{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Monad (join) import Data.Default.Class (def) import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Options.Applicative import qualified Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty as P import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import System.IO.Temp (writeSystemTempFile) import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot (availableToolkits, plotTransform, unavailableToolkits) import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Internal (Toolkit (..), cls, Configuration(..), supportedSaveFormats, configuration) import Text.Pandoc.JSON (toJSONFilter) import Web.Browser (openBrowser) import qualified Data.Version as V import Paths_pandoc_plot (version) import ManPage (embedManualHtml) import ExampleConfig (embedExampleConfig) main :: IO () main = join $ execParser opts where opts = info (run <**> helper) (fullDesc <> progDesc "This pandoc filter generates plots from code blocks using a multitude of possible renderers. This allows to keep documentation and figures in perfect synchronicity." <> header "pandoc-plot - generate figures directly in documents using your plotting toolkit of choice." <> footerDoc (Just footer') ) toJSONFilterWithConfig :: IO () toJSONFilterWithConfig = do c <- config toJSONFilter (plotTransform c) config :: IO Configuration config = do configExists <- doesFileExist ".pandoc-plot.yml" if configExists then configuration ".pandoc-plot.yml" else return def data Flag = Version | Manual | Toolkits | Config deriving (Eq) run :: Parser (IO ()) run = do versionP <- flag Nothing (Just Version) (mconcat [ long "version" , short 'v' , help "Show version number and exit." ]) manualP <- flag Nothing (Just Manual) (mconcat [ long "manual" , short 'm' , help "Open the manual page in the default web browser and exit." ]) toolkitsP <- flag Nothing (Just Toolkits) (mconcat [ long "toolkits" , short 't' , help "Show information on toolkits and exit. Executables from the configuration \ \file will be used, if a '.pandoc-plot.yml' file is in the current directory." ]) configP <- flag Nothing (Just Config) (mconcat [ long "write-example-config" , help "Write an example configuration in '.pandoc-plot.yml', \ \which you can subsequently customize, and exit. If '.pandoc-plot.yml' \ \already exists, an error will be thrown. "]) input <- optional $ strArgument (metavar "AST") return $ go (versionP <|> manualP <|> toolkitsP <|> configP) input where go :: Maybe Flag -> Maybe String -> IO () go (Just Version) _ = putStrLn (V.showVersion version) go (Just Manual) _ = writeSystemTempFile "pandoc-plot-manual.html" (T.unpack manualHtml) >>= \fp -> openBrowser ("file:///" <> fp) >> return () go (Just Toolkits) _ = do c <- config putStrLn "\nAVAILABLE TOOLKITS\n" availableToolkits c >>= mapM_ toolkitInfo putStrLn "\nUNAVAILABLE TOOLKITS\n" unavailableToolkits c >>= mapM_ toolkitInfo go (Just Config) _ = T.writeFile ".example-pandoc-plot.yml" exampleConfig go Nothing _ = toJSONFilterWithConfig manualHtml :: T.Text manualHtml = T.pack $(embedManualHtml) exampleConfig :: T.Text exampleConfig = T.pack $(embedExampleConfig) toolkitInfo :: Toolkit -> IO () toolkitInfo tk = do putStrLn $ "Toolkit: " <> show tk putStrLn $ " Code block trigger: " <> (T.unpack . cls $ tk) putStrLn $ " Supported save formats: " <> (mconcat . intersperse ", " . fmap show $ supportedSaveFormats tk) putStrLn mempty -- | Use Doc type directly because of newline formatting footer' :: P.Doc footer' = mconcat [ P.text "Example usage with pandoc:" , P.line, P.line , P.indent 4 $ P.string "> pandoc --filter pandoc-plot input.md --output output.html" , P.line, P.line , P.text "If you use pandoc-plot in combination with other filters, you probably want to run pandoc-plot first. Here is an example with pandoc-crossref:" , P.line, P.line , P.indent 4 $ P.string "> pandoc --filter pandoc-plot --filter pandoc-crossref -i input.md -o output.pdf" , P.line, P.line , P.text "More information can be found via the manual (pandoc-plot --manual) or the repository README, located at" , P.line , P.indent 4 $ P.text "https://github.com/LaurentRDC/pandoc-plot" , P.line ]