# Change log pandoc-plot uses [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html) Release --------------- * Removed dependency on `open-browser` package. * Starting with this version, `pandoc` 2.8 and 2.9 are **no longer supported** due to a breaking API change in `pandoc` 2.10. * Executables are now built with GHC 8.10.1. Release --------------- * Better multi-threaded logging. Only one thread (the logging thread) performs IO on the log file. This prevents hang-ups when working on large documents. Release --------------- * Added documentation on using `pandoc-plot` with LaTeX documents as well. * Added preliminary support for logging to `pandoc-plot`. You can turn on this feature in the configuration as follows: ````yaml logging: # Possible verbosity values: debug, error, warning, info, silent # debug level shows all messages # error level shows all but debug messages, etc. verbosity: info # OPTIONAL: log to file # Remove line below to log to stderr filepath: log.txt ```` * Removed dependencies `turtle`, `temporary`, `deepseq`, and `data-default-class`, resulting in improved build times by ~10%, and makes the executable smaller by 15-20%! Release --------------- * Made the functions `availableToolkits` and `unavailableToolkits` public. * Minor documentation fixes. * Executables are now built with GHC 8.8.3. Release --------------- New toolkits: * Added support for the Plotly/R plotting library. * Added support for Graphviz. Other changes: * The determination of which figures to re-render or not has been improved. For example, changing the caption will not trigger a re-render of a figure anymore. * `pandoc-plot` will look for executables more thoroughly. * `pandoc-plot toolkits` will now show the exact executable that is being used, if possible. * Added a check when running the filter that the Pandoc version is at least 2.8. This is easier to understand that the default Pandoc warning on API incompatibility. * Added the ability to write the example configuration to an arbitrary file using `pandoc-plot write-example-config`. * Added the possibility to specify the configuration file via metadata. For example, in Markdown: ```markdown --- title: My document author: John Doe plot-configuration: /path/to/file.yml --- ``` or on the command line: ```bash pandoc --filter pandoc-plot -M plot-configuration=/path/to/file.yml ... ``` * Added the ability to specify configuration file to the `pandoc-plot clean` and `pandoc-plot toolkits` commands. Release --------------- * The `pandoc-plot` executable will now process documents in parallel. This should dramatically speed up processing of large documents with lots of figures. This happens automatically through the function `plotTransform`. * Added a benchmarking suite. * Added `defaultConfiguration` so that people don't have to install the `data-default` package to get access to default configuration values. * Added a check for the `matplotlib` toolkit, preventing users from using `matplotlib.pyplot.show` in figures. This would halt `pandoc-plot`. Release --------------- * Fixed an issue where the `pandoc-plot` executable could not be built outside of its git repository. Release --------------- * Updated documentation. * Added a `--full-version` flag to the executable, which includes which version of pandoc/pandoc-types was used, as well as the git revision. * Added the `clean` command to the executable. This can be used to clean-up output files produced by pandoc-plot. * Changed the flag `--write-example-config` to the command `write-example-config`. * Added the top-level function `cleanOutputDir` to clean output of pandoc-plot. This is only accessible if `pandoc-plot` is used as a library. * Added a distinction between failure to render a figure because of a mistake, and failing to render a figure because the toolkit is not installed. `pandoc-plot` will give better error messages in the latter case. Release --------------- * Added more examples. * Added MacOS binaries built via Azure pipelines. * BREAKING CHANGE: Parsing captions based on source file was not working. Captions format can be specified in the configuration file. This unfortunately changes the type signature of a few high-level functions. Release --------------- * Fixed an issue where paths with spaces would not work (issue #2). * Added Linux binaries built via Azure pipelines. Release --------------- * Improved documentation. Release --------------- * Added support for gnuplot. * Added more tests for all toolkits. * Fixed an issue where the package could not be installed because a source file was not included in the cabal file. Release --------------- * Initial release