{- pandoc-crossref is a pandoc filter for numbering figures, equations, tables and cross-references to them. Copyright (C) 2015 Nikolay Yakimov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, RankNTypes #-} module Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Refs (replaceRefs) where import Control.Arrow as A import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Function import Data.List import qualified Data.List.HT as HT import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Text.Pandoc.Builder import qualified Data.Sequence as S import Data.Sequence (ViewR(..)) import Control.Monad (liftM2, join) import Debug.Trace import Lens.Micro.Mtl import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Types import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Monad import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Options import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Template import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Util replaceRefs :: [Inline] -> WS [Inline] replaceRefs (Cite cits _:xs) = do opts <- ask :: WS Options toList . (<> fromList xs) . intercalate' (text ", ") . map fromList <$> mapM (replaceRefs' opts) (groupBy eqPrefix cits) where eqPrefix a b = uncurry (==) $ (fmap uncapitalizeFirst . getLabelPrefix . citationId) <***> (a,b) (<***>) = join (***) replaceRefs' :: Options -> [Citation] -> WS [Inline] replaceRefs' opts cits' | Just prefix <- allCitsPrefix cits' = replaceRefs'' opts prefix cits' | otherwise = return [Cite cits' il'] where il' = toList $ str "[" <> intercalate' (text "; ") (map citationToInlines cits') <> str "]" citationToInlines c = fromList (citationPrefix c) <> text ("@" <> citationId c) <> fromList (citationSuffix c) replaceRefs'' :: Options -> Prefix -> [Citation] -> WS [Inline] replaceRefs'' opts = ($ opts) . flip $ if isLatexFormat opts then replaceRefsLatex else replaceRefsOther replaceRefs x = return x pfxMap :: T.Text -> Maybe Prefix pfxMap = \case "fig:" -> Just PfxImg "eq:" -> Just PfxEqn "tbl:" -> Just PfxTbl "lst:" -> Just PfxLst "sec:" -> Just PfxSec _ -> Nothing pfxMapR :: Prefix -> T.Text pfxMapR = \case PfxImg -> "fig:" PfxEqn -> "eq:" PfxTbl -> "tbl:" PfxLst -> "lst:" PfxSec -> "sec:" -- accessors to options prefMap :: Prefix -> (Options -> Bool -> Int -> [Inline], Options -> Template) prefMap = \case PfxImg -> (figPrefix, figPrefixTemplate) PfxEqn -> (eqnPrefix, eqnPrefixTemplate) PfxTbl -> (tblPrefix, tblPrefixTemplate) PfxLst -> (lstPrefix, lstPrefixTemplate) PfxSec -> (secPrefix, secPrefixTemplate) prefixes :: [Prefix] prefixes = [minBound..] getRefPrefix :: Options -> Prefix -> Bool -> Int -> [Inline] -> [Inline] getRefPrefix opts prefix capitalize num cit = applyTemplate' (M.fromDistinctAscList [("i", cit), ("p", refprefix)]) $ reftempl opts where (refprefixf, reftempl) = prefMap prefix refprefix = refprefixf opts capitalize num allCitsPrefix :: [Citation] -> Maybe Prefix allCitsPrefix cits = find isCitationPrefix prefixes where isCitationPrefix p = all ((pfxMapR p `T.isPrefixOf`) . uncapitalizeFirst . citationId) cits replaceRefsLatex :: Prefix -> Options -> [Citation] -> WS [Inline] replaceRefsLatex prefix opts cits | cref opts = replaceRefsLatex' prefix opts cits | otherwise = toList . intercalate' (text ", ") . map fromList <$> mapM (replaceRefsLatex' prefix opts) (groupBy citationGroupPred cits) replaceRefsLatex' :: Prefix -> Options -> [Citation] -> WS [Inline] replaceRefsLatex' prefix opts cits = return $ p [texcit] where texcit = RawInline (Format "tex") $ if cref opts then cref'<>"{"<>listLabels prefix "" "," "" cits<>"}" else listLabels prefix "\\ref{" ", " "}" cits suppressAuthor = all ((==SuppressAuthor) . citationMode) cits noPrefix = all (null . citationPrefix) cits p | cref opts = id | suppressAuthor = id | noPrefix = getRefPrefix opts prefix cap (length cits - 1) | otherwise = ((citationPrefix (head cits) <> [Space]) <>) cap = maybe False isFirstUpper $ getLabelPrefix . citationId . head $ cits cref' | suppressAuthor = "\\labelcref" | cap = "\\Cref" | otherwise = "\\cref" listLabels :: Prefix -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> [Citation] -> T.Text listLabels prefix p sep s = T.intercalate sep . map ((p <>) . (<> s) . mkLaTeXLabel' . (pfxMapR prefix <>) . getLabelWithoutPrefix . citationId) getLabelWithoutPrefix :: T.Text -> T.Text getLabelWithoutPrefix = T.drop 1 . T.dropWhile (/=':') getLabelPrefix :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text getLabelPrefix lab | Just pfx <- pfxMap (uncapitalizeFirst p) , pfx `elem` prefixes = Just p | otherwise = Nothing where p = flip T.snoc ':' . T.takeWhile (/=':') $ lab replaceRefsOther :: Prefix -> Options -> [Citation] -> WS [Inline] replaceRefsOther prefix opts cits = toList . intercalate' (text ", ") . map fromList <$> mapM (replaceRefsOther' prefix opts) (groupBy citationGroupPred cits) citationGroupPred :: Citation -> Citation -> Bool citationGroupPred = (==) `on` liftM2 (,) citationPrefix citationMode replaceRefsOther' :: Prefix -> Options -> [Citation] -> WS [Inline] replaceRefsOther' prefix opts cits = do indices <- mapM (getRefIndex prefix opts) cits let cap = maybe False isFirstUpper $ getLabelPrefix . citationId . head $ cits writePrefix | all ((==SuppressAuthor) . citationMode) cits = id | all (null . citationPrefix) cits = cmap $ getRefPrefix opts prefix cap (length cits - 1) | otherwise = cmap $ toList . ((fromList (citationPrefix (head cits)) <> space) <>) . fromList cmap f [Link attr t w] | nameInLink opts = [Link attr (f t) w] cmap f x = f x return $ writePrefix (makeIndices opts indices) data RefData = RefData { rdLabel :: T.Text , rdIdx :: Maybe Index , rdSubfig :: Maybe Index , rdSuffix :: [Inline] , rdTitle :: Maybe [Inline] , rdPfx :: T.Text } deriving (Eq) instance Ord RefData where (<=) = (<=) `on` rdIdx getRefIndex :: Prefix -> Options -> Citation -> WS RefData getRefIndex prefix _opts Citation{citationId=cid,citationSuffix=suf} = do ref <- M.lookup lab <$> use prop let sub = refSubfigure <$> ref idx = refIndex <$> ref tit = refTitle <$> ref return RefData { rdLabel = lab , rdIdx = idx , rdSubfig = join sub , rdSuffix = suf , rdTitle = tit , rdPfx = pfxMapR prefix } where prop = refsAt prefix lab = pfxMapR prefix <> getLabelWithoutPrefix cid data RefItem = RefRange RefData RefData | RefSingle RefData makeIndices :: Options -> [RefData] -> [Inline] makeIndices o s = format $ concatMap f $ HT.groupBy g $ sort $ nub s where g :: RefData -> RefData -> Bool g a b = all (null . rdSuffix) [a, b] && ( all (isNothing . rdSubfig) [a, b] && Just True == (liftM2 follows `on` rdIdx) b a || rdIdx a == rdIdx b && Just True == (liftM2 follows `on` rdSubfig) b a ) follows :: Index -> Index -> Bool follows a b | ai :> al <- S.viewr a , bi :> bl <- S.viewr b = ai == bi && A.first succ bl == al | otherwise = False f :: [RefData] -> [RefItem] f [] = [] -- drop empty lists f [w] = [RefSingle w] -- single value f [w1,w2] = [RefSingle w1, RefSingle w2] -- two values f (x:xs) = [RefRange x (last xs)] -- shorten more than two values format :: [RefItem] -> [Inline] format [] = [] format [x] = toList $ show'' x format [x, y] = toList $ show'' x <> fromList (pairDelim o) <> show'' y format xs = toList $ intercalate' (fromList $ refDelim o) init' <> fromList (lastDelim o) <> last' where initlast [] = error "emtpy list in initlast" initlast [y] = ([], y) initlast (y:ys) = first (y:) $ initlast ys (init', last') = initlast $ map show'' xs show'' :: RefItem -> Inlines show'' (RefSingle x) = show' x show'' (RefRange x y) = show' x <> fromList (rangeDelim o) <> show' y show' :: RefData -> Inlines show' RefData{rdLabel=l, rdIdx=Just i, rdSubfig = sub, rdSuffix = suf, rdTitle=tit, rdPfx=pfx} | linkReferences o = link ('#' `T.cons` l) "" (fromList txt) | otherwise = fromList txt where txt | Just sub' <- sub = let vars = M.fromDistinctAscList [ ("i", chapPrefix (chapDelim o) i) , ("s", chapPrefix (chapDelim o) sub') , ("suf", suf) , ("t", fromMaybe mempty tit) ] in applyTemplate' vars $ subfigureRefIndexTemplate o | otherwise = let vars = M.fromDistinctAscList [ ("i", chapPrefix (chapDelim o) i) , ("suf", suf) , ("t", fromMaybe mempty tit) ] in applyTemplate' vars $ refIndexTemplate o (T.dropEnd 1 pfx) show' RefData{rdLabel=l, rdIdx=Nothing, rdSuffix = suf} = trace (T.unpack $ "Undefined cross-reference: " <> l) (strong (text $ "¿" <> l <> "?") <> fromList suf)