBy should" [] tryTests :: TestTree tryTests = testGroup "try should" [] branchTests :: TestTree branchTests = testGroup "branch should" [] conditionalTests :: TestTree conditionalTests = testGroup "conditional should" [] manyAny :: String -> Maybe String manyAny = $$(parseMocked Parsers.recursive [||Parsers.recursive||]) recursionTests :: TestTree recursionTests = testGroup "recursion should" [ testCase "work properly" $ manyAny "abc" @?= Just "abc" ] lineStarts1 :: String -> Maybe Int lineStarts1 = $$(parseMocked line [||line||]) columnStarts1 :: String -> Maybe Int columnStarts1 = $$(parseMocked col [||col||]) posAfterA :: String -> Maybe (Int, Int) posAfterA = $$(parseMocked Parsers.posAfterA [||Parsers.posAfterA||]) posAfterNewline :: String -> Maybe ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) posAfterNewline = $$(parseMocked Parsers.posAfterNewline [||Parsers.posAfterNewline||]) posAfterTab :: String -> Maybe ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) posAfterTab = $$(parseMocked Parsers.posAfterTab [||Parsers.posAfterTab||]) positionTests :: TestTree positionTests = testGroup "position combinators should" [ testCase "start at line 1" $ lineStarts1 "" @?= Just 1 , testCase "start at column 1" $ columnStarts1 "" @?= Just 1 , testCase "advance by 1 column only after regular character" $ posAfterA "a" @?= Just (1, 2) , testCase "advance by 1 line and reset column after newline" $ posAfterNewline "a\n\n" @?= Just ((2, 1), (3, 1)) , testCase "advance to nearest tab boundary on tab" $ posAfterTab "\ta\t" @?= Just ((1, 5), (1, 9)) ]