{- pandoc-crossref is a pandoc filter for numbering figures, equations, tables and cross-references to them. Copyright (C) 2015 Nikolay Yakimov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, CPP, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes , ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedLists #-} import Test.Hspec import Text.Pandoc hiding (getDataFileName) import Text.Pandoc.Builder hiding (figure) import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Data.List import Control.Arrow import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Maybe import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Options import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Util import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Types import Lens.Micro import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Monad import qualified Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Blocks as References.Blocks import qualified Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Refs as References.Refs import qualified Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.List as References.List import qualified Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Template as Util.Template import qualified Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.CodeBlockCaptions as Util.CodeBlockCaptions import qualified Native import Paths_pandoc_crossref import Prelude main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "References.Blocks.replaceInlines" $ do it "Labels equations" $ testAll (equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2" "equation") (spanWith ("eq:equation", [], []) (equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2\\qquad{(1)}" ""), PfxEqn =: M.fromList $ refRec'' "eq:equation" 1) it "Labels equations in the middle of text" $ testAll ( text "This is an equation: " <> equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2" "equation" <> text " it should be labeled") ( text "This is an equation: " <> spanWith ("eq:equation", [], []) (equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2\\qquad{(1)}" "") <> text " it should be labeled", PfxEqn =: M.fromList $ refRec'' "eq:equation" 1) it "Labels equations in the beginning of text" $ testAll ( equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2" "equation" <> text " it should be labeled") ( spanWith ("eq:equation", [], []) (equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2\\qquad{(1)}" "") <> text " it should be labeled", PfxEqn =: M.fromList $ refRec'' "eq:equation" 1) it "Labels equations in the end of text" $ testAll ( text "This is an equation: " <> equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2" "equation") ( text "This is an equation: " <> spanWith ("eq:equation", [], []) (equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2\\qquad{(1)}" ""), PfxEqn =: M.fromList $ refRec'' "eq:equation" 1) -- TODO: -- describe "References.Blocks.spanInlines" -- describe "References.Blocks.divBlocks" describe "References.Blocks.replaceBlocks" $ do it "Labels images" $ testAll (figure "test.jpg" "" "Test figure" Nothing "figure") (figure "test.jpg" "" "Figure 1: Test figure" (Just "Figure 1: Test figure") "figure", PfxImg =: M.fromList $ refRec' "fig:figure" 1 "Test figure") it "Labels subfigures" $ testAll ( divWith ("fig:subfigure",[],[]) ( para (figure' "test1.jpg" "" "Test figure 1" "figure1") <>para (figure' "test2.jpg" "" "Test figure 2" "figure2") <>para (text "figure caption") ) <> divWith ("fig:subfigure2",[],[]) ( para (figure' "test21.jpg" "" "Test figure 21" "figure21") <>para (figure' "test22.jpg" "" "Test figure 22" "figure22") <>para (text "figure caption 2") ) ) ( figureWith ("fig:subfigure",["subfigures"],[]) (caption Nothing $ para (text "Figure 1: figure caption. a — Test figure 1, b — Test figure 2")) ( para (figure' "test1.jpg" "" "a" "figure1") <> para (figure' "test2.jpg" "" "b" "figure2") ) <> figureWith ("fig:subfigure2",["subfigures"],[]) (caption Nothing $ para (text "Figure 2: figure caption 2. a — Test figure 21, b — Test figure 22")) ( para (figure' "test21.jpg" "" "a" "figure21") <> para (figure' "test22.jpg" "" "b" "figure22") ) , PfxImg =: M.fromList [("fig:figure1",RefRec { refIndex = [(1,Nothing)], refTitle = [Str "Test",Space,Str "figure",Space,Str "1"], refSubfigure = Just [(1, Just "a")]}), ("fig:figure2",RefRec { refIndex = [(1,Nothing)], refTitle = [Str "Test",Space,Str "figure",Space,Str "2"], refSubfigure = Just [(2, Just "b")]}), ("fig:subfigure",RefRec { refIndex = [(1,Nothing)], refTitle = [Str "figure",Space,Str "caption"], refSubfigure = Nothing}), ("fig:figure21",RefRec { refIndex = [(2,Nothing)], refTitle = [Str "Test",Space,Str "figure",Space,Str "21"], refSubfigure = Just [(1, Just "a")]}), ("fig:figure22",RefRec { refIndex = [(2,Nothing)], refTitle = [Str "Test",Space,Str "figure",Space,Str "22"], refSubfigure = Just [(2, Just "b")]}), ("fig:subfigure2",RefRec { refIndex = [(2,Nothing)], refTitle = [Str "figure",Space,Str "caption",Space,Str "2"], refSubfigure = Nothing}) ] ) it "Labels equations" $ testAll (equation "a^2+b^2=c^2" "equation") (para $ spanWith ("eq:equation", [], []) (equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2\\qquad{(1)}" ""), PfxEqn =: M.fromList $ refRec'' "eq:equation" 1) it "Labels equations in the middle of text" $ testAll (para $ text "This is an equation: " <> equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2" "equation" <> text " it should be labeled") (para $ text "This is an equation: " <> spanWith ("eq:equation", [], []) (equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2\\qquad{(1)}" "") <> text " it should be labeled", PfxEqn =: M.fromList $ refRec'' "eq:equation" 1) it "Labels equations in the beginning of text" $ testAll (para $ equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2" "equation" <> text " it should be labeled") (para $ spanWith ("eq:equation", [], []) (equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2\\qquad{(1)}" "") <> text " it should be labeled", PfxEqn =: M.fromList $ refRec'' "eq:equation" 1) it "Labels equations in the end of text" $ testAll (para $ text "This is an equation: " <> equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2" "equation") (para $ text "This is an equation: " <> spanWith ("eq:equation", [], []) (equation' "a^2+b^2=c^2\\qquad{(1)}" ""), PfxEqn =: M.fromList $ refRec'' "eq:equation" 1) it "Labels tables" $ testAll (table' "Test table" "table") (divWith ("tbl:table", [], []) $ table' "Table 1: Test table" "", PfxTbl =: M.fromList $ refRec' "tbl:table" 1 "Test table") it "Labels code blocks" $ testAll (codeBlock' "Test code block" "codeblock") (codeBlockDiv "Listing 1: Test code block" "codeblock", PfxLst =: M.fromList $ refRec' "lst:codeblock" 1 "Test code block") it "Labels code block divs" $ testAll (codeBlockDiv "Test code block" "codeblock") (codeBlockDiv "Listing 1: Test code block" "codeblock", PfxLst =: M.fromList $ refRec' "lst:codeblock" 1 "Test code block") it "Labels sections divs" $ testAll (section "Section Header" 1 "section") (section "Section Header" 1 "section", PfxSec =: M.fromList (refRec' "sec:section" 1 "Section Header")) describe "References.Refs.replaceRefs" $ do it "References one image" $ testRefs' "fig:" [1] [4] PfxImg "fig.\160\&4" it "References multiple images" $ testRefs' "fig:" [1..3] [4..6] PfxImg "figs.\160\&4-6" it "References one equation" $ testRefs' "eq:" [1] [4] PfxEqn "eq.\160\&4" it "References multiple equations" $ testRefs' "eq:" [1..3] [4..6] PfxEqn "eqns.\160\&4-6" it "References one table" $ testRefs' "tbl:" [1] [4] PfxTbl "tbl.\160\&4" it "References multiple tables" $ testRefs' "tbl:" [1..3] [4..6] PfxTbl "tbls.\160\&4-6" it "References one listing" $ testRefs' "lst:" [1] [4] PfxLst "lst.\160\&4" it "References multiple listings" $ testRefs' "lst:" [1..3] [4..6] PfxLst "lsts.\160\&4-6" it "References one section" $ testRefs' "sec:" [1] [4] PfxSec "sec.\160\&4" it "References multiple sections" $ testRefs' "sec:" [1..3] [4..6] PfxSec "secs.\160\&4-6" it "Separates references to different chapter items by a comma" $ testRefs'' "lst:" [1..6] (zip [1,1..] [4..6] <> zip [2,2..] [7..9]) PfxLst "lsts.\160\&1.4-1.6, 2.7-2.9" describe "References.Refs.replaceRefs capitalization" $ do it "References one image" $ testRefs' "Fig:" [1] [4] PfxImg "Fig.\160\&4" it "References multiple images" $ testRefs' "Fig:" [1..3] [4..6] PfxImg "Figs.\160\&4-6" it "References one equation" $ testRefs' "Eq:" [1] [4] PfxEqn "Eq.\160\&4" it "References multiple equations" $ testRefs' "Eq:" [1..3] [4..6] PfxEqn "Eqns.\160\&4-6" it "References one table" $ testRefs' "Tbl:" [1] [4] PfxTbl "Tbl.\160\&4" it "References multiple tables" $ testRefs' "Tbl:" [1..3] [4..6] PfxTbl "Tbls.\160\&4-6" it "References one listing" $ testRefs' "Lst:" [1] [4] PfxLst "Lst.\160\&4" it "References multiple listings" $ testRefs' "Lst:" [1..3] [4..6] PfxLst "Lsts.\160\&4-6" it "References one listing" $ testRefs' "Sec:" [1] [4] PfxSec "Sec.\160\&4" it "References multiple listings" $ testRefs' "Sec:" [1..3] [4..6] PfxSec "Secs.\160\&4-6" describe "References.List.listOf" $ do it "Generates list of tables" $ testList (rawBlock "latex" "\\listoftables") (PfxTbl =: M.fromList $ refRec' "tbl:1" 4 "4" <> refRec' "tbl:2" 5 "5" <> refRec' "tbl:3" 6 "6") (header 1 (text "List of Tables") <> divWith ("", ["list", "list-of-tbl"], []) (mconcat $ map (\n -> plain (str (T.pack $ show n <> ".") <> space <> str (T.pack $ show n) <> linebreak)) [4..6 :: Int])) it "Generates list of figures" $ testList (rawBlock "latex" "\\listoffigures") (PfxImg =: M.fromList $ refRec' "fig:1" 4 "4" <> refRec' "fig:2" 5 "5" <> refRec' "fig:3" 6 "6") (header 1 (text "List of Figures") <> divWith ("", ["list", "list-of-fig"], []) (mconcat $ map (\n -> plain (str (T.pack $ show n <> ".") <> space <> str (T.pack $ show n) <> linebreak)) [4..6 :: Int])) describe "Util.CodeBlockCaptions" $ it "Transforms table-style codeBlock captions to codeblock divs" $ do let t x = testCBCaptions x (codeBlockDiv' "Code Block" "cb") t (codeBlockForTable "cb" <> paraText ": Code Block") t (codeBlockForTable "cb" <> paraText "Listing: Code Block") t (paraText ": Code Block" <> codeBlockForTable "cb") t (paraText "Listing: Code Block" <> codeBlockForTable "cb") describe "Util.Template" $ it "Applies templates" $ let (template :: Util.Template.Template)=Util.Template.makeTemplate defaultMeta (toList $ displayMath "figureTitle" <> displayMath "i" <> displayMath "t") in Util.Template.applyTemplate [Str "1"] [Str "title"] template `shouldBe` toList (str "Figure" <> str "1" <> str "title") describe "Citation groups shouldn't be separated (#22 regression test)" $ do it "Should not separate citation groups" $ do let cits = para $ citeGen "" [1..3] testRefs cits def cits it "Should not separate citation groups with unknown prefix" $ do let cits = para $ citeGen "unk:" [1..3] testRefs cits def cits it "Should not separate citation groups with different unknown prefixes" $ do let cits = para $ cite (mconcat $ map (cit . uncurry (<>) . second (T.pack . show)) l) $ text $ "[" <> T.intercalate "; " (map (("@" <>) . uncurry (<>) . second (T.pack . show)) l) <> "]" l = zip ["unk1:", "unk2:"] [1,2::Int] testRefs cits def cits #ifdef FLAKY describe "Test files" $ do it "demo.md matches demo.native" $ do demomd <- readFile =<< getDataFileName "docs/demo/demo.md" Pandoc m b <- handleError $ runPure $ readMarkdown def {readerExtensions = pandocExtensions} $ T.pack demomd runCrossRef m Nothing crossRefBlocks b `shouldBe` Native.demo it "demo.md with chapters matches demo-chapters.native" $ do demomd <- readFile =<< getDataFileName "docs/demo/demo.md" Pandoc m b <- handleError $ runPure $ readMarkdown def {readerExtensions = pandocExtensions} $ T.pack demomd let m' = setMeta "chapters" True m runCrossRef m' Nothing crossRefBlocks b `shouldBe` Native.demochapters #endif describe "LaTeX" $ do let test = test' nullMeta infixr 5 `test` test' m i o = getLatex m i `shouldBe` o getLatex m i = either (fail . show) T.unpack (runPure $ writeLaTeX def (Pandoc m $ runCrossRef m (Just $ Format "latex") crossRefBlocks (toList i))) describe "Labels" $ do it "Section labels" $ headerWith ("sec:section_label1", [], []) 1 (text "Section") <> para (citeGen "sec:section_label" [1]) `test` "\\section{Section}\\label{sec:section_label1}\n\nsec.~\\ref{sec:section_label1}" it "Image labels" $ figure "img.png" "" "Title" Nothing "figure_label1" <> para (citeGen "fig:figure_label" [1]) `test` "\\begin{figure}\n\\centering\n\\includegraphics{img.png}\n\\caption{Title}\\label{fig:figure_label1}\n\\end{figure}\n\nfig.~\\ref{fig:figure_label1}" it "Eqn labels" $ equation "x^2" "some_equation1" <> para (citeGen "eq:some_equation" [1]) `test` "\\begin{equation}\\phantomsection\\label{eq:some_equation1}{x^2}\\end{equation}\n\neq.~\\ref{eq:some_equation1}" #ifdef FLAKY it "Tbl labels" $ table' "A table" "some_table1" <> para (citeGen "tbl:some_table" [1]) `test` concat ( [ "\\begin{longtable}[]{@{}l@{}}\n" , "\\caption{\\label{tbl:some_table1}A table}\\tabularnewline\n" , "\\toprule\\noalign{}\n" , "\\endfirsthead\n" , "\\endhead\n" , "\\bottomrule\\noalign{}\n" , "\\endlastfoot\n" , " \\\\\n" , "\\end{longtable}\n\n" , "tbl.~\\ref{tbl:some_table1}" ] :: [String]) #endif it "Code block labels" $ do codeBlock' "A code block" "some_codeblock1" <> para (citeGen "lst:some_codeblock" [1]) `test` "\\begin{codelisting}\n\n\\caption{A code block}\\label{lst:some_codeblock1}\n\n\\begin{Shaded}\n\\begin{Highlighting}[]\n\\OtherTok{main ::} \\DataTypeTok{IO}\\NormalTok{ ()}\n\\end{Highlighting}\n\\end{Shaded}\n\n\\end{codelisting}\n\nlst.~\\ref{lst:some_codeblock1}" codeBlock' "A code block with under_score" "some_codeblock1" <> para (citeGen "lst:some_codeblock" [1]) `test` "\\begin{codelisting}\n\n\\caption{A code block with under\\_score}\\label{lst:some_codeblock1}\n\n\\begin{Shaded}\n\\begin{Highlighting}[]\n\\OtherTok{main ::} \\DataTypeTok{IO}\\NormalTok{ ()}\n\\end{Highlighting}\n\\end{Shaded}\n\n\\end{codelisting}\n\nlst.~\\ref{lst:some_codeblock1}" let test1 = test' $ setMeta "codeBlockCaptions" True nullMeta infixr 5 `test1` codeBlockForTable "some_codeblock1" <> paraText ": A code block" <> para (citeGen "lst:some_codeblock" [1]) `test1` "\\begin{codelisting}\n\n\\caption{A code block}\\label{lst:some_codeblock1}\n\n\\begin{Shaded}\n\\begin{Highlighting}[]\n\\OtherTok{main ::} \\DataTypeTok{IO}\\NormalTok{ ()}\n\\end{Highlighting}\n\\end{Shaded}\n\n\\end{codelisting}\n\nlst.~\\ref{lst:some_codeblock1}" citeGen :: T.Text -> [Int] -> Inlines citeGen p l = cite (mconcat $ map (cit . (p<>) . T.pack . show) l) $ text $ "[" <> T.intercalate "; " (map (("@"<>) . (p<>) . T.pack . show) l) <> "]" refGen :: T.Text -> [Int] -> [Int] -> M.Map T.Text RefRec refGen p l1 l2 = M.fromList $ mconcat $ zipWith refRec'' (((uncapitalizeFirst p<>) . T.pack . show) `map` l1) l2 refGen' :: T.Text -> [Int] -> [(Int, Int)] -> M.Map T.Text RefRec refGen' p l1 l2 = M.fromList $ mconcat $ zipWith refRec''' (((uncapitalizeFirst p<>) . T.pack . show) `map` l1) l2 refRec' :: T.Text -> Int -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, RefRec)] refRec' ref i tit = [(ref, RefRec{refIndex=[(i,Nothing)],refTitle=toList $ text tit,refSubfigure=Nothing})] refRec'' :: T.Text -> Int -> [(T.Text, RefRec)] refRec'' ref i = refRec' ref i "" refRec''' :: T.Text -> (Int, Int) -> [(T.Text, RefRec)] refRec''' ref (c,i) = [(ref, RefRec{refIndex=[(c,Nothing), (i,Nothing)],refTitle=toList $ text "",refSubfigure=Nothing})] testRefs' :: T.Text -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Prefix -> T.Text -> Expectation testRefs' p l1 l2 prop res = testRefs (para $ citeGen p l1) (set (refsAt prop) (refGen p l1 l2) def) (para $ text res) testRefs'' :: T.Text -> [Int] -> [(Int, Int)] -> Prefix -> T.Text -> Expectation testRefs'' p l1 l2 prop res = testRefs (para $ citeGen p l1) (set (refsAt prop) (refGen' p l1 l2) def) (para $ text res) testAll :: (Eq a, Data a, Show a) => Many a -> (Many a, References) -> Expectation testAll = testState References.Blocks.replaceAll def testState :: (Show a1, Eq a1) => ([a2] -> WS [a1]) -> References -> Many a2 -> (Many a1, References) -> Expectation testState f init' arg res = runWSWithOptsInit defaultOptions init' (f $ toList arg) `shouldBe` first toList res runWSWithOptsInit :: Options -> References -> WS a -> (a, References) runWSWithOptsInit opts st = flip runState st . flip runReaderT opts . runWS runWSWithOpts :: Options -> WS a -> (a, References) runWSWithOpts opts = runWSWithOptsInit opts def testRefs :: Blocks -> References -> Blocks -> Expectation testRefs bs st rbs = testState (bottomUpM References.Refs.replaceRefs) st bs (rbs, st) testCBCaptions :: Blocks -> Blocks -> Expectation testCBCaptions bs res = runWSWithOpts defaultOptions{Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Options.codeBlockCaptions=True} (bottomUpM (Util.CodeBlockCaptions.mkCodeBlockCaptions) (toList bs)) `shouldBe` (toList res,def) testList :: Blocks -> References -> Blocks -> Expectation testList bs st res = runWSWithOptsInit defaultOptions st (bottomUpM References.List.listOf (toList bs)) `shouldBe` (toList res,st) figure :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text -> T.Text -> Blocks figure src title cap malt ref = B.figureWith ("fig:" <> ref, [], []) (caption Nothing $ para $ text cap) $ plain $ figure' src title (fromMaybe cap malt) "" figure' :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> Inlines figure' src title alt ref = imageWith (if T.null ref then mempty else "fig:" <> ref, [], []) src title (text alt) section :: T.Text -> Int -> T.Text -> Blocks section text' level label = headerWith ("sec:" <> label,[],[]) level (text text') equation :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Blocks equation = (para .) . equation' equation' :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Inlines equation' eq ref = displayMath eq <> ref' "eq" ref table' :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Blocks table' title ref = table (simpleCaption . plain $ text title <> ref' "tbl" ref) [] (TableHead nullAttr [Row nullAttr $ map (Cell nullAttr AlignDefault (RowSpan 0) (ColSpan 0) . toList) [para $ str "H1", para $ str "H2"]]) [TableBody nullAttr (RowHeadColumns 0) [] [Row nullAttr $ map (Cell nullAttr AlignDefault (RowSpan 0) (ColSpan 0) . toList) [para $ str "C1", para $ str "C2"]]] (TableFoot nullAttr []) codeBlock' :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Blocks codeBlock' title ref = codeBlockWith ("lst:"<>ref,["haskell"],[("caption",title)]) "main :: IO ()" codeBlockForTable :: T.Text -> Blocks codeBlockForTable ref = codeBlockWith ("lst:"<>ref,["haskell"],[]) "main :: IO ()" paraText :: T.Text -> Blocks paraText s = para $ text s codeBlockDiv :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Blocks codeBlockDiv title ref = divWith ("lst:"<>ref, ["listing","haskell"],[]) $ para (text title) <> codeBlockWith ("",["haskell"],[]) "main :: IO ()" codeBlockDiv' :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Blocks codeBlockDiv' title ref = divWith ("lst:"<>ref, ["listing"],[]) $ para (text title) <> codeBlockWith ("",["haskell"],[]) "main :: IO ()" ref' :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Inlines ref' p n | T.null n = mempty | otherwise = space <> str ("{#"<>p<>":"<>n<>"}") defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = getOptions defaultMeta Nothing defCit :: Citation defCit = Citation{citationId = "" ,citationPrefix = [] ,citationSuffix = [] ,citationHash = 0 ,citationNoteNum = 0 ,citationMode = NormalCitation } cit :: T.Text -> [Citation] cit r = [defCit{citationId=r}] infixr 0 =: (=:) :: Prefix -> M.Map T.Text RefRec -> References a =: b = def & ctrsAt a .~ (refIndex $ last $ M.elems b) & refsAt a .~ b