{- pandoc-crossref is a pandoc filter for numbering figures, equations, tables and cross-references to them. Copyright (C) 2015 Nikolay Yakimov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts, LambdaCase, MultiWayIf #-} module Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Blocks.Subfigures where import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State hiding (get, modify) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Read as T import Text.Pandoc.Definition import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B import Data.Default (def) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk) import Lens.Micro import Lens.Micro.Mtl import Text.Pandoc.Shared (blocksToInlines) import Control.Monad ((<=<)) import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Types import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Monad import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.References.Blocks.Util import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Options import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Template import Text.Pandoc.CrossRef.Util.Util runSubfigures :: Attr -> [Block] -> [Inline] -> WS (ReplacedResult Block) runSubfigures (label, cls, attrs) images caption = do opts <- ask idxStr <- replaceAttr (Right label) attrs caption SPfxImg let (cont, st) = flip runState def $ flip runReaderT opts' $ runWS $ runReplace (mkRR replaceSubfigs `extRR` doFigure) images doFigure :: Block -> WS (ReplacedResult Block) doFigure (Figure attr caption' content) = runFigure True attr caption' content doFigure _ = noReplaceRecurse opts' = opts { figureTemplate = subfigureChildTemplate opts , customLabel = \r i -> customLabel opts ("sub"<>r) i } collectedCaptions = B.toList $ intercalate' (B.fromList $ ccsDelim opts) $ map (B.fromList . collectCaps . snd) $ sortOn (refIndex . snd) $ filter (not . null . refTitle . snd) $ M.toList $ st ^. refsAt PfxImg collectCaps v = applyTemplate (chapPrefix (chapDelim opts) (refIndex v)) (refTitle v) (ccsTemplate opts) vars = M.fromDistinctAscList [ ("ccs", collectedCaptions) , ("i", idxStr) , ("t", caption) ] capt = applyTemplate' vars $ subfigureTemplate opts lastRef <- fromJust . M.lookup label <$> use (refsAt PfxImg) let mangledSubfigures = mangleSubfigure <$> st ^. refsAt PfxImg mangleSubfigure v = v{refIndex = refIndex lastRef, refSubfigure = Just $ refIndex v} refsAt PfxImg %= (<> mangledSubfigures) if | isLatexFormat opts -> replaceNoRecurse $ Div nullAttr $ [ RawBlock (Format "latex") "\\begin{pandoccrossrefsubfigures}" ] <> cont <> [ Para [RawInline (Format "latex") "\\caption[" , Span nullAttr (removeFootnotes caption) , RawInline (Format "latex") "]" , Span nullAttr caption] , RawBlock (Format "latex") $ mkLaTeXLabel label , RawBlock (Format "latex") "\\end{pandoccrossrefsubfigures}"] | otherwise -> replaceNoRecurse $ Figure (label, "subfigures":cls, setLabel opts idxStr attrs) (Caption Nothing [Para capt]) $ toTable opts cont where removeFootnotes = walk removeFootnote removeFootnote Note{} = Str "" removeFootnote x = x toTable :: Options -> [Block] -> [Block] toTable opts blks | isLatexFormat opts = concatMap imagesToFigures blks | subfigGrid opts = [simpleTable align (map ColWidth widths) (map (fmap pure . blkToRow) blks)] | otherwise = blks where align | b:_ <- blks = let ils = blocksToInlines [b] in replicate (length $ mapMaybe getWidth ils) AlignCenter | otherwise = error "Misformatted subfigures block" widths | b:_ <- blks = let ils = blocksToInlines [b] in fixZeros $ mapMaybe getWidth ils | otherwise = error "Misformatted subfigures block" getWidth (Image (_id, _class, as) _ _) = Just $ maybe 0 percToDouble $ lookup "width" as getWidth _ = Nothing fixZeros :: [Double] -> [Double] fixZeros ws = let nz = length $ filter (== 0) ws rzw = (0.99 - sum ws) / fromIntegral nz in if nz>0 then map (\x -> if x == 0 then rzw else x) ws else ws percToDouble :: T.Text -> Double percToDouble percs | Right (perc, "%") <- T.double percs = perc/100.0 | otherwise = error "Only percent allowed in subfigure width!" blkToRow :: Block -> [Block] blkToRow (Para inls) = mapMaybe inlToCell inls blkToRow x = [x] inlToCell :: Inline -> Maybe Block inlToCell (Image (id', cs, as) txt tgt) = Just $ Figure (id', cs, []) (Caption Nothing [Para txt]) [Plain [Image ("", cs, setW as) txt tgt]] inlToCell _ = Nothing setW as = ("width", "100%"):filter ((/="width") . fst) as replaceSubfigs :: [Inline] -> WS (ReplacedResult [Inline]) replaceSubfigs = (replaceNoRecurse . concat) <=< mapM replaceSubfig imagesToFigures :: Block -> [Block] imagesToFigures = \case x@Figure{} -> [x] Para xs -> mapMaybe imageToFigure xs Plain xs -> mapMaybe imageToFigure xs _ -> [] imageToFigure :: Inline -> Maybe Block imageToFigure = \case Image (label,cls,attrs) alt tgt -> Just $ Figure (label, cls, []) (Caption Nothing [Para alt]) [Plain [Image ("",cls,attrs) alt tgt]] _ -> Nothing replaceSubfig :: Inline -> WS [Inline] replaceSubfig x@(Image (label,cls,attrs) alt tgt) = do opts <- ask let label' = normalizeLabel label idxStr <- replaceAttr label' attrs alt SPfxImg let alt' = applyTemplate idxStr alt $ figureTemplate opts pure $ if isLatexFormat opts then latexSubFigure x label else [Image (label, cls, setLabel opts idxStr attrs) alt' tgt] replaceSubfig x = pure [x] latexSubFigure :: Inline -> T.Text -> [Inline] latexSubFigure (Image (_, cls, attrs) alt (src, title)) label = let title' = fromMaybe title $ T.stripPrefix "fig:" title texlabel | T.null label = [] | otherwise = [RawInline (Format "latex") $ mkLaTeXLabel label] texalt | "nocaption" `elem` cls = [] | otherwise = concat [ [ RawInline (Format "latex") "["] , alt , [ RawInline (Format "latex") "]"] ] img = Image (label, cls, attrs) alt (src, title') in concat [ [ RawInline (Format "latex") "\\subfloat" ] , texalt , [Span nullAttr $ img:texlabel] ] latexSubFigure x _ = [x] normalizeLabel :: T.Text -> Either T.Text T.Text normalizeLabel label | "fig:" `T.isPrefixOf` label = Right label | T.null label = Left "fig" | otherwise = Right $ "fig:" <> label simpleTable :: [Alignment] -> [ColWidth] -> [[[Block]]] -> Block simpleTable align width bod = Table nullAttr noCaption (zip align width) noTableHead [mkBody bod] noTableFoot where mkBody xs = TableBody nullAttr (RowHeadColumns 0) [] (map mkRow xs) mkRow xs = Row nullAttr (map mkCell xs) mkCell xs = Cell nullAttr AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) xs noCaption = Caption Nothing mempty noTableHead = TableHead nullAttr [] noTableFoot = TableFoot nullAttr [] runFigure :: Bool -> Attr -> Caption -> [Block] -> WS (ReplacedResult Block) runFigure subFigure (label, cls, fattrs) (Caption short (btitle : rest)) content = do opts <- ask let label' = normalizeLabel label let title = blocksToInlines [btitle] (attrs, content') = case blocksToInlines content of [Image attr@(_, _, as) _ tgt] -> -- the second argument is a fix for -- https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/9720 (fattrs <> as, \capt -> [Plain [Image attr capt tgt]]) _ -> (fattrs, const content) idxStr <- replaceAttr label' attrs title SPfxImg let title' | isLatexFormat opts = title | otherwise = applyTemplate idxStr title $ figureTemplate opts caption' = Caption short (walkReplaceInlines title' title btitle:rest) replaceNoRecurse $ if subFigure && isLatexFormat opts then Plain $ latexSubFigure (head $ blocksToInlines content) label else Figure (label,cls,setLabel opts idxStr fattrs) caption' (content' title') runFigure _ _ _ _ = noReplaceNoRecurse