{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, FlexibleContexts, CPP #-} import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Text.Pandoc.Walk import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary() import Data.Generics import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertEqual, assertFailure) import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary () import Data.Char (toUpper) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, encode, decode) import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.String.QQ import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) #else import Data.Monoid #endif p_walk :: (Typeable a, Walkable a Pandoc) => (a -> a) -> Pandoc -> Bool p_walk f d = everywhere (mkT f) d == walk f d p_query :: (Eq a, Typeable a1, Monoid a, Walkable a1 Pandoc) => (a1 -> a) -> Pandoc -> Bool p_query f d = everything mappend (mempty `mkQ` f) d == query f d inlineTrans :: Inline -> Inline inlineTrans (Str xs) = Str $ map toUpper xs inlineTrans (Emph xs) = Strong xs inlineTrans x = x blockTrans :: Block -> Block blockTrans (Plain xs) = Para xs blockTrans (BlockQuote xs) = Div ("",["special"],[]) xs blockTrans x = x inlineQuery :: Inline -> String inlineQuery (Str xs) = xs inlineQuery _ = "" blockQuery :: Block -> [Int] blockQuery (Header lev _ _) = [lev] blockQuery _ = [] prop_roundtrip :: Pandoc -> Bool prop_roundtrip doc = case decode $ encode doc :: (Maybe Pandoc) of Just doc' -> doc == doc' _ -> False testEncode :: ToJSON a => (a, ByteString) -> Assertion testEncode (doc, j) = assertEqual "Encoding error" (encode doc) j testDecode' :: FromJSON a => (a, ByteString) -> Maybe a testDecode' (_, j) = decode j testDecode :: (Show a, Eq a, FromJSON a) => (a, ByteString) -> Assertion testDecode (doc, j) = case testDecode' (doc, j) of Just doc' -> assertEqual "Decoding error" doc' doc Nothing -> assertFailure "Decoding error" testEncodeDecode :: (Show a, Eq a, ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => String -> (a, ByteString) -> Test testEncodeDecode msg pair = testGroup msg [ testCase "Encoding" $ testEncode pair , testCase "Decoding" $ testDecode pair ] t_metamap :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metamap = ( MetaMap $ M.fromList [("foo", MetaBool True)] , [s|{"t":"MetaMap","c":{"foo":{"t":"MetaBool","c":true}}}|] ) t_metalist :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metalist = ( MetaList [MetaBool True, MetaString "baz"] , [s|{"t":"MetaList","c":[{"t":"MetaBool","c":true},{"t":"MetaString","c":"baz"}]}|] ) t_metabool :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metabool = ( MetaBool False, [s|{"t":"MetaBool","c":false}|] ) t_metastring :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metastring = ( MetaString "Hello", [s|{"t":"MetaString","c":"Hello"}|] ) t_metainlines :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metainlines = ( MetaInlines [Space, SoftBreak] , [s|{"t":"MetaInlines","c":[{"t":"Space"},{"t":"SoftBreak"}]}|] ) t_metablocks :: (MetaValue, ByteString) t_metablocks = ( MetaBlocks [Null,Null], [s|{"t":"MetaBlocks","c":[{"t":"Null"},{"t":"Null"}]}|]) t_singlequote :: (QuoteType, ByteString) t_singlequote = (SingleQuote, [s|{"t":"SingleQuote"}|]) t_doublequote :: (QuoteType, ByteString) t_doublequote = (DoubleQuote, [s|{"t":"DoubleQuote"}|]) t_authorintext :: (CitationMode, ByteString) t_authorintext = (AuthorInText, [s|{"t":"AuthorInText"}|]) t_suppressauthor :: (CitationMode, ByteString) t_suppressauthor = (SuppressAuthor, [s|{"t":"SuppressAuthor"}|]) t_normalcitation :: (CitationMode, ByteString) t_normalcitation = (NormalCitation, [s|{"t":"NormalCitation"}|]) t_citation :: (Citation, ByteString) t_citation = ( Citation { citationId = "jameson:unconscious", citationPrefix = [Str "cf"], citationSuffix = [Space,Str "123"], citationMode = NormalCitation, citationNoteNum = 0, citationHash = 0} , [s|{"citationSuffix":[{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"123"}],"citationNoteNum":0,"citationMode":{"t":"NormalCitation"},"citationPrefix":[{"t":"Str","c":"cf"}],"citationId":"jameson:unconscious","citationHash":0}|] ) t_displaymath :: (MathType, ByteString) t_displaymath = ( DisplayMath, [s|{"t":"DisplayMath"}|]) t_inlinemath :: (MathType, ByteString) t_inlinemath = ( InlineMath, [s|{"t":"InlineMath"}|]) t_str :: (Inline, ByteString) t_str = ( Str "Hello" , [s|{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}|] ) t_emph :: (Inline, ByteString) t_emph = ( Emph [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Emph","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_strong :: (Inline, ByteString) t_strong = ( Strong [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Strong","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_strikeout :: (Inline, ByteString) t_strikeout = ( Strikeout [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Strikeout","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_superscript :: (Inline, ByteString) t_superscript = ( Superscript [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Superscript","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_subscript :: (Inline, ByteString) t_subscript = ( Subscript [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Subscript","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_smallcaps :: (Inline, ByteString) t_smallcaps = ( SmallCaps [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"SmallCaps","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_quoted :: (Inline, ByteString) t_quoted = ( Quoted SingleQuote [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Quoted","c":[{"t":"SingleQuote"},[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]]}|] ) t_cite :: (Inline, ByteString) t_cite = ( Cite [Citation { citationId = "jameson:unconscious" , citationPrefix = [Str "cf"] , citationSuffix = [Space,Str "12"] , citationMode = NormalCitation , citationNoteNum = 0 , citationHash = 0}] [ Str "[cf" , Space , Str "@jameson:unconscious" , Space , Str "12]"] ,[s|{"t":"Cite","c":[[{"citationSuffix":[{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"12"}],"citationNoteNum":0,"citationMode":{"t":"NormalCitation"},"citationPrefix":[{"t":"Str","c":"cf"}],"citationId":"jameson:unconscious","citationHash":0}],[{"t":"Str","c":"[cf"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"@jameson:unconscious"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"12]"}]]}|] ) t_code :: (Inline, ByteString) t_code = ( Code ("", [], [("language", "haskell")]) "foo bar" , [s|{"t":"Code","c":[["",[],[["language","haskell"]]],"foo bar"]}|] ) t_space :: (Inline, ByteString) t_space = ( Space, [s|{"t":"Space"}|] ) t_softbreak :: (Inline, ByteString) t_softbreak = ( SoftBreak, [s|{"t":"SoftBreak"}|] ) t_linebreak :: (Inline, ByteString) t_linebreak = ( LineBreak, [s|{"t":"LineBreak"}|] ) t_rawinline :: (Inline, ByteString) t_rawinline = ( RawInline (Format "tex") "\\foo{bar}" , [s|{"t":"RawInline","c":["tex","\\foo{bar}"]}|] ) t_link :: (Inline, ByteString) t_link = ( Link ("id",["kls"],[("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [ Str "a", Space, Str "famous", Space, Str "site"] ("https://www.google.com","google") , [s|{"t":"Link","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"a"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"famous"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"site"}],["https://www.google.com","google"]]}|] ) t_image :: (Inline, ByteString) t_image = ( Image ("id",["kls"],[("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [ Str "a", Space, Str "famous", Space, Str "image"] ("my_img.png","image") , [s|{"t":"Image","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"a"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"famous"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"image"}],["my_img.png","image"]]}|] ) t_note :: (Inline, ByteString) t_note = ( Note [Para [Str "Hello"]] , [s|{"t":"Note","c":[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}]}|] ) t_span :: (Inline, ByteString) t_span = ( Span ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Span","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]]}|] ) t_plain :: (Block, ByteString) t_plain = ( Plain [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_para :: (Block, ByteString) t_para = ( Para [Str "Hello"] , [s|{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}|] ) t_lineblock :: (Block, ByteString) t_lineblock = ( LineBlock [[Str "Hello"], [Str "Moin"]] , [s|{"t":"LineBlock","c":[[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}],[{"t":"Str","c":"Moin"}]]}|] ) t_codeblock :: (Block, ByteString) t_codeblock = ( CodeBlock ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) "Foo Bar" , [s|{"t":"CodeBlock","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],"Foo Bar"]}|] ) t_rawblock :: (Block, ByteString) t_rawblock = ( RawBlock (Format "tex") "\\foo{bar}" , [s|{"t":"RawBlock","c":["tex","\\foo{bar}"]}|] ) t_blockquote :: (Block, ByteString) t_blockquote = ( BlockQuote [Para [Str "Hello"]] , [s|{"t":"BlockQuote","c":[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}]}|] ) t_orderedlist :: (Block, ByteString) t_orderedlist = (OrderedList (1,Decimal,Period) [[Para [Str "foo"]] ,[Para [Str "bar"]]] , [s|{"t":"OrderedList","c":[[1,{"t":"Decimal"},{"t":"Period"}],[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"foo"}]}],[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"bar"}]}]]]}|] ) t_bulletlist :: (Block, ByteString) t_bulletlist = (BulletList [[Para [Str "foo"]] ,[Para [Str "bar"]]] , [s|{"t":"BulletList","c":[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"foo"}]}],[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"bar"}]}]]}|] ) t_definitionlist :: (Block, ByteString) t_definitionlist = (DefinitionList [([Str "foo"], [[Para [Str "bar"]]]) ,([Str "fizz"], [[Para [Str "pop"]]])] , [s|{"t":"DefinitionList","c":[[[{"t":"Str","c":"foo"}],[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"bar"}]}]]],[[{"t":"Str","c":"fizz"}],[[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"pop"}]}]]]]}|] ) t_header :: (Block, ByteString) t_header = ( Header 2 ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [Str "Head"] , [s|{"t":"Header","c":[2,["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Str","c":"Head"}]]}|] ) t_table :: (Block, ByteString) t_table = ( Table [Str "Demonstration" ,Space ,Str "of" ,Space ,Str "simple" ,Space ,Str "table" ,Space ,Str "syntax."] [AlignRight ,AlignLeft ,AlignCenter ,AlignDefault] [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] [[Plain [Str "Right"]] ,[Plain [Str "Left"]] ,[Plain [Str "Center"]] ,[Plain [Str "Default"]]] [[[Plain [Str "12"]] ,[Plain [Str "12"]] ,[Plain [Str "12"]] ,[Plain [Str "12"]]] ,[[Plain [Str "123"]] ,[Plain [Str "123"]] ,[Plain [Str "123"]] ,[Plain [Str "123"]]] ,[[Plain [Str "1"]] ,[Plain [Str "1"]] ,[Plain [Str "1"]] ,[Plain [Str "1"]]]] , [s|{"t":"Table","c":[[{"t":"Str","c":"Demonstration"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"of"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"simple"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"table"},{"t":"Space"},{"t":"Str","c":"syntax."}],[{"t":"AlignRight"},{"t":"AlignLeft"},{"t":"AlignCenter"},{"t":"AlignDefault"}],[0,0,0,0],[[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Right"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Left"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Center"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Default"}]}]],[[[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"12"}]}]],[[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"123"}]}]],[[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}],[{"t":"Plain","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"1"}]}]]]]}|] ) t_div :: (Block, ByteString) t_div = ( Div ("id", ["kls"], [("k1", "v1"), ("k2", "v2")]) [Para [Str "Hello"]] , [s|{"t":"Div","c":[["id",["kls"],[["k1","v1"],["k2","v2"]]],[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello"}]}]]}|] ) t_null :: (Block, ByteString) t_null = (Null, [s|{"t":"Null"}|]) tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "Walk" [ testProperty "p_walk inlineTrans" (p_walk inlineTrans) , testProperty "p_walk blockTrans" (p_walk blockTrans) , testProperty "p_query inlineQuery" (p_query inlineQuery) , testProperty "p_query blockQuery" (p_query blockQuery) ] , testGroup "JSON" [ testGroup "encoding/decoding properties" [ testProperty "round-trip" prop_roundtrip ] , testGroup "JSON encoding/decoding" [ testGroup "Meta" [ testEncodeDecode "MetaMap" t_metamap , testEncodeDecode "MetaList" t_metalist , testEncodeDecode "MetaBool" t_metabool , testEncodeDecode "MetaString" t_metastring , testEncodeDecode "MetaInlines" t_metainlines , testEncodeDecode "MetaBlocks" t_metablocks ] , testGroup "QuoteType" [ testEncodeDecode "SingleQuote" t_singlequote , testEncodeDecode "DoubleQuote" t_doublequote ] , testGroup "CitationType" [ testEncodeDecode "AuthorInText" t_authorintext , testEncodeDecode "SuppressAuthor" t_suppressauthor , testEncodeDecode "NormalCitation" t_normalcitation ] , testEncodeDecode "Citation" t_citation , testGroup "MathType" [ testEncodeDecode "DisplayMath" t_displaymath , testEncodeDecode "InlineMath" t_inlinemath ] , testGroup "Inline" [ testEncodeDecode "Str" t_str , testEncodeDecode "Emph" t_emph , testEncodeDecode "Strong" t_strong , testEncodeDecode "Strikeout" t_strikeout , testEncodeDecode "Superscript" t_superscript , testEncodeDecode "Subscript" t_subscript , testEncodeDecode "SmallCaps" t_smallcaps , testEncodeDecode "Quoted" t_quoted , testEncodeDecode "Cite" t_cite , testEncodeDecode "Code" t_code , testEncodeDecode "Space" t_space , testEncodeDecode "SoftBreak" t_softbreak , testEncodeDecode "LineBreak" t_linebreak , testEncodeDecode "RawInline" t_rawinline , testEncodeDecode "Link" t_link , testEncodeDecode "Image" t_image , testEncodeDecode "Note" t_note , testEncodeDecode "Span" t_span ] , testGroup "Block" [ testEncodeDecode "Plain" t_plain , testEncodeDecode "Para" t_para , testEncodeDecode "LineBlock" t_lineblock , testEncodeDecode "CodeBlock" t_codeblock , testEncodeDecode "RawBlock" t_rawblock , testEncodeDecode "BlockQuote" t_blockquote , testEncodeDecode "OrderedList" t_orderedlist , testEncodeDecode "BulletList" t_bulletlist , testEncodeDecode "DefinitionList" t_definitionlist , testEncodeDecode "Header" t_header , testEncodeDecode "Table" t_table , testEncodeDecode "Div" t_div , testEncodeDecode "Null" t_null ] ] ] ] main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests