module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx
( readDocx
) where
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Parse
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Lists
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Reducible
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (insertMedia, MediaBag)
import Data.List (delete, (\\), intersect)
import Data.Monoid
import Text.TeXMath (writeTeX)
import Data.Default (Default)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Sequence (ViewL(..), viewl)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq (null)
import Text.Pandoc.Error
import Text.Pandoc.Compat.Except
readDocx :: ReaderOptions
-> B.ByteString
-> Either PandocError (Pandoc, MediaBag)
readDocx opts bytes =
case archiveToDocx (toArchive bytes) of
Right docx -> (\(meta, blks, mediaBag) -> (Pandoc meta blks, mediaBag))
<$> (docxToOutput opts docx)
Left _ -> Left (ParseFailure "couldn't parse docx file")
data DState = DState { docxAnchorMap :: M.Map String String
, docxMediaBag :: MediaBag
, docxDropCap :: Inlines
instance Default DState where
def = DState { docxAnchorMap = M.empty
, docxMediaBag = mempty
, docxDropCap = mempty
data DEnv = DEnv { docxOptions :: ReaderOptions
, docxInHeaderBlock :: Bool }
instance Default DEnv where
def = DEnv def False
type DocxContext = ExceptT PandocError (ReaderT DEnv (State DState))
evalDocxContext :: DocxContext a -> DEnv -> DState -> Either PandocError a
evalDocxContext ctx env st = flip evalState st . flip runReaderT env . runExceptT $ ctx
spansToKeep :: [String]
spansToKeep = []
divsToKeep :: [String]
divsToKeep = ["list-item", "Definition", "DefinitionTerm"]
metaStyles :: M.Map String String
metaStyles = M.fromList [ ("Title", "title")
, ("Subtitle", "subtitle")
, ("Author", "author")
, ("Date", "date")
, ("Abstract", "abstract")]
sepBodyParts :: [BodyPart] -> ([BodyPart], [BodyPart])
sepBodyParts = span (\bp -> (isMetaPar bp || isEmptyPar bp))
isMetaPar :: BodyPart -> Bool
isMetaPar (Paragraph pPr _) =
not $ null $ intersect (pStyle pPr) (M.keys metaStyles)
isMetaPar _ = False
isEmptyPar :: BodyPart -> Bool
isEmptyPar (Paragraph _ parParts) =
all isEmptyParPart parParts
isEmptyParPart (PlainRun (Run _ runElems)) = all isEmptyElem runElems
isEmptyParPart _ = False
isEmptyElem (TextRun s) = trim s == ""
isEmptyElem _ = True
isEmptyPar _ = False
bodyPartsToMeta' :: [BodyPart] -> DocxContext (M.Map String MetaValue)
bodyPartsToMeta' [] = return M.empty
bodyPartsToMeta' (bp : bps)
| (Paragraph pPr parParts) <- bp
, (c : _)<- intersect (pStyle pPr) (M.keys metaStyles)
, (Just metaField) <- M.lookup c metaStyles = do
inlines <- concatReduce <$> mapM parPartToInlines parParts
remaining <- bodyPartsToMeta' bps
f (MetaInlines ils) (MetaInlines ils') = MetaBlocks [Para ils, Para ils']
f (MetaInlines ils) (MetaBlocks blks) = MetaBlocks ((Para ils) : blks)
f m (MetaList mv) = MetaList (m : mv)
f m n = MetaList [m, n]
return $ M.insertWith f metaField (MetaInlines (toList inlines)) remaining
bodyPartsToMeta' (_ : bps) = bodyPartsToMeta' bps
bodyPartsToMeta :: [BodyPart] -> DocxContext Meta
bodyPartsToMeta bps = do
mp <- bodyPartsToMeta' bps
let mp' =
case M.lookup "author" mp of
Just mv -> M.insert "author" (fixAuthors mv) mp
Nothing -> mp
return $ Meta mp'
fixAuthors :: MetaValue -> MetaValue
fixAuthors (MetaBlocks blks) =
MetaList $ map g $ filter f blks
where f (Para _) = True
f _ = False
g (Para ils) = MetaInlines ils
g _ = MetaInlines []
fixAuthors mv = mv
codeStyles :: [String]
codeStyles = ["VerbatimChar"]
codeDivs :: [String]
codeDivs = ["SourceCode"]
runElemToInlines :: RunElem -> Inlines
runElemToInlines (TextRun s) = text s
runElemToInlines (LnBrk) = linebreak
runElemToInlines (Tab) = space
runElemToString :: RunElem -> String
runElemToString (TextRun s) = s
runElemToString (LnBrk) = ['\n']
runElemToString (Tab) = ['\t']
runToString :: Run -> String
runToString (Run _ runElems) = concatMap runElemToString runElems
runToString _ = ""
parPartToString :: ParPart -> String
parPartToString (PlainRun run) = runToString run
parPartToString (InternalHyperLink _ runs) = concatMap runToString runs
parPartToString (ExternalHyperLink _ runs) = concatMap runToString runs
parPartToString _ = ""
blacklistedCharStyles :: [String]
blacklistedCharStyles = ["Hyperlink"]
resolveDependentRunStyle :: RunStyle -> RunStyle
resolveDependentRunStyle rPr
| Just (s, _) <- rStyle rPr, s `elem` blacklistedCharStyles =
| Just (_, cs) <- rStyle rPr =
let rPr' = resolveDependentRunStyle cs
RunStyle { isBold = case isBold rPr of
Just bool -> Just bool
Nothing -> isBold rPr'
, isItalic = case isItalic rPr of
Just bool -> Just bool
Nothing -> isItalic rPr'
, isSmallCaps = case isSmallCaps rPr of
Just bool -> Just bool
Nothing -> isSmallCaps rPr'
, isStrike = case isStrike rPr of
Just bool -> Just bool
Nothing -> isStrike rPr'
, rVertAlign = case rVertAlign rPr of
Just valign -> Just valign
Nothing -> rVertAlign rPr'
, rUnderline = case rUnderline rPr of
Just ulstyle -> Just ulstyle
Nothing -> rUnderline rPr'
, rStyle = rStyle rPr }
| otherwise = rPr
runStyleToTransform :: RunStyle -> (Inlines -> Inlines)
runStyleToTransform rPr
| Just (s, _) <- rStyle rPr
, s `elem` spansToKeep =
let rPr' = rPr{rStyle = Nothing}
(spanWith ("", [s], [])) . (runStyleToTransform rPr')
| Just True <- isItalic rPr =
emph . (runStyleToTransform rPr {isItalic = Nothing})
| Just True <- isBold rPr =
strong . (runStyleToTransform rPr {isBold = Nothing})
| Just True <- isSmallCaps rPr =
smallcaps . (runStyleToTransform rPr {isSmallCaps = Nothing})
| Just True <- isStrike rPr =
strikeout . (runStyleToTransform rPr {isStrike = Nothing})
| Just SupScrpt <- rVertAlign rPr =
superscript . (runStyleToTransform rPr {rVertAlign = Nothing})
| Just SubScrpt <- rVertAlign rPr =
subscript . (runStyleToTransform rPr {rVertAlign = Nothing})
| Just "single" <- rUnderline rPr =
emph . (runStyleToTransform rPr {rUnderline = Nothing})
| otherwise = id
runToInlines :: Run -> DocxContext Inlines
runToInlines (Run rs runElems)
| Just (s, _) <- rStyle rs
, s `elem` codeStyles =
let rPr = resolveDependentRunStyle rs
codeString = code $ concatMap runElemToString runElems
return $ case rVertAlign rPr of
Just SupScrpt -> superscript codeString
Just SubScrpt -> subscript codeString
_ -> codeString
| otherwise = do
let ils = concatReduce (map runElemToInlines runElems)
return $ (runStyleToTransform $ resolveDependentRunStyle rs) ils
runToInlines (Footnote bps) = do
blksList <- concatReduce <$> (mapM bodyPartToBlocks bps)
return $ note blksList
runToInlines (Endnote bps) = do
blksList <- concatReduce <$> (mapM bodyPartToBlocks bps)
return $ note blksList
runToInlines (InlineDrawing fp bs) = do
mediaBag <- gets docxMediaBag
modify $ \s -> s { docxMediaBag = insertMedia fp Nothing bs mediaBag }
return $ image fp "" ""
parPartToInlines :: ParPart -> DocxContext Inlines
parPartToInlines (PlainRun r) = runToInlines r
parPartToInlines (Insertion _ author date runs) = do
opts <- asks docxOptions
case readerTrackChanges opts of
AcceptChanges -> concatReduce <$> mapM runToInlines runs
RejectChanges -> return mempty
AllChanges -> do
ils <- concatReduce <$> mapM runToInlines runs
let attr = ("", ["insertion"], [("author", author), ("date", date)])
return $ spanWith attr ils
parPartToInlines (Deletion _ author date runs) = do
opts <- asks docxOptions
case readerTrackChanges opts of
AcceptChanges -> return mempty
RejectChanges -> concatReduce <$> mapM runToInlines runs
AllChanges -> do
ils <- concatReduce <$> mapM runToInlines runs
let attr = ("", ["deletion"], [("author", author), ("date", date)])
return $ spanWith attr ils
parPartToInlines (BookMark _ anchor) | anchor `elem` dummyAnchors =
return mempty
parPartToInlines (BookMark _ anchor) =
inHdrBool <- asks docxInHeaderBlock
anchorMap <- gets docxAnchorMap
let newAnchor =
if not inHdrBool && anchor `elem` (M.elems anchorMap)
then uniqueIdent [Str anchor] (M.elems anchorMap)
else anchor
unless inHdrBool
(modify $ \s -> s { docxAnchorMap = M.insert anchor newAnchor anchorMap})
return $ spanWith (newAnchor, ["anchor"], []) mempty
parPartToInlines (Drawing fp bs) = do
mediaBag <- gets docxMediaBag
modify $ \s -> s { docxMediaBag = insertMedia fp Nothing bs mediaBag }
return $ image fp "" ""
parPartToInlines (InternalHyperLink anchor runs) = do
ils <- concatReduce <$> mapM runToInlines runs
return $ link ('#' : anchor) "" ils
parPartToInlines (ExternalHyperLink target runs) = do
ils <- concatReduce <$> mapM runToInlines runs
return $ link target "" ils
parPartToInlines (PlainOMath exps) = do
return $ math $ writeTeX exps
isAnchorSpan :: Inline -> Bool
isAnchorSpan (Span (_, classes, kvs) ils) =
classes == ["anchor"] &&
null kvs &&
null ils
isAnchorSpan _ = False
dummyAnchors :: [String]
dummyAnchors = ["_GoBack"]
makeHeaderAnchor :: Blocks -> DocxContext Blocks
makeHeaderAnchor bs = case viewl $ unMany bs of
(x :< xs) -> do
x' <- (makeHeaderAnchor' x)
xs' <- (makeHeaderAnchor $ Many xs)
return $ (singleton x') <> xs'
EmptyL -> return mempty
makeHeaderAnchor' :: Block -> DocxContext Block
makeHeaderAnchor' (Header n (_, classes, kvs) ils)
| (c:cs) <- filter isAnchorSpan ils
, (Span (ident, ["anchor"], _) _) <- c = do
hdrIDMap <- gets docxAnchorMap
let newIdent = uniqueIdent ils (M.elems hdrIDMap)
modify $ \s -> s {docxAnchorMap = M.insert ident newIdent hdrIDMap}
return $ Header n (newIdent, classes, kvs) (ils \\ (c:cs))
makeHeaderAnchor' (Header n (_, classes, kvs) ils) =
hdrIDMap <- gets docxAnchorMap
let newIdent = uniqueIdent ils (M.elems hdrIDMap)
modify $ \s -> s {docxAnchorMap = M.insert newIdent newIdent hdrIDMap}
return $ Header n (newIdent, classes, kvs) ils
makeHeaderAnchor' blk = return blk
singleParaToPlain :: Blocks -> Blocks
singleParaToPlain blks
| (Para (ils) :< seeq) <- viewl $ unMany blks
, Seq.null seeq =
singleton $ Plain ils
singleParaToPlain blks = blks
cellToBlocks :: Cell -> DocxContext Blocks
cellToBlocks (Cell bps) = do
blks <- concatReduce <$> mapM bodyPartToBlocks bps
return $ fromList $ blocksToDefinitions $ blocksToBullets $ toList blks
rowToBlocksList :: Row -> DocxContext [Blocks]
rowToBlocksList (Row cells) = do
blksList <- mapM cellToBlocks cells
return $ map singleParaToPlain blksList
trimLineBreaks :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
trimLineBreaks [] = []
trimLineBreaks (LineBreak : ils) = trimLineBreaks ils
trimLineBreaks ils
| (LineBreak : ils') <- reverse ils = trimLineBreaks (reverse ils')
trimLineBreaks ils = ils
parStyleToTransform :: ParagraphStyle -> (Blocks -> Blocks)
parStyleToTransform pPr
| (c:cs) <- pStyle pPr
, c `elem` divsToKeep =
let pPr' = pPr { pStyle = cs }
(divWith ("", [c], [])) . (parStyleToTransform pPr')
| (c:cs) <- pStyle pPr,
c `elem` listParagraphDivs =
let pPr' = pPr { pStyle = cs, indentation = Nothing}
(divWith ("", [c], [])) . (parStyleToTransform pPr')
| (_:cs) <- pStyle pPr
, Just True <- pBlockQuote pPr =
let pPr' = pPr { pStyle = cs }
blockQuote . (parStyleToTransform pPr')
| (_:cs) <- pStyle pPr =
let pPr' = pPr { pStyle = cs}
parStyleToTransform pPr'
| null (pStyle pPr)
, Just left <- indentation pPr >>= leftParIndent
, Just hang <- indentation pPr >>= hangingParIndent =
let pPr' = pPr { indentation = Nothing }
case (left hang) > 0 of
True -> blockQuote . (parStyleToTransform pPr')
False -> parStyleToTransform pPr'
| null (pStyle pPr),
Just left <- indentation pPr >>= leftParIndent =
let pPr' = pPr { indentation = Nothing }
case left > 0 of
True -> blockQuote . (parStyleToTransform pPr')
False -> parStyleToTransform pPr'
parStyleToTransform _ = id
bodyPartToBlocks :: BodyPart -> DocxContext Blocks
bodyPartToBlocks (Paragraph pPr parparts)
| not $ null $ codeDivs `intersect` (pStyle pPr) =
$ parStyleToTransform pPr
$ codeBlock
$ concatMap parPartToString parparts
| Just (style, n) <- pHeading pPr = do
ils <- local (\s-> s{docxInHeaderBlock=True}) $
(concatReduce <$> mapM parPartToInlines parparts)
makeHeaderAnchor $
headerWith ("", delete style (pStyle pPr), []) n ils
| otherwise = do
ils <- concatReduce <$> mapM parPartToInlines parparts >>=
(return . fromList . trimLineBreaks . normalizeSpaces . toList)
dropIls <- gets docxDropCap
let ils' = dropIls <> ils
if dropCap pPr
then do modify $ \s -> s { docxDropCap = ils' }
return mempty
else do modify $ \s -> s { docxDropCap = mempty }
return $ case isNull ils' of
True -> mempty
_ -> parStyleToTransform pPr $ para ils'
bodyPartToBlocks (ListItem pPr numId lvl levelInfo parparts) = do
kvs = case levelInfo of
(_, fmt, txt, Just start) -> [ ("level", lvl)
, ("num-id", numId)
, ("format", fmt)
, ("text", txt)
, ("start", (show start))
(_, fmt, txt, Nothing) -> [ ("level", lvl)
, ("num-id", numId)
, ("format", fmt)
, ("text", txt)
blks <- bodyPartToBlocks (Paragraph pPr parparts)
return $ divWith ("", ["list-item"], kvs) blks
bodyPartToBlocks (Tbl _ _ _ []) =
return $ para mempty
bodyPartToBlocks (Tbl cap _ look (r:rs)) = do
let caption = text cap
(hdr, rows) = case firstRowFormatting look of
True -> (Just r, rs)
False -> (Nothing, r:rs)
hdrCells <- case hdr of
Just r' -> rowToBlocksList r'
Nothing -> return []
cells <- mapM rowToBlocksList rows
let size = case null hdrCells of
True -> length $ head cells
False -> length $ hdrCells
alignments = replicate size AlignDefault
widths = replicate size 0 :: [Double]
return $ table caption (zip alignments widths) hdrCells cells
bodyPartToBlocks (OMathPara e) = do
return $ para $ displayMath (writeTeX e)
rewriteLink' :: Inline -> DocxContext Inline
rewriteLink' l@(Link ils ('#':target, title)) = do
anchorMap <- gets docxAnchorMap
return $ case M.lookup target anchorMap of
Just newTarget -> (Link ils ('#':newTarget, title))
Nothing -> l
rewriteLink' il = return il
rewriteLinks :: [Block] -> DocxContext [Block]
rewriteLinks = mapM (walkM rewriteLink')
bodyToOutput :: Body -> DocxContext (Meta, [Block], MediaBag)
bodyToOutput (Body bps) = do
let (metabps, blkbps) = sepBodyParts bps
meta <- bodyPartsToMeta metabps
blks <- concatReduce <$> mapM bodyPartToBlocks blkbps
blks' <- rewriteLinks $ blocksToDefinitions $ blocksToBullets $ toList blks
mediaBag <- gets docxMediaBag
return $ (meta,
docxToOutput :: ReaderOptions -> Docx -> Either PandocError (Meta, [Block], MediaBag)
docxToOutput opts (Docx (Document _ body)) =
let dEnv = def { docxOptions = opts} in
evalDocxContext (bodyToOutput body) dEnv def