{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-} module Parsley.Internal.Backend.InstructionAnalyser (coinsNeeded, relevancy, Length) where import Data.Kind (Type) import Parsley.Internal.Backend.Machine (Instr(..), MetaInstr(..)) import Parsley.Internal.Common.Indexed (cata4, Fix4, Const4(..)) import Parsley.Internal.Common.Vec (Vec(..), Nat(..), SNat(..), SingNat(..), zipWithVec, replicateVec) coinsNeeded :: Fix4 (Instr o) xs n r a -> Int coinsNeeded = fst . getConst4 . cata4 (Const4 . alg) where algCatch :: (Int, Bool) -> (Int, Bool) -> (Int, Bool) algCatch k (_, True) = k algCatch (_, True) k = k algCatch (k1, _) (k2, _) = (min k1 k2, False) -- Bool represents if an empty is found in a branch (of a Catch) -- This helps to get rid of `min` being used for `Try` where min is always 0 -- (The input is needed to _succeed_, so if one branch is doomed to fail it doesn't care about coins) alg :: Instr o (Const4 (Int, Bool)) xs n r a -> (Int, Bool) alg Ret = (0, False) alg (Push _ k) = getConst4 k -- was const False on the second parameter, I think that's probably right but a bit presumptive alg (Pop k) = getConst4 k alg (Lift2 _ k) = getConst4 k alg (Sat _ (Const4 k)) = (fst k + 1, snd k) alg (Call _ (Const4 k)) = (0, snd k) alg (Jump _) = (0, False) alg Empt = (0, True) alg (Commit k) = getConst4 k alg (Catch k h) = algCatch (getConst4 k) (getConst4 h) alg (Tell k) = getConst4 k alg (Seek k) = getConst4 k alg (Case p q) = algCatch (getConst4 p) (getConst4 q) alg (Choices _ ks def) = foldr (algCatch . getConst4) (getConst4 def) ks alg (Iter _ _ (Const4 k)) = (0, snd k) alg (Join _) = (0, False) alg (MkJoin _ (Const4 b) (Const4 k)) = (fst k + fst b, snd k || snd b) alg (Swap k) = getConst4 k alg (Dup k) = getConst4 k alg (Make _ _ k) = getConst4 k alg (Get _ _ k) = getConst4 k alg (Put _ _ k) = getConst4 k alg (LogEnter _ k) = getConst4 k alg (LogExit _ k) = getConst4 k alg (MetaInstr (AddCoins _) (Const4 k)) = k alg (MetaInstr (RefundCoins n) (Const4 k)) = (max (fst k - n) 0, snd k) -- These were refunded, so deduct alg (MetaInstr (DrainCoins _) (Const4 k)) = (fst k, False) {- TODO Live Value Analysis ------------------- This analysis is designed to clean up dead registers: * Instead of the state laws on the Combinator AST, this should catch these cases * By performing it here we have ready access to the control flow information * We'll perform global register analysis State Laws: * get *> get = get = get <* get * put (pure x) *> get = put (pure x) *> pure x * put get = pure () * put x *> put (pure y) = x *> put (pure y) = put x <* put (pure y) --> * Get . Pop . Get = Get = Get . Get . Pop -- Captured by relevancy analysis * Get . Get = Get . Dup Subsumes the above (Dup . Pop = id, Dup . Swap = Dup) * px . Put . Push () . Pop . Get = px . Dup . Put . Push () . Pop -- ??? (this law is better than above) * Get . Put . Push () = Push () -- ??? Improved relevancy analysis? * px . Put . Push () . Pop . py . Put . Push () = px . Pop . Push () . Pop . py . Put . Push () = px . Put . Push () . py . Put . Push () . Pop -- Captured by dead register analysis Best case scenario is that we can capture all of the above optimisations without a need to explicitly implement them. Idea 1) recurse through the machine and mark branches with their liveIn set if a register is not liveIn after a Put instruction it can be removed Get r gens r Put r kills r Idea 2) recurse through the machine and collect relevancy data: a value on the stack is relevant if it is consumed by `Lift2` or `Case`, etc it is irrelevant if consumed by Pop if Get produces an irrelevant operand, it can be replaced by Push BOTTOM Dup disjoins the relevancy of the top two elements of the stack Swap switches the relevancy of the top two elements of the stack Idea 3) recurse through the machine and collect everUsed information if a register is never used, then the Make instruction can be removed -} type family Length (xs :: [Type]) :: Nat where Length '[] = Zero Length (_ : xs) = Succ (Length xs) newtype RelevancyStack xs (n :: Nat) r a = RelevancyStack { getStack :: SNat (Length xs) -> Vec (Length xs) Bool } relevancy :: SingNat (Length xs) => Fix4 (Instr o) xs n r a -> Vec (Length xs) Bool relevancy = ($ sing) . getStack . cata4 (RelevancyStack . alg) where zipRelevancy = zipWithVec (||) -- This algorithm is over-approximating: join and ret aren't _always_ relevant alg :: Instr o RelevancyStack xs n r a -> SNat (Length xs) -> Vec (Length xs) Bool alg Ret _ = VCons True VNil alg (Push _ k) n = let VCons _ xs = getStack k (SSucc n) in xs alg (Pop k) (SSucc n) = VCons False (getStack k n) alg (Lift2 _ k) (SSucc n) = let VCons rel xs = getStack k n in VCons rel (VCons rel xs) alg (Sat _ k) n = let VCons _ xs = getStack k (SSucc n) in xs alg (Call _ k) n = let VCons _ xs = getStack k (SSucc n) in xs alg (Jump _) _ = VNil alg Empt n = replicateVec n False alg (Commit k) n = getStack k n alg (Catch k _) n = getStack k n alg (Tell k) n = let VCons _ xs = getStack k (SSucc n) in xs alg (Seek k) (SSucc n) = VCons True (getStack k n) alg (Case p q) n = VCons True (let VCons _ xs = zipRelevancy (getStack p n) (getStack q n) in xs) alg (Choices _ ks def) (SSucc n) = VCons True (foldr (zipRelevancy . (`getStack` n)) (getStack def n) ks) alg (Iter _ _ k) n = let VCons _ xs = getStack k (SSucc n) in xs alg (Join _) (SSucc n) = VCons True (replicateVec n False) alg (MkJoin _ b _) n = let VCons _ xs = getStack b (SSucc n) in xs alg (Swap k) n = let VCons rel1 (VCons rel2 xs) = getStack k n in VCons rel2 (VCons rel1 xs) alg (Dup k) n = let VCons rel1 (VCons rel2 xs) = getStack k (SSucc n) in VCons (rel1 || rel2) xs alg (Make _ _ k) (SSucc n) = VCons False (getStack k n) alg (Get _ _ k) n = let VCons _ xs = getStack k (SSucc n) in xs alg (Put _ _ k) (SSucc n) = VCons False (getStack k n) alg (LogEnter _ k) n = getStack k n alg (LogExit _ k) n = getStack k n alg (MetaInstr _ k) n = getStack k n