{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Data.PackStream.Internal.Type where import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, MonadError (..), runExceptT) import Control.Monad.State (State, MonadState, evalState) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Binary (Word8) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import Data.Text (Text) -- * PackStream basics -- PackStream is a general purpose data serialisation format, originally inspired -- by (but incompatible with) MessagePack. This module provides basic types -- and typeclasses to help you to parse or to serialize. -- |Basic 'PackStream' error type that is used to handle parsing errors. data PackStreamError = NotNull -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent null object | NotBool -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent any boolean | NotWord -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent any unsigned integer | NotInt -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent any integer | NotFloat -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent any floating-point number | NotString -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent any 'Text' string | NotBytes -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent any 'ByteString' array | NotList -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent any list of 'PackStream' values | NotDict -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent any dictionary of 'PackStream' values | NotStructure -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent any 'Structure' | NotValue -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent any 'Value' | WrongStructure Text -- ^This 'ByteString' doesn't represent specific 'Structure' deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- |Basic parser type. It works like parser combinators for binary data that represents PackStream. newtype PackStream a = PackStream { runUnpackS :: ExceptT PackStreamError (State ByteString) a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState ByteString, MonadError PackStreamError) -- |Use specific parser combinator to parse the 'ByteString' that represents any 'PackStream' data. unpackStream :: PackStream a -> ByteString -> Either PackStreamError a unpackStream action = evalState (runExceptT $ runUnpackS action) -- |PackStream offers a number of core data types, many supported by multiple binary representations, as well as a flexible extension mechanism. data Value = N -- ^Missing or empty value | B Bool -- ^True or False | I Int -- ^Signed 64-bit integer | F Double -- ^64-bit floating point number | U ByteString -- ^Byte array | T Text -- ^Unicode text, UTF-8 | L [Value] -- ^Ordered collection of 'Value's | D (Map Text Value) -- ^Collection of key-value entries (no order guaranteed) | S Structure -- ^Composite value with a type signature deriving (Show, Eq) -- |A structure is a composite value, comprised of fields and a unique type code. -- Structure encodings consist, beyond the marker, of a single byte, the tag byte, followed -- by a sequence of up to 15 fields, each an individual value. The size of a structure is -- measured as the number of fields and not the total byte size. This count does not include the tag. data Structure = Structure { signature :: Word8 -- ^Type code , fields :: [Value] -- ^Structure fields } deriving (Show, Eq) -- |The data types that can be serialized as 'PackStream' class ToValue a where -- |Convert data type to the generic 'Value' toValue :: a -> Value instance ToValue () where toValue = const N instance ToValue Bool where toValue = B instance ToValue Int where toValue = I instance ToValue Integer where toValue = toValue @Int . fromIntegral instance ToValue Double where toValue = F instance ToValue ByteString where toValue = U instance ToValue Text where toValue = T instance ToValue a => ToValue [a] where toValue = L . fmap toValue instance ToValue a => ToValue (Map Text a) where toValue = D . fmap toValue instance ToValue Structure where toValue = S instance ToValue Value where toValue = id -- |Represent a 'Text' key and some 'ToValue' data into the 'Map' pair. -- Can be useful to work with 'PackStream' dictionaries. -- -- > fromList ["hello" =: 1, "world" =: False] (=:) :: ToValue a => Text -> a -> (Text, Value) (=:) key val = (key, toValue val) -- |The data types taht can be read from 'PackStream' representation class FromValue a where -- |Converts generic 'Value' type to a specific one or raises 'PackStreamError' fromValue :: Value -> Either PackStreamError a instance FromValue () where fromValue N = pure () fromValue _ = throwError NotNull instance FromValue Bool where fromValue (B x) = pure x fromValue _ = throwError NotBool instance FromValue Int where fromValue (I x) = pure x fromValue _ = throwError NotInt instance FromValue Integer where fromValue = fmap fromIntegral . fromValue @Int instance FromValue Double where fromValue (F x) = pure x fromValue _ = throwError NotFloat instance FromValue ByteString where fromValue (U x) = pure x fromValue _ = throwError NotBytes instance FromValue Text where fromValue (T x) = pure x fromValue _ = throwError NotString instance FromValue a => FromValue [a] where fromValue (L xs) = traverse fromValue xs fromValue _ = throwError NotList instance FromValue a => FromValue (Map Text a) where fromValue (D mp) = traverse fromValue mp fromValue _ = throwError NotDict instance FromValue Structure where fromValue (S x) = pure x fromValue _ = throwError NotStructure instance FromValue Value where fromValue = pure