{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import Control.Monad (join, forM_, when, msum) import Data.List (intersperse, (\\)) import Data.Text (unpack) import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Data.Version (parseVersion, showVersion) import GHC.IO.Encoding (setLocaleEncoding, utf8) import GitHash as Git import Options.Applicative import qualified Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty as P import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getTemporaryDirectory) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.FilePath (()) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot (availableToolkits, plotTransform, defaultConfiguration, configuration, Configuration(..)) import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Internal (cls, supportedSaveFormats, toolkits, readDoc, cleanOutputDirs, configurationPathMeta, executable, runPlotM) import Text.Pandoc (pandocVersion) import Text.Pandoc.Definition (pandocTypesVersion) import Text.Pandoc.JSON (toJSONFilter) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S) import OpenFile (openFile) import qualified Data.Version as V import Paths_pandoc_plot (version) import ManPage (embedManualHtml) import ExampleConfig (embedExampleConfig) -- The difference between commands and flags is that commands require knowledge of -- the configuration, while flags only display static information. data Command = Clean (Maybe FilePath) FilePath | WriteConfig FilePath | Toolkits (Maybe FilePath) data Flag = Version | FullVersion | Manual deriving (Eq) main :: IO () main = join $ execParser opts where opts = info (optparse <**> helper) (fullDesc <> progDesc "This pandoc filter generates plots from code blocks using a multitude of possible renderers. \ \This allows to keep documentation and figures in perfect synchronicity." <> header "pandoc-plot - generate figures directly in documents using your plotting toolkit of choice." <> footerDoc (Just footer') ) optparse = do flag_ <- flagParser command_ <- commandParser -- The extra optional input below only serves to show -- to the user that the last argument is the AST from pandoc -- The parsed input is never used input <- optional $ strArgument (metavar "AST") return $ go flag_ command_ input go :: Maybe Flag -> Maybe Command -> Maybe String -> IO () go (Just Version) _ _ = putStrLn (V.showVersion version) go (Just FullVersion) _ _ = showFullVersion go (Just Manual) _ _ = showManPage go _ (Just (Toolkits mfp)) _ = showAvailableToolkits mfp go _ (Just (Clean mfp fp)) _ = clean mfp fp go _ (Just (WriteConfig fp)) _ = writeFile fp $(embedExampleConfig) go Nothing Nothing _ = toJSONFilterWithConfig flagParser :: Parser (Maybe Flag) flagParser = versionP <|> fullVersionP <|> manualP where versionP = flag Nothing (Just Version) (mconcat [ long "version" , short 'v' , help "Show version number and exit." ]) fullVersionP = flag Nothing (Just FullVersion) (mconcat [ long "full-version" , help "Show full version information and exit." ]) manualP = flag Nothing (Just Manual) (mconcat [ long "manual" , short 'm' , help "Open the manual page in the default web browser and exit." ]) commandParser :: Parser (Maybe Command) commandParser = optional $ subparser $ mconcat [ command "toolkits" ( info (toolkitsP <**> helper) (progDesc "Show information on toolkits and exit.") ) , command "clean" ( info (cleanP <**> helper) ( progDesc "Clean output directories where figures from FILE and log files might be stored.\ \ WARNING: All files in those directories will be deleted." ) ) , command "write-example-config" ( info (writeConfigP <**> helper) (progDesc "Write example configuration to a file and exit.") ) ] where configP = optional $ strOption (mconcat [long "config", metavar "PATH", help "Path to optional configuration file."]) toolkitsP = Toolkits <$> configP cleanP = Clean <$> configP <*> strArgument (metavar "FILE") writeConfigP = WriteConfig <$> strOption ( mconcat [ long "path" , metavar "FILE" , value ".example-pandoc-plot.yml" , help "Target location of the configuration file. Default is \".example-pandoc-plot.yml\"" ] ) -- | Determine configuration and run filter. -- -- Priority for configuration: -- -- (1) Loaded from filepath stored in document metadata, under the key @plot-configuration@; -- -- (2) Loaded from file @.pandoc-plot.yml@ in current work directory; -- -- (3) Default configuration -- toJSONFilterWithConfig :: IO () toJSONFilterWithConfig = do upToDatePandoc <- checkRuntimePandocVersion when upToDatePandoc $ toJSONFilter $ \doc -> do c <- maybe localConfig configuration (configurationPathMeta doc) plotTransform c doc -- | Check that the runtime version of Pandoc is at least 2.8. The return value -- indicates whether the Pandoc version is new enough or not. checkRuntimePandocVersion :: IO Bool checkRuntimePandocVersion = do -- Please note that for some reason, makeVersion [2, 10, 0, 0] > makeVersion [2, 10] let minimumPandocVersion = V.makeVersion [2, 10] -- Pandoc runs filters in an environment with two variables: -- PANDOV_VERSION and PANDOC_READER_OPTS -- We can use the former to ensure that people are not using pandoc < 2.10 pandocV <- lookupEnv "PANDOC_VERSION" case pandocV >>= readVersion of Nothing -> return True Just v -> if (v < minimumPandocVersion) then do hPutStrLn stderr $ mconcat [ "ERROR (pandoc-plot) The pandoc-plot filter only " , "supports Pandoc 2.10 and newer. " , "but you are using Pandoc " , showVersion v ] return False else return True where readVersion = fmap fst . lastMaybe . readP_to_S parseVersion lastMaybe xs = if length xs > 1 then Just (last xs) else Nothing -- | Load configuration from local file @.pandoc-plot.yml@. -- If the file does not exist, the default configuration will be used. localConfig :: IO Configuration localConfig = do configExists <- doesFileExist ".pandoc-plot.yml" if configExists then configuration ".pandoc-plot.yml" else return defaultConfiguration showFullVersion :: IO () showFullVersion = do putStrLn $ "pandoc-plot " <> (V.showVersion version) putStrLn $ "Git revision " <> gitrev putStrLn $ mconcat [ "Compiled with pandoc " , (unpack pandocVersion) , " and pandoc-types " , V.showVersion pandocTypesVersion ] where -- In certain environments (e.g. Hackage when building documentation), -- there is no git information. gitrev = either (const "unknown") Git.giHash ($$tGitInfoCwdTry) showAvailableToolkits :: Maybe FilePath -> IO () showAvailableToolkits mfp = do c <- case mfp of Nothing -> localConfig Just fp -> configuration fp putStrLn "\nAVAILABLE TOOLKITS\n" available <- availableToolkits c return available >>= mapM_ (availToolkitInfo c) putStrLn "\nUNAVAILABLE TOOLKITS\n" -- We don't use unavailableToolkits because this would force -- more IO actions let unavailable = toolkits \\ available return unavailable >>= mapM_ (unavailToolkitInfo c) where toolkitInfo avail conf tk = do exe <- runPlotM conf $ executable tk putStrLn $ "Toolkit: " <> show tk when avail $ putStrLn $ " Executable: " <> exe putStrLn $ " Code block trigger: " <> (unpack . cls $ tk) putStrLn $ " Supported save formats: " <> (mconcat . intersperse ", " . fmap show $ supportedSaveFormats tk) putStrLn mempty availToolkitInfo = toolkitInfo True unavailToolkitInfo = toolkitInfo False -- | Clean output directories associated with a file -- -- Priority for configuration are the same as @toJSONFilterWithConfig@. clean :: Maybe FilePath -- Use configuration file? -> FilePath -- Document to clean -> IO () clean mfp fp = do doc <- readDoc fp -- Note the priority for configuration: -- (1) path of argument --config (2) document metadata (3) local .pandoc-plot.yml (4) default config conf <- maybe localConfig configuration $ firstJusts [configurationPathMeta doc, mfp] putStrLn $ "Cleaning output directories for " <> fp cleanedDirs <- cleanOutputDirs conf doc forM_ cleanedDirs $ \d -> putStrLn $ "Removed directory " <> d where firstJusts :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a firstJusts = msum showManPage :: IO () showManPage = do setLocaleEncoding utf8 -- This is required to write the manual file, for some reason. manualPath <- ( "pandoc-plot-manual.html") <$> getTemporaryDirectory TIO.writeFile manualPath $(embedManualHtml) openFile ("file:///" <> manualPath) -- | Use Doc type directly because of newline formatting footer' :: P.Doc footer' = mconcat [ P.text "More information can be found via the manual (pandoc-plot --manual) or the repository README, located at" , P.line , P.indent 4 $ P.text "https://github.com/LaurentRDC/pandoc-plot" , P.line ]